תמונות בעמוד
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Mount Zion M. E. Ch. in part of L M for Rev. Cha's Cooke Ebenezer M. E. Ch. in part

of L M for Rev. J. M. Meredith..

Union. Pres. Ch. in part of L D for Rev. Calvin W. Stewart.....

Belle Valley. Pres. Sabbath-school for Spanish 8. A........

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Strasburg. Pres. Ch. towards L M. ------10 00 Middle Octoraro. Pres. Ch. in part of

at Cong. Ch. and Soc'y, Rev. C. P. Grosvenor. Hill. A friend in Conn........................ 8. Cong. Ch. to make Rev. P. M. Bartlett, C. H. Dexter, & J. H. Hayden, L M's..


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5 00

.86 72

1 00

53 00

70 00

.....50 00

1 00

Rev. Dr. and Mrs. McEwen---20 vo

B. 8...


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Lock Haven.

L D for Rev. J. M.

Mary H. Smith for 1st Protes-
tant Ch. in Mexico....

Of which $100 makes Rev. Jos. Nesbitt a L D., and $30 is for the 1st Prot. Cn. in Mexico; Messrs. Jones, Bridgens, Armstrong, Lichtenthaler, Derby. Ball, Mayer, Chapman, McClure, Marshall, McCormick, Farst, Bridgens, $5 ea., Mr. & Mrs. Mackey $25; Others $16 03....

Bellefont. Messrs. Wilson, Livingston, Rankin, Humes, Hale, McAllister, $5 ea. Others $3....

Big Spring. U. Pres Ch. for Mr. Moore

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4 00

Springfield. Galesburg.

Pres. Ch., to make Milton own and Moses Huntley L Ms...52 51 ity. Mrs. N. for Spanish

Christians...-----------1 00 Miss M. B. C.... 10 oo .......5 00

Pres. Ch. by J. H. Ruther-

Mrs. Margaret Marshall.
L. C...

2nd Pres. Ch. by A. Hale....... Swed. Luth. Ch....

[blocks in formation]

-------5 00 Detroit. Pres. Ch. Rev. Stephen Balmer......

8. B. Stocking in part for L M....

y. Dr. Crosby's Sabbathschool for the Cretan children in charge of Dr. Kalopothakes in

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Athens, Greece--------150 oo Rochester. Union Meeting.

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E Church of Rome, since the time of the Refor ned the title of "The Catholic Church," to the excl Churches, and it has become a leading feature in the rchy of Rome to establish the use of the title "Cath to their Church in every country of the world; Rome h e of the value of a name; and her assumption of th of Catholic has done her good service, by enabling I of hoary antiquity over her modern corruptions of lic faith.

examination of the origin and history of the word plied to the Church, or the faith, will not fail to show ious is the claim of the Roman Church to be the Cath hoped the investigation may also lead many of our nsider seriously whether, by conceding the title "Cath ch of Rome, and by calling the members of that holics," they do not thereby promote the interests ountry, and consequently impede the progress of scrip y. Such a course practically sanctions the subtle poli uch as it assists her to elevate her novelties in doc s, and worship, to the rank of the ancient Catholic tive Church.

e word "Catholic" does not occur in the text of holy S nd, however, in the titles of some of the apostolical ep Testament—James, Peter, Jude, and John; but the f apostolical authority, and are not considered older th ry. The term "Catholic" was probably at first appl es because, unlike the other epistles, they were addr erson, city, or Church, but to Christians in general -orld.

e name Catholic did not become a designation of the Church, or of its members. Christians were called sa

* Prize Essay, by Rev. W. A. Darby, M. A., England.

