תמונות בעמוד

gress, how retarded in Germany, 144
and ee; form of divine worship and
ecclesiastical government, 145, and ƒ.

Dutch, its state in xviii cent. iv.
208; divided by the Cartesian and Coc-
ceian controversies, but with some
hopes of their termination, and whence,
ibid. other controversies, and concern-
ing what, ibid. 209 and x,y.

Eastern, its history in xvi cent.
iii. 180; divided into three distinct
communities, ibid. Greek, properly so
called, what, its subdivision into two
branches, and its four provinces de-
scribed, 181, 182 and o, p, q; its doc-
trine, 184; unsuccessful attempt to
unite it with the Protestants, 185.
Churches, Eastern, separated from the
Greeks and Latins, iii. 190; compre-
hended under two classes, with their
names and subdivisions, ibid. and h;
the remarkable aversion to Popery
shown by those members of them who
have been educated at Rome, 200, 201
and i; their state in xviii cent. iv. 195;
Greek Christians treated with more in-
dulgence than formerly, ibid.
Church of England inclines to the senti-

ments of Luther, and in what respect,
iii. 232; but changes after the death of
Henry VIII. to Calvinism, 283; re-
ceives a new form of ceremonials and
discipline under Queen Elizabeth, 285
and 1; controversy with the Puritans,
318 revolution in it, in favour of Ar-
minianism, iv. 80, 93; its genius and
spirit, 80; state under James I. and
changes made in it, 90, 94 and notes;
state under Charles I. 95, 104 and notes;
under Cromwell, 105, 106 and t; who
tolerates all sects but Episcopalians,
ibid. Presbyterian government esta-
blished, ibid. t; what sects flourished
at this time, 106 and u, w, x, y, and
107; its state under Charles II. and his
successors, 210; divisions, whence the
terms of High church and Low church,
111, 112 and notes; its state in xviii
cent. iv. 205; established form of go-
vernment, i, 206; Nonconformists in ge-
neral tolerated, ibid. the members of
the established church divided into two
classes, with their different opinions
concerning episcopacy, ibid. warm dis-
putes between them, with the principal
champions, ibid. and 207; its spirit
with relation to those who dissent from
it appears from its rule of doctrine and
government, and from Dr. Wake's pro-
ject of peace and union between the
English and Gallican churches, ibid.
and w; various sects in England,
through the unbounded liberty of the
press, and publishing religious notions,

Church, Greek, its history and deplorable

[ocr errors]

state in xvii cent. iii. 550; some excep-
tions, 551 and a; invincible aversion
to the Latin church, ibid. and b; me-
thods for softening it, under Urban VIII.
and great hopes of success entertained
by the Latins, who published many la-
borious treatises on this plan, 552, 553
and d; its doctrine, if not corrupted by
the Romish missionaries, and doctors,
554 and g; whence, with bribery, &c.
of the Jesuits, in obtaining certificates
from the Greeks about some Romish
points, 555.

Helvetic, what points first excited
a difference between its members and
the Lutherans, iii. 273 and m; adopt
Zuingle's doctrine of the Eucharist, 274
and n; opposes Bucer's endeavours to
modify its doctrine to some degree of
conformity with that of Luther, ibid.
warm contests in it concerning the for-
mulary of concord, and whence, iv.
209; and how terminated through the
intercession of the King of Great Britain
and the States General, 210.

