תמונות בעמוד

Third-day, Fourth Month 19th.

Zebedee Haines, on behalf of the Representatives, reported that they met and conferred together as requested, and were united in proposing Charles S. Carter for Clerk, and Walter L. Moore for Assistant Clerk, to the Meeting, for the present year. These nominations, being separately considered, were approved, and the Friends named were appointed to the respective services.

The reading of the Queries and of the answers thereto, from the Quarterly Meetings, was undertaken, and proceeded with as far as the Fourth, inclusive.

(For Summary of Answers see page 29.)

Fourth-day, Fourth Month 20th.

The remaining Queries, with their respective answers, and the additional Queries with summaries of the replies thereto, were read and carefully considered. Summary answers were adopted. In the course of this review, much tender counsel was imparted. Summaries of the educational statistics, and of the reports as to the use of intoxicants, were read and approved.


Whole number of children between the ages of five and twenty years-666.

At schools under care of Monthly or Preparative Meet

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Westtown Boarding School.

other schools below collegiate grade, under care of


Colleges under the care of Friends





Total number in schools under the care of Friends.429

At Public schools.....

"other schools not under the care of Friends.
Not attending schools, or no information obtained.

Total outside of Friends' Schools..


[blocks in formation]

Children under five attending Kindergartens or other



Young men or women over twenty, attending college or technical schools.


Total number in college or technical schools.


One report states that of the twenty-five not attending school, one is under a private tutor, seven are taught at home, seven have completed their school education, and one is just five years old.

Quarterly Meetings are desired to forward reports upon these subjects, as usual, to this Meeting next year.

The reports as to the use of intoxicants as a beverage, by our members, indicate that there has been no material change since last year.

As way opened for it, counsel has been given to some of those who are objects of concern upon this account.

As time advances, we hope that all of our members may come to see that total abstinence is the only consistent course for the Christian.

The Several Quarterly Meetings are desired to forward full reports upon this subject, excepting as to numbers of delinquents, to this Meeting, next year as usual.

Fifth-day, Fourth Month 21st.

The joint Committee of men and women Friends, to whom was referred, one year ago, a minute embraced in

the report from Abington Quarterly Meeting, presented the following written report, which is accepted by both this and Women's Meetings:

To the Yearly Meeting:

The joint Committee of men and women Friends, to whom was referred a proposition from Abington Quarterly Meeting, relating to a change in our Rules of Discipline respecting marriage, report, that they have twice met, and given careful consideration to the subject; but way has not opened to recommend to the Yearly Meeting the adoption of the proposed change.

On behalf and by direction of the Committee,




PHILADELPHIA, Ninth Month 17th, 1909.

A report of the Committee having charge of the Boarding School at Westtown was read, and was both interesting and satisfactory to this Meeting. The appropriation of $1,500, from funds already in the treasury, asked for by the Committee, is granted.

(For Report see page 31.)

A report of the Committee appointed one year ago, to visit our subordinate meetings, was read, and was very acceptable to this Meeting; it is directed that it be printed separately, and be sent, with the Extracts from our minutes, to all our subordinate meetings. The request of the Committee to be released is acceded to, Women's Meeting uniting therein.

Sixth-day, Fourth Month 22nd.

It is directed that our revised rules of Discipline, as presented by the Meeting for Sufferings, and having been approved by both this and Women's Meetings, shall go

into effect on the first of Seventh Month next. The Book Committee of our Representative Meeting is authorized to have the Work printed as soon as practicable.

It is advised that our members read our Book of Discipline carefully, and that subordinate meetings attend to its being furnished to their membership generally.

The following interesting report from the Educational Committee was read. Encouragement was extended to the Committee for continued faithfulness in their important work. The appropriation asked for, of $3,000, is granted:

(For Report see page 44.)

An interesting report was presented by the Indian Committee, and was read to our satisfaction. The appropriation of $3,000, asked for by the Committee, was granted, and encouragement for the Committee was expressed.

(For Report see page 41.)

A report of the Committee to audit the Treasurer's account, etc., was read and approved. The Quarterly Meetings are desired to forward, in due season, their respective proportions of $2,000 for the use of this meeting; also of $3,000 for the Educational Committee and of $3,000 for the Indian Committee, in all $8,000.

(For Report see page 47.)

A minute, embodying some of the exercises which have overspread this Meeting, was read, and was, with slight modification, adopted. It is directed that it be printed in the Extracts.

As we review the various sittings of this Yearly Meeting, our hearts are bowed in thankfulness to the Father of Mercies for the abounding evidences of his love, which have knit us together in the bonds of Christian fellowship and heightened our regard for the truths of our profession,

We were early and afresh reminded that the worship which is acceptable to the God of our being is spiritual in its essence, and has its foundation in the Truth, as defined by our Saviour when He said, "If ye abide in me and my words abide in you ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Also, that the work of the church, whether in its deliberative assemblies or in those activities which devolve upon the individual membership, can only be rightfully and helpfully carried on as there is a willingness to seek to be kept and guided by the Lord Jesus, our Holy Head. Even after this condition is attained in our experience, we shall still often find the words of the Psalmist to arise to our help, "Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth! Keep the door of my lips." Psalm cxli: 3.

In entering upon the consideration of the "State of Society," as evidenced by the Answers to the Queries, opportunity offered for the delivery of pertinent counsel regarding the value of this exercise to the Meeting; as it proceeded, many hearts were renewedly reached, under the tender admonitions addressed to them concerning the many subjects which so deeply and intimately affect the religious life of our membership.

In referring to the subject of attendance at our midweek meetings for worship, a beloved, aged Friend spoke of the reward which he and others of his knowledge had received, when, even at great sacrifice of apparent outward advantage, they had been faithful in securing for themselves opportunity for the performance of this duty. Another, of like years and ripened experience, brought to our attention the importance of so abiding under the Divine life that we may experience that absorption of selfish desire which will enable us to be truly serviceable in the Lord's work, and by our life before the world afford a ready answer to those who would cavil at introspection and religious retirement as a medium of moral and spiritual advancement. This attitude of mind will also fit us for an acceptable offering before the Lord when we join with others in the vital duty of public worship. Ofttimes at the close of these occasions, we hear the

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