תמונות בעמוד

Benedict VI. Pope, his character and fate,

ii. 97.

ii. 147.

VII. Pope, account of, ii. 97.
VIII. is raised to the pontificate,

IX. his infamous character, ii. 147.
XII. his good character, ii. 461;
is censured for the festival he added to
the ritual, 496.

XIII. Anti-Pope, an account of,
ii. 518, 521.

XIII. Pope, his character, iv. 189.

XIV. Pope, Prosper Lambertini,
his great character, iv. 189; attempts
to reform the clergy, but in vain, ibid.
Benedictine order of monks, its rise in vi
cent. i. 414; the founder's views in this
institution, ibid. degeneracy among
them from his practice, 415; its rapid
progress in the west,ibid. their founder's
discipline neglected and forgot by the
monks in x cent. ii. 102.

Benefices, the right of nomination to them
assumed by the Romish pontiffs, who
are opposed by the civil power in xiii
cent. ii. 348, 349.

Bennet, Gurvas, gives the denomination of
Quakers to the sect so called, and why,
iv. 145.

Berenger, introduces logic into France, ii.
141; his dispute with Lanfranc against.
the real presence of Christ's body and
blood in the Holy Sacrament, ibid. 199
and a; commentary on the Revelations,
ibid. explains the doctrines of Scripture
by logical and metaphysical rules, ibid.
maintains his doctrine of the Eucharist
against synodical decrees, and the
threats and punishment of the civil pow-
er, 207; abjures his opinions, but teach-
es them soon afterward, 208; his con-
duct imperfectly represented, ibid.
makes a public recantation with an oath,
and yet propagates his real sentiments
of the Eucharist, 209; his second de-
claration before Gregory VII. ibid. sub-
scribes a third confession with an oath,
211; yet retracts publicly, and compo-
ses a refutation, ibid. and ; whence
appear Gregory's sentiments of the Eu-
charist, ibid. and s; his fate, and the
progress of his doctrine, 212, 213; his
real sentiments, ibid. and e; the weak-
ness of the arguments used by the Ro-
man catholic writers against the real
sentiments of this divine, ibid. d; the
nature and manner of Christ's pre-
sence in the Sacrament not fixed by the
church of Rome in xi cent. ibid. sub fin.

not. d.

Berg, the famous form of concord review-
ed there, and its contents. iii. 254 and c.
Bermudes, John, sent into Abyssinia, with
the title of patriarch, in xvi cent. iii.
132; met with little or no success in
his ministry, ibid. a mistake about Loy-
ofa being sent into Abyssinia, ibid. g.

Berne, an account of the cruel and impi-
ous fraud acted in xvi cent. upon one
Jetzer. by the Dominicans, iii. 18. k.
-church of, opposes Calvinism, iii.

Bernard, St., Abbot of Clairval, preaches
up the Crusade in xii cent. ii. 235; draws
up a rule of discipline for the Knights
Templars, 240; exposes in his writings
the views of the pontiffs, bishops, and
monks, 257 and w, x; considered as the
second founder of the Cistercian monks,
who are called from him Benardin
monks, 274; his great influence, ibid.
apology for his own conduct in the di-
visions between the Cistercian monks,
and those of Clugni, ibid. and h; and
answer to it by Peter of Clugni, 275 and
i; combats the doctrine of the school-
men, 294; his charge against Abelard,
295 and t; as also against Gilbert de
la Porée, 296; opposes the doctrine of
the immaculate conception of the Vir-
gin Mary, 304; combats the sect of the
Apostolics, 320.

