תמונות בעמוד

livering her people from the bondage of Rome, established that form of religious doctrine and ecclesiastical government which still subsists in England. This religious establishment differs in some respects from the plan that had been formed by those whom Edward VI. had employed for pro

with them afterwards. He did not, indeed, || attempt any reformation in religious matters; nay, he persecuted most violent such as did attempt this in the least. Indeed, the most essential article of his creed seems to have been his own supremacy; for whoever denied this was sure to suffer the most severe penalties, whether Protes-moting the cause of the reformation, and tant or Papist.

approaches nearer to the rites and discipline of former times; though it is widely different, and, in the most important points, entirely opposite to the principles of the Roman hierarchy.

He died in 1547, and was succeeded by his only son Edward VI. This amiable prince, whose early youth was crowned with that wisdom, sagacity, and virtue, that would have done honour to advanced years. The cause of the reformation underwent gave new spirit and vigour to the Protestant in Ireland the same vicissitudes and revocause, and was its brightest ornament, as lutions that had attended it in England. well as its most effectual support. He en- When Henry VIII. after the abolition of couraged learned and pious men of foreign the papal authority, was declared supreme countries to settle in England, and addressed head upon earth of the church of England, a particular invitation to Martin Brucer and George Brown, a native of England, and a Paul Fagius, whose moderation added a monk of the Augustine order, whom that lustre to their other virtues, that, by the monarch had created, in the year 1535, ministry and labours of these eminent men, archbishop of Dublin, began to act with the in concert with those of the friends of the utmost vigour in consequence of this change reformation in England, he might purge his in the hierarchy. He purged the churches dominions from the sordid fictions of pope- of his diocese from superstition in all its ry, and establish the pure doctrines of various forms, pulled down images, destroyChristianity in their place. For this pur-ed relics, abolished absurd and idolatrous pose he issued out the wisest orders for the rites; and by the influence as well as autherestoration of true religion; but his reign rity he had in Ireland, caused the king's was too short to accomplish fully such a supremacy to be acknowledged in that naglorious purpose. In the year 1553 he was tion. Henry shewed, soon after, that this taken from his loving and afflicted subjects, supremacy was not a vain title; for he banwhose sorrow was inexpressible, and suited ||ished the monks out of that kingdom, com to their loss. His sister Mary (the daugh- fiscated their revenues, and destroyed their ter of Catharine of Arragon, from whom convents. In the reign of Edward VI. still Henry had been separated by the famous farther progress was made in the removal divorce,) a furious bigot to the church of of popish superstitions by the zealous labours Rome, and a princess whose natural charac- of bishop Brown, and the auspicious encouter, like the spirit of her religion, was des- ragement he granted to all who exerted potic and cruel, succeeded him on the Bri- themselves in the cause of the reformation. tish throne, and imposed anew the arbitra- But the death of this excellent prince, and ry laws of the tyrannical yoke of Rome the accession of queen Mary, had like to have upon the people of England. Nor were the changed the face of affairs in Ireland as much methods which she employed in the cause as in England; but her designs were disap of superstition better than the cause itself, pointed by a very curious adventure, of or tempered by any sentiments of equity or which the following account has been copied compassion. Barbarous tortures and death, from the papers Richard earl of Cork:— in the most shocking forms, awaited those “Queen Mary having dealt severely with who opposed her will, or made the least the Protestants in England, about the latstand against the restoration of popery; ter end of her reign, signed a commission and, among many other victims, the learned for to take the same course with them in and pious Cranmer, archbishop of Canter-Ireland; and, to execute the same with bury, who had been one of the most illustrious instruments of the reformation in England, fell a sacrifice to her fury. This odious scene of persecution was happily concluded in the year 1558 by the death of the queen, who left no issue; and, as soon as her successor the lady Elizabeth ascended the throne, all things assumed a new and pleasing aspect. This illustrious princess, whose sentiments, counsels, and projects, breathed a spirit superior to the natural softness and delicacy of her sex, exerted this vigorous and manly spirit in the defence of oppressed conscience and expiring liberty, broke anew the despotic yoke of papal authority and superstition: and, de

