Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical PastEdinburgh University Press, 28 במאי 2020 - 264 עמודים Investigates the construction of democratic ideology in Classical Athens through a study of the social memory of Athens' mythical pastProposes a novel approach to Athenian democratic ideology that opens new frontiers of investigation in ancient history and the social sciencesThe introduction clearly sets out the aims and methodology of the book and its place within the scholarship in ancient history and the social sciencesFour case studies illuminate the impact of Athenian democratic institutions on ideology, myth, and the use of social memoryOffers a long-awaited new interpretation of the Athenian funeral oration for the war deadOffers clear overviews of Athenian democratic institutions (e.g., Assembly, Council, lawcourts) based on the most recent scholarshipProvides up-to-date overviews of several values in Greek thought (e.g., charis, hybris, eugeneia)The debate on Athenian democratic ideology has long been polarised around two extremes. A Marxist tradition views ideology as a cover-up for Athens' internal divisions. Another tradition, sometimes referred to as culturalist, interprets it neutrally as the fixed set of ideas shared by the members of the Athenian community. Matteo Barbato addresses this dichotomy by providing a unitary approach to Athenian democratic ideology. Analysing four different myths from the perspective of the New Institutionalism, he demonstrates that Athenian democratic ideology was a fluid set of ideas, values and beliefs shared by the Athenians as a result of a constant ideological practice influenced by the institutions of the democracy. He shows that this process entailed the active participation of both the mass and the elite and enabled the Athenians to produce multiple and compatible ideas about their community and its mythical past. |
1 | |
2 Myth and Athenian Democracy | 24 |
3 The Discursive Parameters of Athenian Democratic Institutions | 57 |
4 Exclusiveness and Eugeneia in the Myth of Autochthony | 82 |
The Heraclidae | 115 |
The Attic Amazonomachy | 144 |
The Myth of Adrastus | 182 |
8 Conclusions | 215 |
221 | |
240 | |
248 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past <span dir=ltr>Matteo Barbato</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2020 |
The Ideology of Democratic Athens: Institutions, Orators and the Mythical Past <span dir=ltr>Matteo Barbato</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2022 |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
abduction of Antiope Adrastus Aesch Aeschines Aeschylus allusion altruism Amazonomachy Amazons ancestors Antiope Apollodorus Argives Arist Assembly Athenian community Athenian democratic ideology Athenian democratic institutions Athenian ideological practice Athenian philanthropia Athens Attic Amazonomachy Canevaro charis citizens Council dead deliberative democracy Demosthenes discursive parameters dithyrambic dramatic festivals earthborn elite emphasise episode epitaphios epitaphios logos Erechtheus Eteocles eugeneia Euripides Eurystheus FGrHist forensic Funeral Oration funeral speeches Greek Heraclidae homonoia honour hubristic hybris idealised image ideas image of Athens imagined community institutional setting Iolaus Isoc Isocrates justice king lawcourts Loraux Lysias Menex myth of Adrastus narrative nomos notion Panathenaea Panegyricus Persian Pherecydes Philochorus phthonos play Plut Polynices Procles recalls reciprocity rhetoric role social memory Soph Sophocles Spartans speaker Steinbock 2013a Supp Theban hybris Thebans Thebes Theseus Thuc Thucydides tion tradition TrGF values δὲ καὶ μὲν τὴν τῆς τὸ τοῖς τοὺς τῶν χάριν