תמונות בעמוד

Peripatetics, flourish in xvii cent. iii. 436;
meet with formidable adversaries in
Des Cartes and Gassendi, iv. 17.
Perkins, William, his treatises on morality
and character, iii. 312 and o.
Perrault, account of his book on the mo-
rality of the Jesuits, iii. 515, sub. not. w.
Perieres, Bonaventure des, a supposed in-
fidel in xvi cent. iii. 119.

Persia, three persecutions there by Sapor
II. against the Christians, i. 265.
Peter, Bishop of Ravenna, whence called
Chrysologus, i. 356 and t.

Fullo, Fuller, rejects an opinion of
Eutyches, which he modifies, and ex-
cites troubles in the church i. 387;
founder of the sect called Theopas-
chites, ibid. and 1.

his superstitious zeal for a war to the
Holy Land, ii. 122; forged letters from
Heaven, to animate Christians in the
cause, 123; assembles a council at Pla-
centia, and recommends the expedition
against the Saracens of Palestine, ibid.
leads a principal division of the army,
and is defeated, 124, 125.

's Pence, what, and why so called. ii.
162 e.

of Celle, attacks the Scholastics in
xii cent. ii. 294.

the Chanter, opposes the Schoolmen,
ii. 294 and o.
Peter de Vineis, an account of the book
said to be written by him, ii. 335.

I. Emperor of Russia, introduces a
change into the Russian church, iii.
558; a patron of the Arts and Sciences,
ibid. abolishes the penal laws against
religious differences, and declares him-
self supreme head of the church, 559;
establishes a synod at Petersburg, ibid.
Petersen, John William, his inventions and
reveries in xvii cent. iv. 50; strange doc-
trine, and success, 51 and s.
Petit, his doctrine concerning the lawful-

ness of putting a tyránt to death, ii. 530;
and condemned as a detestable heresy
in the council of Constance, and by the
university of Paris, 531.

Petrarch, zealous in reviving the study of

the learned languages in xiv cent. ii. 449.
Petrobrussians, a sect in xii cent. ii. 311;
doctrine held by them, ibid. and w.
Petrucci, Cardinal, a disciple of Molinos,
iii. 544.

Petrus, Comestor, his abridgment of the
Scriptures, ii. 283.
Peucer, attempts to reform Lutheranism,

substituting Calvinism in its place, iii.
251; his character, and sufferings, 250
r; writings to promote his design, 251
#; convocations by Augustus at Dres-
den, ibid. and at Torgaw, with the issue,
252 and r; imprisoned, but is after-
ward released, 253.

[ocr errors]

Peyrere, Isaac la, his strange doctrine, iii.
546; is cast into prison, renounces his
errors publicly, and turns Papist, 547.
Pezelius, his catechism favourable to the
sentiments of Calvin, iii. 252.

Pfaff, Matthew, zealous in projecting a
union between the Lutherans and Re-
formed in xvii cent. and good charac-
ter, iv. 205 and t; opposed by the Lu-
therans, ibid.

Pharisees, their tenets, i. 46; moral doc-
trines, 49; bad influence, ibid.
Philadelphia, whence so called, iv. 151.
Philadelphian society, founded in xvii
cent. and by whom, iv. 181; opinions,
and chief members, ibid.

Philip, father and son, Emperors, favour
Christianity, i. 192; whether Christians
themselves, 193 and d.

the Solitary, an eminent moral
writer in xvii cent. 297.

the Fair, king of France, his con-
test with Boniface VIII. ii. 453; vigo-
rously opposes papal power, ibid. charges
the Pope with enormous vices, 454;
sends William de Nogaret to seize
the Pope's person, ibid. insists on
the formal condemnation of Boniface,
and procures the removal of the papal
residence from Rome to Avignon, 455.

of Hesse, unjustly detained prison-
er by the Emperor Charles V. iii. 85;
the perfidious behaviour of the latter on
this account, with the doubt concerning
it, ibid. and y.