greater force, she nominates Dr. Cole one of the commissioners. This doctor coming with the commission to Chester on his jour ney, the mayor of that city, hearing that her majesty was sending a messenger into Ireland, and he being a churchman, waited on the doctor, who in discourse with the mayor, taketh out of a cloke-bag a leather box, saying unto him, Here is a commission that shall lash the heretics of Ireland, calling the Protestants by that title. The good woman of the house being well affected to the Protestant religion, and also having a brother, named John Edmonds, of the same, then a citizen in Dublin, was much troubled at the doctor's words; but, watch- ́

position to all the powers of the world! What reason to praise that Goodness, which thus caused light and truth to break forth for the happiness and salvation of millions of the human race,

ing her convenient time while the mayor took his leave, and the doctor complimented him down the stairs, she opens the box, takes the commission out, and places in lieu thereof a sheet of paper with a pack of cards wrapt up therein, the knave of clubs For farther information on this interesting being faced uppermost. The doctor coming subject, we refer our readers to the works up to his chamber, suspecting nothing of of Burnet and Brant; to Beausobre's Hiswhat had been done, put up the box as toire de la Reformation dans l'Empire, et formerly. The next day, going to the wa-les Etats de la Confession d'Augsbourg deter-side, wind and weather serving him, hepuis 1517-1530, in 4 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1785, sails towards Ireland, and landed on the Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History; and par7th of October, 1558, at Dublin. Then co- ticularly the Appendix to vol. iv. p. 136, on ming to the castle, the lord Fitz-Walter, the Spirit of the Reformers, by Dr. Macbeing lord-deputy, sent for him to come be- laine. See also Sleidan De Statu Religionfore him and the privy council; who coming is et. Reipublica Carlo V. Father Paul's in, after he had made a speech relating Hist. of the Council of Trent. Robertson's upon what account he came over, he Hist. of Charles V Knox's and Dr. Gilpresents the box unto the lord-deputy: bert Steward's Hist. of the Reformation in who causing it to be opened, that the secre- Scotland. Enc. Brit. An Essay on the tary might read the commission, there was Spirit and Influence of the Reformation by nothing save a pack of cards with the Luther, by B. C. Villiers, which work obknave of clubs uppermost; which not only tained the prize on this question (proposed startled the lord-deputy and council, but by the National Institute of France, in the the doctor, who assured them he had a public sitting of the 15th Germinal, in the commission, but knew not how it was gone. year 10,) "What has been the influence of Then the lord-deputy made answer, Let the reformation by Luther on the political us have another commission, and we will situation of the different states of Europe, shuffle the cards in the mean while. The and on the progress of knowledge?" H. doctor being troubled in his mind, went Moore's Hints to a Young Princess, vol. ii. away, and returned into England, and com- ch. 35. ing to the court, obtained another commission; but staying for a wind on the water-REFORMED. side, news came to him that the queen was REFUGEES, a term first applied to the dead; and thus God preserved the Protes- French Protestants, who, by the revocation tants of Ireland."-Queen Elizabeth was so of the edict of Nantes, were constrained to delighted with this story, which was related fly from persecution, and take refuge in to her by lord Fitz-Walter on his return to foreign countries. Since that time, howEngland, that she sent for Elizabeth Ed- ever, it has been extended to all such as monds, whose husband's nanie was Matter-leave their country in times of distress. shad, and gave her a pension of 401. during See HUGUENOTS. her life.


minister wished to reward them for their loyalty, and, by a retaining fee, preserve them steadfast. A considerable sum, therefore, was annually lodged with the heads of the Presbyterians, Independents, and Baptists, to be distributed among the necessiti

