תמונות בעמוד

so; he cannot be denied to possess fancy, but he wants taste and judgment. His mixture of the grave, lofty and sacred, with the mean and burlesque, which is offensive to modern taste, was in accordance with the spirit of his age. His style is rich in pure Tuscan modes of expression, but his versification is rude and clumsy. Lord Byron translated this work of Pulci's. His brother Bernardo was the author of some elegies and short poems.-Another brother, Luca, wrote some heroic epistles, a pastoral romance (Driadeo d'Amore), and an epic romance, probably the first in Italian (Il Ciriffo Calvaneo). PULCINELLA. (See Punchinello.) PULLEY. (See Mechanics.) PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, OF PHTHISIS (from 40, to consume); a disease known by emaciation, debility, cough, hectic fever, and purulent expectoration. The causes which predispose to this disease are very numerous. The following are, however, the most general: hereditary disposition; particular formation of body, obvious by a long neck, prominent shoulders, and narrow chest; scrofulous diathesis, indicated by a fine clear skin, fair hair, delicate rosy complexion, large veins, thick upper lip, a weak voice, and great sensibility; certain diseases, such as syphilis, scrofula, the small-pox, and measles; employments exposing particular artificers to dust, such as needle-pointers, stonecutters, millers, &c., or to the fumes of metals or minerals under a confined and unwholesome air; violent passions, exertions, or affections of the mind, as grief, disappointment, anxiety, or close application to study, without using proper exercise; frequent and excessive debaucheries, late watching, and drinking freely of strong liquors: great evacuations, as diarrhoea, diabetes, and the continuing to suckle too long under a debilitated state; and, lastly, the application of cold, either by too sudden a change of apparel, keep ing on wet clothes, lying in damp beds, or exposing the body too suddenly to cool air, when heated by exercise; in short, by any thing that gives a considerable check to the perspiration. The more immediate or occasional causes of phthisis are, hæmoptysis, pneumonic inflammation proceeding to suppuration, catarrh, asthma, and tubercles, the last of which is by far the most general. The incipient symptoms usually vary with the cause of the disease; but when it arises from tubercles, it is usually thus marked: It begins with a short, dry cough, that at length becomes habitual, but from which nothing is spit

up for some time, except a frothy mucus that seems to proceed from the fauces. The breathing is at the same time somewhat impeded, and upon the least bodily motion is much hurried: a sense of straitness, with oppression at the chest, is experienced: the body becomes gradually leaner, and great languor, with indolence, dejection of spirits, and loss of appetite, prevail. In this state the patient frequently continues a considerable length of time, during which he is, however, more readily affected than usual by slight colds; and upon one or other of these occasions, the cough becomes more troublesome and severe, particularly by night, and it is at length attended with an expectoration, which towards morning is more free and copious. By degrees the matter which is expectorated becomes more viscid and opaque, and now assumes a greenish color and purulent appearance, being on many occasions streaked with blood. In some cases, a more severe degree of hæmoptysis attends, and the patient spits up a considerable quantity of florid, frothy blood. The breathing at length becomes more difficult, and the emaciation and weakness go on increasing. With these the person begins to be sensible of pain in some part of the thorax, which, however, is usually felt at first under the sternum, particularly on coughing. At a more advanced period of the disease, a pain is sometimes felt on one side, and at times prevails in so high a degree, as to prevent the person from lying easily on that side; but it more frequently happens, that it is felt only on making a full inspiration, or coughing. Even where no pain is felt, it often happens that those who labor under phthisis cannot lie on one or other of their sides, without a fit of coughing being excited, or the difficulty of breathing being much increased. At the first commencement of the disease, the pulse is often natural, or perhaps is soft, small, and a little quicker than usual; but when the symptoms which have been enumerated have subsisted for any length of time, it then becomes full, hard, and frequent. At the same time the face flushes, particularly after eating, the palms of the bands and soles of the feet are affected with burning heat; the respiration is difficult and laborious; evening exacerbations become obvious, and by degrees the fever assumes the hectic form. This species of fever is evidently of the remittent kind, and has exacerbations twice every day. The first occurs usually about noon, and a slight remission ensues about

