תמונות בעמוד

Luth & Calo. The Church of Chrift became adulterer 300 years after her nuptials.

Boy. By the eftablished law of the Scriptures, as Mofes well knows, the adultery must be proved, without which Chrift orders the fhall remain with her husband; but, whether adulterer or not, if God be true, no third covenant, which totally excludes Proteftantifmo deng. A

Mof. That is a truth, that neither devils nor men can ever overcome. WING M

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Luth Calu. Mummum---mum. →

Mof. Is the Pope God PƆ en bf I Boy. If he is, the Proteftants have made him one. 26 kb.99 !!. twob sist


Luth. & Calu. You adore the Pope as infallible. Boy. The Catholick, or Chriftian Religion is infallible, and will be fo, if the oath of almighty God be true. lectisì isdw ni elab u Vis Mof. How will you prove this?

Luth. & Calo. This is impoffible if the Prote ftant religion betrues lobo yasin

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Boy. As to the Proteftant herefy, it must rank with its ancestors, and therefore cannot be admitted into the scrutiny, znanswer to Mr. Mofes, I prove the infallible christian church, or fecond covenant, by the Jewish and first.

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Luth. & Calo. How will you prove the firft?! Boy. It needs no other proof than originates from the God-head, which is granted by univerfal confent, by all nations, and ages, who ad knowledge their Creator. Lo call un

Mof. You speak with the zeal of an Ifraelite, that will put to flight the fiery darts of the enemy.


Luth. & Calv. You confound us with out own weapons, the Scrptures.

Boy You ufe Scripture, as Satan, against Christ.

Mof. What disturbs the Gentlemen is, that their Chriftian brethren fhould, after spilling fo much blood to beat down the heathen gods, beat down Chrift, and worship the Pope, and many inferior gods.

Luth. & Calv. The Proteftants are averfe to more than one God...

Boy. We date your pedigree from Arius, who was lo jealous of the fingular number in the God-A head, that he chofe rather to become a heretick than acknowledge the divinity of Chrift, as go out of roo of you do this day.

Mof. Be ingenious: Do Catholicks put their truft in the Pope's divinity?

Boy. Juft the fame as the Jews put their trust in the divinity of Moles

Luth. & Calv. How then can the Pope be infallible P

Boy. Infallibility is the property of the divinity. Mof. Thefe Gentlemen are taught, the Ca tholicks believe, that the divinity refides in the Pope, as all Chriftians believe it to refide in their Meffiah, fo that by their conjectures, the Catholicks have as many Meffiahs, or Gods, as they have had Popes.

Boy, Our Meffiah of the new covenant is both God and man, the second perfon of the adorable God-head, whofe Holy Spirit rules, governs, actuates, inspires, and teaches his Church all truths, and abides with her for ever; fo that it is not in '

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the power of man, Pope, or any other, nor all the powers of earth, or hell, to add. alter, diminish or corrupt the leaft tittle of the faith of the Church, if it pleafed her divine Head and Lord, that she fhould continue on earth for eternity; for it is as eafy with him to keep her pure eternally, as one hour; his whole creation being in his hands as the leaft particle, all things are under fubjection to his divine will. This is the Catho lick faith; but what reprobates advance against the fanctity of her faith and religion, proceeds: from that depravity of underftanding, which is the inheritance of reprobates and loft fouls, feparated from their God, and taught by the Father of Lies, The Pope, Priefthood, and every member of the Church of Chrift, is nothing fu perior; either in foul or body, to the rest of mankind, in our own nature, being part of the fame. mass, consequently fubject to the fame frailties, as St. John obferves, If we fay we have no fins, we are liars, and the truth is not in us. St. Peter, who was the firft Pope appointed by Chrift himfelf, denied his Lord after he was appointed; and you find him err, according to St. Paul, afterwards, when, for fear of fcandalizing the Jewish converts, in eating in common with the Gentile converts, he retired; which difpleafed Paul, and he reprehended him for it. The fame you will find in all ages, when a Pope, Cardinal, or any other fails in their duty, You are, I hope, now convinced, and will convince your flocks, as you appear to be inftructors, that Peter, and his fucceffors are known to Catholicks, to be frail as other men, but they honour and respect them


as the Representatives and Vicars of Jefus Christ..

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Mof. This honour and appointment is not only granted, but a plenitude of power annexed, fo that the Pope has nothing inherent in himself, but only acts as an inftrument in the hands of Jefus Chrift; the conclufion is, that Jefus Chrift acts and not the Pope; upon the fame ground, as Aaron and bis fucceffors, who were only inftruments to exercife their office, as appointed by Mofes, who the Chriftians fay was a type of Christ, and who received the whole from almighty God. This boy has given me, in few words, an explanation to my entire fatisfaction.

Luth. & Calu. And to ours allo; at the fame time acknowledging the oignorance and abfurd notions of Proteftants; but this, we believe, in part proceeds, as was our lot, from a malicious and gain-faying education; we now beg to be fet right, by an infight touching the facraments, beginning with baptifm.


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Mof. In the first covenant circumcifion" was ordained on the eighth day by almighty God, a breach of which was fo heinous a crime, that the Scriptures tell us, an Angel was upon the point of killing even Mofes our Lawgiver, for the neglect of this duty to his two fons.

Boy, Circumcifion, in the old covenant, was a type, of, baptifm, in the new in like manner as the other rites of the old were types of the new. Touching the neceffity of baptifm, our Lord's words are the most effectual which I shall give you, that he gave to a master in Ifrael: Of a truth, except a man be born again, he cannot fee


the kingdom of God; Except a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghoft, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Alfo his laft commandment at his afcenfion, Matt. xxviii. All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptifing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft, teaching them to obferve all things whatfoever I have commanded you, and I am with you all days, even to the confum- mation of the world. Mark alfo. Go you into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature; he that believeth and is baptized, shall be faved; but he that belidveth not, fhall be condemned.

Luth. & Caly. But do you believe, that a man can forgive you your fins ?

Boy. I appeal to the Jewish Scriptures, which not only Jews but Chriflians and Proteftants believe, and acknowledge to proceed immediately from God.

Mof. No doubt it is the univerfal agreement of all who acknowledge a God; but this we cannot look for from men, whole manners and religion iffue from each man's own maggot, or likely fome old ignorant and illiterate nurle, who generally form their minds when young to their own caft, which ftrengthens as they ripen into maturity; thisee 'daily among the first characters of we learning and fcience; nay they have dipped fo deep into fenfuality, that they clafs themselves with the dumb animal, and exclaim againft gratitude and every other virtue,wallowing like wine, delighting in every beaftly action, crying,

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