-Lutheran, its rise, iii. 42, 43 and q;
progress retarded by internal divisions
relative to the Eucharist, 49; and by a
civil war, 50, 51; its name, commence-
ment, and why called Evangelical, 207;
why Lutheran, ibid. began to acquire a
regular form, &c. and raised to the dig-
nity of a lawful and complete Hierar-
chy, 208; sum of its doctrine, ibid. cer-
tain formularies adopted by this church,
ibid. confession of Augsburg, with its
defence, ibid. and a; its ceremonies
and public worship, 209; rejects the
ceremonies and observances of the
church of Rome, 210; its visible head,
and form of government, ibid. and ƒ;
internal government removed from
Episcopacy and Presbyterianism, Swe-
den and Denmark excepted, 211 and g;
Hierarchy, ibid. liturgies, public wor-
ship, and method of instruction, 212;
holidays and ecclesiastical discipline,
213 and h; excommunication, ibid. and
how brought into disrepute,and to what
attributed, 214; few prosperous or un-
favourable events, 215 and k; allega-
tions of their enemies against the reli-
gious peace, unjust, 216 and n; state of
learning, ibid. study of the Belles Let-
tres and languages, 217; authors emi-
nent therein, 218; various fate of phi-
losophy among them, 219; sects among
them, 220; science of theology correct-
ed and improved, 223; exegetic theo-
logy, its state, ibid. respective merits of
interpreters, 224; two classes, 225;
didactic theology, ibid. its form chan-
ged, 226; morality, its state, and wri-
ters upon this subject, 227; no regular
system, 228; polemic or controversial
theology introduced ibid. asperity in its

disputants, how alleviated, 229; three
periods to be distinguished in the histo-
ry of this church, 230; enjoys tolerable
tranquillity during Luther's life, ibid.
debates between Luther and the fanat-
ics in the first period, and who they
were, ibid. also between him and Caro-
lostadt, with the occasion, 232, 233 and
g, h, i; and Schwenckfeldt, 333; and
Antinomians, 235; debates in the se-
cond period between the death of Lu-
ther and Melancthon, 237; methods to
heal divisions, how frustrated, 249;
form of doctrine projected, and James
Andrea employed, 250; rejects the
form of concord, 255; judgment con-
cerning the controversies in it, 260;
principal doctors and writers, 261; its
history in xvii cent. iv. 3; loses ground
in some places, ibid. attempts made to-
wards an union between the Lutheran
and Reformed churches, 6; declaration
of the synod of Charenton, 8; prosper-
ous events, 14 and p; progress in learn-
ing, 15; state of philosophy, 16; free-
dom of philosophical inquiries gains
ground, 17; ecclesiastical polity, and
bad consequence thereof, 23,24; most
eminent writers in this century, 24;
historical view of its religious doctrine,
25; commotions in it, 29; its external
and internal state in xviii cent. 196; re-
ceives a considerable accession, and
whence, with its success in remote
countries, but is oppressed at home,ibid.
197; methods of defence, &c. changed,
and why, ibid. attempts to reform its
body of ecclesiastical law, opposed by
its chief rulers, whence contests arise,
with their motives for opposition, ibid.
its intestine enemies, and the fate they
meet with, ibid. some pretended Refor-
mers, but they fall into contempt and
are forgotten, 198; state of philosophy,
200; metaphysics improved, and by
whom, ibid. opposed, and controversies
thereon, with the charges brought
against it, ibid. the Wertheim transla-
tion of the Bible condemned, and its au-
thor imprisoned, 201; the Pietistical
controversies still carried on, but redu-
ced to one principal question, and what
that is, ibid. and 202; other religious
contests and divisions in this church,

Church, Reformed, its history in xyi cent.
iii. 261; constitution and founders, ibid.
no centre of union, and how far this re-
mark is true, 262 and 4; the causes that
produced this state of things, ibid. who
may claim as members of it, 264; its
progress in Switzerland, 266; contro-
versy between the Lutherans and Re-
formed, about the Eucharist, 265; pro-
gress of it, 266, 268; dispute about pre-
destination, 270; discord carried to the

