תמונות בעמוד

more common. The two kinds are it is much inferior to the other Hebrew easily distinguished from each other; Bibles of Venice, with regard to paper the former being in beautiful charac-and print: it has passed through the ters, like the Hebrew Bibles of Bom-hands of the Inquisitors, who have alberg, Stevens, and Plantin: the latter in tered many passages in the commentacharacters like those of Munster and ries of the Rabbins. Of Hebrew Bibles Gryphius. F. Simon observes, that in quarto, that of R. Stephens is esteemthe oldest manuscript Hebrew Bibles ed for the beauty of the characters: are not above six or seven hundred but it is very incorrect. Plantin also years old; nor does Rabbi Menaham, printed several beautiful Hebrew Bibles who quotes a vast number of them, at Antwerp; one in eight columns, with pretend that any one of them exceeds a preface by Arius Montanus, in 1571, 600 years. Dr. Kennicott, in his Dis- which far exceeds the Complutensian sertatio Generalis, prefixed to his He-in paper, print, and contents: this is brew Bible, p. 21, observes, that the called the Royal Bible, because it was most ancient manuscripts were written printed at the expense of Philip II. between the years 900 and 1100; but king of Spain: another at Geneva, though those that are the most ancient 1619, besides many more of different are not more than 800 or 900 years old, sizes, with and without points. Manasthey were transcribed from others of a sch Ben Israel, a learned Portuguese much more ancient date. The manu- Jew, published two editions of the Hescript preserved in the Bodleian Librew Bible at Amsterdam; one in brary is not less than 800 years old. quarto, in 1635; the other in octavo, in Another manuscript not less ancient, 1639: the first has two columns, and is preserved in the Cæsarian Library for that reason is more commodious at Vienna. The most ancient printed for the reader. In 1639, R. Jac. LomHebrew Bibles are those published bybroso published a new edition in quarto the Jews of Italy, especially of Pesaro at Venice, with small literal notes at and Bresse. Those of Portugal also the bottom of each page, where he exprinted some parts of the Bible at Lis-plains the Hebrew words by Spanish bon before their expulsion. This may words. This Bible is much esteemed be observed in general, that the best by the Jews at Constantinople: in the Hebrew Bibles are those printed under text they have distinguished between the inspection of the Jews; there being words where the point camets is to be so many minutie to be observed in the read with a camets kat ph; that is, by Hebrew language, that it is scarcely o, and not an a. Of all the editions possible for any other to succeed in it. of the Hebrew Bible in octavo, the In the beginning of the 16th century, most beautiful and correct are the two Dan. Bomberg printed several Hebrew of J. Athias, a Jew, of Amsterdam. Bibles in folio and quarto at Venice, The first, of 1661, is the best paper; most of which were esteemed both by but that of 1667 is the most exact. the Jews and Christians: the first in That, however, published since at Am1517, which is the least exact, and sterdam, by Vander Hooght, in 1705, generally goes by the name of Felix is preferable to both. After Athias, Pratensis, the person who revised it: three Hebraizing Protestants engaged this edition contains the Hebrew text, in revising and publishing the Hethe Targum, and the commentaries of brew Bible, viz. Clodius, Jablonski, and several rabbins. In 1528, Bomberg Opitius. Clodius's edition was publishprinted the folio Bible of rabbi Bencha-ed at Frankfort, in 1677, in quarto: at jim, with his preface, the masoretical the bottom of the pages it has the vadivisions, a preface of Aben Ezra, arious readings of the former editions; double masora, and several various readings. The third edition was printed, 1618, the same with the second, but much more correct. From the former editions, Buxtorf, the father, printed his rabbinical Hebrew Bible at Basil, in 1618; which, though there are many faults in it, is more correct than any of the former. In 1623, appeared at Venice a new edition of the rabbinical Bible, by Leo of Modena, a rabbin of that city, who pretended to have corrected a great number of faults in the former edition; but, besides that,

