Causation and Creation in Late AntiquityAnna Marmodoro, Brian D. Prince Cambridge University Press, 26 בפבר׳ 2015 - 299 עמודים Written by a group of leading scholars, this unique collection of essays investigates the views of both pagan and Christian philosophers on causation and the creation of the cosmos. Structured in two parts, the volume first looks at divine agency and how late antique thinkers, including the Stoics, Plotinus, Porphyry, Simplicius, Philoponus and Gregory of Nyssa, tackled questions such as: is the cosmos eternal? Did it come from nothing or from something pre-existing? How was it caused to come into existence? Is it material or immaterial? The second part looks at questions concerning human agency and responsibility, including the problem of evil and the nature of will, considering thinkers such as Plotinus, Porphyry, Proclus and Augustine. Highlighting some of the most important and interesting aspects of these philosophical debates, the volume will be of great interest to upper-level students and scholars of philosophy, classics, theology and ancient history. |
Two early Stoic theories of cosmogony | 11 |
Plotinus account of demiurgic causation and | 31 |
Creation and divine providence in Plotinus | 51 |
Waiting for Philoponus | 71 |
Gregory of Nyssa on the creation of the world | 94 |
Plotinus new understanding | 131 |
Neoplatonists on the causes of vegetative life | 171 |
Astrology and the will in Porphyry of Tyre | 186 |
Proclus on the ethics of selfconstitution | 202 |
Augustine on creation and angels | 220 |
Willed causes and causal willing in Augustine | 237 |
253 | |
Index locorum | 275 |
289 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
Causation and Creation in Late Antiquity <span dir=ltr>Anna Marmodoro</span>,<span dir=ltr>Brian D. Prince</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2018 |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
abstract according actions activity Aeneas Aeneas of Gaza agency Alexander Alexander of Aphrodisias Ammonius angels animals argues argument Aristotelian Aristotle Aristotle's Atticus Augustine Augustine’s body cael causal cause chapter choice Christian Chrysippus claim Cleanthes commentary conception conflagration contemplation cosmogony cosmos created creation Damascius demiurge discussion divine divine nous earth elements Ennead entity eternal existence fire form-principles fragments freedom Gnostic God’s Gregory Gregory of Nyssa Gregory’s Hayduck higher soul human hylomorphic Iamblichus immaterial Intellect intelligible interpretation Korsgaard living logos matter metaphysical nature Neoplatonic Neoplatonists notion object one’s Origen passage Peripatetic Philoponus philosophical phys physical plants Plato Platonists Plotinus Porphyry Porphyry's principle Proclus produced providence qualities rational reason scripture sensible world Simplicius Sorabji Stoic theory things thought Timaeus treatise 39 unity virtue Wilberding Zacharias Zeno γὰρ δὲ εἰς ἐκ ἐν καὶ μὲν τὰ τὴν τῆς τὸ τοῦ τῷ τῶν