תמונות בעמוד


are neceffary; but our milled country, who (a a blind Samplon) to weak revenge on their fubjects, the poor Catholics, put arms in the hands of their foes, to turn deftruction upon themfelves, O the infatuation of, blind zealots, who will fa crifice the innocent, preferable to the abatement of their-zeal, conbrace, a notraj

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Luth. My dear, we have you, hip and thigh; The fting will quicken, though from fly,,two pot Frail man, you now turn pale; O my You are Carnage, and we the Crow. Your Hydra heads our fickles mow, And fright you with Gallantic show. e prefent you with different prefervatives. Nincompoop, read your own definition by the celebrated Lawyer, Mr. Jacob.

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Papifts, Are thofe who profefs the Popish Religion in this Kingdom: And fince the Reforma sion there have been many, Statutes concerning them. By the 35 Eliz. c. 2. Papills are to repair to their ufual Place of Refidence, and not remove above five Miles, without Licence, &c. The 3 Jac. 1. c. 5. enacts, That no Papills, or te hat, Popish Reculant convict, fhall come to Court, practife, the Common Law, Civil Law, Phyfick,

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c. or bear any Publick Office or Charge, but shall be utterly disabled to exercife, the fame; and liable to a Penalty of 100/. But Offices of Inheritance may be executed by Deputies taking the Oaths, by 1 W, & M. Papifis, and Trul tees for Papills, are incapable to present to any Benefice, School, Hofpital, &c. or to grant any Avoidance of a Benefice, and the Two Univer



ities fhall prefent; the Chancellor, &c. of Oxford to prefent to Benéfices lying in fuel and fuch Counties, and the University of Cambridge to Benefices in others, particularly mentioned in the Statute; and a Bill may be brought in a Court of Equity to difcover fecret Trufts, &E, 3 J.1.c. 5. It has been adjudged on this Statute, that the Perfon is only disabled to prefent; and that he continues Patron to all other Purpo fes, Cawley 230. That fuch a Perfon by being difabled to grant an Avoidance is not hindered from granting the Advowfon itself, in Fee, or for Life, bona fide, for good Confideration, 1 Jon. 19, 20. And that if an Advowfon cr Avoid ance belonging to a Papilt come into the King's Hands, by Reafon of any Outlawry, or Convic tion of

nivecufancy, &c. the King, and not the U


niversities, shall present. 1 Jon. 20. Hob, 126. But where a Prefentment is vefted in the Univerfity, at the Time when the Church became void, it fhall not be divelled again, by the Patron's Conforming, &c. 1o Rep. 57. Papifts, and PoSrming&do pith Recufants, married not according to the Orders of the Church of England, are difabled, the Hufband to be Tenant by the Curtely, and the Wife to have Dower, &c. and incur a Forfeiture of 100l. Alfo not Baptifing their Children by a Jawful Minilter, is liable to the like Penalty: And not being buried according to the Ecclefiatical Laws, the Executors hall forfeit 2cl. &c. And Papifts are incapable to be Executors, Adminiftrators, or Guardians; difabled to fue Ad'C 206 Just of 10 Reglo Joodse spations, -297LT sift bar oporo & to paracion soparsl

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tions, and as Perfons excommunicated till they conform, &c. 3 Jac. 17 And it is faid that being convicted of Popish Recufancy, they may be taken up by the Writ de Excom capiend. And fhall not be admitted as competent Witneffes in a Caufe: But this feems to be carried beyond the Intent of the Statute. 2 Bullir. 155, 156.

