תמונות בעמוד

Mary Magdalene tells the


disciples she had seen the Lord.

A. M. 4037.
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16 Jesus saith unto her, Mary. || them, 'I ascend unto my Father A. M. 4037. She turned herself, and saith unto and your Father, and to m my God him, Rabboni, which is to say, Master.

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and your God.


17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not: 18 " Mary Magdalene came and told the disfor I am not yet ascended to my Father:ciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he but go to my brethren, and say unto had spoken these things unto her.


* Psa. xxii. 22; Matt. xxviii. 10; Rom. viii. 29; Heb . 11. the one person of whom her own thoughts and heart were so full, that she took it for granted every one must know whom she meant. 4th, She seems to have supposed, that this gardener disdained that the body of a person who was ignominiously crucified should have the honour of being laid in his master's new tomb, and that therefore he had removed it to some sorry place which he thought fitter for it.

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According to Mr. West, this text, I am not yet ascended, &c., comprehends, in a few words, a variety of very important hints, which have not commonly been taken notice of in them; particularly that our Lord intended by them to recall to the Verses 16, 17. Jesus saith unto her, Mary-Ex- || minds of his disciples the discourse he had with pressing himself with an emphasis, and that air of || them three nights before, in which he explained what kindness and freedom, with which he had been wont || he meant by going to the Father, (John xvi. 28,) to speak to her. This one word, Mary, was like || and by twice using the word ascend, designed to that to the disciples in the storm, It is I. She turned || intimate that he was to go up to heaven, not merely herself directly toward him, and, eagerly fixing her in spirit, as the pious dead do, but by a corporeal eyes upon him, instantly discovered who it was; and motion and translation, and that it would be some transported with a mixture of unutterable passions, time before he took his final leave of earth, by this she cried, Rabboni, which is to say, Master-And so intended ascension. All which expressions and premuch was her heart affected, that she could say no dictions concur, with a great many other circummore, but immediately prostrated herself at his feet stances, to show how impossible it was that such an to embrace them; according to that modesty and apprehended appearance should have been merely reverence with which the women of the East saluted the result of a disordered imagination, which Mr the men, 2 Kings iv. 27; Luke vii. 38. But Jesus West illustrates at large, as he also does the misrefused this compliment, saying, Touch me not-Do || taken apprehension of those disciples, who, when not embrace me, either to pay thine homage to me, some of their companions, whose veracity they could or to confirm thy faith; or do not cling to me; for it not suspect, testified they had seen the Lord, thought seems she held him by the feet, Matt. xxviii. 9. Or, || his body was not risen, but that it was only his spirit Do not detain me now, or waste time in embracing || which appeared to them. me; for I am not yet ascended to my Father—I

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Verse 18. Mary Magdalene came-With the other

have not yet left, and am not immediately to leave, || women; and told the disciples-As they mourned the world; thou wilt, therefore, have many other || and wept for the loss of their beloved Master, (Mark opportunities of testifying thy regard to me. The xvi. 10,) that she had seen the Lord, &c.—That he word anreovai, (says Dr. Campbell, here rendered || had indeed appeared to her, and that he had spoken to touch,) in the use of the LXX., denotes also to these gracious things mentioned above. Peter and lay hold on, and to cleave to, as in Job xxxi. 7; Ezek. || John had left Mary seeking their common Lord xli. 6, and other places." The sense here plainly is, || carefully with tears, and would not stay to seek him "Do not detain me at present. The time is precious. || with her; and now she comes to tell them that she Lose not a moment, therefore, in carrying the joyful|| had found him, and to rectify the mistake she had tidings of my resurrection to my disciples." Ac- led them into by inquiring after the dead body; for cordingly it follows, Go to my brethren, &c.—Thus || she now found it was a living body, and a glorified does he intimate in the strongest manner the for- one; so that she found what she sought, and, what giveness of their fault, even without ever mentioning was infinitely better, she had the happiness of it. These exquisite touches, which everywhere || having seen the Master, and was willing to commuabound in the evangelical writings, show how per- || nicate of her joy to them, for she knew it would be fectly Christ knew our frame. And say unto them, || good news to them. And, as she told them what I ascend-He anticipates his ascension in his she had seen, so also what she had heard: she had thoughts, and so speaks of it as a thing already || seen the Lord aiive by this token, that he had spoken present; to my Father and your Father; my God these things unto her as a message to be delivered and your God-This uncommon expression shows, to them, and she delivered it faithfully. Observe, that the only-begotten Son has every kind of fellow- || reader, when God comforts us, it is with this design, ship with his Father. And a fellowship with God, || some way resembling his own, he bestows upon his brethren. Yet he does not say our God, (for no creature can be raised to an equality with him,) but my God, and your God: intimating that the Father

that we should comfort others. And they that are acquainted with the word of Christ themselves, should communicate their knowledge for the good of others, and not grudge that others should know as much as they do.

