Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman RepublicCambridge University Press, 9 במאי 2013 - 357 עמודים This book offers a comprehensive assessment of the intersection between Roman politics, culture and divination in the late Republic. It discusses how the practice of divination changed at a time of great political and social change and explores the evidence for a critical reflection and debate on the limits of divination and prediction in the second and first centuries BC. Divination was a central feature in the workings of the Roman government and this book explores the ways in which it changed under the pressure of factors of socio-political complexity and disruption. It discusses the ways in which the problem of the prediction of the future is constructed in the literature of the period. Finally, it explores the impact that the emergence of the Augustan regime had on the place of divination in Rome and the role that divinatory themes had in shaping the ideology of the new regime. |
The De diuinatione in context | 10 |
The terms of the debate | 37 |
Fringe divination? | 69 |
The haruspices and the rise of prophecy | 84 |
Etruscan ages and the end of the Republic | 115 |
the Sibylline Books | 128 |
Wild prophecies | 149 |
Foresight prediction and decline in Ciceros correspondence | 174 |
Divination religious change and the future of Rome in Livy | 192 |
Signs and prophecies in Virgil | 220 |
Divination and monarchy | 235 |
away from the future | 267 |
Mark Antony the augur and the election of Dolabella | 273 |
Glossary | 279 |
Index locorum | 337 |
349 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic <span dir=ltr>Federico Santangelo</span> תצוגה מקדימה מוגבלת - 2013 |
Divination, Prediction and the End of the Roman Republic <span dir=ltr>Federico Santangelo</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2022 |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Aeneas Aeneid agenda Antony Apollo argues astrology Atticus augural Augustan Augustus Briquel Caesar Cassius Dio century bc Cicero clear cleromancy complex consultation context death debate decemuiri deorum dialogue disciplina discussion diuinatione divinatory Dolabella dream elite Ennius episode Etruria Etruscan evidence expiation extispicy favourable forms of divination fortuna future Gildenhard gods Greek Guillaumont Guittard haruspex haruspical haruspices important intellectual interpretation Jupiter late Republic late Republican Latin Linderski Livy Livy’s ludi Marcus Marius Montero narrative Nepos Nigidius Octavian omens oracle passage philosophical Plin Plut political Polybius practice prediction problem prodigies prophecy prophetic prudens prudentia public religion quae Quintus R¨upke Rawson reference reflection religious Republican Rome response ritual role Roman public Roman religion Roman Republic Rüpke Sallust Santangelo Scheid Senate Sibyl Sibylline Books significant signs Suet Suetonius superstitio temple themes tradition uates Varro Virgil Wardle