Philip, Theodore, the chief of those who
excited commotions in xvi cent. con-
cerning excommunication, iii. 335.
Philippicus, Bardanes, Emperor of the
Greeks, espouses the cause of the Ma-
nothelites, i. 516; orders a picture, re-
presenting the council that condemned
this sect, to be removed out of the
church of St. Sophia, ibid. commands
that no images of this nature be placed
in the Latin churches, ibid. his edict
rejected by Constantine the Roman
pontiff, who excommunicates the Em-
peror, ibid. is deprived of the empire,

Philology, its flourishing state in xvi cent.
iii. 120; its great importance, 121 and
m: cultivated among the Lutherans in
xvii cent. iv. 26.
Philosophers, obscure the truth, i. 40; Ori-
ental, their first principles, 78; divided
in sentiments, 79; opinions concerning
the Deity, ibid. origin of the world, 80;
the state and destination of human
souls, 81; some converted to Chris-
tianity, and their conversion if advan-
tageous, considered, 129; their efforts
in iv cent. against Christianity, 260;
prejudices thereby received, ibid. who
these are, 261; two great sects of them

in xvii cent. iii. 442; who adopt nei-
ther metaphysical, nor mathematical
systems, 447.

Philosophical sin, the doctrine of, what,
iii. 170.

Philosophy, two kinds prevailed at Christ's
birth, i. 39; the Eastern not much
known, 76; Oriental, properly so call-
ed, what, 77; the success of the Plato-
nic due to Plotinus in iii cent. 204;
Platonic, most prevalent in iv cent.
266; promoted by Julian, 267; its pro-
gress prevented by the incursions of
the Goths, 344, 345; Aristotelian, re-
vived in v cent. 345; but decried in vi
cent. 407; its deplorable state in vii
cent. 451; Aristotelian flourishes in viii
cent. 486; revived in ix cent. chiefly
by the encouragement of Bardas, ii. 11;
confined within the circle of the Dia-
lectics in xi cent. 140 and m; encou-
raged among the Greeks in xii cent. ii.
247 and a; three different methods of
teaching it in this cent. 253; Astrology
mixed with it in xiv cent. and consider-
ed as magic, with the event, 451, 452;
Platonic in high esteem in xv cent. 514;
Aristotelian, dangerous to Revealed re-
ligion, 516; its state in xvi cent. iii.
121; in xvii cent. iv. 16.
Philostratus's comparison of Christ with
Apollonius Tyanneus, i. 201; its perni-
cious con sequences, 202.
Philotheus, his works, ii. 488.
Philoxenus, Bishop of Alexandria, rejects
Eutyches's opinion, and modifies it, i.

the Syrian, his translations of
part of the Scriptures into the Syriac
language, i. 420.

Phocas, made emperor by unjust means in
vii cent. i. 452; engages to give the
Pope the title of Universal Bishop, ibid.
Photinus, Bishop of Sirmium, author of
a heretical sect, in iv cent. i. 325; his
erroneous notions concerning the Tri-
nity, ibid. is degraded, and dies in ex-
ile, ibid.

Photius, Patriarch of Constantinople, his
learning, ii. 10; explains Aristotle, 11;
his works and character, 29; exposition
of Scripture, not to be recommend-
ed as a model to other commenta-
tors, 38 and o, p; first controversy be-
tween the Greeks and Latins on this
account, 57; mutual excommunica-
tions, ibid. the second contest, in
which he is degraded, 58; engages the
Bishops to espouse his cause, as a pub-
lic cause of the church, 59; brings ar-
ticles of heresy against the Latins, ibid.
60 and ; which are answered, ibid.
is restored to his See by Basilius the
Macedonian, and with the consent of
the Pope, ibid. neglecting to fulfil the
conditions made with the Pope, is ex-
communicated, and again degraded,

ibid. the Pope's unjust demands reject-
ed by the Greeks, 61; hence disputes
arose, which ended in a total separation
between the Greeks and Latins, ibid.
Phranza, George, his works, ii. 547.
Pichon, the Jesuit, renews the dispute
concerning the frequent receiving of the
Eucharist, iii. 172; is censured by the
French Bishops for it, ibid.

