תמונות בעמוד
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America, health of women in, 12

Indian mounds, 'n, 244 ruined cities of Yucatan, in,

33, 73 Andrews, Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester, 221

Anecdote of a Christian physician, 21 Animals, effects of a solar eclipse on, 22 fabulous, 5

mouths and teeth of, 174
plant-like, 44

Appreciation of great and worthy actions, 14

April, kitchen garden operations in, 118

Arabic proverb, an, 59
Aristippus, remark by, 45

Aristotle's argument for a final cause,


Association of ideas, 43
Athletic games, 32

Atmospheric railway, the, 60, 85
Attention, 108

Avoidance of evil, 28

Augustine, St, on contemplation, 136 Australian method of finding honey, 141

Bacon, Lord, passages selected from, 16, 21, 196, 214, 237

Bagdad, Sadi of, 182

Banditti, Italian, 212

Banners, early English, 52, 92
Barton, Bernard, poem by, 179]
Baseley, remarks by, 15, 42, 53
Baths, easy method of heating, 69
Be humble, 155

"Bear and forbear" 192
Belief in a God, 55
Beneficial influences, 188
Benevolence, 51, 155, 227
Berkeley, Bishop, remark by, 59
Berlin cast-iron ornaments, 22
Bernacle goose, the, 5

Beverley Minster, 226
Bible, the, 219

Biographical notice of Bishop Andrews, 221

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Childhood, 8

Chinese gratitude, 106

Choice of stone for building purposes,


Christian freedom, 28
Cipher writing, 222, 230

Cities, ruined, of Yucatan, 33, 73
Civilization, how first effected, 141
Clemency, 59

Clouds, lessons from, 15
Cogan, remark by, 227
Colouring metals, the art of, 142
Comparison, a, 214

Conduits, old London, 156, 189
Connaught, the province of, 158
Considerations on the Creator, 232;
Contemplation, 136

Contemplations on the weather, 195
Conversation, 45

Copleston, Bishop, remark by, 144
Cottages, preservation of, 69
Cowper, passages selected from, 6, 28,

62, 214

Crabbe, passages from, 117, 134, 140,


Creation of the Earth, 229
Creeping plants in Ireland, 196
Cudworth, remarks by, 12, 14, 51, 55,
93, 96

Cuvier, observation by, 62

Dana, lines by, 214

Davis, Captain John, an old English navigator, 139, 197

Decay and renovation, 93
Description of a folio, 140
Disbelief, credulity, and doubt, 93
Diseases, how to deal with, 32
Dog, the, 112

anecdote of a, 6 Dogmatism, 19 Domestic peace, 21

Drunken Sea, account of the, 86
Durham, the city of, 49, 57

Hartlepool, in, 113
Sunderland, in, 241
Duty, performance of, 3, 43

Early days, remark on, 45

English banners, 52, 92 Earthly dignity and honour, 152 Eastern Tale, an, 182

Easy Lessons in Chess, XXI., 71— XXII, 115

method of heating baths, 69 Eclipse, its effect on animals, 22 Educated work-people, superior value of, 32

Education, 59

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Hall, Capt. Basil, remark by, 46
Happiness, the true season of, 100
Harmony of the spheres, 42
Hartlepool, in Durham, 113
Health of women in America, 12
Heat, changes effected by the applica-
tion of, 113

Helmsley Castle, Yorkshire, 41
Henry, Dr., account of the Drunken
Sea by, 86

Herbert, sonnet by, 214
Herschell, Sir John, remark by, 11
Hindoo comment on the Scriptures, 4
women, custom of, 104
Historical notice of Merchant Tailors'
School, 9, 31
the Court of Star
Chamber, 193, 235
lege, 137, 153
History, study of, 59
Holbein and his Works, I., 2-11., 17
Home-directed charity, 46
Horn, custom of holding lands by a,

99, 109

Westminster Col

Horne, Bishop, remark by, 112 '
Hospitals, account of, I., 11-II., 27—
III. 54-IV., 61