Bernard, of Sens. a mystic writer in xv
cent. his character, ii. 558.
Bernoulli, two astronomers in Switzerland
in xvii cent. their character, iii. 431.
Bertramn, Ratramn, monk of Corby, emi-
nent for refuting Radbert's doctrine of
the Eucharist, ii. 31 and b; prepares to
draw up a clear and rational explication
of this important subject by the order of
Charles the Bald, 50 and 1, m; an ac-
count of this explication, ibid. defends
Godeschalcus, 53; his dispute with
Hincmar, about the hymn Trina Deitas,
55; maintains the cause of the Latin
church against Photius, 59.
Berulle, Cardinal, institutes the order of
Oratorians in xvii cent. iii. 501.
Beryllus denies the proper subsistence of
Christ before his coming into the world,
i. 238; confuted by Origen, he returns
to the church. ibid. and 239.
Bessarion, how employed by the Greeks
in the council of Florence, ii. 536;
terms of reconciliation made by him
on their part with the Latins not lasting,
ibid. created soon afterward a cardinal,
ibid. his character, 547 and m.
Beza, Theodore, teaches the sciences at
Geneva with success, iii. 275; his La-
tin version of the New Testament, and
notes, 210.

Bibliander, an eminent writer in xvi cent.
iii. 320.

Biblical colleges, what so called, and their
rise in xvii cent. iv. 39.
Biblicists, Christian doctors so called, their
rise in xii cent. ii. 292: decline in xiii
cent. 407: oppose the scholastic divines,

Biddle, John, a famous writer among the
Socinians in xvii cent. iv. 173 and w.
Biel, a scholastic writer in xv cent. ii, 548,

Bishops, appointed first at Jerusalem, i.
91: the nature and extent of their dig-
nity at their first institution, ibid. their
authority augmented by the councils,
146: acknowledge themselves the dele-
gates of their respective churches, and.
authoritative rules of faith and manners
when claimed by them, ibid. their pow-
er vehemently asserted by Cyprian in
iii. cent. 209: their contentions with
each other about the extent of power, in
iv and following centuries, produced
violent commotions in the church, 276:
disputes between the bishops of Rome
and of Constantinople in v cent. i. 346:
their court when first established, 351:
their ambition to extend their jurisdic-
tion in x cent. ii. 100: aspire after, and
obtain, temporal dignities, ibid. admit
persons to the order of saints indepen-
dently on the power of the Roman pon-
tiff, 110 oppose the arrogance of the
pontiffs in xiii cent. 348: disputes be-
tween them and the Mendicants, 476:
sentiments of the Puritans concerning
them, 510 and n.

Bisochi, a sect. See Tertiaries, ii. 391,

Blanc, Lewis le, his writings to reconcile

the Romish and Reformed churches in
xvii cent. iv. 86: unsuccessful, 87.
Blandrata, George, propagates Socinian.
ism in Transylvania, and his character,
iii. 371.

Blesdyck, Nicholas, charges David George

with maintaining blasphemous errors,
and has his body burnt, iii. 350, 351.
Blesensis, Petrus, his works, ii. 283 and o;
refutes the Jews in xii cent. 298.
Blount, Charles, his oracles of reason and
death, iii. 424 and i.

Blumius, Henry, his change of religion in
xvii cent. and character, iii. 477 and q.
Bockhold, John, a tailor of Leyden, and
mock King of Munster, an account of,
iii. 329 his enthusiastic impiety and se-
ditious madness, particularly at Mun-
ster, ibid. and p, q and r; short reign
and ignominious death, 330.
Bodin, a supposed infidel writer in xvi
cent. iii. 119.

Boethius, an account of, i. 406: the only
philosopher in vi cent. 407.
Boetius, his controversy with Balduin in
xvii cent. iv. 55.

Bogerman, presides at the Synod of Dort,
and hates the Arminians, iv. 137.
Bogomiles, a sect of heretics in xii cent. ii.
306 founder Basilius, ibid. their name,
whence, 307 and n.
Bohemia, commotions in xv cent. excited
by the ministry of John Huss, ii. 552:
how terminated, 555: troubles there
excited against the Protestants in xvii
cent. iii. 456: who defend themselves
furiously, and choose Frederic V. King,

[ocr errors]

456 and q; account of the war, and
dreadful consequences of it to the King
and the Bohemians, ibid. how defeated,
ibid. r and s; progress of the war unfa-
vourable to the confederates, with the
Emperor's proceedings, 457, 458; Gus-
tavus Adolphus intervenes, 459; end of
the thirty years' war, ibid. the peace of
Westphalia, advantages to the protest-
ants, and the disappointment of the
Pope, 460, 461 and y.
Bohemian, Moravian, brethren, from
whence descended, iii. 297; their cha-
racter ibid. recommend themselves to
Luther's friendship, and embrace the
sentiments of the Reformed, ibid.
Bohemians, converted to Christianity in
ix cent ii. 4.