Jesus appears to his disciples,

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19 T *。 Then the same day at even- unto you: as my Father hath sent A. M. 4037. ing, being the first day of the week,|| me, even so send I you. when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, || Holy Ghost. Peace be unto you.

22 And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the

23 r Whose soever sins ye remit, they are

20 And when he had so said, he showed unto | remitted unto them; and whose soever sins them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord.

21 Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be||

*First Sunday after Easter, gospel, verse 19 to verse 24. • Mark xvi. 14; Luke xxiv. 36; 1 Cor. xv. 5.———p Chap. xvi. 22.

ye retain, they are retained.


24 ¶*But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came.

q Matt. xxviii. 18; Chap. xvii. 18, 19; Heb. iii. 1; 2 Tim. ii. 2. r Matt. xvi. 19; xviii. 18.* St. Thomas's Day, gospel, verse 24 to the end.- - Chap. xi. 16.

Verses 19, 20. Then the same day at evening-|| unto you-This is the foundation of the mission of The day on which he arose from the dead; being a true gospel minister; peace in his own soul, in the first day of the week, when the doors were shut consequence of his having received pardoning mercy -And fastened on the inside; where the disciples || from God through Christ, 2 Cor. iv. 1. As my Fawere assembled for fear of the Jews-In this trans- || ther hath sent me, even so send I you-Christ was lation the arrangement of the sentence, as Dr. Camp-|| the apostle of the Father, Heb. iii. 1: Peter and the bell observes, is not proper, as it either suggests a rest the apostles of Christ. And when he had said false meaning, or at least renders the true meaning|| this, he breathed on them—In a solemn manner, obscure. "The disciples assembled, but surely not communicating unto them new life and vigour; and for fear of the Jews; for, as they did not intend by|| saith unto them-As ye receive this breath out of violence to oppose violence, if any should be offered || my mouth, so receive ye―That is, ye shall receive; them, they could not but know that to assemble them- the Holy Ghost-Out of my fulness, in his various selves would more expose them to danger than any graces and gifts, influencing your minds and hearts in other measure they could take. The plain matter is, || a peculiar manner, and fitting you for your great and they assembled for mutual advice and comfort, and|| important embassy. He refers chiefly to those extrabeing assembled, the doors were shut for fear of the || ordinary influences of the Spirit which they were Jews; as they were well aware of the consequence to receive at the following pentecost. Whose soever of being discovered at such a time in consultation to- || sins ye remit-According to the tenor of the gosgether. Further, the words do not necessarily im- pel; that is, supposing them to repent and believe; ply, that while the doors continued shut our Lord || they are remitted; and whose soever sins ye retain— entered miraculously. The word keкheloμevov is Supposing them to remain impenitent and unbelieveven more literally rendered, having been shut, than, ||ing; they are retained—So far is plain: but here being shut, or, when they were shut: as it is the pre- arises a difficulty. Are not the sins of one who terperfect, not the present, or imperfect participle. || truly repents and unfeignedly believes in Christ, They may, therefore, for aught related by the evan- remitted without the absolution by Christ's minisgelists, have been made by a miracle to open and || ters here spoken of? And are not the sins of one give him access." The reading of the sentence, who does not repent and believe, retained even with therefore, ought to be, Jesus came where the disci- || it? What then does this commission imply? Can ples were assembled, the doors having been shut for it imply any more than, 1st, A power of declaring fear of the Jews. This circumstance of the doors || with authority the Christian terms of pardon, whose being shut is very happily mentioned by John, be- || sins are remitted and whose retained? as is done in cause it suggests the reason why the disciples took || the form of absolution contained in our church serJesus for a spirit, as Luke tells us they did, chap. || vice: and, 2d, A power of inflicting and remitting xxiv. 37, notwithstanding that the greatest part of ecclesiastical censures? that is, of excluding from, them believed he was risen. Jesus stood in the and readmitting into, a Christian congregation? midst; and saith, Peace be unto you-See the note See note on Matt. xvi. 19. Some, indeed, are of on Luke xxiv. 36–43. When he had so said, he opinion, that something further than this is intended showed them his hands—And his feet, (Luke xxiv. in this commission, as given to the apostles, namely, 39,) with the prints of the nails in them; and his || the gift of discerning the spirits of men in such perside-Containing the mark which the spear had || fection, as to be able to declare with certainty to par


left in it. Thus giving them infallible proofs, that he had the very identical body which had been nailed to the cross and pierced. Then were the disciples glad-As it might reasonably be expected || they should be, when they thus saw the Lord, and were assured by such infallible tokens that he was really alive.

ticular persons in question whether or not they were in a state of pardon and acceptance with God; and it must be acknowledged that such a gift was doubtless conferred in certain cases on some, if not on many, of the first ministers of Christ, 1 Cor. xii. 10. Verses 24, 25. But Thomas, called DidymusThat is, the twin; was not with them when Jesus Verses 21-23. Then said Jesus again, Peace be || came-The cause of his absence is not mentioned.

