תמונות בעמוד


ciding doubtful cases and accusations
arose, 64 and k; accompanied with the
Lord's Supper, 65.

Trigland, raises disputes concerning the
power of the civil magistrate in church
affairs, iv. 114.

Trinity, doctrine of, disputes concerning
it arise in iv cent. i. 314; the church
had frequently decided against the Sa-
bellians as to a real difference of the
persons; but not as to its nature, ibid.
Origen's opinion about the Trinity em-
braced by many Christians, 315; what
that is, and its dangerous tendency in
the hands of unskilful judges, ibid. if
one of the Blessed Trinity may be said
to have suffered, debated, i. 428 and u;
hence, whether Christ's body should
be considered as compounded, 429;
controversies concerning it in xviii cent.
and between whom, iv. 210 and z; its
incomprehensibility, whence no way of
terminating the controversies about it,
and Bishop Stillingfleet's excellent ad-
monition concerning them, 213 sub.
not. z.

Trinity, fraternity of, instituted in xiii
cent. ii. 366; called also Mathurins,
and whence, 367; their primitive aus-
terity gradually lessened, ibid. and m.
Tripoli, Philip of, a translator and inter-
preter of Aristotle in xiii cent. ii. 343.
Tritheists, their tenets, and rise in vicent.
i. 437; their division into the Philopo-
nists and Cononites, 438.
Trithemius, restores learning in xv cent.
ii. 513.

Trivium, a term invented in the times of
barbarism, to express the three sciences
first learned in the schools, viz. Gram-
mar, Rhetoric, and Logic, ii. 139 and
k; few proceeded beyond this in their
studies till toward the eleventh cen-
tury, ibid.

Turks, their successful incursions into the
East in viii cent. i. 484; subdue the Sa-
racens and Greeks, ibid. ruin the affairs
of the Saracens in Persia in x cent. ii.
83; take Constantinople in xv cent. and
hence Christianity received an irreco-
verable blow, ii. 509.

Turlupins, brethren of the free spirit, so
called in xiii cent. but whence uncer-
tain, ii. 429 and t.

Turrecremata, John de, an eminent scho-

lastic writer in xv cent. ii. 549; writes
against, and refutes the Saracens, 559.
Type, or Formulary, published by Constans
the Emperor, occasioned warm disputes
in vii cent. i. 468; this, with the Ec-
thesis, are condemned by Pope Martin,
who is imprisoned at Naxos by the Em-
peror, and the turbulent monks banish-
ed to Bizyca, 469.


Uckewallists, a sect of the rigid Anabap-

tists, their founder and rise in xvii cent.
iv. 164; doctrine and rigid discipline,
ibid. odd hypothesis about Judas's sal-
vation, ibid. scrupulously adhere to
their original founder Menno's tenets,
165; customs among them, ibid.
Udalric, Bishop of Augsburg, the first per-
son solemnly sainted by the Pope, ii.
35, 109 and x.

Uke Walles, founder of the Ukewallists,
his character and strange doctrine, iv.
164; is banished the city of Groningen,
and excluded from the communion of the
Anabaptists, 165; propagates his opi-
nions in East Friesland, and success,ibid.
Uladislaus IV. king of Poland, his plan of
religious union, iv. 9; ordered a con-
ference to be held at Thorn for this
purpose, but unsuccessful, ibid.
Ulgerius, Bishop of Angers, founds an aca-
demy there in xii cent. ii. 248; the
civil law principally studied in it, ibid.
Ulphilus, Bishop of the Goths, the eminent
service he did Christianity and his
country in iv cent. i. 263 and t.
Understanding, men of, their rise in xv
cent. ii. 567; founders who, ibid. their
principles reprehensible, and deemed
heretical, ibid. 568.

Uniformity, act of, issued out by Queen
Elizabeth, iii. 285; another by Charles
II. more rigorous, iv. 110 f.
Unigenitus, famous Bull of Pope Clement
XI. so called, and consequence of it, iv.
190; opposed, and by whom, with the
divisions it excited, 192.