Boineburg, Baron, deserts the Protestant
religion, in xvii cent. and the cause ex-
amined, iii. 477.

Bois, Abbe du, his ambition a principal ob-
stacle to the project of union between
the English and French churches, iv.
243. See Girardin.

Boleslaus, King of Poland, revenges the
murder of Adalbert, Bishop of Prague,
ii. 120; compels the Prussians to re-
ceive Christianity, ibid.

Bolonia, the fame of this academy in xii
cent. ii. 248; spurious diploma of its
antiquity, ibid. e; the study of the an-
cient Roman law very much promoted
in it, 250.

Bolsec, Jerom, declaims against Calvin's
doctrine of divine decrees, and his
character, iii. 316; his treatment from
Calvin causes a breach between the
latter and Jacques de Bourgogne, 317.
Bonaventura, an eminent scholastic divine
in xiii cent. ii. 380; his prudent en-
deavours to establish concord among
the Franciscans unsuccessful, ibid. and
384; his great learning, 400 and g.
Boniface III. Pope, engages the Empe-
ror and tyrant Phocas to deprive the
Bishop of Constantinople of the title of
Universal Bishop, and to confer it upon
the Roman pontiff in vii cent. i. 452.

-V. Pope enacts the law for ta-
king refuge in churches in vii cent. i.


-Winfred, converts the Germans
in viii cent. i. 478 and c; his other pious
exploits, ibid. advancement in the
church, ibid. and death, 479; entitled
the Apostle of the Germáns, and the
judgment to be formed about it, ibid.
and d; an account of, 507.

-attempts the conversion of the
Prussians in xi cent. ii. 121; his fate,
ibid. and h.

-VIII. Pope, makes a collection
which is called the sixth book of the
Decretals in xiii cent. ii. 346; his arro-
gant assertion in favour of papal power,


349; infamous character, 363; abo-
lishes all the acts of his predecessor,
387; institutes the jubilee, 418; his in-
solent letters to Philip the Fair of
France, and quarrel, 453; excommuni-
cates the king, 454; is seized by the
order of Philip, and dies, ibid and g.
Borri, Joseph Francis, his romantic no-
tions, iii. 547; is sentenced to perpetual
imprisonment, 548.

Bosius, George, his doctrine in xvii. cent.
iv. 51.

Bossuet, Bishop of Meaux, his character
and works for reconciling the French
Protestants, iii. 469, 470 and u; follow-
ed by others of their own private au-
thority, 471; plan of reconciliation re-
commenced by the bishop of Tinia,
who was commissioned for this purpose,
ibid. but in vain, ibid. his defence of the
Regale, 490, k; dispute with Fenelon,
and the occasion, 545.

Boulanvilliers, Count, character of him,
with his defence of Spinoza, iii. 428
and y.

Bourgogne, Jacques de, his breach with
Calvin, and the occasion, iii. 317.
Bourignon, Antoinette, an account of her
enthusiasm, in xvii cent. iv. 179; her
main and predominant principle, 180
and f; patrons of her fanatical doc-
trine, ibid. and g, h.

Bowenson, Leonard, excites a warm con-
test about excommunication in xvi cent.
iii. 335; severe doctrine concerning it,

Boyle, Robert, his lectures, iii. 418 and y,
431; his great character, 446.
Brabantinus, an account of his treatise on
bees, ii. 493.