Jesus again appears to his disciples,

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A. M. 4037. 25 The other disciples therefore said || hand into his side, I will not believe. A. M. 4037. unto him, We have seen the Lord. 26 ¶ And after eight days again his But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: hands the print of the nails, and put my finger then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and into the print of the nails, and thrust my stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.

Possibly it might be affliction, or some other una- for he showed himself now just as he had shown voidable hinderance. Through this, however, he || himself before. Our Lord deferred this his second missed the satisfaction and happiness of seeing his appearance for some time, 1st, To show his disciMaster risen, and of sharing with the disciples in ples that he was not risen to such a life as he had their joy upon that occasion. Here we may observe, formerly lived, to converse daily and hourly with those know not what they lose who unnecessarily them, but was as one that belonged to another world, and carelessly absent themselves from the stated, and visited this only as angels do, now and then, solemn assemblies of the people of God. The other || when there was occasion. Where Christ was durdisciples, therefore, said to him—The next time |ing these eight days, and the rest of the time of his they saw him, and that doubtless with great joy; We have seen the Lord-Relating to him, probably, all that had passed at the time, and particularly the satisfaction Christ had given them, by showing them || his hands and his side. But he said, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, &c. || -As if he had said, This is a matter of too great importance for me to believe on any report, even on yours; nay, more is necessary to convince me than merely a transient sight of mine own eyes: for unless I shall have the fullest evidence of my own feeling, as well as sight of him, I will not by any means, or any testimony whatsoever, believe that he is risen. "Thus ended the transactions of the day on which our Lord arose from the dead; a day much to be remembered by men throughout all generations, because it brought fully into act the conceptions which had lodged in the breast of Infinite Wisdom from eternity, even those thoughts of love and mercy on which the salvation of the world depended. Christians, therefore, have the highest reason to solemnize this day with gladness each returning week, by ceasing from labour, and giving themselves up to holy meditations, and other exercises of devotion. The redemption of mankind, which they commemorate thereon in its finishing stroke, affords matter for eternal thought, being such a subject as no other, how great soever, can equal; and whose lustre, neither length of time nor frequent reviewing can ever diminish. For, as by often beholding the sun we do not find him less glorious or luminous than before, so this benefit, which we celebrate after so many ages, is as fresh and beautiful as ever, and will continue to be so,|| flourishing in the memories of all reasonable beings through the endless revolutions of eternity."-Macknight.


|| abode on earth, would be folly to inquire, and presumption to determine. Wherever he was, no doubt angels ministered unto him. 2d. He deferred it so long as seven days for three reasons: 1st, That he might put a rebuke on Thomas for his incredulity, and perhaps also for his negligence. He had not attended the former meeting of the disciples, and to teach him to prize those seasons of grace better for the future, he shall not have such another opportunity for several days. A very melancholy week we have reason to think he had of it; drooping and in suspense, while the other disciples were full of joy: and the cause was in himself: it was his own folly and unbelief. 2d, That he might try the faith and patience of the rest of the disciples. They had gained a great point when they were satisfied that they had seen the Lord; then were the disciples glad; but he would try whether they could keep the ground they had gained when they saw no more of him for seven days. And thus he would gradually wean them from his bodily presence, which they had doted and depended too much upon. 3d, That he might put an honour upon the first day of the week, and give a plain intimation of his will, that it should be observed in his church as the Christian sabbath, that is, the weekly day of holy rest and holy convocations. That one day in seven should be religiously observed, was an appointment from the beginning; as old as innocence; and that, in the kingdom of the Messiah, the first day in the week should be that solemn day, Christ's meeting his disciples in a religious assembly once and again on that day was indication sufficient. Add to this, it is highly probable, that in his former appearance to them he had ordered them to come together again that day seven-night, and had promised to meet them, and also that he appeared to Verse 26. After eight days-That is, eight days them every first day of the week, (besides at some after his resurrection, namely, the next Sunday; || other times,) during forty days. And the religious again his disciples were within-Were in a private observance of that day has been from thence transroom, as they were before; and Thomas with them mitted down to us through every age of the church. -For though he had been absent once, yet he This therefore is the day which the Lord has made would not be absent a second time. When we have sacred, and appointed for his peculiar worship and lost one opportunity of receiving good, we should service. On this occasion also Christ said, Peace give the more earnest heed to lay hold on the next. || be unto you-Thus saluting them all in a friendly Then came Jesus, the doors being shut, as before, and affectionate manner, as he had done before. and stood in the midst—And they all knew him; || And this was no vain repetition, but significant of