but the author does not appear sufficiently versed in the accenting, especially in the poetical books; besides, as it was not published under his eve, many faults have crept in. That of Jablonski, in 1699, in quarto, at Berlin, is very beautiful as to letter and print; but, though the editor pretends he made use of the editions of Athias and Clodius, some critics find it scarcely in any thing different from the quarto edition of Bomberg. That of Opitius is also in quarto, at Keil, in 1709: the character is large and good, but the

paper bad: it is done with a great deal copy of the Samaritan texts, and of the of care; but the editor made use of no Hebrew manuscripts from the printed manuscripts but those of the German text of Vander Hooght, are placed selibraries, neglecting the French ones, parately at the bottom of the page, and which is an omission common to all the marked with numbers referring to the three. They have this advantage, how- || copies from which they are taken. Four ever, that, besides the divisions used by quarto volumes of various readings have the Jews, both general and particular, also been published by De Rossi, of into paraskes and pesukim, they have Parma, from more than 400 manuscripts also those of the Christians, or of the (some of which are said to be of the Latin Bibles, into chapters and verses; seventh or eighth century,) as well as the keri ketib, or various readings, La- from a considerable number of rare tin summaries, &c. which made them and unnoticed editions. An edition of of considerable use with respect to the Reineccius's Hebrew Bible, with readLatin editions and the concordances.ings from Kennicott and De Rossi, has The little Bible of R. Stevens, in 16mo. been published by Dodderlein, and will is very much prized for the beauty of be found a useful work to the Hebrew the character. Care, however, must student. be taken, there being another edition || 31. BIBLES, Italian. The first Itaof Geneva exceedingly like it, except- lian Bible published by the Romanists ing that the print is worse, and the text is that of Nicholas Malerne, a Beneless correct. To these may be added dictine monk, printed at Venice in 1471. some other Hebrew Bibles without It was translated from the Vulgate. points, in 8vo. and 24mo. which are The version of Anthony Brucioli, pubmuch coveted by the Jews; not that lished at Venice in 1532, was prohibited they are more exact, but more portable by the council of Trent. The Calvinthan the rest, and are used in their ists likewise have their Italian Bibles. synagogues and schools. Of these there There is one of John Diodati in 1607 are two beautiful editions; the one of and 1641; and another of Maximus Plantin, in 8vo. with two columns, and Theophilus, in 1551, dedicated to Franthe other in 24mo. reprinted by Rapha- cis de Medicis, duke of Tuscany. The lengius, at Leyden, in 1610. There is Jews of Italy have no entire version of also an edition of them by Laurens, at the Bible in Italian; the Inquisition conAmsterdam, in 1631, in a larger cha-stantly refusing to allow them the liracter; and another in 12mo. at Frank- berty of printing one. fort, in 1694, full of faults, with a pre- 32. BIBLES, Latin, however nuface of Mr. Leusden at the head of it. merous, may be all reduced to three Houbigant published an elegant edition classes; the ancient Vulgate, called of the Hebrew Bible at Paris, in 1753, also Italica, translated from the Greek in 4 vols. folio: the text is that of Van-Septuagint; the modern Vulgate, the der Hooght, without points; to which greatest part of which is done from the he has added marginal notes, supplying Hebrew text; and the new Latin transthe variations of the Samaritan copy. lations, done also from the Hebrew Dr. Kennicott, after almost twenty text, in the sixteenth century. We years' laborious collation of near 600 co- have nothing remaining of the ancient pies, manuscripts and printed, either of Vulgate, used in the primitive times in the whole or particular parts of the the western churches, but the Psalms, Bible, published the Hebrew Bible in 2 Wisdom, and Ecclesiastes. Nobilius vols. folio: the text is that of Everard has endeavoured to retrieve it from the Vander Hooght, already mentioned, dif- works of the ancient Latin fathers; but fering from it only in the disposition of it was impossible to do it exactly, bethe poetical parts, which Dr. Kennicott cause most of the fathers did not keep has printed in hemistichs, into which close to it in their citations. As to the they naturally divide themselves; how-modern Vulgate, there are a vast numever, the words follow one another in the same order as they do in the edition of Vander Hooght. This edition is printed on an excellent type: the Samaritan text, according to the copy in the London Polyglot, is exhibited in a column parallel with the Hebrew text; those parts of it only being introduced in which it differs from the Hebrew. The numerous variations, both of the Samaritan manuscript from the printed

