Roman Ionia: Constructions of Cultural Identity in Western Asia MinorCambridge University Press, 19 במאי 2022 - 348 עמודים How did the cities of Ionia construct and express a distinct sense of Ionian identity under Roman rule? With the creation of the Roman province of Asia and the ever-growing incorporation of the Greeks into the Roman Empire, issues of identity gained new relevance and urgency for the Greek provincials. The Ionian cities are a special case as they, unlike many other cities in Asia Minor, were all old Greek poleis and could look back on a glorious tradition of great antiquity. Martin Hallmannsecker provides answers to this question using studies of the extant literary sources complemented with analyses of the rich epigraphic and numismatic material from the cities of Ionia. In doing so, he draws a more holistic and nuanced picture of the region and furthers understanding of Greek culture under the Roman Empire. |
Mental Geographies | 22 |
The Ionian Koinon | 60 |
Cults and Myths | 84 |
Times and Names | 139 |
The Ionic Dialect | 180 |
Ionianness outside Ionia | 200 |
Bibliography | 252 |
Maps 247 | 266 |
299 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Aiolians ancient Androklos antiquity Apollo Delphinios Archaic Asia Minor Athenian Athens attested Black Sea calendar Caria Chaniotis Chapter Chios civic coins colonies context cult cultural identity dating decree dēmos Didyma Dorians Ephesian Ephesos epigraphic eponymous Erythrai ethnic extant festival founder founding heroes Greek Greek cities Greek world Hadrian Hellenistic period Herakleia Herodotus Herrmann honorific inscription honours I.Didyma I.Ephesos I.Milet I.Priene² I.Smyrna identity-constructions IG XII Imperial period Ionian cities Ionian Koinon Ionian Migration Ionic dialect Isinda Jones Klarios Klazomenai Kolophon Lebedos LGPN Lydia mentioned mētropolis mid 3rd Milesian Miletos month names myths Odessos onomastic Panhellenion Panionia Panionion Pausanias personal names Phokaia poleis polis Poseidon Helikonios Priene province of Asia reference region Roman Empire Roman period Samos Severus Smyrna Smyrnaean statue Strabo temple Teos Thonemann traditional δὲ εἰς ἐν Ἰωνίας καὶ μὲν τὰ τε τῇ τὴν τῆς τὸ τὸν τοῦ τοὺς τῶν Ἰώνων