Unitarians, their religious principles chan-
ged by Socinus, iii. 370. See Socinians.
United provinces, whence they became uni-
ted, iii. 97; zealous in the cause of the
Reformation, 98 and o; how and when
delivered from the Spanish yoke, ibid.
and p; a universal toleration of religious
sentiments permitted, ibid. and q, r.
Universalists, hypothetical, controversy
excited by them, in xvii cent. and sum-
mary of their doctrine, iv. 83 and l.
Urban II. Pope, his character, ii. 181 and
p; assembles a council at Clermont,
and lays the foundation for a new cru-
sade, 182; forbids the bishops and cler-
gy to take oaths of allegiance to their
sovereigns, ibid.

IV. Pope, institutes the festival of
the body of Christ, ii. 359; confers the
kingdom of Naples upon Charles, bro-
ther to Lewis IX. of France, in xiii cent.

VI. Pope, his detestable character,
ii. 463; the legality of his election de-
nied, and another Pontiff elected, 464.

VIII. Pope, Barberini, founder of
the seminary pro propaganda Fide, in
xvi cent. iii. 384; his character and
learned works, 450 and d; attempts to
unite the Greek and Latin churches,

Uries, Gerard de, opposes Roell in xvii
cent. and consequence, iv. 120.
Ursinus, his form of instruction, and
known under the title of the Catechism
of Heidelberg, iii. 280.
Ursulines, nunnery of, iii. 151.


Val Ombroso, a congregation of Benedict-
ine monks founded there in xi cent. ii.
186; their discipline propagated in se-
veral parts of Italy, ibid. and a.
Valentine, the founder of a very powerful
sect of Heretics in ii cent. i. 182; his
principles, 183; idle dreams, ibid. fol-
lowers divide into several sects, with
their names, 185.

Valerian, peace and persecution of the
Christians, i. 199.

Valla, Laurentius, his grammatical and
critical annotations on the New Testa-
ment, with their use, ii. 556.
Vandals, in Africa, horrid barbarity against
the Christians in v cent. i. 374; the mi-
racle said to be performed at this time,
examined, ibid. and h.

Vanini, Julius Cæsar, his impious trea-

tises, and fate, iii. 424 and k, l; his
apologists, 425 and m.

Vararenes, king of Persia, persecutes the

Christians in v cent. i. 340; his enmity
against them how accounted for, ibid.
Vayer, de la Mothe, a sceptical philoso-
pher in xvii cent. iii. 448 and w.
Vendome, Geoffry of, his epistles and dis-
sertations extant, ii. 282.

Matthew of, account of, ii. 340.
Venice, secret assemblies of Socinians held
there, iii. 360 and ; rupture of its in-
habitants with Pope Paul, iii. 482; con-
sequences of it, 483.

Veri, Anthony, success of the Romish mis-
sions in xviii cent. under his direction,
iv. 184.

Veron, the Jesuit, one of the Popish Me-
thodists in xvii cent. iii. 473; his me-
thod of managing controversy, ibid. and
b, c,

Verschorists, a Dutch sect, their rise in xvii

cent. iv. 123; their founder Jacob Ver-
schoor, and his impious tenets, ibid. why
called Hebrews, ibid. their common
doctrine the same with the Hattemists,

Vicelinus, of Hamelan, his great character,
ii. 231 and 1, m; converts the Sclavo-
nians in xii cent. ibid.
Vicenza, Socinians held secret assemblies
there, iii. 360 and 1.

Victor, Bishop of Rome, sends an imperi-
ous letter to the churches of Asia, i. 168,
his orders rejected by them, who here-
upon are excommunicated by him, ibid.
169; is opposed by Polycrates, Bishop
of Ephesus, ibid.

of Capua, character of his Chain
upon the four Gospels, i. 421.

Victor, Hugh of St. treated of all the
branches of sacred and profane erudi-
tion known in xii cent. and was distin-
guished by his great genius, ii. 282 and
g; his allegorical exposition of the Old
and New Testament, 290.