her of editions very different from each other. Cardinal Ximenes has inserted one in the Bible of Complutum, corrected and altered in many places. R. Stevens, and the doctors of Louvain, have taken great pains in correcting the modern Vulgate. The best edition of Stevens's Latin Bible is that of 1540, reprinted 1545, in which are added on the margin the various readings of several Latin manuscripts which he had

consulted. The doctors of Louvain re- || from the originals by Protestants. The rised the modern Vulgate after R. Ste-most esteemed are those of Munster, vens, and added the various readings of Leo Juda, Castalio, and Tremellius; several Latin manuscripts. The best the three last of which have been reof the Louvain editions are those in printed various times. Munster pubwhich are added the critical notes of lished his version at Basil in 1534, which Francis Lucas, of Bruges. All these he afterwards revised: he published a reformations of the Latin Bible were correct edition in 1546. Castalic's fine made before the time of pope Sixtus V. Latin pleases most people; but there and Clement VIII.; since which people are some who think it affected: the best have not presumed to make any altera- edition is that in 1573. Leo Juda's vertions, excepting in comments and sepa- sion, altered a little by the divines of rate notes. The correction of Clement Salamanca, was added to the ancient VIII. in 1592, is now the standard Latin edition, as published by R. Stethroughout all the Romish churches: vens, with notes, under the name of that pontiff made two reformations; Vatablus's Bible, in 1545. It was conbut it is the first of them that is follow-demned by the Parisian divines, but ed. From this the Bibles of Plantin printed, with some alterations, by the were done, and from those of Plantin Spanish divines of Salamanca. Those all the rest; so that the common Bibles of Junius, Tremellius, and Beza, are have none of the after-corrections of considerably exact, and have undergone the same Clement VIII. It is a heavy a great number of editions. We may charge that lies on the editions of pope add a fourth class of Latin Bibles, comClement, viz. that they have some new prehending the Vulgate edition, cortexts added, and many old ones altered, rected from the originals. The Bible to countenance and confirm what they of Isidorus Clarus is of this number; call the catholic doctrine. There are that author, not contented with rea great number of Latin Bibles of the storing the ancient Latin copy, has corthird class, comprehending the versions rected the translator in a great number from the originals of the sacred books of places which he thought ill rendered. made within these 200 years. The first Some Protestants have followed the is that of Santes Pagninus, a Dominican, same method; and, among others, Anunder the patronage of Leo X. printed drew and Luke Osiander, who have at Lyons, in quarto, in 1527, much es-each published a new edition of the teemed by the Jews. This the_author || Vulgate, corrected from the originals. improved in a second edition. In 1542 33. BIBLES, Muscovite. See Nos. 38 there was a beautiful edition of the same and 39. at Lyons, in folio, with scholia published under the name of Michael Villanovanus, i. e. Michal Servetus, author of 35. BIBLES, Persian. Some of the the scholia. Those of Zurich, have like-fathers seem to say that all the Scripwise published an edition of Pagninus's ture was formerly translated into the Bible in quarto; and R. Stevens re-language of the Persians; but we have printed it in folio, with the Vulgate, in nothing now remaining of the ancient 1557, pretending to give it more correct version, which was certainly done from than in the former editions. There is the Septuagint. The Persian Pentaalso another edition of 1586, in four teuch, printed in the London Polyglot, columns, under the name of Vatablus; is without doubt, the work of rabbi Jaand we find it again, in the Hamburg cob, a Persian Jew. It was published edition of the Bible, in four languages. by the Jews at Constantinople in 1551. In the number of Latin Bibles is also In the same Polyglot we have likewise usually ranked the version of the same the four evangelists in Persian, with a Pagninus, corrected or rather rendered Latin translation; but this appears very literal, by Arias Montanus; which cor-modern, incorrect, and of little use. rection being approved of by the doctors of Louvain, &c. was inserted in the Polyglot Bible of Philip II. and since in that of London. There have been various editions of this in folio, quarto, and octavo; to which have been added the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, and the Greek of the New. The best of them all is the first, which is in folio, 1571. Since the reformation, there have been several Latin versions of the Bible