Pictet, a French writer, in xvii cent. iv.
76; his moral writings, ibid.
Pietism, controversy concerning its rise in
xvii cent. iv. 38; by whom begun, 38,
39; Spener's private meetings, and his
noble design in them, 38; his book of
Pious Desire, for promoting vital reli-
gion, with abuses thereon, ibid. com-
plaints against it, ibid. and commotions
at Leipsic, ibid. biblical colleges found-
ed, by whom, and for what end, the
name of Pietist to whom applied, 40,
progress of these debates, ibid. extra-
vagant fanaticism, and consequence,
41, 42 and m; debates carried on with
Spener and the divines of Halle, 42,
subject of these debates, 43; first, a
thorough reformation of the divinity
schools proposed, ibid. disputes that
hence arose, 44; the second great ob-
ject of debate, whence arose endless
controversies, ibid. and 45; these Pie-
tists proceed still further in two points,
with the objections to them, ibid. and
46; the third principal object which
they insisted on, ibid. various charac-
ters of these reformers, who endea-
voured to promote piety at the expense
of truth, 47.

Pietists, their order founded in xvii cent.
iii. 503.

reformed, account of, iv. 40; laws
enacted against them, 42; their state in
xviii cent. iv. 201, 202.

Pilatus, Leontius, his zeal in reviving the
study of the Greek language in xiv
cent. ii. 448.

Pin, Dr. Ellis du, exposes the injustice of
the papal claims, iii. 486; account of
the correspondence carried on between
him and Archbishop Wake, relative to
a project of union between the Eng-
lish and Gallican churches, iv. 230,
231. See Wake.

Pisa, the famous council assembled at in

XV cent. to terminate the divisions in
the papal empire, ii. 519; is unsuccess-
ful, ibid.

Pisanus, Raynerius, his summary of Theo-
logy, ii. 439.
Piscator, John, his doctrine concerning the
obedience of Christ, iv. 81; is adopted
by the Romish church, and the Reform-
ed in France, 82 ii, k.
Pisides, Gregory, his works, i. 456.
Pistorius writes against the treaty of Pas-
sau, iii. 215.
Pius II. Pope, his character, ii. 538; ob

tains the abrogation of the Pragmatic
Sanction, 539 and n; his impudent re-
traction of former opinions, 540; en-
joins silence on the worship of Christ's
blood, 561.

Pius IV. Pope, an account of, iii. 143.

V. eminent for his austerity, and
sainted, iii. 143 g.
Place, M. de la, his opinions concerning
original sin, and contests occasioned
by it in xvii cent. iv. 85; condemned
by the Synod of Charenton, yet are re-
ceived by many, ibid. churches of
Switzerland alarmed at the progress of
his opinions, with their proceedings
against him, 125.

Placette, La, his moral works, iv. 76.
Planudes, Maximus, his character, ii.

Plato, his notions concerning the Deity,
i. 41; the defects of his philosophy, ib.
an accusation against him not strictly
true, ibid. h; his works translated into
Latin by Victorinus, i. 343; greatly ad-
mired in v cent. 344; his Timæus
more commended than understood in
x cent. ii. 90; his opinions by whom
adopted in xii cent. 247; philosophy
revived in xv cent. 514.

Platonics, their tenets, i. 41 ; defects, ibid.
schools more frequented than those of
the Stoics, 137; new, their rise in
Egypt in ii cent. 138; why so called,
and their seeming candour, 138;
whence styled Eclectics, ibid. their
discipline approved by Christians, 139;
prefer Plato to all others, ibid. the
principles of their philosophy, as im-
proved by Ammonius, 140; and its
chief articles, 141; and moral disci-
pline, 142; flourish in iii cent. 204;
some converted to Christianity, 207;
their state in iv cent. 266; principles
adopted by expositors of Scripture,
281; their state in v cent. i. 344; op-
pose Christianity by their writings, in
vi cent. 401; their suppression, 408.
Platonists, their attempts against Chris-
tianity in iii cent. i. 200; different sects
among them, 206.

Pletho, Gemistius, promotes the Platonic
philosophy in xv cent. ii. 514; and the
Greek language, 548.

Plotinus, his doctrine universally propa-
gated in iii cent. i. 205 and k; opposes
the Gnostics with the Christians, and
whence, 230.

Plutarch, his character, i. 136; renews
the celebrated academy at Athens in iii
cent, 205.

Pockesius, heads the spiritual libertines in
x vcent. iii. 314.