REGIUM DONUM MONEY, money In Scotland, the seeds of reformation allowed by government to the Dissenters. were very early sown by several noblemen The origin of it was in the year 1723. As who had resided in Germany during the re- the Dissenters approved themselves strong ligious disputes there; but for many years friends to the house of Brunswick, they enit was suppressed by the power of the pope,joyed favour; and, being excluded all luseconded by inhuman laws and barbarous ex-crative preferment in the church, the prime ecutions. The most eminent opposer of the papal jurisdiction was John Knox, a disciple of Calvin, a man of great zeal and invincible fortitude. On all occasions he raised the drooping spirits of the reformers, and encouraged them to go on with their work, notwithstanding the opposition and treache-ous ministers of their congregations. ry of the queen-regent; till at last, in 1561, REGENERATION, a new birth; that by the assistance of an English army sent work of the Holy Spirit by which we expeby Elizabeth. popery was, in a manner, to- rience a change of heart. It is to be distally extirpated throughout the kingdom. tinguished from baptism which is an exterFrom this period the form of doctrine, wor-nal rite, though some have confounded them ship, and discipline, established by Calvin, at Geneva, has had the ascendency in Scotland.

together. Nor does it signify a mere reformation of the outward conduct. Nor is it a conversion from one sect or creed to anoOn the review of this article, what reason ther; or even from atheism. Nor are new have we to admire Infinite Wisdom, in faculties given in this change. Nor does it making human events apparently fortuitous, consist in new revelations, succession of tersubservient to the spread of the Gospel!rors or consolations; or any whisper as it What reason to adore that Divine Power were from God to the heart, concerning which was here evidently manifested in op- his secret love, choice or purpose to save

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every where offered to the piety and devo tion of the faithful. He adds, too, that bones are often consecrated, which, so far from belonging to saints, probably do not belong to Christians. From the catacombs numerous relics have been taken, and yet it is not known who are the persons interred therein. In the eleventh century, relics were tried by fire, and those which did not consume were reckoned genuine, and the rest not. Relics were, and still are, preserved on the altars whereon mass is celebrated: a square hole being made in the middle of the altar big enough to receive the hand; and herein is the relic deposited, being first wrapped in red silk, and enclosed in a leaden box.

The Romanists plead antiquity in behalf of relics; for the Manichees, out of hatred to the flesh, which they considered as an evil principle, refused to honour the relics of saints; which is reckoned a kind of proof that the Catholics did it in the first ages.