Brachmans, veneration paid them by the
Indians, iii. 390; their title assumed by
Robert de Nobili, ibid. and 391, i; and
by other Jesuits, ibid. and m.
Bradwardine, Archbishop of Canterbury,
an eminent mathematician in xiv cent.
ii. 449; his book on Providence, 493.
Brahe, Tycho, a celebrated astronomer in
xvii cent. iii. 431.
Breckling, Frederic, his uncharitable wri-
tings, and character, iv. 62 and h,
Bredenberg, John, a collegiate, defends
the doctrine of Spinoza, in xvii cent.
iv. 176; debate between him and Cui-
per concerning the use of reason in re-
ligious matters, ibid and z.
Bremen, republic of, embraces Calvin's
doctrine and institutions, iii. 280 and b.
Brethren and sisters of the Free Spirit, a
sect in xiii cent. ii. 428,429 and r,s; va-
rious names and singular behaviour,
ibid. and t; dangerous and impious con-
clusion drawn by them from their mys-
tic theology, 430, 431; sentences from
some more secret books belonging to
them, ibid. and w; some among them

of eminent piety, ibid. place the whole
of religion in internal devotion, ibid.
their shocking violation of decency,432
and y; execrable and blasphemous doc-
trine of some among them, 432 and 3 ;
their first rise seems to have been in
Italy, 434 a; several edicts against them
in xiv cent. 500; prevail over all oppo-
sition, 501; called by various names,
563; undergo severe punishments from
the inquisition in xv cent. 564 and h;
as also from Ziska, 565 and i,
Brethren, and clerks of the common life,
an account of them in xv cent. ii. 445;
divisions into the lettered and illiterate,
and their several employments, ibid.sis-
ters of this society how employed, ibid.
the fame of the schools erected by them
and of some eminent men educated in
them, ibid. 546 and h, i.

white, their rise in xv cent. ii.
566; their name, whence, and what
doctrines were taught by their chief.
ibid. and k; their leader apprehended
by Boniface IX. and burnt, with the sup-
pression of the sect, ibid. and 1; vari-
ous opinions concerning the equity of
the sentence passed upon their leader,
567 and m.

British, ecclesiastics, successful in their
ministry among the Germans in viii
cent. i. 478.

Brito, Guil. and his character, ii. 340 and i.
Britons, if converted as early as king Lu-
cius, i. 125.

Brown, George, Archbishop of Dublin,
his zeal in the cause of the Reformation
in Ireland, iii. 96: his character, ibid. l.
Moshem's mistake here, and Queen
Mary's cruel designs in Ireland prevent-
ed, ibid. m; deprived under her, who
encourages Popery, that afterward re-
ceives under Elizabeth a final and irre-
coverable blow to the interest of the
Romish cause, 97 and n; his singular
account of the genius and spirit of the
Jesuits, 141, a.

Robert, founder of the Brownists
in xvi cent. iii. 292; his notions, 293
and u; renounces his separation from
the church of England, 294.
Brownists, a sect of Puritans, iii. 292; their
sentiments on church government, 293
and u; retire into the Netherlands, 294;
their fate on their founder's renouncing
his separation, ibid. x and y; doctrine
and discipline censured, iv. 103.
Brulifer, an eminent scholastic writer in
XV cent, ii. 549.
Bruno attempts with Boniface the con-
version of the Prussians, ii. 121; is mas-
sacred, with his colleague and other
followers, ibid.

founder of the Carthusians in xi
cent. ii. 189, h.

two of that name, ii. 194.

Bruno, Jordano, a supposed infidel in xvi
cent. iii. 119.
Bruys, Peter, attempts to reform the abu-
ses and superstition of his times, and is
charged with fanaticism, ii. 311, found-
er of the Petrobrussians, ibid. is burnt,
ibid. some of his tenets, ibid.
Bryennius, Nicephorus, an eminent histo-
rian in xii cent. ii. 246.

Josephus, his works, ii. 546.
Bucer, Martin, endeavours to bring about
a reconciliation between the Reformed
and the Lutherans, iii. 267; how defeat-
ed, 263; his attempts to modify the
doctrine of the Swiss church to that of
Luther, and how defeated, 274. ·
Budneians, a sect of Socinians, their doc-
trine, iii. 363; their founder, with his
character and sentiments, 379, 380;
who is excommunicated, but re-admit-
ted, ibid. and followed by William Da-
vides, Francken, and others, ibid.
Bugenhagius, draws up a form of religious
government and doctrine, according to
the principles of the Reformation, for
the Danes, iii. 65; the salutary effect of
this work in perfecting the Reformation
in Denmark, ibid. and u.