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five in the afternoon. This last is, however, soon succeeded by another exacerbation, which increases gradually until after midnight; but about two o'clock in the morning, a remission takes place, and this becomes more apparent as the morning advances. During the exacerbations, the patient is very sensible to any coolness of the air, and often complains of a sense of cold when his skin is, at the same time, preternaturally warm. Of these exacerbations, that of the evening is by far the most considerable. From the first appearance of the hectic symptoms, the urine is high colored, and deposits a copious branny red sediment. The appetite, however, is not greatly impaired; the tongue appears clean, the mouth is usually moist, and the thirst is inconsiderable. During the exacerbations, a florid, circumscribed redness appears on each cheek; but at other times the face is pale, and the countenance somewhat dejected. At the commencement of hectic fever, the belly is usually costive; but in the more advanced stages of it, a diarrhoea often comes on; and this continues to recur frequently during the remainder of the disease; colliquative sweats likewise break out, and these alternate with each other, and induce vast debility. In the last stage of the disease, the emaciation is so great, that the patient has the appearance of a walking skeleton; his countenance is altered, his cheeks are prominent, his eyes look hollow and languid, his hair falls off, his nails are of a livid color, and much incurvated, and his feet are affected with oedematous swellings. To the end of the disease, the senses remain entire, and the mind is confident and full of hope. Those who suffer under it are seldom apprehensive or aware of any danger; and persons laboring under its most advanced stage often flatter themselves with a speedy recovery, and form distant projects under that vain hope. Some days before death the extremities become cold. In some cases a delirium precedes that event, and continues until life is extinguished. The morbid appearance most frequently to be met with on the dissection of those who die of phthisis, is the existence of tubercles in the cellular substance of the lungs. These are small tumors, which have the appearance of indurated glands, are of different sizes, and are often found in clusters. Their firmness is usually in proportion to their size, and, when laid open in this state, they are of a white color, and of a consistence nearly approaching to cartilage. Although indolent at first, they at length become inflam

ed, and, lastly, form little abscesses of vomicæ, which, breaking and pouring their contents into the bronchia, give r to a purulent expectoration, and thus by the foundation of phthisis. Such tubercles or vomicæ are most usually situate at the upper and back part of the lungs : but, in some instances, they occupy the outer part, and then adhesions to the picura are often formed. When the disease is partial, only about a fourth of the upp: and posterior part of the lungs is usually found diseased; but, in some cases, li has been protracted till not one twentie part of them appeared, on dissection, f for performing their function. A singular observation, confirmed by the morte collections of anatomists, is, that the l lobe is much oftener affected than the right. The diet, in this disorder, shoul be of a nutritious kind, but not heating, or difficult of digestion. Milk, especialy that of the ass; farinaceous vegetables acescent fruits; the different kinds o shell-fish; the lichen islandicus, boile with milk, &c., are of this description. Some mode of gestation, regularly em ployed, particularly sailing, warm clothing. removal to a warm climate or to a pure and mild air, may materially concurr arresting the progress of the diseas in its incipient stage. With regard t urgent symptoms, requiring palliation the cough may be allayed by demulcens but especially mild opiates, swallowe slowly; colliquative sweats by acids, particularly the mineral; diarrhoea by chala and other astringents, but most effectually by small doses of opium.

PULO PINANG. (See Prince of Wales's Island.)

PULQUE, OF OCTLI; a favorite drink of the Mexicans, extracted from the maguey, or agave Mexicana. At the moment of efflorescence, the flower-stalk is extirpated, and the juice destined to form t fruit flows into the cavity thus formed. and is taken out two or three times a day for four or five months. The sap in this state is called aguamiel (honey-wate and, when allowed to ferment abou twelve or fifteen days, forms madre pul or mother of pulque. This is used as leaven. A small quantity, being places. in a vessel of the aguamiel, produces 1 fermentation, and renders it pulque, in t best state for drinking, in twenty-f hours. It is a cool, refreshing drink, ar its intoxicating qualities are slight.