Richard of St. an eminent mystic
in xii cent. ii. 282; his mystical Ark,
290; opposes the scholastic divines with
great vehemence, 294.

Walter of St. character of his ex-
positions, ii. 290; a bitter enemy to the
Schoolmen, 294 and p.

Victorinus's explications lost, i. 219.
Videlius, his disputes concerning the power
of the magistrate in ecclesiastical mat-
ters, iv. 114.

Vigilantius, attacks the superstition of the
fifth cent. i. 366; his controversy with
Jerome unsuccessful, and why, 367.
Vigilius, of Tapsus, his character, i. 356.
Vigilius, Bishop of Rome, often changes

sides in his determinations about the
three chapters, i. 427.

Viles, John Baptist, his zeal and munifi-
cence toward founding at Rome the
college for propagating the faith, iii.

Villa Dea, Alexander de, considered as
the best grammarian in xiii cent. ii. 341;
his writings prove the ignorance of
grammatical knowledge that prevailed at
this time, ibid.

Villa Nova, Arnold of, his extensive know-
ledge, ii. 345, and f; his ill treatment,

Vincent, of Lerins, his treatise against the
sects, entitled Commonitorium, and the
reputation acquired by it in v cent. i.
356 and w.

of Beauvais, an historian in xfii
cent. ii. 340.

of Ferrara, a mystic in xv cent. ii.
549; his works enthusiastic, 558.
Viret, an eminent writer among the Re-
formed in xvi cent. iii. 319.

Vitriaco, Jacobus de, his character, ii. 340,
oriental history, and fame acquired by it
in xiii cent. 400.

Voet, Gilbert, his disputes about some tri-
fling points of discipline and usury, iv.
114; founder of the Voetian sect of
philosophers, and account of them,

Volusianus, persecution under him, i. 199.
Volusius, a Theologist of Mentz, his recon-
ciling attempt, iii. 469 and q.
Voragin, Jacobus de, his history of the
Lombards, and the reputation he ac-
quired by it, in xiii cent. ii. 400 and f.
Vulgate, account of that Latin Bible, iii.
158 and ; solemnly adopted by the
council of Trent, and why, ibid.

Wake, Archbishop of Canterbury, his
learned answer to Bossuet's exposition

of the Roman Catholic faith, iii. 470
sub. not. u; his project of union with
the Gallican church grossly misrepre-
sented by Dr. Mosheim, who from
hence forms an unjust judgment of the
spirit of the church of England, iv.
293 r; his opinions concerning dissen-
ters from episcopacy, 206 u; forms a
project of union between the English
and Gallican churches; and on what
conditions, ibid. 207; assists Father
Courayer in his defence of the validity
of English ordinations, and with what
views, 207 w; a circumstantial account
of the correspondence carried on be-
tween him and certain French doctors,
relative to the union, iv. 226; defends
the Protestant cause against Bossuet,
with encomiums on him, ibid. is accused
by the author of the Confessional, and
upon what foundation, ibid. Kiornin-
gius's account of his correspondence
with the French doctors, whence Dr.
Mosheim formed his notions of it, what,
and egregiously erroneous, ibid. e;
three circumstances or conclusions
drawn from authentic papers relative to
this correspondence in defence of Dr.
Wake, iv. 228, 229; the contents of his
first letter to Mr. Beauvoir, by which
he is cleared from the imputation of
being the first mover in this project of
union, 229; observations on the answer
to it, wherein the first overtures of the
above-mentioned project are expressed,
ibid. f, 230, writes another letter to Mr.
Beauvoir, and makes handsome mention
of Dr. Du Pin, ibid. the author of the
Confessional's suspicion hereupon and
proved groundless, ibid. h; other objec-
tions in the Confessional, particularly
the supposed concessions by the Archbi-
shop answered, 231 sub. not. h; he re-
ceives a letter of thanks from Dr. Du
Pin, who intimates his desire of a union
between the English and Gallican
churches, 230, 232; his answer to Dr. Du
Pin, expressing his readiness to concur
in such a union, and remarks thereon,
232; observations on a remarkable dis-
course delivered in the Sorbonne, rela-
tive to the project of union, and by
whom, 233; his answer to Du Pin com-
municated to the Cardinal Noailles, who
greatly admired it, 234; receives a se-
cond letter from Du Pin, and a copy of
Girardin's discourse, with his ill opinion
of the progress of the union, ibid. the
Sorbonne doctors form a plan of recon-
ciliation, with the uncertainty of their
motives, ibid. is informed of Du Pin's
making an essay toward the union, and
that his letters were highly approved,
with observations on the Protestant spi-
rit, which reigns in them, ibid. his re-
markable expression on the necessity of
the concurrence of the state in the pro-