Thomas believes in the

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27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach || 29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, A. M. 4037. hither thy finger, and behold my because thou hast seen me, thou hast hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust || it into my side; and be not faithless, but believing.

believed: "blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.


30 ¶ * And many other signs truly did Jesus

28 And Thomas answered and said unto in the presence of his disciples, which are not him, My Lord and my God. written in this book.

t1 John i. 1.——————" 2 Cor. v. 7; 1 Pet. i. 8.

* Chap. xxi. 15.

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the abundant and assured peace which he gives, and|| Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed—Thou of the continuance of his blessings upon his people,|| hast believed my resurrection, because thou hast for they fail not, but are new every morning, new || had it confirmed to thee by the united testimony of every meeting. several of thy senses. Blessed are they who have



Verses 27-29. Then said he to Thomas, Reach || not seen me themselves, and yet have believed—On hither thy finger, &c.—Thus our Lord lets them the credible testimony of others. For they have see, that he was not unacquainted with what had manifested a greater degree of candour and humility, lately passed among them in his absence, and at the which renders the faith it produces so much the same time takes an effectual way to convince and more acceptable: in other words, they are persons satisfy his over-scrupulous disciple. Referring to of a more pious and virtuous disposition, who, withwhat Thomas had said, he answers it word for out the evidence of sense, are so candid as to yield word: for he had heard it, though unseen: and one to the proofs which the divine wisdom has thought would suppose that his telling him of it so particu-sufficient for convincing the world. If it be queried larly must surely have put him to the blush. Ob- why a greater blessedness is pronounced on those serve well, reader, there is not an unbelieving word who believe on more slender evidence, it may be in our tongues, no, nor thought in our minds at any answered, that our Lord by no means intended to time, but it is known to the Lord Jesus. And be assert, that every one who believes without seeing, not faithless, but believing-Believe on this evi- is happier than any one believing on sight; for then dence at least, which addresses itself to so many of the meanest Christian now would be more happy thy senses. And Thomas-Overwhelmed at once than the greatest of the apostles: but only that, with such abundant demonstration of the fact in where the effects of that faith were equal, it argued question, and such condescending kindness of his greater simplicity, candour, and wisdom to yield to Master, fell under the conviction in a moment, and, || reasonable evidence without seeing, than could be instead of entering on any further scrutiny, answer- || argued merely from having believed on sight, after ed-In the utmost transport of astonishment and joy; || sufficient evidence of another kind had been proMy Lord and my God!-As if he had said, I now posed. It was therefore, in effect, telling Thomas, not only acknowledge thee to be Jesus my Lord, as his faith would have been more acceptable, if he I have formerly done, and to be infallibly risen from had not stood out so long: and it was doing it in the dead, as my fellow-disciples have affirmed, but such a manner as would be most calculated for the I confess thy divine knowledge and power, and comfort and encouragement of believers in future prostrate myself before thee as the great incarnate || ages, to whom, in many of his speeches to the aposDeity, the glorious Immanuel. And this glorious || tles themselves, our Lord expresses a most obliging confession he makes without putting his finger into and affectionate regard. Let us then maturely conthe print of the nails, &c. The irrefragable argu- || sider this declaration of our great Instructer and Sament arising from these words, in proof of the Deityviour. And though we have not those sensible of our blessed Lord, (which so many good writers manifestations which were granted to Thomas, let have stated at large,) cannot be evaded by saying, it suffice us, that the apostles were the appointed that these words are only an exclamation of sur- witnesses of all these things; and what they saw prise, as if he had said, Good God! is it indeed || with their eyes, and their hands handled, of the thus? for it is expressly declared, he spoke these || word of life, that have they declared unto us, 1 John words to him: and no doubt Christ would severely || i. 1, 3. Let us thankfully receive so convincing a have reproved him, if there had not been just reason || testimony. Let us show an upright and candid to address him thus. It is worthy of observation || mind in accepting such evidence as the wisdom of here, that this slowness and backwardness in Thomas to believe, ought to strengthen and confirm our faith. For hereby it appears, that the witnesses of Christ's resurrection, who attested it to the world, and pledged their lives upon it, were not easy, credulous men, but very cautious persons, that suspended their belief till they saw the utmost evidence of it which they could desire. Jesus saith unto him, || which are not written in this book-In this gospel