PULSE (from the Latin pulsus, a besting, a blow); the motion of an artery consisting of its alternate expansion an.

contraction, which, in practice, is considered as a beating. This motion is the strongest in the heart, which is the centre of the arterial system, and from it is propagated through all the minutest branches of the arteries. In those which lie immediately under the skin, it can be felt with the finger, as is the case with the radial artery, the pulsation of which is very perceptible at the wrist. (See Blood, and Heart.) The state of the pulse is, therefore, an indication of the action of the heart and the whole arterial system, and of the condition of the blood, and the physical functions in general. The circumstances to be attended to in the pulse are either the number of pulsations which take place in a given time, and the regularity or irregularity of their occurrence, or the character of each pulsation. In the former case, the pulse is said to be quick or slow, according to the number of pulsations in a given interval; regular or irregular, as they occur at equal or unequal intervals. In the latter case, it is strong or weak, hard or soft, full or small, &c. It is affected by the age, sex and temperament of the individual, and by accidental circumstances, as sleep, food, exercise, heat, &c. The pulse is most rapid in childhood, making from 100 to 110 beats in a minute, and is regular, and rather soft and small. In youth, it is much less rapid, making not far from ninety beats a minute. At this period, it is regular, strong, rather soft than hard, moderately full. In mature age, the number of beats is about seventy-five per minute, and the pulse is regular, strong, or moderate, fluctuating between hard and soft, between full and small. In old age, the number of beats sinks to sixty. The pulse is sometimes irregular, strong, but slow, hard, rather full than small. In the female sex, it is more rapid, softer and smaller than in the male. In the sanguine temperament (so called), it is quicker, fuller, softer; in the choleric, slower, harder, stronger; in the phlegmatic, slower, weaker, softer, fuller; in the melancholy, slow, hard and strong. A vegetable diet makes it slow, weak, full, soft; a meat diet, spices, spirituous liquors, make it quick and hard. In a pure, clear air, it is quick; in damp, impure air, slow and languid. Sudden agitation and violent passions make it rapid and irregular; joy makes it quick and strong; long-continued grief languid and soft. The pulse is, therefore, a highly important indication of the state of the system. A deviation from the regular pulse of an individual indicates a

disordered state. When the irritability of the system is so heightened as to produce fever or inflammation, the pulse is accelerated. If the action of the nervous system is irregular, or unduly heightened, the pulse becomes frequent and irregular, as in the case of cramps and a diseased irritation in the abdomen, from worms, &c., and in hypochondriacal and hysterical persons. In case of mechanical obstructions to the circulation, as in dropsy of the pericardium, polypus in the heart, or in the great arteries, the pulse is irregular and interrupted. It is doubtful whether Hippocrates had any knowledge of the pulse. Soon after his time, however, physicians, especially those of the Alexandrian school, were attentive to it. Aretaus of Cappadocia explained the pulsation as a motion occasioned by a natural and involuntary extension of the warmth belonging to the heart and arteries, by which their own motion is occasioned; and Athenæus of Cilicia had given the same explanation before him. He describes the various kinds of pulse connected with different disorders. Galen wrote several works on the pulse. For several centuries after, the doctrine of pulsation remained much as he had left it, as was the case, indeed, with many branches of medical science. The demonstration of the circulation of the blood by Harvey, and of the irritability of the muscular fibre by Haller, threw new light on this subject. The feeling of the pulse is the principal examination which Chinese physicians make of the state of their patients, and they discriminate its different states with a subtilty approaching absurdity.

PULTAWA, or POLTAWA; a fortified town of Russia, on the river Worskla, capital of a government of the same name; lat. 49° 30′ N.; lon. 34° 14′E.; 450 miles south-west of Moscow; population 9000. June 27, 1709, Peter the Great (see Peter I) defeated Charles XII (q. v.) before Pultawa. In commemoration of this victory, the Russians have erected a column in the city, and an obelisk on the field of battle.