Podoniptæ, Mennonites, so called, and
whence, iii. 345.

Poiret, Peter, a follower and defender of
Bourignon, his mixed character, and re-

mark thereon, iv. 180; his works, ib. h.
commotions excited there by
Stancarus, iii. 249 and m; progress of.
the Reformation here in xvi cent. 296;
Servetus's doctrine introduced there by
Gonesius, 359.

Poles, their conversion in x cent, and the
methods used, ii. 75.

Politian, a supposed infidel in xvi cent. iii,


Polliac, John de, opposes the Mendicants
in xvi cent. ii. 467; his opinions con-
demned by Pope John XXII. ib. and e.
Polycarp, his epistle to the Philippians
disputed, i. 96 and d; suffers martyr-
dom in ii cent. under Antoninus, 133;
confers with Anicet about the time of
keeping Easter, 168.
Pomeranians, converted to Christianity in
xii cent. by Otho, Bishop of Bamberg,
ii. 227, 228; receive Albert for their
first Bishop, ibid.

Pomerius, Julian, his confutation of the
Jews, and other works, i. 457; his vain
attempts to reconcile the seeming con-
tradictions in Scripture, 458.

Pomponace, Peter, an eminent sophist in
xv cent. ii. 516, his opinions not very
different from the notions of the Pan-
theists, ibid.

Pomponatus, a supposed infidel in xvi
cent. iii. 119.
Pongilup, Armannus, his fame and piety,
ii. 391; reasons to believe him not the
founder of the Fratricelli, ibid. p.
Pontius, of Nola, his good character and
works, i. 356 and s.

Popes, Roman Pontiffs, when first distin-
guished by a certain pre-eminence over
other Bishops, i. 208; in what sense
this superiority must be understood,
ibid. their power in iv cent. whence,
272; the double election and its melan-
choly consequence, 273; the limits
of their authority, ibid. steps laid for
their future despotism, 274; the fourth
council of Sardis is supposed to favour
it, ibid. their jurisdiction how increased
in v cent. i. 350; supremacy not ac-
knowledged by the Africans and others,
351; contest with the Bishop of Con-
stantinople for unlimited supremacy,
410; are subject to the control of the
Gothic princes, 411; obtain the title
of Universal Bishops from the tyrant
Phocas in vii cent. 452; their views
of universal power opposed, and by
whom, and the consequences, 452, 453;
subject to the emperors, ibid. raised to
the dignity of temporal princes by the
usurper Pepin, 497 and 1; the nature of
their jurisdiction under Charlemagne,
500, 501 and z, a; their dignity lessened
by the Grecian emperors, 502; and
made subordinate to them and the Latin
monarchs, 504, 505; and limited by the

civil power, ibid. their opinions oppo-
sed in councils assembled by the
Franks and Germans for terminating
disputes relating to image worship, ibid.
the Emperor's approbation necessary
to their consecration, ii. 19, 99; their
power augmented by the divisions of
the empire in ix cent. 22; divest the
Emperors of ecclesiastical authority,
23; diminish the power of councils
and the Bishops, ibid. and y; frauds
and forgeries to support their claims,
24, 25 and z, a, c; the cause of the
vices among the clergy in x cent. 93;
their supreme Legislative authority,
opposed by the German, French, and
Italian Bishops, does yet gain ground by
the adulatory services of some minions
among the Bishops, 99; the right of
canonization, though usurped by John
XV. is not solely vested in them till xii
cent. 109; their motives for encour-
aging the first crusade, 127 and y; as-
sume the name of Popes, or Universal
Fathers, in xi cent. when their anthor-
ity was at the highest, 145; confirmed
in their See by the approbation of the
Emperors, 147; the right of electing
them vested in the college of Car-
dinals, excluding the consent of the
clergy and people, 156; the imperial
privilege in electing them violated,
157; accessions to their power by the
zeal of Pope Gregory VII. 160; called
Paterini, and whence, 167 and r; the
Romish ritual imposed by them on all
the Latin Churches, and the custom of
performing divine service in Latin
among all the Western churches, had
their rise in xi cent. 217, 218; violent
dissensions between them and the Em-
perors concerning the extent of power,
and unhappy consequences, in xii cent.
ii. 267; deprive the Bishops of the
right of canonization, 271; and of the
power to grant indulgences, 287; pro-
mote crusades in xiii cent. and why,
324; methods taken at this time to ac-
quire universal dominion, 347; their
arrogant claims opposed by civil and
ecclesiastical powers, 349; great ac-
cessions of power due to Innocent III.
and Nicholas IV. 350, 351, the advan-
tage they derived from the orders of
Mendicants, and their returns for these
favours, 373, 374 and x, y, z, a; their
authority diminished under the Gallic
pontiffs, 456; their powers declared to
be inferior to that of general councils,
at the councils of Constance and Basil,
521, 534; deprived of their Expectan-
ces, Reservations, and Provisions, at the
latter council, ibid. their zeal for propa-
gating Christianity in xvi cent. exa-
mined, iii. 116; manner of their elec-
tions, 126; what distinction must be
made betwixt their authority and the