John, his Harmonies of the

Evangelists, iii. 224.
Bullinger, his character, iii.310; writings,

Bulgarians, converted to Christianity in
ix cent. ii. 4.

Burchard, Bishop of Worms, character of
his Decreta, written in x cent. ii. 105.
Burckhard, Francis, writes against the
treaty of Passau, iii. 215.

Burg, Gibbon de, his pacificatory attempts
in xviii cent. iii. 469 and s.
Burgundians, spontaneously embrace
Christianity, i. 334; the cause to which
this is imputed, ibid. inclined to Arian-
ism, ibid.

Bulaus, Walter, the use of his works, ii.
450; his character, 488.

Bus, Cæsar de, founder of the order of the
fathers of the Christian doctrine in xvi
cent. iii. 151.

Buscherus, Statius, opposes the pacific pro-
jects of Calixtus in xvii cent. iv. 31; the
conduct of the latter upon this occasion,
32; an account of the Crypto Papismus.
of Buscherus, ibid.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Cælestius, his doctrine of original sin one
main source of Pelagianism, i. 391; ac-
count of, ibid. g.

Cæsarius of Arles, his works, i. 417, 423,

Cajetan, Cardinal, his conference at Augs-
burg with Luther on the nature and ex-
tent of indulgences, iii.30; insolent be-
haviour, and fruitless issue of the de-
bate, 31 and r; absurd expression con-
cerning Christ's blood, 33 and x; cha-
racter of his exposition of the Bible,

Cainites, an account of their tenets, i. 185.
Callistus, Nicephorus, his character and
works, ii. 446, 487.

Calixtines, in Bohemia, their rise in xv
cent. ii. 553; four demands, ibid.
Calixtus, George, his zeal for reconciling
the Protestants and Catholics in xvii
cent. iii. 472; as also the Lutherans and
Reformed, iv. 13; his peculiar method
and form of theology, 27; system of
moral theology, 29; author of Syncre-
tism, and character, 31; opposed by
whom, ibid. his death, 33 and d; doc-
trine condemned, and creed drawn up
against it by the Lutheran doctors, ibid.
opinions, 35 and f; his real design, ibid.
sub fin. not. f; two great principles,
with debates carried on with the doctors
of Rintelen, Coningsberg, 36; and Je-
na, 37; the candid examination of Glas-
sius on this occasion, ibid. and k.

Frederic Ulric, opposes the
creed of the Lutheran doctors against
Syncretism, iv. 34.

II. Pope, his great character, ii.
261; disputes concerning investitures
subside by his prudence, ibid.

III. institutes in xv cent. the fes-
tival of the Transfiguration, ii. 562.
Calovius, a Lutheran writer in xvii cent.
iv. 26; attacks Calixtus, 32; his malig-
nity against the disciples of Calixtus,
even after his death, 33.

Calvin, John, a short character of him, iii.
68 and a,b; facilitated a reconciliation
of the Reformed and Lutherans, 268,
269 and g; error here, 269; set on foot
the controversy about predestination,
270; his opinion, and that of the ancient
Helvetic doctors, ibid. the former, pro-
pagated with discord, carried to the
greatest height, 271; founder of the
Reformed church, 274 and o; his grand
views how in part executed, ibid. 275,
276 and p; doctrine and discipline al-
tered from that of Zuingle in three
points, ibid. first, the power of the ma-
gistrate, ibid.second,the eucharist, little
different from the Lutherans, though
much from Zuingle, 277, 278 and 9, r;
different from the Romanists, ibid. third,
in God's absolute decree, ibid. his
changes not approved or received by all
the Reformed, 278, 279; gains ground

in Germany 279; and in France, 281;
in Scotland by Knox, and in England,
282; his system made the public rule
of faith in the latter place under Edward
VI. 283; his system adopted in the Ne-
therlands, 295; his rigid discipline, and
resolution in establishing it,and the dan-
gers he is thereupon exposed to, 307,
308 and d; his interpretation of the
precepts of Aristotle, 309; Commen-
tary, and why sharply censured, 310;
Institutes of the Christian religion, 312;
Practical divinity, or life and manners
of a true Christian, ibid. contest with
the spiritual libertines, 313; with those
of Geneva, 314; disputes with Castalio,
315; with Bolsec, 316; with Ochinus,
317; puts Servetus to death, 356; his
method of interpreting Scripture scru-
pulously followed by the members of
the Reformed church, iv. 72.
Calvinists, secret, favourers of, in Saxony,
iii. 250; whence called Crypto-Calvin-
ists, 252; attempts to spread their doc-
trine, 257; and consequences, with the
death of Crellius, their chief patron,