us. It is expressed in scripture by being born again, John iii. 7. born from above, so it may be rendered, John iii. 2, 7, 27. being quickened, Ephes. ii. 1. Christ formed in the heart, Gal. iv. 12. a partaking of the Divine nature, 2 Pet. i. 4. The efficient cause of regeneration is the Divine Spirit. That man is not the author of it is evident, if we consider, 1. The case in which men are before it takes place; a state of ignorance and inability, John iii. 4.-2. The nature of the work shews plainly that it is not in the power of men to do it: it is called a creation, a production of a new principle which was not before, and which man could not himself produce, Eph. ii. 8, 10.3. It is expressly denied to be of men, but declared to be of God, John i. 12, 13. 1 John iii. 9. The instrumental cause, if it may be so called, is the word of God, Jam. i. 18. 1 Cor. iv. 15. The evidences of it are, conviction of sin, holy sorrow, deep humility, knowledge, faith, repentance, love, and devotedness to God's glory. The properties of it are these: 1. It is a passive We know, indeed, that the touching of work, and herein it differs from conversion. linen cloths, or relics, from an opinion of In regeneration we are passive, and receive some extraordinary virtue derived therefrom God; in conversion we are active, and from, was as ancient as the first ages, there turn to him.-2. It is an irresistible, or being a hole made in the coffins of the rather an invincible, work of God's grace, forty martyrs at Constantinople expressly Eph. iii. 8.-3. It is an instantaneous act, for that purpose. The honouring the relics for there can be no medium between life of saints, on which the church of Rome and death; and here it differs from sancti- afterwards founded her superstitions and fication, which is progressive.-4. It is a lucrative use of them, as objects of devotion, complete act, and perfect in its kind; a as a kind of charms, or amulets, and as inchange of the whole man, 2 Cor. v. 17.-5. struments of pretended miracles, appears It is a great and important act, both as to to have originated in a very ancient custom its author and effects, Eph. ii. 4, 5.-6. It that prevailed among Christians of assemis an internal act, not consisting in bare bling at the cemeteries, or burying places, outward forms, Ezek. xxxvi. 26, 27.-7. of the martyrs, for the purpose of commeVisible as to its effects, 1 John iii. 14.-8. morating them, and of performing divine Delightful, 1 Pet. i. 8.-9. Necessary, John worship. When the profession of Chrisiii. 3.-10. It is an act, the blessings of tianity obtained the protection of civil gowhich we can never finally lose, John xiii. 1. vernment, under Constantine the Great, See CALLING, CONVERSION; and Char-stately churches were erected over sepulnock's Works, vol. ii. p. 1-230. Cole and chres, and their names and memories were Wright, but especially Witherspoon on Re-treated with every possible token of affecgeneration. Doddridge's Ten Sermons on tion and respect. This reverence, however, the Subject. Dr. Gill's Body of Divinity, gradually exceeded all reasonable bounds; article Regeneration. Dr. Owen on the and those prayers and religious services Spirit. Lime Street Lectures, ser. 8. were thought to have a peculiar sanctity RELICS, in the Roman church, the re-and virtue which were performed over mains of the bodies or clothes of saints or their tombs: hence the practice which martyrs, and the instruments by which afterwards obtained of depositing relics of they were put to death, devoutly preserved, saints and martyrs under the altars in all in honour to their memory; kissed, reve-churches. This practice was then thought red, and carried in procession.

of such importance, that St. Ambrose The respect which was justly due to the would not consecrate a church because it martyrs and teachers of the Christian faith,|| had no relics; and the council of ConstanIn a few ages, increased almost to adora- tinople in Trullo, ordained, that those altars tion; and at length adoration was really should be demolished under which there paid both to departed saints, and to relics of were found no relics. The rage of procurholy men, or holy things. The abuses of ing relics for this and other purposes of a the church of Rome with respect to relics, similar nature became so excessive, that in are very flagrant and notorious; for such 386, the emperor Theodosius the Great was was the rage for them at one time, that, obliged to pass a law, forbidding the people as F. Mabillon, a Benedictine, justly com- to dig up the bodies of the martyrs, and to plains, the altars were loaded with suspect-traffic in their relics. ed relics; numerous spurious ones being Such was the origin of that respect for

attempts, in a cause of this nature, were considered, when successful, as pious and acceptable to the Supreme Being. Besides the arguments from antiquity to which the Papists refer in vindication of their worship of relics, of which the reader may form some judgment from this article, Bellarmine appeals to scripture in support of it; and cites the following passages, viz. Exod. xiii. 19. Deut. xxxiv. 6. 2 Kings xiii. 21. 2 Kings xxiii. 16, 17, 18. Isaiah xi. 10. Matt. xi. 20, 21, 22. Acts v. 12, 15. Acts xix. 11, 12.

The Roman Catholics in Great Britain do not acknowledge any worship to be due to relics, but merely a high veneration and respect, by which means they think they honour God, who, they say, has often wrought very extraordinary miracles by them. But, however proper this veneration and respect may be, its abuse has been so great and so general, as fully to warrant the rejection of them altogether.