PULTENEY, William, earl of Bath, an English statesman, the political antagonist of sir Robert Walpole, was descended from an ancient family, and was born in 1682. He became a student of Christ-church, Oxford, and, after having travelled abroad, returned home to devote himself to politics. Being chosen a member of the house of commons, he joined the party of the whigs, in the latter years of the reign of Anne. Under George I, he was made

secretary at war; but a dispute with sir Robert Walpole caused his removal to the ranks of the opposition, when he joined lord Bolingbroke in conducting an antiministerial journal called the Craftsman. In 1731, a duel with lord Hervey gave offence to the king, who removed Mr. Pulteney from the office of privy-counsellor, which he had hitherto held, and also from the commission of the peace. These and other marks of the displeasure of the court only served to increase the popularity of Pulteney, who, at length, succeeded in procuring the resignation of his rival, Walpole, in 1741. The party with which he had acted then came into power, and he was raised to the peerage by the title of earl of Bath. From that period, however, his popularity and influence entirely ceased. He died June 8, 1764.

PUMA (felis concolor et discolor). This animal is also known under the names of cougar, panther, &c., and is the largest animal of the cat kind found in America. The puma is of a brownish-red color, with small patches of rather a deeper tint, which are only observable in certain lights, and disappear entirely as the animal advances in age. The belly is palereddish; the breast, inside of the thighs and legs, of a reddish-white, and the lower jaw and throat entirely white. The puma was formerly found in most parts of the American continent, and is still numerous in South America; in the U. States, the advance of population has rendered it scarce. It is a savage and destructive animal, though possessing all the timidity and caution of the cat kind. It can climb trees with great facility. In the day time, it is seldom seen, the night being the time it selects for committing its depredations. Although it generally confines its attacks to the smaller quadrupeds, it will sometimes assail those of large size and strength, and even man himself. The puma is said to be readily tamed, and may even be rendered docile and obedient. When domesticated, its manners closely resemble those of the common cat, having the same fondness of being caressed, and expressing its satisfaction by the same kind of gentle purring. Mr. Kean, the tragedian, possessed an individual of this species, which was so tame as to follow him about like a dog. It should, however, be noticed that docility and submission in the cat kind are only apparent; man has never been able to subject them as he has other animals. Even down to the domestic cat, there is no one of them that can bear to be thwarted; and they also

manifest their native ferocity on the slightest opposition to their desires or caprices, and, unlike the dog, never appear to entertain a personal attachment to their master. (See Cat.)

PUMICE. (See Pitchstone.)

PUMP; a contrivance for raising fluids by atmospheric pressure. (See Hydrau lics, and Air.) The operation and construction of the air-pump are explained in a separate article. The simplest and most common pump is the ordinary lift, or sucking, or household pump. It is of great antiquity, its invention being ascribed to Ctesebes of Alexandria, about 120 B. C. It consists of a hollow tube descending to a reservoir of water, and containing an air-tight piston (box), attached by its rod to a lever (the handle or brake of the pump Another stationary box is inserted in the tube below the movable one, and both are furnished with valves, or clappers, opening upward. When the pump is full of water, every stroke of the handle raises the movable box, together with the col umn of water above it. When the handle is lifted, the box is pushed further down into the water, while its valve opens to allow the water to pass through. The valve then shuts, and the second stroke of the pump raises another column of water to the spout. As the action of this pump depends upon the pressure of the atmosphere, water cannot be raised by it from a depth of more than thirty-four feet below the upper valve; and, in prac tice, a much shorter limit is commonly as signed.-Forcing pump. The forcing pump differs from the common sucking pump just described, in having a solid pis ton, without a valve, and the spout, or dis charging orifice, placed below the piston. When the piston is raised, the lower valve of the pump rises and admits the water from below, as in the common pump; but when the piston is depressed, the water is thrown out through a spout in the side, which has a valve opening outward. In a forcing pump, the water cannot be brought from a depth of more than thirtyfour feet below the piston; but it can af terwards be sent up to any height desired in a pipe, because the pressure communi cated by the downward stroke of the pis ton is not dependent on the pressure of the atmosphere, but on the direct force applied to the piston. These two contr vances are sometimes combined in th same machine, as in Delahire's pun which is a lift and force pump, raising at equal quantity of water by its up a down stroke. The fire-engine (q. v.) co

sists of two forcing pumps, working into one common air-vessel, placed between them, and from which the spouting pipe for directing the water proceeds. The chain pump used in the navy is an upright barrel, through which leathers strung on a chain are drawn by means of wheels or drums in constant succession, carrying the water in a continual stream before them. They are employed only when a large quantity of water is to be raised, and must be worked rapidly to produce any effect.