greatest height, 271; what worthy of
observation in the rise and progress of
this church, 272; its history compre-
hended in two periods, ibid. its princi-
pal founder, 274; form of doctrine, dif-
ferent from Zuingle's, 276; is opposed,
278, 279; yet propagated in many coun-
tries, 279 in Germany and France,
281; its state in the Netherlands, 295;
in Poland, 296; divisions, 299 and q;
doctrine adopted by it, 301; how differ-
ent from the Lutherans, 302; and the
importance of these differences, 303;
to whom belongs the right of ecclesias-
tical government, determined, 304; its
form of ecclesiastical government, 305,
306 and z; state of church discipline,
307; of learning, 309; interpreters of
scripture, ib. theological doctrine, 310;
state of morality,312; and explained by
Perkins and others,ibid. persons of emi-
nent genius in this church, 313; gains
ground in Hesse and Brandenburg in
xvii cent. iv. 4, 5; its history in this
cent. 64; limits extended, ibid. 65, m,n,
o; decline in France, 66; receives in-
jurious treatment from the French
court, 67; its decline in the Palatinate,
70; state of learning, ibid. and u; of
explanatory, 72; and didactic theology,
74; and also of morality, 75; contro-
versies, 77, 90; its state in xviii cent.
202; its great extent, and who may
account themselves members of it, ibid.
203 and notes; expression of Dr.
Mosheim censured, 203 o; inaccuracy
censured, ibid. p; remarkable error in
the quarto edition of this work correct-
ed, and how, with the defence of the
Reformed church against the charge of
approximation to popery, ibid. r; no
general subject of controversy between
the Lutherans and Arminians, and how
far this remark is true, 204 and s; pro-
jects of reunion between the Reformed
and the Lutherans, and whence un-
successful, ibid. and t.

Reformed, in France, disposed
to favour Arminianism, iv. 80; particu-
lar tenets, 81; the cause of departing
from their brethren in some points, ibid.
charged with some concessions of
moment to Popery, and this charge
examined, 82 ii, and k; controversy
raised by Hypothetical Universalists,
83; Cameron and Amyrout's attempts,
with the form of reconciliation drawn
up by the latter, ibid.

Romish, sends missionaries into
Tartary in xiii cent. ii. 324; a great
schism in xiv cent. 463; its bad conse-
quences, 464; plan for reforming it, and
the substance of it, in xvi cent. iii. 82;
and w; charged with fanaticism and
superstition, 106; zealous in appointing
an infinite number of missionaries, and

how accounted for, 131; character of
commentators, 160, 161; theological
disquisitions in this church demand re-
formation, and why, 161 and q ; state
of practical religion among its members
163; moral writers divided into three
classes, ibid. and t; produces many po-
lemic divines, and their character 164;
its internal state examined, and proved
to be disordered, 165, 166; principal
subjects of debate reduced to six, and
explained, 167, and notes, vain attempts
to unite the Russian church to this,
201; little or no success attends the
labours of the missionaries among the
Eastern sects, and iniquitous practices
used to gain converts, 203, 204 and w;
how far it was considered a true church
by the commissioners of Queen Eliza-
beth, 290; its history and Popes in
xvii cent. iii. 449; attempts toruin the
Protestants, but unsuccessful, 453, 454;
writers on both sides, 454; loses ground
in the East, with two striking instances
of it, 477, 478 and s; its downfal in
Abyssinia, 478; the papal authority, its
decline, 481; French maxim concern-
ing it, embraced by most princes and
states of Europe, 482; all prospect of
reconciling the Protestants with the
members of the Romish communion
quite removed in xviii cent. and how,
iv.190; intestine divisions in this church,
191; controversy relative to the Jesuits
and Jansenists still continues, ibid. 192
and f; debates occasioned by the New
Testament of Quesnel, with the Bull of
Pope Clement XI. in condemnation of
it, ibid. commotions raised by this Bull
in France, with the issue in favour of
it, 193; two circumstances, by which
Jansenism is supported, 194; pretended
miracles by the remains of Abbé Paris
refuted, and visions of the Jansenists
considered, and success of their cause,
ibid. and i, 195 and k; attempts of the
Pontiffs to renew the Abyssinian mission
ineffectual, ibid.

Church, rulers, how called in i cent. i. 88;
their character and office, ibid. distinc-
tion between teaching and ruling Pres-
byters considered, ibid. and e.

Russian, its history and rise in
xvii cent. iii. 556 and m, n; change in-
troduced into it by Peter I. 557; its
state in xviii cent. iv. 195; followers
somewhat more civilized than in the
former ages, with some exceptions, ibid.
Churches, if the first Christians had any,
considered, i. 107 and z, a ; the remark-
able zeal of Christians for rebuilding
and adorning them in xi cent. ii. 218.
more ancient, their history, iii.


modern, an account of iii. 206.
Chytræus, eminent for his knowledge in
history in xvi cent. 218.

Cimbrians, converted to Christianity in
ix cent. ii. 4.