How to deal with diseases, 32
Hope, 155

Human race, progress of the, 11 wisdom and human ignorance,


Humane man, the, 198

Hymn, by Crabbe, 232

Idle dreams, 160 reveries, 28 Imagination, 53


power of the, Immortality, an argument for, 45 Indian mounds in North America, 244 Industrious peasant, cottage of the, 117 Infidelity, 106

Ingenuity of an Indian Prince, 56
Innocence, 172

Intellectual discipline. 11

Involuntary actions, 64

Ireland, the bog in, 184

creeping plants in, 196

Italian banditti, 212

January, kitchen garden operations in, 7

Joint dependence of human beings, 181 Jones, lines by, 155

July, kitchen garden operations in, 246 June, kitchen garden operations in, 199 Just thoughts on God, 3

Justice, the only true expediency, 141

Kitchen Garden, the, I., 7-II., 46— III., 83-IV., 118-V., 159-VI., 199-VII., 246 Knowledge, increase of our, love of, 117


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and false, 14 true use of, 16

Kohl, extracts from, 158, 184, 196 Kymac, 56

Labour in vain, 59
Lacretelle, remark by, 106

Lavater, observation of, 188

Lessons, easy, in Chess, 71, 115
Lessons from clouds, 15

Lewis, origin of the machine called the, 237

Liberty of thought, 19

Life and death, ancient opinions on, 46 Linnet, natural history and manage

ment of the, 29

Literature, cultivation of, 144
Livery companies of London, 121, 201
Logic, 158

London, old conduits of, 156, 189

[ocr errors]

livery companies of, 121, 201 Loss of a pious friend, lines on the, 243 Luminous phenomenou at sea, 27. Lyons, the city of, 185, 210

Mc Cormac, remarks by, 181, 188, 232 Mahogany, 184

Manners, elegant, 45

Manor Palace, the, at York, 105
March, kitchen garden operations in, 83
Marseilles, 233

Masque, the, 176

Massillon, remark by, 66

Matter and mind, 19

May, kitchen garden operations in, 158 morning, 200

"May you die among your kindred!" 184

Mediocrity, proof of, 96

Men's real characters, when displayed, 64

Men in great place, 237
Mental indolence, 99

Merchant Tailors' School, historical notice of, 9, 31

Merciful judgments, 156
Metallochromy, on, 142
Milton, lines by, 200

Mitchell, extracts from, 56, 141
Montaigne, remark by, 224

Moral influence of object-lessons, 216 principles, supremacy of the,


Mountains, the Carpathian, 97⚫
Mouths and teeth of animals, 174
Music of birds, 112

Narrow-mindedness, 131'

Natural history and management of cage birds, 29, 69, 132, 148, 212 Nature, gladness of,

knowledge of, 42

remarkable sounds in, 135, 215 study of, 62

and human life, 214

Navigators, old English, 139, 197
Neglected opportunities, 188
Nests, curious situations of, 219
New year, thoughts on the, 3
Niagara, the falls of, 187
Nightingale, natural history of the, 148

Object-lessons, moral influence of, 216
Occupation for the pensive hour, 48
Oil, action of, on waves, 187
Omnipresence, 216

Opinions of the ancients on life and death, 46

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Seasonable remarks, 14

Self-sufficiency of ignorance, 59
Sense and reason, 196

Shades of social liberality, 46

Sheep, effect of travelling upon the, 56
Silvio Pellico, remarks by, 8, 28
Sinner, the, 214

Sketches of the Tyrol, 161, 249
Slade, passage from, 243
Socrates, remark by, 8

Sodor and Man, Bishop Wilson, of,

Solutions of Chess Problems, 248
Somerville, Mrs., extracts from, 27, 118
Song-thrush, the, 212