court of Rome, 129 and e; debates
concerning their power, ibid. find zeal-
ous advocates for their authority in the
Jesuits, 140; their infallibility and un-
limited supremacy not universally ac-
knowledged by the church of Rome,

Pordage, a member of the Philadelphian
society, an account of, iv. 181.
Porphyry, opposes the Platonic philoso-
phy to the doctrine of the Gospel, i.
200; a more virulent than formidable
enemy of Christianity, 201; his work
against the Christians burned by order
of Constantine the Great, ibid. and c;
the answers to this work lost, ibid. sub.
fin. not. c; a professed admirer of Plo-
tinus, 205 and k.

Porre, Gilbert de la, charged with blas-
phemy, and submits his opinions to the
arbitration of the Pope, ii. 296; his er-
rors the consequence of an excessive
subtilty, and metaphysical method of
explaining the Christian doctrine, ibid.
Port Royal, convent of, described, iii.
537; sanctity of the religious in it, and
its fame, 538, 539 and note; demolish-
ed by Lewis XVI. at the request of the
Jesuits, 540.

Portugal, her contest with Rome in xvii
cent. iii. 485; throws off the Spanish
yoke, ib.

Positivi, Christian doctors, so called, in
xii cent. and why, ii. 292.
Possevin, Anthony, a Jesuit missionary,
his fruitless attempt to unite the Ro-
mish and Russian churches in xvi cent.
iii. 201; writes against the Protestants,
iii. 454.

Potter, Archbishop of Canterbury, main-
tains the authority of church and cler-
gy of England against the attempts of
Bishop Hoadley to diminish it, and his
eharacter, iv. 207.

Prætorius, his work, "Tuba Pacis," to
convert Protestants, iii. 469 and r.
Prague, University of, &c. right of suf-
frages divided by its founder into four
nations, ii. 523; encroachments made
by the German nation on this account,
and contest about it in xv cent. fatal to
John Huss, 524.

Jerome of, condemned and burn-
ed alive in xv cent. ii. 526; the true
causes of this proceeding 526, 528 and
x, a, b.
Prareas, his notions concerning the Trin-
ity, i. 187; his followers called Monar-
chians, and whence ibid.
Prayers, the addition of Ave Maria made
to them in xiv cent. ii. 497.
Predestinarians, whence their rise in
cent. i. 394; their doctrine, ibid. oppo-
sed by Augustine, ibid. the opinion of
some concerning the reality of this
sect, ibid. and g.

Predestination and Grace, controversy

concerning, in ix cent. ii. 52; begun by
Godeschalcus, a Saxon, ibid. its state in
xvi cent. iii. 270; Calvin's doctrine of
it, 278.

Premontre, an order of Monks founded by
Norbert in xii cent. ii. 278; their uni-
versal fame, ibid. excessive poverty at
first, and future opulence, ibid. q; dis-
cipline chiefly modelled by St. Augus-
tine's rule, ibid. and r; first arrival into
England, ibid. sub. fin. not.
Presbyter, its import, i. 88 b. ibid. c.
Presbyterians, flourish under Cromwell,
iv. 104, 105.