jected union, 235; receives Du Pin's
Commonitorium, ibid. the contents of
which are reduced to three heads, and
what those are, with a compendious ac-
count of it, ibid. 236; an observation of
Du Pin, how the union may be com-
pleted without the Pope's consent or
consulting him, and his admonition con-
cerning it, 239 and m; rejects the Com-
monitorium, refuses to comply with its
proposals, and observes upon what terms
a union must be effected, 240; com-
mends the candour and openness in the
Commonitorium, he refuses giving his
sentiments at large concerning it, 241;
his principal views in this correspond-
ence, with a defence of his conduct re-
lative to the Commonitorium, ibid. his
sentiments on the primacy of the Bishop
of Rome, 242; his project of union ex-
plained, ibid. his hopes of the Gallican
church's separation from that of Rome,
and whence, 243; weighty obstacles to
this separation, ibid. defence of the se-
crecy observed in this correspondence,
244 and y; the correspondence divulged
and the consequence, ibid. and a; is in-
formed thereof by Mr. Beauvoir; the
correspondence is suspended, with his
doubtful sentiments about the event,
ibid. his letter to Du Pin, who dies be-
fore the receipt of it, regretting the ill
success of the projected union, ibid.
writes to Mr. Beauvoir, before he had
heard of Du Pin's death, on the same
subject, and expresses his hopes of re-
newing their good design, ibid. observa-
tions on Du Pin's account of this cor-
respondence left behind him, which
seemed to intimate that the Archbishop
was the first mover in this project of
union, 246; and the promise of the
former to rectify it, who was prevented
by death from doing it, ibid. a faint cor-
respondence carried on with Girardin,
but without success, ibid. impartial con-
clusions drawn from the preceding ac-
count of the correspondence, ibid. his
charitable correspondence with the Pro-
testant churches abroad, 247; his letter
to Le Clerc, expressing his affections for
them, and desire of their union with
the church of England, ib. his exhorta-
tory letter to the pastors and professors
of Geneva, and account of, 248; letters
to Professor Schurer of Berne, and
Turretin of Geneva, full of moderation
and charity, ibid. remarkable letter, to
M. Jablonski of Poland, with the two
questions proposed by the latter, that
occasioned this letter, ibid. 249; ac-
count of his conduct with relation to
the Dissenters, and defence, ibid. makes
no attempts to unite them to the church
of England, with the reasons, ibid. his
change of conduct with respect to them
whom he at first defended, and after-

ward opposed, partly accounted for, 250;
this sufficiently vindicated, and by
whom, ibid. his great character, as
drawn from the preceding accounts of
his charitable correspondence with dif-
ferent Christian churches, and the de-
claration of a learned divine concerning
him, 251 and i; authentic copies of the
original letters relative to his correspon-
dence with the French doctors, 252,
271; extract of his letter to Mr. Le
Clerc, 272, his letter to the pastors and
professors of Geneva, 273; to Professor
Schurer, 276, 278; to Professor Turre-
tin, ibid. to Mr. Jablonski, 280.
Waldeck, Count, retakes Munster from the
fanatics, and puts their king to death,
iii. 330.

