The Literature of the Sages: A Re-VisioningBRILL, 11 ביולי 2022 - 672 עמודים This volume presents the major works of classical rabbinic Judaism as inter-related aggregates analyzed through three central themes. Part 1, “Intertextuality,” investigates the multi-directional relationships among and between rabbinic texts and nonrabbinic Jewish sources. Part 2, “East and West” explores the impact on rabbinic texts of the cultures of the Hellenistic, Roman, and Christian West and the Sasanian East. Part 3, “Halakha and Aggada,” interrogates the relationship of law and narrative in rabbinic sources. This bold volume uncovers alliances and ruptures -- textual, cultural, and generic -- obscured by document-based approaches to rabbinic literature. "This important book presents a series of new introductions to rabbinic literature." Ishay Rosen-Zvi, Tel Aviv University, BMCR 2024.10.05. |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
The Literature of the Sages: A Re-Visioning <span dir=ltr>Christine Hayes</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2022 |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Akiva Albeck Amoraic Amoraim Ancient Aramaic argued authority Avot Babylonian Talmud Bar-Asher Siegal baraita baraitot Bavli Ben Sira biblical binic Boyarin Brill Cambridge century chapter Christian compilations context cultural discussion divine Elman Epstein example exegesis exegetical Fraade Fraenkel Friedman Genesis Rabba Greek halakha and aggada halakhot Handelman Hayes Hebrew Hellenistic hermeneutical History Ibid idem interpretation intertextual Iranian Jerusalem Jewish Studies Jews Josephus Judaism Kahana Late Antiquity Leiden Leviticus Leviticus Rabba literary Mekhilta midrash Mishna Mishna and Tosefta mishnaic Mohr Siebeck narrative Neusner oral Oxford Palestine Palestinian parallels Persian Pharisees priest Qumran Rabban Gamliel rabbinic literature rabbinic texts redaction redactors refers relationship ritual Rosen-Zvi Rubenstein sages Sasanian scholars Schwartz Scripture Second Temple Second Temple period Shimon Sifra Sifrei Sira sources story sugya sugyot Syriac Tannaic Tannaic midrashim teaching textual tion Tora Torah Tosefta toseftan baraitot tractate traditions TSAJ Tübingen verse Yerushalmi Yishmael Zoroastrian