PUMPERNICKEL; a coarse, heavy, brown bread, made, in Westphalia, of unbolted rye. It is baked in large loaves, sometimes weighing sixty pounds. The following account of the derivation of the word is given:-A French traveller in Westphalia, on asking for bread, was presented with some of this kind, on which he observed that such stuff was bon pour nickel (good for Nickel, i. e. either his horse or his servant) whence it came to be called pompernickel, or pumpernickel. The story is obviously made to fit the 'case. In fact, it is called by the inhabitants grobes brot, the former name being only used by foreigners.

PUMPKIN, OF POMPION (cucurbita pepo); a species of gourd, or squash, distinguished from most varieties of the latter by the rounded form of the fruit, which sometimes grows to an enormous size. It has hispid, branching and prostrate stems, which, in a good soil, will cover an eighth part of an acre. The fruit is esteemed inferior to most varieties of the squash, but, notwithstanding, is very commonly cultivated, both in Europe and America.

PUN; a play upon words, the wit of which depends on a resemblance between two words of different and perhaps contrary significations, or on the use of the same word in different senses; as in the well-known story of the man who, being requested to make a pun, asked for a subject, and was told to take the king, upon which he replied that the king was no subject. The Greeks and Romans sometimes used puns, even in serious discourses; but the moderns restrict them to light conversation, devices, symbols, rebuses, mottoes, &c.

PUNCH. (See Punchinello, and Puppet Shows.)

PUNCHEON; a little block or piece of steel, on one end whereof is some figure, letter, or mark, engraved either in creux or relievo, impressions of which are taken on metal or some other matter, by striking it with a hammer on the end not engrav

ed. There are various kinds of these puncheons used in the mechanical arts; such, for instance, are those of goldsmiths, cutlers, pewterers, &c.

PUNCHINELLO, or PUNCH (from pulcinella); an Italian mask. The abbate Galiani derives the name from a misshapen, but humorous peasant from Sorento, who had received it (about the middle of the seventeenth century) from his bringing chickens (pulcinelli) to market in Naples, and who, after his death, was brought upon the theatre San Carlo for the amusement of the people, to whom he was well known. According to another account, a company of actors, which went to Acerra at the time of the vintage, was attacked by the peasants (with whom the vintage is a season of festivity), with a sally of jokes and gibes, in which a certain Puccio d'Aniello among the peasants attracted notice by his comical humor and grotesque appearance, being hunched before and behind. The players had to yield to him; and, when the contest was over, they determined to take advantage of the talent of Puccio d'Aniello, and persuaded him to join their company. He appeared on the stage in a white robe, and large, full shirt, with long hair, and soon became such a favorite of the Neapolitans that his mask was retained after his death; and his successor, to resemble him the more, chose a mask with a long black nose. From his name was formed, according to Neapolitan custom, Pulcinella. Perhaps, however, this mask was only a modification of an older one, which some have derived from the ancient Atellanæ (q. v.), and have thought that they discovered the grotesque figure of Punch on ancient vases. This mask is still the delight of the Neapolitans. The dress, at present, consists of wide drawers of white woollen, a large upper garment, of the same material, with wide sleeves, fastened with a black leather belt,, or hair-cord. This upper garment is sprinkled over with hearts of red cloth, and it is trimmed round the bottom with a fringe. Around his neck Pulcinella wears a linen ruffle; on his head a white woollen cap, with its long point terminating in red tuft; three fourths of the face are covered with a black mask; the nose is curved and pointed, like a bird's beak. This mask speaks the dialect of the peasants, and figures, not merely in the theatre, but at all the popular festivals in Naples, especially during the carnival. (See Mask, and Harlequin.)

PUNCTUATION, or INTERPUNCTION; the art of employing certain signs, by means

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