34 BIBLES, Oriental. See Nos. 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 23, 35, 41, 42.

Walton says, this version was written above four hundred years ago. Another version of the Gospels was published at Cambridge by Wheloc, in the seventeenth century. There are also two Persian versions of the Psalms made from the vulgar Latin.

36. BIBLES, Polish. The first Polish version of the Bible, it is said, was that composed by Hadewich, wife of Jagellon, duke of Lithuania, who embraced

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tiful character: and since his time there have been several other editions. Gabriel Sionita published a beautiful Syriac edition of the Psalms at Paris in 1526, with a Latin interpretation. There is a Syriac copy of the Bible written in the Estrangelo character, and was brought from the Christians of Travancore, being a present from Mar Dionysius, the resident bishop at Cadenatte to Dr. Buchanan. The size is large folio in parchment: the pages are written in three columns, each column containing sixty lines. It is supposed to have been written about the seventh century. Dr. White, it is said, has for some tinie been engaged in reprinting the Syriac Old Testament.

39. BIBLES, Sclavonian. The Russians or Muscovites, published the Bible in their language in 1581. It was translated from the Greek by St. Cyril, the apostle of the Sclavonians; but this old version being too obscure, Ernest Gliik, 42. BIBLES, Turkish. In 1666 a who had been carried prisoner to Mos-Turkish New Testament was printed cow after the taking of Narva, under- || in London to be dispersed in the East. took a new translation of the Bible into In 1721, it is said, the grand Seignor Sclavonian; who dying in 1705, the ordered an impression of Bibles at ConCzar Peter appointed some particular stantinople, that they might be con'divines to finish the translation; but trasted with Mahomet's oracle, the Alwhether it was ever printed we cannot coran. The modern Greeks in Turkey say. have also a translation of the Bible in their language.

40. BIBLES, Spanish. The first Spanish Bible that we hear of, is that mentioned by Cyprian de Valera, which he says was published about 1500. The epistles and Gospels were published in that language by Ambrose de Montesian in 1512; the whole Bible by Cassiodore de Reyna, a Calvinist, in 1569; and the New Testament, dedicated to the emperor Charles V., by Francis Enzina, otherwise called Driander, in 1543. The first Bible which was printed in Spanish for the use of the Jews was that printed at Ferrara in 1553, in Gothic characters, and dedicated to Hercules D'Este, duke of Ferrara. This version is very ancient, and was probably in use among the Jews of Spain before Ferdinand and Isabella expelled them out of their dominions in 1492. After very violent opposition from the catholic clergy, the court of Spain ordered Spanish Bibles to be printed by royal authority in 1796, and put into the hands of people of all ranks, as well as to be used in public worship.

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43. BIBLES, Welch. There was a Welch translation of the Bible made from the original in the time of queen Elizabeth, in consequence of a bill brought into the House of Commons for this purpose in 1563: it was printed in folio in 1588. Another version, which is the standard translation for that language, was printed in 1620: it is called Parry's Bible. An impression of this was printed in 1690, called Bishop Lloyd's Bible: these were in folio. The first octavo impression of the Welch Bible was made in 1630.

44. BIBLES, Bengalee. It is with pleasure we add to all the above accounts, that a translation of the New Testament into the Shanscrit, and the last volume of the Bengalee Bible are now completed, by the missionaries resident in that part.

