תמונות בעמוד

1 Prayer for renewing our Baptismal


I return thee thanks, O Almighty God, for having drawn me out of a state of darkness into thine admirable ligt. I was, alas! dead in sin, and thou, who art rich in mercy, didst restore me to life in Jesus Christ; thou hast made me a partaker of the divine nature, by the infusion of thy Holy Spirit into my soul at the baptismal font, that, purified by thy grace, I might become thy heir, and inherit eternal life. O bountiful Father, how great is my obligation to love thee, who hast first given me such admirable proofs of thy love! Ik will therefore no longer love the world, nor that which it contains; but, having the happiness of being a member of Christ, I will crucify the flesh with all its evil inclinations. Grant, O heavenly, Father, that I may always live by thy Spirit, and appear in

thy sight as a child newly born in thy grace. Banish all kind of malice, pride, and deceit from my heart, that, anxious to feed on the pure spiritual milk of thy word, I may increase unto salvation. Oh, may I never grieve thy Holy Spirit by sin, but grant that, through thy grace, I may be ever fruitful in good works; so that, living in this world in a manner worthy of thee, I may at length obtain admittance into that kingdom of everlasting glory for which I was created, Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


THE greatest blessing which our Divine Redeemer left us, when he ascended to his Father was the Sacrament of his Body and Blood. I will not leave you orphans. » «Lo, I am with you all days even to the consummation of the world. »He becomes our spiritual food in the sacrament of his love he lavishes every blessing upon us. during our lives we may frequently receive our Lord in the Holy Eucharist, but the graces which we receive in our First Communion are seldom renewed. It forms an epoch in ourselves to which we should look forward with a holy awe, and prepare for with every care. In our prayers we should bear it in mind, and when we see others communicate, envy them with a holy envy, and like the prophets who sighed for our Saviour's coming frequently, implore him to hasten the time when you shall at last approach the awful Sacrement.

« Come quickly, Lord Jesus, come quickly. » « Lord I shall be filled, when thy glory shall appear. »

As the time approaches renew your fervor, attend with great punctuality the instructions given in the church of seek others at home do not so pre-occupy yourself with your confession as to leave no thought for your communion, and above all choose some fault and endeavor to overcome it by that happy day, in order to offer to your Lord a sacrifice pleasing in his sight.

After having made your confession with due preparation and a firm resolution to lead a new life, give all your thougths to your Communion. Let all your reading and prayers refer to this, and pay frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament.


On the morning of your first Communion, and of all that follow it, rise early and give your first thougths to God: think only of the guest whom you are to receive. Spend such time as may be left you before mass in reading, prayer or meditating on the goodness of Our Lord to all who love him: and of the graces which we may expect if we receive him worthily and with fervor of spirit.


I FIRMLY believe, O my Divine Jesus' that Thou, True God and True Man

art really present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe that there are Thy Body, Thy Blood, Thy Soul, and Thy Divinity. I believe that there Thou communicatest Thyself to us, makest us partakers of the fruit of Thy Passion, and givest us a pledge of eternal life. I acknowledge these truths; I believe these wonders; I adore the power that has wrought them, the same power that said, « Be light made, and light was made. » I submit my sense and reason to Thy divine authority. I praise and glorify Thy infinite goodness which hath prepared this heavenly banquet for the food and nourishment of my soul. Blessed be Thy name forever. Accept my homage: accept O my God, my most hearty thanks.

Who is He thou art about to receive? O my soul, be still and attentive. Who is He thou art going to receive? Thy God! thy Redeemer! Who, for love

« הקודםהמשך »