Waldemar 1. King of Denmark, his zeal
for propagating Christianity in xii cent.
ii. 228; conversions among the Sclavo-
nians and the Isle of Rugen by his arms,
and the ministry of Absalom of Lunden,
ibid. and b.

Waldenses, their origin in xii cent. various

names and history, ii. 314, 315, amaz-
ing success owing to the innocence of
their lives, 315; distinguished from the
inhabitants of Piedmont, 316 g; their
doctrine, discipline, and views, 316, 317,
formed into a sect, not through a spirit
of opposition, but intention to restore
primitive piety, 318 i; adopt the three
orders of Bishops, Priests, and Dea-
cons, in church discipline, ibid. and k;
think it necessary these persons should
exactly resemble the apostles of Christ,
ibid. and 1; their laity divided into
two classes, and different sentiments
among them concerning the Romish
church, and the possession of worldly
goods, ibid. and 319 m; increase in
xiv cent. 489; their state and settle-
ment in xv cent. 563; account of their
reformation in xvi cent. iii. 398; perse-
cuted by the Dukes of Savoy in xvii
cent. iv. 70 and t.

Walenburg, two polemic divines of this
name in the Romish church in xvii cent.
unfair in managing controversies, iii.
473 and e.

Wallis, contributes to the progress of na-
tural knowledge, iii. 446.
Walter, head of the Beghards in xiv cent.

his fate and character, ii. 501 and e.
Wansleb, John Michael, is sent upon the
mission to Abyssinia, by Ernest of Saxe
Gotha, in xvii cent. iii. 561; neglects
his mission, ibid. turns Romanist, and
enters the Dominican order, with the
reason, ibid. and x.

Warner, Dr. character of his Ecclesiasti-
cal History, i. 462 e.
Wars, holy, the first plan laid for them in

x eent. ii. 82; and renewed in xi cent.
122; the first of them began at the soli-
citations of Peter the Hermit, and Pope

Urban II. and its progress, 122, 123;
why called Crusades, 124; history of
the first, ibid. the melancholy conse-
quences arising from them, and their
legality examined, 128 and z, 129, 130
and a, b; their unhappy effects on reli-
gion, ibid. 131, 132 and f, g; the un-
fortunate issue of the second of them, ii.
236; and cause, ibid. history of the
third, 237, 238; promoted by the Popes,
and why, 324; attempts to renew them
in xiv cent. unsuccessful, 441.
Warsaw, terrible law against the Socinians
here, and how executed, iv. 170.
Waterland, Dr. opposes Dr. Clarke's sen-
timents concerning the Trinity, iv. 212;
sub. not. z; censured as a Semitritheist,
and whence, ibid.

Waterlandians, a sect of Anabaptists in xvi
cent. iii. 337 and y; draw up and lay
before the public a summary of their
doctrine, 339; their respect for learn-
ing, 356; abandon the severe discipline
and opinions of Menno, iv. 166; divided
into two sects with their names, ibid.
account of their ecclesiastical govern-
ment, ibid.

Wayen, John Vander, flaming dissension
between him and Frederic Spanheim,

with the occasion, iv. 114.
Weller, opposes Callixtus in xvii cent iv. 32.
Wertheim Translation of the Bible, and di-

visions occasioned by it, iv. 201 and m.
Wesselus, John, called the light of the
world from his extraordinary genius and
penetration, ii. 549; censured the Ro-
mish church with freedom and candour
in xv cent. ibid.

Westphal, Joachim, renews the controver-
sy on the Eucharist, and how he con-

ducted it, iii. 269 and h; is answered by
Calvin, 270; the consequences, ibid.
Westphalia, involved in calamities by the
fanatics in xvi cent. iii. 231; famous
peace of, 460.

Whiston, William, defends the doctrine of
the Arians in xviii cent. iv. 210 and z
is opposed and treated with severity,
and censure on this account, 211, sub.
not. z.

Whitby, Dr. account of his dissertation on
the manner of interpreting the Scrip-
tures, iv. 74 y.

