תמונות בעמוד

ea to restore it to une people; wnenever they were a their sovereignty, and a tyrant arose, we fought for right, and cast down the usurper who had been enthr ss. These have been the motives of the revolutions o nerous tendencies, opposed and suffocated by men w nd soul, to Europe, and who believe that America is h Ever since the sword of Cortes overthrew the idols of om aversion to paganism, but in order to get gold-I e clergy who came to New Spain, have done nothing r Europe. Their sympathies with the Catholic thr roverbial, and greatly alarmed political men, who were an nationality, by sometimes touching the dark cords rous net, which more than once has been stretched ag endence of Mexico. The liberal administrations co gainst the perfidious machinations of their enemies, b ramme of guarantees and lenity was opposed to every ure; and although during the interregnums of cleri lood was shed in abundance, scaffolds were erected an ed en masse, the Republicans on repeated occasions p words: Oblivion of the past and pardon to the co hose who were pardoned continued silently and hypocr hains for Mexico.

The Mexican clergy have Rome for their country an heir King; while they instinctively detest Mexican irst, because their love and sympathies are with th secondly, because the enlightenment and advancemen Mexicans long for, are obstacles to the retrograde and s which the clergy dispense to the people.

They think the existence of an enlightened Republ with their own life, with all the shameful errors whic present, defend and propagate. They desire a foreign cause they think it easier to be realized than a theocra

la, the Archbishop of Mexico, occupied the Regency generals. The Council of Notables' was compos rs, priests, sacristans and military men in the service That council voted for Maximillian as Emperor, and came from Miramar and ruled supported by forty tho vonets. The Empire, like all the other discretional adı ich Mexico has had, was the exclusive work of the artizans; and so evidently, that they never pretend to de y most sad to contemplate the programme of instruction hat people by the clergy. It is enough to disgust trav ighboring friends, to see the rickety tendencies of the su nction under which man only inherits absurdities and p nan lives like a slave during all the periods of her existe ccumulates wealth, only to give it to the clergy in payr vation of his soul. The aborigines, instead of the idols w d by the Spaniards, preserve other deformed images, grotesque and ridiculous saints and pictures of the Mo a thousand shapes and forms. To visit one of their cal ith indifference at the diminutive pagoda, is almost imp metimes laughter is excited by a piety so extravagant, so yes overflow with tears of compassion, without the powe em. The Romish clergy are responsible for that extre The Romish clergy need this work of iniquity for th purposes.

an Indian who is proud of an image which he possesses o saint, which, as he says, has stopped the pestilence, co the locusts and brought the fertilizing rain to his field, 1 prodigies, to which the neighborhood bear witness. Y er take out the heart of an Indian woman, than deprive b ghtful images which the clergy have taught her to worshi

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༧ Pསvམམཎྜཨས IV ༦VIIpIVས་Vu nstitution ever known in the world-have broken all th und public instruction, allowed the free importation o ds, proclaimed the freedom of teaching, and had be its of their policy, which are diametrically opposed ced by the semi-monkish instruction given in the Rom d convents."

Ar our request, Mr. Riley has kindly furnished the following. W 1 peruse not only the narrative but the appeal. Mr. R., with ot anish language are engaged in preparing a religious literature for merica. A portion has been printed; a still larger portion is read oney is the one thing wanting Benevolent Christian men! will you


THE Spaniard, Jose Gonzales, and his companion had to die on the gallows. As I thought of them in th ith the awful memory of a murder to haunt them, away a foreign land, among a people of a different languag tensely isolated, within a few hours of the gallows and -I longed to do something to guide them to Jesus, the s Praying for God's blessing upon my effort, I sent the arnest Spanish prayer printed on a card, with the requ fit that it might be offered up daily, and also one of R llent tracts, called "Christ and the Two Thieves," in he Wednesday before the Friday when they were to b alled with a Mexican friend at the jail in Brooklyn, wh mprisoned. With a feeling of horror had I drawn near soon to die on the gallows. We were shown their cell nce a deluded priest high in power in the Church of R hrough the reading of a Bible that had reached his han n earnest follower of Jesus and upholder of the truth as

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to the request at the foot of it, told me that he had be prayer daily in his cell, with a look that spoke of th he had received. On my telling him that I had sent looked at me for a moment-then took my hand and a depth of feeling that thrilled me. I shall never fo ons of gratitude when I parted with him, to meet him nd. The feelings of dread reluctance with which I had im, were changed into those of grateful joy. Reade tract away think less of the difficulty of giving, more ving given. Gonzales had said to me that the last w speak were "God, receive my soul." With sad in O the accounts of their execution in the papers the m ir death, and found the words. "Deputy Isaacs approac the noose, and a moment of fearful suspense followednich seemed to be felt more by the spectators than the tw e men most deeply concerned. Gonzales even smiled, bu of bravado in his face. As the black cap was drawn ove nzales exclaimed in Spanish, God, receive my soul.'” cian, you are glad that that little printed messenger o preached Jesus to that soul before it passed from the ell into eternity. Christian, there are not far from twenty on to leave this world for the beyond-who speak the Sp e on these American continents without a Christian litera them are anxiously seeking salvation. Many of them w o have Christian tracts, papers, and books to read. T rry saving truth to countless souls among them. The few in that field are again and again making the most urgent at they should be sent to them for general distribution. re is many an evil done for want of thought as well as for v ." I would earnestly ask you to think of Mexico and Sc


American Republics."
Special attention is invited to the following statem
cians who are seeking to pass the Gospel to the S
Republics :


"One of the most important necessities for the Spanish populati s an improved and enlarged literature. * * * * The laborers in Mex rica find their efforts greatly retarded for the want of suitable bo directly upon the errors of Popery are most in demand, and the wa ply both in quantity and character is keenly felt. * * * * It seems l a few hundred dollars should retard an operation in which the spiri so many millions of souls is concerned. Will not some of our wealth the necessary funds for such an important object?

The present condition of the Spanish race of the American conti cal one. They may be regarded as in a transition state. Their e good degree to the errors of the religion in which they have been n and they are really in quest of a better system than that which they No means can be presented better calculated to give proper dire investigation, than the literature of the Bible and its teachings. T ing and thirsting for the bread and water of life; and shall they b churches of thls highly favored Christian land withhold the means


"The first and greatest want of the Mexicans is a Christian an ture. The Bible, the Bible for Mexico, and with it all the enlight can be translated."

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'Regarding Chili, I am happy to report a door wide open. been, in Chili, that the press would afford us ready access to many not easily in any other way; and our regret has for the last six could not procure any thing like an adequate supply of Gospel pul now no hinderance to our operations in Chili, save the want of bo and the stream may be enlarged indefinitely. What means may b know, but could desire that twenty thousand dollars might be ex and publishing good Spanish books during the next twelve months. rican republics are accessible to the Gospel as they never have been affords, in the scarcity of living teachers, the most immediate m them, in order to instruct the body of the people."

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