Much has been done by the British and Foreign Bible Society, in printing new editions of the Scriptures in various languages. The reader will find much 41. BIBLES, Syriac. There are ex-pleasing information on the subject, in tant two versions of the Old Testament the Annual Reports of that Society. in the Syriac language; one from the Septuagint, which is ancient, and made probably about the time of Constantine: the other called antiqua et simplex, made from the Hebrew, as some suppose, about the time of the apostles. This version is printed in the Polyglots of London and Paris. In 1562, Wedmanstadius printed the whole New Testament in Syriac, at Vienna, in a beau-||


See Le Long's Bibliotheca Sacra; Wolfii_Bibliotheca Hebræa, vol. ii. p. 338; Johnson's Historical Account of English Translations of the Bible; Lewis's Hist. of the Translations of the Bible into English; Newcome's Historical view of English Translations; Butler's Horæ Biblica; and the article BIBLE in the Encyclopædia Britannica and Perthensis.

BIBLIOMANCY, a kind of divina- BIGOTRY consists in being obstition performed by means of the Bible. nately and perversely attached to our It consisted in taking passages of Scrip- own opinions; or, as some have defined ture at hazard, and drawing indications it, "a tenacious adherence to a system thence concerning things future. It adopted without investigation, and dewas much used at the consecration offended without argument, accompanied bishops. F. J. Davidius, a Jesuit, has with a malignant intolerant spirit topublished a bibliomancy under the bor- wards all who differ." It must be disrowed name of Veridícus Christianus. tinguished from love to truth, which It has been affirmed that some well-influences a man to embrace it wheremeaning people practise a kind of bi-ever he finds it; and from true zeal, bliomancy with respect to the future state of their souls; and, when they have happened to fix on a text of an awful nature, it has almost driven them to despair. It certainly is not the way to know the mind of God by choosing detached parts of Scripture, or by drawing a card on which a passage may be written, the sense of which is to be gathered only from the context.

which is an ardour of mind exciting its possessor to defend and propagate the principles he maintains. Bigotry is a kind of prejudice combined with a certain degree of malignity. It is thus exemplified and distinguished by a sensible writer. "When Jesus preached, prejudice cried, Can any good thing come out of Nazareth? Crucify him, crucify him, said bigotry. Why? what evil hath he done? replied candour." Bigotry is mostly prevalent with those who are ignorant; who have taken up

BIDDELIANS, so called from John Biddle, who in the year 1644 formed an independent congregation in London. He taught that Jesus Christ, to the in-principles without due examination; tent that he might be our brother, and have a fellow-feeling of our infirmities, and so become the more ready to help us, hath no other than a human nature; and therefore in this very nature is not only a person, since none but a human person can be our brother, but also our Lord and God.

Biddle, as well as Socinus and other Unitarians before and since, made no scruple of calling Christ God, though he believed him to be a human creature only, on account of the divine sovereignty with which he was invested.

and who are naturally of a morose and contracted disposition. It is often manifested more in unimportant sentiments, or the circumstantials of religion, than the essentials of it. Simple bigotry is the spirit of persecution without the power; persecution is bigotry armed with power, and carrying its will into act. As it is the effect of ignorance, so it is the nurse of it, because it precludes free enquiry, and is an enemy to truth: it cuts also the very sinews of charity, and destroys moderation and mutual good will. If we consider the different makes of men's minds, our own ignorance, the liberty that all men have to think for themselves, the admirable example our Lord has set us of a contrary spirit, and the baneful effects of this disposition, we must at once be convinced of its impropriety. How contradictory is it to sound reason, and how inimical to the peaceful religion we profess to maintain as Christians!See PERSECUTION, and books under that article.

BIDDING PRAYER. It was part of the office of the deacons in the primitive church to be monitors and directors of the people in their public devotions in the church. To this end they made use of certain known forms of words, to give notice when each part of the service began. Agreeable to this ancient practice is the form "Let us pray," repeated before several of the prayers in the English liturgy. Bishop Burnet, in his History of the Reformation, vol. ii. p. 20, has preserved the form as it was in use before the reformation, which was this:-After the preacher had named and opened his text, he called on the people to go to their prayers, telling them what they were to pray for: Ye shall pray, says he, for the king, the pope, &c. After which, all the people said their beads in a general silence, and the minister kneeled down likewise, and said his: they were to say a paternoster, ave maria, &c. and then the sermon pro


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