Relics are forbidden to be used or brought into England by several statutes; and justices of peace are empowered to search houses for popish books and relics, which when found, are to be defaced, and burnt, &c. 3. Jac. I. cap. 26.

sacred relics, which afterwards was per-possession of those celebrated relics of St. verted into a formal worship of them, and Mark, St. James, St. Bartholomew, Cyprian, became the occasion of innumerable proces- Pantaleon, and others, which they shew at sions, pilgrimages, and miracles, from which this day with so much ostentation. But there the church of Rome hath derived incredible were many, who, unable to procure for themadvantage. In the end of the ninth cen- selves these spiritual treasures by voyages tury, it was not sufficient to reverence de- and prayers, had recourse to violence and parted saints, and to confide in their inter-theft; for all sorts of means, and all sorts of cessions and succours: to clothe them with an imaginary power of healing diseases, working miracles, and delivering from all sorts of calamities and dangers; their bones, their clothes, the apparel and furniture they had possessed during their lives, the very ground which they had touched, or in which their putrified carcasses were laid, were treated with a stupid veneration, and supposed to retain the marvellous virtue of healing all disorders, both of body and mind, and of defending such as possessed them against all the assaults and devices of the devil. The consequence of all this was, that every one was eager to provide himself with these salutary remedies; consequently great numbers undertook fatiguing and perilous voyages, and subjected themselves to all sorts of hardships; while others made use of this delusion to accumulate their riches, and to impose upon the miserable multitude by the most impious and shocking inventions. As the demand for relics was prodigious and universal, the clergy employed the utmost dexterity to satisfy all demands, and were far from being nice in the methods they used for that end. The bodies of the saints were sought by fasting and prayer, instituted by the priest, in order to obtain a divine answer, and an infallible RELIEF, a species of Dissenters in Scotdirection; and this pretended direction land, whose only difference from the Scotch never failed to accomplish their desires; established church is the choosing their the holy carcass was always found, and own pastors. They were separated from that always in consequence, as they impi- the church in the year 1752, occasioned by ously gave out, of the suggestion and inspi- Mr. Thomas Gillepsie being deposed for ration of God himself. Each discovery of refusing to assist at the admission of a mithis kind was attended with excessive de-nister to a parish who were unwilling to monstrations of joy, and animated the zeal receive him. When Mr. Gillepsie was deof these devout seekers, to enrich the church prived of his parish, he removed to Dumstill more and more with this new kind of fermline, and preached there to a congregatreasure. Many travelled with this view tion who were attached to him, and veheinto the Eastern provinces, and frequented mently opposed the law of patronage. Being the places which Christ and his disciples excluded from the communion of the church, had honoured with their presence; that he, with two or three other ministers, conwith the bones and other sacred remains of stituted themselves into a presbytery, called the first heralds of the Gospel, they might the Presbytery of Relief; willing to afford comfort dejected minds, calm trembling relief to all who adhered to the constituconsciences, save sinking states, and defend tion of the church of Scotland, as exhibited their inhabitants from all sorts of calamities in her creeds, canons, confessions, and forms Nor did these pious travellers return home of worship." They are unwilling it is said, empty: the craft, dexterity, and knavery to be reckoned seceders. Their licentiates of the Greeks, found a rich prey in the are educated under the established church stupid credulity of the Latin relic-hunters, professors, whose certificates they acknowand made a profitable commerce of this ledge. Many of their people receive the new devotion. The latter paid consider- Lord's supper with equal readiness in the able sums for legs and arms, skulls and established church as in their own. The jaw bones (several of which were Pagan, relief synod consists of about sixty congregaand some not human,) and other things tions, and about 36,000 persons. that were supposed to have belonged to the primitive worthies of the Christian church; and thus the Latin churches came to the


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RELIGION is a Latin word, derived, according to Cicero, from relegere, "to re-consider;" but, according to Servius and