Cinnamus, an historian, in xii cent. his
character, ii. 246.

Circumcelliones, in Africa, their rise and
ravages, i. 311; severe proceedings
against them after their defeat at Bag-
nia, 312.

Cistercian monks, their rise in xi cent. ii.
186 founder Robert Abbot of Moleme,
ibid. discipline, ibid. gradually cor-
rupted, 187 and c; their opulence and
credit in xii cent. due to St. Bernard,
Abbot of Clairval, ii. 274; whence call-
ed Bernardians, ibid. division between
them and the monks of Clugni, ibid.
Clarendon, constitutions of, what, and
their design, ii. 267 and s.

--Lord, his account of Archbishop
Abbot,iv. 92 and ƒ; partiality censured,
93 sub. f.

Clarke, Dr. Samuel, charged with alter-
ing the orthodox doctrine of the Tri-
nity, iv. 210; his method of inquiring
into that subject, and his doctrine of it
comprehended in fifty-five propositions,
211, sub. not, ; endeavours to avoid
the imputation of heresy ineffectual, is
branded with that of Semi-Arian, and
proceeded against by the houses of
convocation, with his prudence, ibid.
sub. s; is opposed by several divines,
and particularly Dr. Waterland, and
defends himself with spirit, 212.
Claudius, Emperor,the state of the church
under him, tolerable, i. 200.

Bishop of Turin, his exposition
and chronology, ii. 30, 40; his laudable
zeal in ix cent. against images and their
worship, 47; is opposed, ibid. success
in maintaining his opinions, ibid. the
doctrine maintained by his adversaries,

denies Christ's divinity, iii. 355.
Clausenburg, academy at, iii. 381 and x ;
account of, ibid.
Clemangis, Nicholas de, his great charac-
ter, iii. 429 and p.

Clemens, Bishop of Rome, the most emi-
nent writer in i cent. his works, i. 94 and
s, t; some writings falsely attributed to
him, 95 and w.

Alexandrinus, his great charac-
ter, i. 148; commentary on the scrip-
tures lost, 151; work against Heretics,
153; treatises on morality lost, 155.
Clement, of Ireland, misrepresented by
Boniface, Winfrid, i. 525; condemned
at a council by Pope Zachary, ibid. the
heresy he is charged with, examined,
ibid. k.

III. Pope, remarkably zealous
for Crusades, ii. 272.

V. abrogates the laws made by
Boniface VIII. and shows himself to
Philip the Fair in other respects, ii.
458; contentions which happened at his

death concerning the choice of a suc-
cessor, ibid.

Clement, VI. his character and ambition,
ii. 461; reserves to himself the disposal
of various churches and benefices,

VII. his character, iii. 48; inso-
lent behaviour at an interview with the
Emperor Charles V. at Bologna, 59;
reasons for deferring to call a general
council, 77 and i.

-VIII. Hippolito Aldobrandini, an
account of, iii. 449 and a.

IX. Rospigliosi, his character,
iii. 457; peace of, 532 and u.

XI. Albani, his high character,
iii. 453 and m; decides the controversy
relating to the Chinese rites against the
Jesuits, and severe edict of, iv. 185;
which is mitigated, and how, ibid. con-
sequence in China, ibid. condemns by
his bull Unigenitus, Quesnel's New
Testament, and anecdote concerning,
192 and g.

XII. character of, iv. 189.
Clementina, spurious, i. 221 and n.
Clergy, a perfect equality among them
in i cent. i. 92; an artful parallel be-
tween the offices of the Christian and
Jewish, with the pernicious conse-
quences, 147; their vices in iii cent.
209; they assume superior dignity,
which occasions inferior orders, 210;
concubinage introduced among them,
211; crimes charged on them, with the
cause, in iv cent. 275; their excessive
pride in v cent. 351; and source of
their vices, 352; their vices not to be
restrained by the legislature in viii
cent. 490; veneration for them greater
in the West than in the East, and why,
ibid. and k; the increase of their reve-
nues, whence, 491 and 7; are invested
with temporal dignities, 492; great li-
berality to them, and the cause of, 492,
493 and n; their enormous crimes in
ix cent. and sources of them, ii. 17, 18;
zealous in the cause of superstition, ii.
33; their revenues increased through
the fondness that prevailed for relics,
37: vices in x cent. principally imputed
to the examples of the pontiffs of Rome,
93; simony and concubinage frequent
among them, 101, 102 and e, f; decay
of piety and discipline among them in
xi cent. 144; their infamous lives in
xiii cent. ii. 346; complaints against
them in xiv cent. 453; the great de-
cline of the Christian church in xv
cent. through their neglect and vices,
517; the objects of universal contempt
in xvi cent. iii. 16; the doctrines they
chiefly inculcated, what 22; neglect a
reformation of principles, and why, 23.
of Rome, their state in xvi cent.
iii. 144; obtain considerable advan-