Hawk. P. C. 23. Perfons going beyond Sea to be trained up by Papifts, fhall forfeit their Goods and Chattels, if they do not conform within Six Months after their Return; And fending Children abroad to be thus trained up, is liable to a Penalty of 100l. Stat.g Car. 4. cp2. The Lord Mayor of the City of London, and Juftices of Peace, &c. are to cause to be brought - before them Papifts within the faid City, and ten Miles thereof, and tender them the Declaration 30 Car.g. cap. 1. against Transubstantiation; and refufing to fubfcribe it, they fhall fuffer as Popish Recufants convict; But fuch as use any Trade or manual Art; and foreign Merchants, Servants to Amballadors, &c, are excepted. 1 W. & M. Seff. 1. c. 9. Papilts refusing to appear and fubfcribe the faid Declaration, are not to keep in their Houfes any Arms, Weapons, Gunpowder, &c. And Jultices of Peace may order -Jany fuch to be seized: And they may not keep any Horfe above the Value of gl. which may be alfo feized. And Perfons concealing Arms or Horles, or hindering a Search after them, fhall be committed, and forfeit treble Value, 1 W. & Mic, 15. If any Perfon refufe to repeat and



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fabfcribe the afore-mentioned Declaration, he fhall be difabled to make any Presentation, &c. And prefenting contrary to this Act, fhall forfeit 500l. 1 W. & M. c. 26. Papilts, who keep Schools are to fuffer perpetual Imprisonment: And Perfons educated in the Popish Religion, not taking the Qaths and fubfcribing the Declaration in the 30th Car. 2, within fix Months after they attain the Age of eighteen Years, fhall be difabled to take or inherit Lands, but not their Heirs or Pollerity; and during their Lives or Refufal, the next Proteflant Relation fhall enjoy, &c. And where the Parents of Proteftant Children are Papifts, the Lord Chancellor may take Care of the Education of fuch Proteftant Children, and make Order for their Maintenance fuitable to the Ability of the Parent. 11 & 12 W. 3. C. 4 Every Trustee, &c. for Popish Chil dren is difabled to prefent to any Benefice, &c. vand Prefentations by them fhall be void; and the Chaucellor and Scholars of the Universities { thall prefent, as by the Act 3 Jac. 1. And BiTthops are required to examine Perfons prefented Don Oath, before Inflitution, whether the Perfon

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prefenting be the real Patron, and made the ལ་ Presentation in his own Right, or whether he be Dot a Trustee for a Papilt, &c. And if the Perfon presented refufe to be examined, his Prefentation fhall be void. 12 Anne, Seff. 2. c. 14. Papills are to regifter their Eltates, as by this 23 Statute is directed, on pain of Forfeiture; and Lands regiftred must be expreffed in what Pa

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rithes they le, who are the Poffeffors thereof, the Eftate therein and the vearly Rent, &c. Perfons fuing in Chancery for Forfeitures for Default of Registry, may demand all Discoveries as if Purchafers; and they may bring Ejectment on their own Demife, and give the A&t and special Matter in Evidence. 1 Geo. 1. c. 55 Sales of Lands by Papifts (incurring the Difabilities 11 & 12 W. Purchafers, are 11 12 1

3.) to Proteftant Purchafer confirmed not


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withstanding the Dilability of Perfons joining in the Sale; unlefs before fuch Sales any Perfon who is to take Advantage of the Dilability, has recovered, or entered his Claim, and given Notice, &c. No Lands fhall pafs from Papifts, by Deed or Will, without Inrollment: And Papists are rendered incapable to purchafe Lands. 3 Geo. 1. c. 18. All Perfons of the within England, Age of eighteen Years, not having taken the Agebl Oaths, and who refufe to take the fame, fhall regifter their Eltates as Papifts; or neglecting fuch Registry, are to forfeit the Inheritance of their Lands, two Thirds to the King, and the other Third to the Profecutor. 9 Geo. 1. C. 24. Geo. 1.29119 by a fubfequent Act, this fhall not extend to oblige any Woman to take the Oaths, or to register her Eltate; nor any Perfon that hath only an Intereft in Lands in Reverfion; or to Eftates under 10l. a Year, &c. And only one Year's Rent a and Profit of Lands is forfeited for Default of Regiftring by this Statute, recoverable by Action in the Courts antter, within fix Months after the Offence: Perlons in Prifon, beyond sugme.



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