White, Thomas, his notions and works, iii.
547 and t; doctrine condemned at Rome,
ibid. and embraced by some, ibid.
Whitefield, George, his ministerial labours
and great views, iv, 207, 208; his doc-
trine seems reducible to two proposi-
tions, and what these are, ibid.
Whitehead, a famous writer among the
Quakers, iv. 154, sub. not. b.
Wickliff, John, a violent opposer of the
Mendicants in xiv cent. ii. 468; attacks
the monks and papal authority, ibid. re-
futes many absurd and superstitious ne-
tions in his times, ibid. exhorts the peo-

ple to the study of the Scriptures, and
gives a free translation of them, ibid.
his adversaries, who, ibid. 469; opinions
condemned, partly as heretical, partly
as erroneous, 469 and g; dies peacea-
bly, and by what means he escaped un-
punished uncertain, ibid. and h; leaves
many followers who are persecuted by
the inquisition, ibid. 470; his writings
and ashes committed to the flames by
the council of Constance, 529.
Wigelius, Lutheran Doctor, goes over to
the Paracelsists, iii. 222.

Valentine, his writings censured

as erroneous, iv. 58.
Wilhelmina, her extravagant notions, and
what these are, ii. 436; is admired, ib.
a sect founded to support her tenets, is
crushed by the inquisition, 437 and f.
William the Conqueror, a great patron of
learning, ii. 137; rejects the Pope's or-
der of submission to the See of Rome,
162 and f.

Prince of Orange, procures a
toleration for the Mennonites, iii. 347.
- III. king of England, enriches the
society for propagating the Christian re-
ligion in foreign parts, iii. 411 and f;
his act of toleration in favour of the
Nonconformists, iv. 110; deprives San-
croft and seven other Bishops of their
Sees, for refusing the oath of allegiance
to him, and the event, 111 and ii and iii.
Willebrord, an Anglo Saxon, his zeal in
propagating Christianity in vii cent. i.
441; is accompanied by others in this
undertaking, ibid. his own and the mo-
tives of his followers in this design ex-
amined, 442.

Wirekir, Nigel, an English bard, his satire
upon the Monks, ii. 273 d.

Wisnovius, Stanislaus, follows Farnovius
in his schism, iii. 382.

Witnesses of the Truth, those so called who
attempted a reformation in ix cent. ii.
196; their laudable opposition against
the superstition of the church more ve-
hement than prudent, 197; errors con-
sequent on their ill-grounded notions,
Wittemberg, tumult, raised there by Caro-
lostadt, iii. 232 and g; but appeased by
Luther, ibid. magistrates of, banish Hu-
ber, and for what, 259.

Wlodomir, first Christian duke of Russia,
ii. 76; a high saint among the Russians,
but not acknowledged as such by the
Latins, ibid.

Wolf, his philosophy and that of Leibnitz
detrimental to Arminianism, and how,
iv. 144, ee; applied to the illustration
of the Scriptures by some German di-
vines, ibid. sub ee; reduces the science,
of Metaphysics to a scientific order, and
brings it to great perfection, 200.
Worms, diet held there in xii cent. con-
cerning investitures, ii. 262; conditions


made relative to this dispute, ibid. the
edict passed against Luther at a diet
held in xvi cent. and disapproved, iii.
44, r.

Worship, public, its form in iv cent. i. 303,
304 and s; its variety of liturgies,
whence, ibid. changes introduced into
many of its parts, ibid. consisted in little
more than a pompous round of external
ceremonies in xvi cent. iii. 22; wretch-
ed sermons, and common-place sub-
jects, ibid. with the true cause of the
people's ignorance, superstition, and
corruption of manners, 23; hence a re-
formation in the church ardently de-
sired, and how far, ibid.

Writers, Greek, chief in iii cent. i. 212.
iv cent. 276.
V cent. 354.
vi cent. 416.
vii cent. 455.
viii cent. 506.
ix cent. ii. 29.

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