tages at the expense of their pontiffs,
146; manners of the superior, and cause
of their great corruption, ibid. the infe-
rior orders more virtuous in their prin-
ciples, ibid. their state in xvii cent. iii.
495; how corrupted, with several ex-
ceptions, ibid. s and 496.

Clerks, apostolic, account of that order,
and its abolition, iii. 344.


regular, their rise in xvi cent. ii.

Clovis, King of the Salii, founder of the
kingdom of the Franks in Gaul, i. 334;
converted to Christianity, and how in-
duced to embrace it, ibid. is baptized
by Remigius, Bishop of the Salii, ibid.
the influence of his conversion on the
minds of the Franks, 335; the miracle
said to be performed at his baptism, a
fiction, ibid. and o; his conversion
gave rise to the title of Most Christian
King, 336.

Clugni, Monks of, their founder Odo, Ab-
bot of Clugni, ii. 102; discipline soon
adopted in all the European convents,
103; a mistake made by writers con-
cerning this order, ibid. h; jealous of
the Cistercians, 274; Benedictines de-
generate in xii cent. ibid.

Cocceius, John, his sentiments followed
by the Dutch divines in xvii cent. iv.
26; method of interpreting Scripture,
73; followers and tenets, ibid. 74; who
are united with the Cartesians, 115; his
sentiments concerning Holy Scripture,
and account of, 117; differs from Cal-
vin, and how, ibid. his chimerical sys-
tem, ibid. sentiments concerning the
doctrinal part of theology, 118; is op-
posed, yet, after all stands his ground,

Coddeus, Peter, assists Arnaud in propa-

gating Jansenism in Holland, iii. 533.
Codinus, George, his works, ii. 547.
Cœnobites, an order of Monks in iv cent.
an account of, i. 292.

Cogitosus, a writer of the lives of the saints
in vi cent. i. 423.

College de propaganda fide, founded at
Rome in xvii cent. iii. 383; number of
members, ibid. and a; business, 384;
another by Urban VIII. 385; some of
the same nature in France, ibid. alter-
cations of their missionaries with those
of the Jesuits, 386.

Collegiants, a Socinian sect, their rise in
xvii cent. iv. 173 and t, u; founders,
174; whence called Collegiants and
Rhinsbergers, ibid. and x; their customs
and tenets, 175; extensiveness of their
community, which comprehends all
Christian sects, ibid. debates among
them, and concerning what, 176 and


Collins, his impiety and Deism in xviii
cent. iv. 188.

Collyridians, a sect in iv cent. i. 330; they
worship the Virgin Mary, ibid.
Colonia, Dominic, the use of his History
of the controversies in the church of
Rome, iii. 173.

Columban, the disciple of Congall, an ac-
count of, i. 414,418 and u; the success
of his ministry in vii cent. 455.
Comestor, Peter, his character, ii. 283.
Commentaries, chains of them in ix cent.
and whence this name, ii. 38 and p.
Commentators, few men of judgment
among them in iv cent. i. 284; pervert
the natural expressions of Scripture,
and search for allegorical senses, 285;
their character in vi cent. and division
into two classes, 421; few among the
Greeks in ix cent. and defects of the
Latin, ii. 39; allegorical, their funda-
mental principle, and number of senses,
ibid. 40; deserve little notice in x cent.
110; many in xi cent. but very unequal
to the undertaking, 198; their defects
in xii cent. 288; their character in xiv
cent. 488; in xv cent. 556.
Commission court, high, account of, iii.
288 and p; exorbitant power, ibid. in.
fine; principles laid down by it, 289;
how answered by the Puritans, ibid.