Prescription, how pleaded against error, in
iii cent. i. 221 and m; polemics rest
upon it in xvii. cent. iii. 473.
Prester, John, an account of in xii cent. ii.
233 and n; his successor deprived of
his kingdom by Genghis Khan, 234;
the consequences of his death on the
affairs of the Christians in Tartary, 244.
Priesthood, an artful parallel between the

Jewish and Christian, i. 147; its perni-
eious effects, ibid.

Primasius, of Adrumetum, his works, i.
418, 421.

Printing, this art discovered in xv cent.

ii. 512; by whom invented, ibid. and p.
Priscillian, revives the Gnostic heresy in
iv cent. i. 326; condemned to death by
the order of Maximus, 327; an account
of his prosecutor, ib. m.
Priscillianists, their tenets imperfectly re-
presented, and how far they resembled
the Manichæans, i. 327, 328 and o.
Probability, doctrine of, inculcated by the
Jesuits, and what, iii. 170 and a.
Proclus, a modern Platonic in v cent. his
character, masters, and disciples, i. 344
and m.

Procopius, of Gaza, his works, i. 416; his
character as an expositor of Scripture,

Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts,

account of that society, iii. 417.
Prophets of the New Testament, the na-
ture of their office, i. 89; fanatical in
xvii cent. iv. 60.

Prosper, of Aquitain, an eminent polemic
writer in v cent. i. 356; his moral
works, 363.

Protestants, whence this name, iii. 57 and
h; deliberate about forming a league, on
the Emperor's arresting their ambassa-
dors, ib. but come to no determination,

dissension among them about the
Eucharist, ibid. present a confession of
their faith at Augsburg, 70; object to a
council being called at Trent, and why,
83; attempt to propagate the Gospel in
foreign parts, 118 and k; their missions
in Asia, iii. 410; in America, 415; per-
secuted by Rome in xvii cent. 461;
milder methods used by Rome, 466

public and private conferences between
the doctors of both churches, but the`
breach is widened, 467 and n; methods
of reconciliation by the Romanists in-
effectual, 468.

Protestants, French, a great variety in
their religious sentiments, iii. 281; join
in communion with the church of Ge-
neva, ibid. their sufferings, ibid. 282;
peacemakers among them in xvii cent.
iii. 471; English peacemakers, William
Forbes, ibid. and a; Dutch, Grotius,
with the bad fruits of their labours, and
George Calixtus' conduct, 472; deser-
tions from the Protestant to the Catho-
lic church in this cent. personal only,
476; as Christina of Sweden, ibid. l, m;
Wolfgang, William, Count Palatine,
ibid. Christian William of Brandenburg,
Ernest of Hesse, ibid. and n; and other
learned men, iv. 68; divided into four
sects, iv. 92.
Prussia. See Liturgy.
Prussians, murder their missionaries Boni-
face and Bruno, ii. 121; compelled to
receive Christianity, ibid. compulsive
methods used for their conversion in
xiii cent. and the success of them by the
Teutonic knights, ii. 330, and u.
Psellus, Michael, expounds Aristotle, ii.
11; his great character, 136, 193; his
commentaries, 198.

Ptolemaites, Valentinian sect in ii cent. i.

Purgatory, its analogy to Pagan supersti-
tion, i. 358, 359, and a; the success of
this doctrine in x cent. 106; dreaded
more than infernal torments, ibid.
Puritans, Nonconformists, their rise in xiv
cent. iii. 284; uncharitableness of the
Lutherans, and humanity of the Re-
formed towards them, ibid. k; two
classes refuse to assent to Queen Eliza-
beth's proceedings, 285; their history
by Neale, and character, 286, and m;
their sentiments and doctrine, ibid. fur-
ther exasperated, and opinion concern-
ing excommunication, 288 and o; their
disgust at the rites imposed, and at other
usages, 288, 289 and p, q, r; their
principles of the sentiments on church
government and worship, in answer to
the Queen's Commissioners, 289, 291;
divided into a variety of sects, 292; the
controversy between them and the
church of England, with the conduct of
the Helvetic church to the latter, and
the reasons, 318; contest about doctri-
nal points, 319 and d; their missions
to America, iii. 416 and r; their state
under James I. iv. 90, hope for better
times, but are disappointed, ibid: 91;
resolution in favour of them, 110 and b.


different proposals of their enemies, 467; Quakers, propagate their doctrine without

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