Jewish Funerary Customs, Practices And Rites In The Second Temple PeriodBRILL, 2005 - 588 עמודים Research of burials constitutes one of the main reliable sources of information related to various aspects of funerary practices and rituals, and offers a perception of ancient social life and community organization. The material remains of mortuary rituals is effective in reconstructing the history of a society, its religious beliefs and its social outlook. Tombs offer ample data on the artistic taste evinced by funerary architecture and the ornamentation of receptacles and objects. Changes in Jewish funerary practices did not alter the plan and architecture of the tombs. Though the funerary rites changed from inhumation in coffins and loculi to secondary burial by collecting bones in ossuaries the artifacts associated with these graves did not modify much and indicate that these were culturally and socially identical people. The study outlines the material preserved in the ancient Jewish cemeteries of the Second Temple period (first century BCE to first century CE) at Jerusalem, Jericho, 'En Gedi, Qumran and some other tomb sites. |
Cemeteries | 1 |
Architecture of Rockcut Tombs | 29 |
Interment Receptacles | 75 |
Funerary Art | 127 |
Inscriptions | 163 |
Family Tombs | 235 |
Women | 311 |
The NEFESH | 339 |
Funerary Customs and Rites | 447 |
Chronology and Conclusions | 517 |
Anthropological Notes and Tables | 529 |
Abbreviations | 543 |
545 | |
573 | |
585 | |
Plates following page | 589 |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
Jewish Funerary Customs, Practices and Rites in the Second Temple Period <span dir=ltr>Rachel Hachlili</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2005 |
Jewish Funerary Customs, Practices, and Rites in the Second Temple Period <span dir=ltr>Rachel Hachlili</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2005 |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Adiabene Akeldama appear Aramaic architectural arcosolia Atiqot Avigad Bagatti and Milik Beth Beth She'arim bones bowl Burial Caves burial customs buried carved century BCE chamber Chap consists contained cooking pots Courtesy of Israel daughter dead deceased decorating ossuaries discovered entrance Eshel excavated family tomb Figure Gedi Goliath family Goliath Tomb grave Hadas Hasmonean Hebrew Helene of Adiabene hewn Ilan incised indicate inscribed Inscriptions on ossuaries interred Israel Antiquities Authority Jericho Jericho tombs Jerusalem and Jericho Jerusalem tombs Jews Judean Kallon Kidron Valley Killebrew Kloner kokh loculi tombs Masada monument motif Mount of Olives Mount Scopus Nabatean Naveh Nazirite necropolis nefesh nickname ornamentation ossuaries ossuaries from Jerusalem ossuary inscriptions painted personal name placed Plate pottery priest primary burial probably Qumran Rahmani Roman rosettes sarcophagi Second Temple period secondary burial Shelamziyon Shim'on similar stone Sukenik Table Type vessels wall wife women wooden coffins Yadin Yeho'ezer Yehosef Yehudah Zissu בר