Commodus, Emperor, state of the Chris-
tians under him, j. 134 and b.
Comnenus,Alexius,Emperor of Greece,sus-
pects the designs of the first Crusade,
and is at first afraid, ii. 124; a great pa-
tron of letters, 135; his controversy
with the Manichæans, 220.

Emanuel, his character and

works, ii. 299, 300.
Conception, immaculate, of the Virgin Ma-

ry, contest about in xii cent. ii. 302 and
h; the cause of additional veneration
being paid her, 303; controversy about
it in xvii cent. between the Franciscans
and Dominicans, iii. 540, 541 and g;
feast instituted in honour of it by Cle-
ment XI. 540, g.

Concord, form, account of, iii. 209, 250;
why called Book of Torgaw, 253; its
compilers, and account of, ibid. b, c;
purposes for which used, 254; produces
much disturbance, and opposed by the
Reformed, ibid. and even by the Luthe-
rans themselves, 255; their different
motives,with Julius of Brunswick's con-
duct, 256, 257; why rejected in his do-
minions, ibid. suppressed in Branden-
burg in xvii cent. iv. 6 and d; disputes
in Switzerland concerning it, 125; by
whom drawn up, and why, ibid. good
intention of it frustrated, and contests
occasioned, 126; abrogated at Basil
and Geneva, and falls into oblivion, ib.
disputes about in Switzerland in xviii.
cent. and loses much of its credit, 209.
Concordate, what, iis. 14; forcibly impo-

[ocr errors]

sed on his subjects by Francis 1. of
France, ibid. and h.

Conference between Protestants and Pa-
pists at Ratisbon, iii. 467; at Newberg,
ibid. at Thorn, between several Doctors
of the Lutheran, Reformed, and Romish
churches, ibid. at Rheinfeldt, between
the Reformed and the Catholics, 468;
in France between Claude and Bossuet,
ibid. at Leipsic, between the Lutherans
and Reformed, iv. 8; at Cassel, ibid.
and at Thorn, 9 and i.
Confessional, some groundless remarks in
it answered, iv. 214, 225. See Appen-
dix II. and III. 214, 226.
Confessors, who entitled to this name, i.
71; veneration paid to them perverted,
and their number ibid. records of their
lives and actions lost, 72.
Confucius, assertion concerning him, iii.
403; religious worship paid him, by the
Chinese, 404 and s.

Congall, abbot, propagates the monastic
discipline in Great Britain, i. 413.
Congregation of Aid, why so called, iii
178; history of its proceedings uncer-
tain, ibid. and m.

iii, 128, c.

of Cardinals, their office,

of the Holy Sacrament in
France, and its founder, iii. 385.
Conrad, of Lichtenau, his character, ii.

of Marpurg, the first German inqui-
sitor, ii. 425; his barbarity and fate,
ibid. and k, l.

Constance, the famous council held at, in
xv cent. ii. 520; its design to heal the
divisions in the Papal empire, 521;
limits the authority of the Pope, ibid.
its happy issue, ibid. and m, n; issucs
out a decree against the writings and
ashes of Wickliffe, 529; deprives the
Laity of the cup in the Holy Sacrament
and the reason, 530.

Constans, obtains all the Western provin-
ces, 255; is soon deprived of his em-
pire, and assassinated by the order of
Magnentius, ibid.

Constantine the Great, made Emperor in
the West, i. 248; publishes an edict in
favour of the Christians, and restores
peace to the church, 250; is involved
in a civil war hereupon, and defeats
Maxentius, ibid. grants the Christians
power to live according to their own
laws and institutions, ibid. is converted
to Christianity, and different opinions
concerning his faith, ibid. the sincerity
of his faith proved, 251; is baptized by
Eusebius, Bishop of Nicomedia, a few
days before his death, ibid. and w;
whether influenced somewhat by
worldly motives to embrace Christiani-
ty considered, 252; the influence of
Christianity and superstition compared,

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