(1 Peter iv. 14.) From this language of Peter, there ion to the general use of the name of Christian as a c r the members of the Church throughout the world. -arly Christian writers relate many instances of martyr ut to the torture, persisted in returning to the quest rsecutors this single answer, "I am a Christian," (Eusel 1,) and no instance is found during the age of the perse martyr replied, "I am a Catholic." The primitive Chr 1 the idea of being called by any name that indicated a or party in the Church, and they took every opportu g their attachment to the common religion of Christianit e Church of Christ throughout the world. "We tal omination from man," says Chrysostom, (Hom. 33 in or Peter," says Gregory Nazienzen; "but I am not ca I honor Paul; but I am not a Paulian. I am named for I belong to God," (Orat. 31.) Epiphanius observes et or Church is called by the name of an apostle. We of Petrians, or Paulians, Bartholomeans, or Thadd The apostles, from the beginning, had one doctrine, prea selves, but Jesus Christ the Lord. Hence they gave ches but one name-the name of Christ, from the time e first called Christians at Antioch," (Hæres, 42.)

ugh the name "Catholic does not appear in the New T a designation of the Christian Church, yet the charact ty, in the sense of universality, is attributed to the Chri and faith by our Lord and His apostles, in opposition to Church, which was localized in Judea, and not designe among all the nations of the world, (Matt. xxviii. 19; I ; Acts x. 31, 35; Rom. x. 18; 1 Cor. xii. 13; Col. i. 23, stitution of the synagogue, and its general diffusion thro

one body," (1 Cor. xii. 13.) "There is one body an ph. iv. 4.) A local Church, such as the Church of Je ch, Rome, or England, may be a branch of the Churcl ntical in faith and worship, but can never become the holic Church, to the exclusion of other Churches. There is a sense in which the faith of the Christian rel es, sacraments, and worship) has been anciently called h, because the great truths and salvation of the Gospel mankind at large, and not for any one nation or p Jews. The Christian Church is represented under t n angel having the everlasting Gospel to preach to the the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and ton " (Rev. xiv. 6.) By the charge of our Lord to His al ce and remission of sins were to be preached in His na ions, beginning at Jerusalem, (Luke xxiv. 47.) Th enant, continued under Moses, and established by Ch ted one Catholic Church, embracing all time and all tinction, and the whole world, "that the blessing of Al e on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ. . . . There i Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neit ale, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus, and if ye be ye Abraham's seed, (Gal. iii. 14, 28, 29.)

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The Church," says Cyril, is called 'Catholic,' oughout the world, from one end of the earth to the o se it teaches universally and completely all the truths come to men's knowledge concerning things, both visi e, heavenly and earthly, and because it subjugates liness, every class of men, governors and governed, earned," (Catechetical Lectures.)

'Heretics," observes Bingham, "commonly confined er to a particular region, or some select party of me e had no pretence to style themselves Catholics,' bu

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in his day had become the name of the Christian Ch e world-"Catholic is from a Greek word, xaτa, after, q and olov, a sum, or whole so that the Catholic Churc Lith, signifies the first faith, the sound faith, the whole e the Catholic faith of that faith which hath been, no e, so that if you can prove that your Church and faith the beginning, is now, and shall be, then you shall be tholic, not otherwise," (Aug. Oper. Paris. Epis. con. D n. 338.)

of Lerins defines the faith of the Christian Church similar manner. "Within the Catholic Church we hath been believed everywhere, always, and by all me ly and properly Catholic," (quod ubique, quod semper, q s, creditum est.) Judging by these famous rules of Aug incent of Lerins, the modern Church of Rome has very s to the title of Catholic.

ourth century the Arian heretics, from their preponderat

the Roman Church, began to assume the title of Catho ror Theodosius made a decree that "that Church al styled Catholic which held the ancient Catholic faith”—t equally worshiped and glorified the three Persons in We order that all who follow this rule shall adopt the na e Christians," (Cod. Just. lib. 1.). And to this agrees f the Athanasian Creed, "This is the Catholic faith, th one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity." It were ea at the modern Church of Rome, by her worship of the V olated this ancient rule of the Church, and has consequent Ler claim to the title of Catholic; a Church that has apo m the Catholic faith cannot justly claim to be called a Cat h, much less the Catholic Church.

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