Spectacles of the Romans, 151, 191
Spiritual truths, 96

Sports and pastimes, old, 6
Spring ditty, a, 179

Stale mate at Chess, 172

Star Chamber, Court of, 193, 235
Stone buildings, on the durability of,

Streets, lighting of, by galvanism, 4
Study of history, 59

nature, 62

Sully, employment of time by, 118
Summer-wind, lines on the, 196
Sunderland, town and port of, 241
Supremacy of the moral principles, 118
Swift, remark by, 59

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Waves, action of oil upon, 187
Weather, coutemplations on the, 195
Westminster College, historical notice
of, 137, 153

Whately, Archbishop, remarks by, 131,

Who is my neighbour? 56, 181
Wilson, Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Sodor
and Man, some account of, 238
remarks by, 232
Winchester, Bishop Andrews of, 221
Wisdom, true, 32

and false, 184

the most certain possession, 93
without virtue, 100

and nature contrasted, 53

Wordsworth, sonnet by, 172

other extracts from, 192,

Work-people, superior value of edu
cated, 32

Writing by Cipher, I., 222-II., 230

Yorkshire, Beverley Minster, in, 226

Helmsley Castle, in, 41
Manor Palace at York, 105
Roche Abbey, in, 177
Rotherham, 217

St. Mary's Abbey, in, 89

Youth, proper teaching for, 45
Yucatan, ruined cities of, 33, 73

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Banners, early English, 52, 92
Barber Surgeous' company, charter

granted to the, 17

Bath-heater, Italian, 69
Bayswater, conduit-head at, 189
Bernacle-goose tree, 5

Beverley Minster, north-west view, 225
Birds, cage, 29, 132, 148, 212

nests, in singular situations,
219, 220

Boar's head, presentation of the, 109
Boarstall horn, the, 109
Brachionus urceolarins, 44
Bridge, iron, at Sunderland, 241
Bullfinch, the, 132

Cage birds, 29, 132, 148, 212
Cairn Gorm, granite rocks at, 81
Cambridge, horn of Corpus Christi

College at, 100

Carpathians, Lomnitzer Head, 97
Castle of Louvestein, 25
Tyrol, 161

Chess Diagrams, 8. 21, 56, 112, 117, 144,

173, 174, 196, 232

Chichen Itza, ruins at, 73, 77
Conduit head at Bayswater, 189
Corpus Christi College horn, 100

Diagrams. Chese, 8, 21, 56, 112, 117,144,
173, 174, 196, 232

Dormi ory, old, Westminster College,
137, 153

Drapers' hall, London, 205

Driving carriage, Atmospheric Rail-
way, 60


Durham, general view of, 57

Elvet Bridge, 49
Hartlepool, in, 113
Sunderland, in, 241

Early English banners, 52, 92
Echini, or sea-egg, 140, 141, 180
Echinorhyncus spherocephalus, 45
Echinus, the common, 140
melo, 141

Elvet bridge, Durham, 49
Escheloch, in the Tyrol, 249

Fabulous animals, 5
Fasciola hepatica 45

Feathers, Prince of Wales's, ancient
form of, 228

France, views in, 185, 209, 233

Galleries in the Warmser Loch, Tyrol,

Gateway at Roche Abbey, 179
Glurns, in the Tyrol, 253
Granite rocks at Cairn Gorm, 81
Grating for Italian bath-heater, 69
Grotius, Hugo, portrait of, 13
Guildhall, London, 121

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Pageants, ancient, "wild men" of the,

Pass of Monte Stelvio, 165
Pictures by Holbein, 1, 17
Poussin, 129, 145, 169

Planaria hepatica, 45
Plant-like animals, 44, 45
Portrait of Hugo Grotius, 13

Nicholas Poussin, 129
Prince of Wales's feathers, ancient
form of the, 228
Pusey horn, the, 100

Railway, Atmospheric, vacuum pipe
and driving carriage, 60, 61, 85
bird's nest on a, 219
Redstarts, nesting-place of a pair of,


Roche Abbey, Yorshire, 177, 179
Rotherham Church, Yorkshire, 217
Rotifer vlgaris, 44

Royal Palace at Theobalds, 65

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