Camaldolites, a monastic order, their rise
in xi cent. ii. 186; founder Romuald,
whose followers are divided into two
classes, the Cœnobites, and the Ere-
mites, ibid and z.

Camateurs, Andronicus, his character, ii.

Cambalu, now Pekin in China, erected by
Clement V. into an archbishopric in
xiv cent. ii. 442.

Camerarius, Joachim, a promoter of uni-
versal learning, and his character, iii.
219; his Commentary on the New Tes-
tament, 224.

Cameron, John, his reconciling doctrine

and endeavours, iii. 83.
Campanella, a philosopher in xvi cent. iii.
123; his character, ibid. p.
Campanus, his heretical notions, iii. 355,
and a.

Canon of Scripture, supposed to be fixed

about ii cent. i. 93; and reasons for this
supposition, ibid.

Canons, a religious order, their origin in
viii. cent. i. 503; their founder Chrode-
gangus, ibid. and h; encouraged by
Lewis the Meek, ii. 27; who orders a
new rule to be drawn up for their ob-
servance, which is condemned, and in-
stitutes the first Canonesses, 28 and h;
the author of this rule, ibid. partiality
of their historians, ibid. i; degenerate
from their primitive purity, 29; cor-
ruption among them in xi cent. 191; re-
formation attempted, and new laws
made, ibid. distinction into regular and
secular, 192; why called Regular ca-
nons of St. Augustin, ibid. and p; in-
troduction into England, ibid.

[blocks in formation]

Capistran, John, his character, ii. 549;
eminent for his defence of papal autho-
rity, ibid.

Capito, Robert, an account of, ii. 341, 400
andi: his commentaries on Dionysius,

Cappel, Lewis charged with making im-
prudent and base concessions, through
a desire of diminishing the prejudices or
resentment of the Papists against the
Protestants in xvii cent. iv. 86; the
voluminous and elaborate work under-
taken by him, what, ibid q, r, and s;
zealously opposed, ibid. the churches
of Switzerland alarmed at his opinions,
and the event, iv. 125.

Capreolus, John, his character, ii. 548.
Capuchins, their origin in xvi cent. and
founder, iii. 147, 148 and i, k; envy
against them, and why so called, ibid.
and m, n; banished Venice in xvii cent.
iii. 483; but recalled 484, a.
Caputiati, a sect of fanatics in xii cent. ii.


Caracalla, Emperor, his lenity to the
Christians, i. 192.

Cardan, a philosopher in xvi cent. iii. 122;
his character, ibid. n.

Cardinals, the right of electing to the see
of Rome vested in them by Nicholas II.
in xi cent. ii. 150 and e; their origin
and rights, 152 and h, i; divided into
two classes, of Cardinal Bishops and
Cardinal Clerks, 153; and the meaning
of these terms, 154 and n; their college
augmented by Alexander III. 155.

-in Rome, their number, iii. 126;
what incapable of being elected to the
see of Rome, 127 and b.
Cario, an eminent historian among the
Lutherans, iii. 218.

Carolostadt, his intemperate zeal and
warm debates with Luther, iii. 232;
excites a tumult at Wittemberg, ibid.
and g; leaves Wittemberg, and oppo-
ses the sentiments of Luther concerning
the Eucharist, ibid. and h; propagates
his doctrine in Switzerland, 233; fa-
vourable disposition toward the Ana-
baptists, and enthusiastical teachers,
ibid. charged with fanaticism. ibid,and i.
Carmelites, a monastic order, their rise in
xii cent. ii. 279; founded by Albert,
patriarch of Jerusalem, ibid. their rule
of discipline, ibid. and t; unwarrant-

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