תמונות בעמוד

more numerous, and much more frequented... Great was Diana of the Ephesians; but greater is that Goddess who, instead of wearing the crescent on her head, is represented with it under her feet; and greater are the gains which she has brought to the silversmiths, and to the priests of her temples!

This, Sir, is the popular doctrine of the Romish Church concerning the Blessed Virgin. It is drawn from Roman Catholic books, every one of which has been examined and re-examined with all the vigilant jealousy of that Church to see that nothing contrary to its doctrine, or to its pleasure, should be put into the hands of the people. Popes and Councils have solemnly approved of some,..others have been sanctioned by Doctors of Theology, Provincials and Generals of the Religious Orders, Bishops and Inquisitors. For every passage in the statement that is set before you, the vouchers are produced. Examine them I intreat you,.. in justice examine them; and if the authorities which are quoted do not bear me out to the very letter of the statement, you may then give your assent fairly to the next vote in which I shall be pronounced a calumniator. If they do,.. ask yourself, Sir, whether the charge of superstition and creature-worship is not esta

blished! For this, I repeat, is the popular doctrine of the Papal Church, a doctrine not merely connived at by the heads of that Church, but openly encouraged by them.

When you describe the Romish devotion to the Virgin, you inquire† if I can find out any thing reprehensible in it? Even, Sir, if the statement which you present had set the actual extent and nature of that devotion before us, instead of being softened down that it might pass with a Protestant public, I should answer yes,..much that is reprehensible. I should

* Madame de Sevigné tells an amusing story, which shows how completely the Virgin had become the great object of faith among the vulgar... Pour La Mousse, il fait des catéchismes les fêtes et les dimanches: il veut aller en paradis: je lui dis que c'est par curiosité, et afin d'être assuré une bonne fois si le soleil est un amas de poussière qui se meut avec violence, ou si c'est un globe de feu. L'autre jour il interrogeoit des petits enfans; et après plusieurs questions, ils confondirent le tout ensemble, de sorte que, venant à leur demander qui étoit LA VIERGE, ils répondirent tous l'un après l'autre que c'étoit le Créateur du ciel et de la terre: il ne fut point ébranlé par les petits enfans; mais voyant que des hommes, des femmes, et même des vieillards disoient la même chose, il en fut persuadé, et se rendit à l'opinion commune. Enfin il ne savoit plus où il en étoit, et, si je ne fusse arrivée làdessus, il ne s'en fût jamais tiré : cette nouvelle opinion eût bien fait un autre désordre que le mouvement des petites parties.-Mad. de Sevigné, Lett. 184. t. ii. 209. edit. 1820.

† Page 103.

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reply that it is in direct contradiction to the words of the Apostle, who tells us "there is but one Mediator between God and Man;" and to the words of that Mediator himself, "for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve!" The distinction between Latria and Dulia will not exempt you from the charge of creature-worship, even where it is understood and borne in mind; but to the multitude it is heathen Greek. They worship the Virgin as honestly in her own person as the Ephesians did their Diana, or the Paphians their Venus; and they worship her under one appellation* in preference to another,

* This practice was condemned by a provincial Synod held at Rouen under the Archbishop Raoul Roussel, A.D. 1445. The seventh statute passed in that assembly is remarkable, says the Continuator of Fleury, "en ce qu'il condamne la superstition de ceux qui donnent des noms particuliers à des Images de la Sainte Vierge, comme de Notre Dame de Recouvrance, Notre Dame de Pitié, de Consolation, de Grace, &c. dans la vue de quelque gain, parce que cela donne lieu de croire qu'il y a plus de vertu dans une Image que dans une autre."-Lenfant, C. de Basle, ii. 178.

The Romish Church, however, in opposition to the Provincial Synod, has encouraged this superstition by granting indulgences to those who shall say their prayers before particular Images, or prints of those Images.

How the fashion in such things changes Vieyra shows when he is preaching upon the pre-eminence of N. Senhora de Penha de França, confining himself for examples to the city of Lisbon :

and ascribe peculiar power to particular images. Nothing can be more certain than that this is the practice in Roman Catholic countries, .. nothing more notorious to those who have lived in them, or who are conversant with Roman Catholic books.


May I not in my turn inquire whether you do not perceive something reprehensible in the doctrines which I have set before you as inculcated by Monks and Friars and Jesuits, and Cardinals and Saints? But what, Sir, will you say when I shall show,..as I proceed to do,..that in support of this doctrine, as thus stated, revelations are quoted and miracles adduced? It is the Virgin herself who is said to have told the Swedish St. Bridget that the

"Esta he huma excellencia, com que a Virgem Maria quiz singularizar os privilegios desta sua Casa, sobre todas as que tem milagrosas no mundo, e sobre todas as que tem nesta Cidade. Deyxemos as do mundo, porque fora discurso muy dilatado: Vamos às de Lisboa. Foy milagrosa em Lisboa a Casa de Nossa Senhora da Natividade; mas passaram os milagres da Natividade. Foy milagrosa a Casa de Nossa Senhora do Amparo; mas passaram os milagres do Amparo. Foy milagrosa a Casa de Nossa Senhora do Desterro; mas passaram os milagres do Desterro. Foy milagrosa a Casa de Senhora da Luz; mas passarum os milagres da Luz. Só a Casa de Nossa Senhora de Penha de França foy milagrosa, e he milagrosa, e ha de ser milagrosa."--Sermoens, t. i. 710.

Devils release their victim if they hear her name! It is Christ himself who is represented as telling the same personage that were it not for his Mother's mediation there would be no hope for mercy!* Your creed binds you to believe in St. Bridget's Revelations; for in it you profess" undoubtedly to receive every thing delivered and declared by General Councils ;" and these revelations have been approved by the Councils of Constance and of Basil, and moreover by three Popes. It is Christ himself who, in the book thus ratified and set forth by the highest authorities of the Roman Catholic Church, is introduced as saying that he cannot deny any thing which his Mother asks, and as promising the kingdom of Heaven to all who, with the intention of amending their lives, shall put their trust in her. It is the Father who in the same book is represented as saying to the Virgin, "thy will shall be done; because thou when on earth hast denied me nothing, I will

deny thee nothing in Heaven!"

And St. Ger

trude in her revelations§ describes our Saviour

* Verè ecclesia mea nimis longè recessit a me, in tantum quod nisi preces Matris meæ intervenirent, non esset spes misericordiæ. -Revel. 1. vi. c. xxvi. p. 364.

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