תמונות בעמוד

but very little of fuch Humour as is dif charged at the smaller Glands. See the Defcription of the Ducts, &c. above. When crafs Matter ftops any fmall Paffages in any of the Blood-veffels, every Push the Steam makes, it, and the Blood push against the Matter ftopped, and muft rebound back, and take the next Paffage behind to circulate; and by Degrees more crafs Matter lodges in the Veffel between it, and the next Paffage behind, and extends the Veffel. If the Corpufcles of the Matter be blunt, they fwell the Parts; if fharp, cut them, and are extravafated, cause Pain; and if they stop while they ferment, and be sharpened too much, cause Inflammations; and some of them cut their Way, or get Paffage into the Blood, affect the Stomach, and other Parts, caufe Fevers, &c.


The Ufe of Plaifters and Ointments.

THE Intention of applying a Plai-The Ufe.

fter, or cleaving Matter, to any

Part out of Order, or to a Wound, is to keep off the Preffure of the Air, and fuffer the Steam to discharge what is necef





Ufe of



fary at the Pores, or cut Ends of the Veffels, and to prevent the Air, Fire, and Salts, &c. in it, from wounding the Ends of the cut Veffels, or drying the Juices, which iffue out, into a dead Skin or Scab, which would stop the Discharge. The Effect of the Plaifter is various, according to the Corpufcles mix'd in it; if they be sharp, the Mouths of the Veffels will be kept open, and make a great Dif charge; if contrary, they will have contrary Effects, &c. When the Veffels are torn, and fome broke inwardly, the Wound is more difficult to be healed, than when they are cut in a Line, because the Ends of those broke inward cannot be come at by the Plaifters, the Air, or any Thing applied outwardly to ftop them. The Intention of ufing Ointments, is very different, according to the Compofition and Qualities, of the Corpufcles in the feveral forts of Oil, or of those of various forts of Matter mixed in them. Those of foft Parts, keep the Humidity or Moisture from evaporating, and keep the Parts fupple. Thofe, which have fpirituous Corpufcles in them, enter at the Pores, and do much the fame thing, as Spirits do in Fomentation. Thofe, which have Corpufcles

pufcles of fharp Salts in them, corrode

the Parts, &c.


The Ufe of fmoaking or chewing Tobacco,


or chew

THE Intention of fmoaking or chew- The trie ing Tobacco, or, fuch Things as open Ufe of the Glands in the Mouth, fhould be to fmoaking discharge the Saliva or Spittle, out of the ing ToGlands of the Mouth, when there is too bacco. much of it in the Blood, or it flows into them, in too great Abundance, or is too crafs, or too fharp, &c. Any Thing that The man hath Juices or Corpufcles in it, which ner how they ope open the Glands in the Valves, which rate. fhut thofe Glands, thereby weakens the Valves, and gives the greater Glands Opportunity to discharge. If thofe Corpuf cles reach the Valves in the Throat, they open the Glands which compofe them, fo weaken them, and makes one like to vomit. Thofe, which only reach and open the Glands in the Mouth, may by the Juices iffuing out of thofe Glands, one after another, fucceffively downward into the Stomach, open the Glands, and let the Juices fecrete there, and those still R 2 fecrete

too fre

fecrete downward; and as it doth often, occafion at first an Inclination to vomit, and afterwards to a Stool. Or, that Juice may raise fome little Ferment in the Stomach, take off the Senfe of Hunger, and Of the make one brifker. But it is likely, the quent Ufe, frequent Ufe of it, widens the Ducts that fecrete the Juices out of the Blood, into the Glands of the Mouth, contracts those Glands by discharging them, before they are full, and thereby diminishes and weakens the Parts of the Mouth, alters the Qualities of the Juices by making, the Ducts wider, and by taking them away before they have refted, and, as one may fay, been digefted or prepared by staying a due Time in the Glands, or before they be duly feparated out of one into another, or fome back into the Blood, and perhaps leffening the Quantity neceffary to fupply other Parts, for other Ufes. And if it do the fame Thing in the Stomach, it wastes the Juices by fmall Quantities, and leffens the Stock which fhould diffolve the Meat at Meal Time, and fo does all little Quantities of Coffee, Tea, &c. 'Tis poffible, fome fmall Quantity of the small sharp Corpufcles in the Tobacco, may enter in at the Glands, and fo, into the Blood, and be circulated in it.


But fo fmall a Proportion of them will be distributed to the Stomach, that the other seems more likely, yet they may contribute jointly. The Corpufcles in different Bodies and Fluids, either open the Glands in different Parts of the Mouth, or different Glands in the fame Parts, or open the fame to a different Degree of Wideness, so that different forts of Juices iffue: As Smoking produces Phlegm ; Chewing, Spittle; Salt or Allom, a Fluid as thin as Water. And it is likely the Cafe is the fame in our Stomachs, for ftale Beer makes one fometimes puke an acid pungent Juice; Oil, a bitter Phlegm,



The Use of Snuff.

THE Intention of taking Snuff is to The Ufe open the Pores in the Nofe, &c. and of Snuff. let the Steam discharge the Juices out of the Glands, or to make one sneeze. Whe- The Efther the Juices difcharged there makefects. other Glands open, and discharge Juices fucceffively downward to the Lungs, and thofe Juices fall upon, and ftop the Pores there, or whether fome of the Particles R 3


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