God has seen fit to give us; remembering, that a truly rational faith is the more acceptable to God, in proportion to the difficulties which it is able to surmount; and that there are peculiar blessings in store for them who have not seen, and yet believed. Verses 30, 31. And many other signs truly did Jesus-That is, Jesus wrought many other miracles;

Jesus again appears to his disciples

A. M. 4037.
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at the sea of Tiberias. ' 31 But these are written, that ye || the Son of God; and that believing, A. M. 403" might believe that Jesus is the Christ, ye might have life through his name.

y Luke i. 4.

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z Chap. iii. 15, 16; v. 24; 1 Pet. i. 9.

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of John, nor indeed in those of the other evangelists; || beloved by him before the world was, chap. xvii. but these are written that ye might believe-That || 5, 24; and who was without beginning of days, as ye, into whose hands soever this narrative shall fall, || well as without end of life, Heb. vii. 3: and that may believe, that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ— || believing-Applying to, and confiding in, him for The true Messiah; the Son of God-In a sense in salvation, as the only person in and through whom which no creature, man or angel, can be his son, it can be attained, (Acts iv. 12,) and receiving him (see Heb. i. 4–12,) being not only miraculously be- || in all his characters and offices, chap. i. 12: ye might gotten, as to his human nature, on which account he || have life through his name—Spiritual life, the life is also termed the Son of God, (Luke i. 35,) but that of grace here, and eternal life, the life of glory, eternal Son, who had glory with his Father, and was || hereafter.


In this chapter, (1,) Christ discovers himself to seven of his disciples at the sea of Tiberias, gives them a miraculous draught of fishes, and familiarly dines with them, 1-14. (2,) He thrice examines Peter touching the sincerity of his love to him, and as often commissions him to feed his people by gospel ministrations; and warns him of his future sufferings and martyrdom, 15–19. (3,) He checks Peter's curiosity about the life of John, and the time and manner of his death, 20–23. (4,) The certainty of the gospel record, and the multitude of Christ's miracles, are declared, 24, 25.

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A. M. 4037. AFTER these things Jesus showed || Thomas called Didymus, and himself again to the disciples at || thanael of Cana in Galilee, and the the sea of Tiberias: and on this wise showed sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples. he himself. 3 Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fish2 There were together Simon Peter, and ing. They say unto him, We also go with

a Chap. i. 45.


NOTES ON CHAPTER XXI. Verse 1. After these things, &c.-Grotius thinks this whole chapter was written by some of the elders || of the church of Ephesus, and added to the rest of the book by the approbation of that society, as agreeable to the relations which they had heard from the || mouth of St. John: and Le Clerc follows him in this conjecture; but Dr. Mill has taken pains to invalidate it; (Prolegom., p. 249 ;) and the beginning of verse 24, destroys the force of Grotius's arguments from the latter part of it. Jesus showed him-|| self again to the disciples, &c.—Our Lord having first by the angels, and then in person, ordered his disciples to go home to Galilee, with a promise that they should see him there, it is reasonable to think that they would depart as soon as possible. Wherefore when they were come to their respective homes, and were employed in their former occupation of || fishing, Jesus showed himself to them, as is related in the following verses.

b Matt. iv. 21.

as his disciples, and especially concerning the late
events of which they had been eye-witnesses, name-
ly, the death and resurrection of their Master. And
Christ chose to manifest himself to them when they
were assembled; not only to countenance Christian
society, but that they might be joint witnesses of
the same matters of fact, and so might corroborate
one another's testimony.
one another's testimony. Here were seven to-
gether, to attest what follows. One of these was
Thomas, who is named next to Peter, as if he now
kept closer to the meetings of the apostles than ever,
in consequence of the rebuke and advice he had re-
ceived from Christ. Another was Nathanael, whom
we have not met with since we considered the first
chapter of this gospel. Some, however, think he
was the same with Bartholomew, one of the twelve.
The two not named are supposed to be Philip of
Bethsaida, and Andrew of Capernaum.

Verses 3-6. Simon Peter saith, I go a fishing— They were now waiting for Christ's promised apVerse 2. There were together-Namely, in one pearance to them, and it was certainly commendable house; Simon Peter, and Thomas, &c.-Doubtless in Peter that he wished to redeem the time and not they often met and conversed together about the be idle; but endeavour to make some provision for great things which they had seen and heard during his own support, and for the entertainment of his the three years in which they had attended on Christ || friends. They say, We also go with thee—They

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