most modern grammarians, from religare, ||ledge by supernatural means, it is yet ob"to bind fast.' If the Ciceronian etymolo-vious that some parts of that knowledge gy be the true one, the word religion will must have been capable of a proof purely denote the diligent study of whatever per- rational, otherwise not a single religious tains to the worship of God; but, according truth could have been conveyed through the to the other derivation, it denotes that obli- succeeding generations of the human race gation which we feel on our minds from the but by the immediate inspiration of each inrelation in which we stand to some superior dividual. We, indeed, admit many propoPower. The word is sometimes used as sitions as certainly true, upon the sole ausynonymous with sect; but, in a practical thority of the Jewish and Christian scripsense, it is generally considered as the same tures, and we receive these scriptures with with godliness, or a life devoted to the wor- gratitude as the lively oracles of God; but ship and fear of God. Dr. Doddridge thus it is self-evident that we could not do either defines it: "Religion consists in the resolu- the one or the other, were we not convintion of the will for God, and in a constant ced by natural means that God exists; that care to avoid what ever we are persuaded he is a being of goodness, justice, and powhe would disapprove, to despatch the worker; and that he inspired with divine wishe has assigned us in life, and to promote his glory in the happiness of mankind." [See GODLINESS.] The foundation of all religion rests on the belief of the existence of God. As we have, however, already considered the evidences of the Divine existence, they need not be enumerated again in this place; the reader will find them under the article EXISTENCE OF GOD.

dom the penmen of these sacred volumes Now, though it is very possible that no man, or body of men, left to themselves from infancy in a desert world, would ever have made a theological discovery, yet, whatever propositions relating to the being and attri butes of the First Cause, and duty of man, can be demonstrated by human reason, independent of written revelation, may be call; ed natural theology, and are of the utmost importance, as being to us the first princi ples of all religion. Natural theology, in this sense of the word, is the foundation of the Christian revelation; for, without a previous knowledge of it, we could have no evidence that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are indeed the word of God."

Religion has been divided into natural and revealed. By natural religion is meant that knowledge, veneration, and love of God, and the practice of those duties to him, our fellow-creatures, and ourselves, which are discoverable by the right exercise of our rational faculties, from considering the nature and perfections of God, and our relation to him and to one another. By revealed religion is understood that discovery which he has made to usof his mind and will in the holyscrip- have been generally divided into four, the The religions which exist in the world tures. As it respects natural religion, some Pagan, the Jewish, the Mahometan, and the doubt whether, properly speaking, there can Christian; to which articles the reader is be any such thing; since, through the fall, referred. The various duties of the Chrisreason is so depraved, that man without retian religion also are stated in their differvelation is under the greatest darkness and ent places. See also, as connected with misery, as may be easily seen by consider-this article the articles INSPIRATION, REing the history of those nations who are VELATION, and THEOLOGY, and books destitute of it, and who are given up to barthere recommended. barism, ignorance, cruelty, and evils of every kind. So far as this, however, may be observed, that the light of nature can give us no proper ideas of God, nor inform us what worship will be acceptable to him. It does not tell us how man became a fallen sinful creature, as he is, nor how he can be recovered. It affords us no intelligence as to the immortality of the soul, the resurrection of the body, and a future state of happiness RELLYANISTS, or RELLYAN UNIVERand misery. The apostle, indeed, observes, SALISTS, the followers of Mr. James Relly. that the Gentiles have the law written on He first commenced his ministerial charactheir hearts, and are a law unto themselves; ter in connection with Mr. Whitefield, and yet the greatest moralists among them were was received with great popularity. Upon so blinded as to be guilty of, and actually to a change of his views, he encountered recountenance the greatest vices. Such a sys-proach, and was pronounced by many as an tem, therefore, it is supposed, can hardly be enemy to godliness. He believed that Christ said to be religious which leaves man in as a mediator was so united to mankind, such uncertainty, ignorance, and impiety. that his actions were theirs, his obe(See REVELATION.] On the other side it dience and sufferings theirs; and, conseis observed, "that, though it is in the high-quently, that he has as fully restored the est degree probable that the parents of man- whole human race to the divine favour, as kind received all their theological know-if all had obeyed and suffered in their own

RELIGIOUS, in a general sense, something that relates to religion. It is also used for a person engaged by solemn vows to the monastic life; or a person shut up in a monastery, to lead a life of devotion and ansterity under some rule or institution. The male religious are called monks and friars; the females, nuns and canonesses.

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