תמונות בעמוד


Fow to battle it! That is the great question of t ther Napoleon or Bismark shall have Luxemburgh, s Christ shall have the whole earth. Not the re-esta Own government, but the reconstruction of all nations pure Gospel. In assaulting this castellated super pons to wield, what tracts to print, what organizatio t colporteurs to employ, what spirit to exhibit? Th ended in this cause enough ink, enough voice, end gh money, enough ecclesiastical thunder, to have to ocks, and to have extinguished all the wax candles, red out all the holy water, and to have rent open all to have turned the Vatican into a Reformed Dutch Convocation of cardinals into an old-fashioned prayer ave immersed the Pope and sent him forth as a colpo erican and Foreign Christian Union.


ut somehow there has been a great waste of effort; struck the mark, and in the same morning paper in w report of our anniversary speeches, we noticed the bui edrals, and the establishment of new Bishoprics, and i earing letters of confidence between some United Sta er and the Romish Archbishop, that reminded one of id and Jonathan. And all the garlands that were pla n of John Mason and Archibald Alexander were as nothi he honors that in Baltimore, Albany, and New York n the catafalque of the dead Roman Catholic bishops. eighth of our population are disciples of the Papacy, a spelled from many of the schools, and our politicians Address delivered by the Rev. T. Dewitt Talmage, D. D., of Phila iversary of the American and Foreign Christian Union, Steinway ng, May 9th, 1867.

against it, and have poured upon it a raking fire shaken down all the walls of superstition between M and New Orleans Cathedral.

never occurred to you that it would be better for som ⇒ our style of warfare? Let me venture the stateme nunciation and caricature on the part of good, but mi er pulled down one Roman Catholic church, but has dred. Whatever a man takes as his religion he ho nd not to be laughed at, and all the satire of the ecclesi ods, and Charles Lambs, and Sydney Smiths of the world red the smallest bead of the rosary. There is only one nan give up his religion, and that is by showing him a missionary goes into a Chinese temple he does not beg the god, but taking out his New Testament, reads in Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin And if you want to redeem a man from any kind of sup - had better not begin by striking his god. Dragon sown by Christian or infidel hand, make a harvest of a iolence of infidel assault resulted in Bridgewater Trea Boyle Lectureship, and Chalmers' Astronomical Discou ence of Christian denunciation only rouses up opposi upon it, if we use worldly weapons and a worldly policy, will beat us. They are more than a match for us in anath e and his officials once a year, with "Bell, book and can heretics. They curse their eyes, and curse their tong se their feet, and curse everything about them. We ar a no match for them. We cannot compete in bitterness that burned John Oldcastle, and scattered the ashes of W massacred the Waldenses, and exterminated the Albigen the Inquisition, and roasted over slow fires Nicholas Rid


pose to bring into action that principle of holy Lo ep from eternity to eternity.


o the penances, the costly indulgences, and fatiguing Romanism, we will oppose a broad-armed Gospel Ley, and without price, and without penances, and wi invites a world to be saved-a free Bible—a free heaven! We will try the force of that Gospel which er will, may come." "I thank God," said Richard 1 word Whosoever. If God had said that there w ard Baxter, I am so vile a sinner that I would have nt some other Richard Baxter; but when He says w that includes me, the worst of all Richard Baxters. gainst the bedwarfed Roman Catholic literature, we w ering-ram of a Christian printing-press: more Bibles, e periodicals, more Advocates and Journals, more Ne ers, more Independents, more Christian Intelligencers, ts, more Banners. A sanctified printing-press is the is to conquer the world. Swab the barrel! load quicl ks! books! books! In Germany there is a statue o erg, the inventor of the art of printing. He stands ed scroll in his hand, on which are written the words, ight!" That is the object of the press. Light for ent. Light for prison and scaffold. Light for soldi s cabin. Light for festal hall and death-bed chamber and light for eternity. Let there be light!

the celibacy of the Romish priesthood I oppose eholds of the Christian ministry. We have no obj ish church prefer that all its priests be bachelors ; bu introduced into other churches it would, to say the inconvenience. Among the heresies Protestants are from that church, we have not noticed many instanc action of this error. The only way to contend again

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· Roman Catholic schools and colleges, in which but ave the peculiarities of their religion, we will opp admirably conducted, having on each teacher's and s full round type, a copy of King James' translation. ate the heart as well as the head. Educate only the h e an infidel. Educate only the heart and you have a them both together and you have the noblest kind of consume forever the man who attempts to take th school!

position to the Latinized service of Romish churches, ■yers that all may follow, and plain preaching that nd, not obscure dialectics that confuse and bewilder the oes not know whether it is Easter or Christmas; but sermons like Christ's, salt-savored, and lily-twisted ined, and wing-swept, and rain-dashed: preaching for t oring of the Hittites, and rehanging of Absalom, or co umber of teeth in the jaw-bone with which Samson sl es, or taking of an hour to show who Melchisedek' wasn ng of men as they are now, sinful and undone, and then el and thrusting it right at them.

position to Romish cathedrals, dark, damp, and fetid, w ful churches, with fresh air and plenty of light. In so testant churches people shiver under the shadow of g nd do magnificent penance, and think they must be g igion or something else, for they feel so very chilly. It gion they are getting, but chills and fever. More light! re comfort! With cheerfulness of church architecture, with the Papacy.

position to the artistic chanting in Romish cathedrals, tional singing.

We have yet fully to test this influence in battling with the time of the Reformation, cardinal Cajetan said ther, "He has conquered us with his songs." In thos gation assembled at mass: at the close of the serv an to sing one of Luther's chorals, and the congregat I they who came Roman Catholics, went away Protest G! What has made the Methodist church the mos denominations? Because it surpasses all others in ging. The Methodists all sing; I have traveled up a d, and have seen many strange and curious things, bu 7 a Methodist that could not sing. They sing with ey sing with their hands. They sing with their feet. st man and his wife down in the middle of a wester y begin to sing, and in a short time on one side of the eting-house and they keep on singing till up comes ence; and some autumn, we look over and find the with a half dozen old-fashioned revivals. SING! S

"The hill of Zion yields

A thousand sacred sweets,

Before we reach the heavenly fields,
Or walk the golden streets."

When four wood-larks are allowed to do all the singing 1 four seraphs all the singing of heaven, then can ou arches afford to depend for singing upon four persons loft, with their throats yet sore from singing at th ing their fugue tune and torturing our good old hym ing style:

"Oh! for a man

Oh! for a man

Oh! for a man-sion in the skies."

"We'll catch the flee

We'll catch the flee

We'll catch the flee-ting hours."

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