תמונות בעמוד


弟為王。勤墍旣厥敷惟 方夾旣 旣 ○ 樸茨勤疆菑,曰 來庶勤今斷若垣畎惟若 亦邦用王惟作墉若其稽 既享明惟其梓惟作陳田 用作德 塗林其室修旣 明兄懷先丹旣塗家為勤

"He says moreover, 'As in the management of a field, when the soil has all been laboriously turned up, they must proceed by orderly arrangement to make its boundaries and water-courses; as in building a house, after all the toil on its walls, they have to plaster and thatch it; as in working with the wood of the tsze, when the toil of the coarser and finer operations has been performed, they have to apply the paint of red and other colours'":

II. “Now let your Majesty say, ‘The former kings diligently employed their illustrious virtue, and produced such attachment by their cherishing of the princes, that from all the States they brought offerings, and with brotherly affection they came from all quarters, and likewise showed their virtue illustrious.' Do you, O sovereign,

P. 4. Fung is required to complete the good work which had been begun. It will be seen that this paragraph is imperfect. We have the pro

characters denotes the rough fashioning of the work, and the second the fine finish given to it

tasis of the sentence thrice repeated in various (具粗日致巧日斷獲

form, the apodosis being left to be supplied, in is a name given to the various colours used in

some such way as–‘so must you, O Fung, pro- | painting articles of furniture. (采色之

ceed in raising in your State the superstruc

ture of govt., of which the foundations have

been laid.’ 日 -we may understand

王 as the subject of 日. 稲田

=', 'to manage,' i.e., to perform all the necessary operations on.


名). Wang King-yay observes that 塗

丹, and 嚄 are all verbs, and that we are to

understand them一塗之丹之 and 癮

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as in the case of 塗墍茨 above.

It would seem that we should constrne so, but

comp. Bk. VII., p. 11. 勤敷=toilfully it is difficult to determine the independent meaning of 塗. See the 讀書管見

and widely.. 若作室家-these two characters-室家-are simply equivalent to

the in Bk. VII., p. 11, and our 'house.' Ma Yung says that 'a low wall is called

垣, and a high one, 墉牆


in loc.

Ch. 5–8. These four paragraphs are evidently addressed not to a subject, but to the sovereign. Gan-kwo takes no notice of the difference in style between them and the preceding ones, and Ying-tă says expressly that the

king goes on in them to complete his charges 垣高


have to be the clay, the facing plaster, and the
thatch grass.’
-see on the name

of the Book.

to Fung. This view now finds no advocates. The speaker was evidently some loyal minister

of Chow. Keang Shing thinks that we have
here the response of Fung to the various lessons
which he had received. Ming-shing says that,

樸斲-the first of these having done with Fung, the duke of Chow now


[blocks in formation]

use their statutes to attach the princes, and all the come with offerings.

[blocks in formation]


"Great Heaven having given this Middle kingdom with its people

7 and territories to the foriner kings, do you, our present sovereign, employ your virtue, effecting a gentle harmony among the deluded people, leading and urging them on;-so also will you please the former kings, who received the appointment from Heaven.

turns to king Shing, and speaks some words of king Ching, as the successor of Wăn and Woo. warning to him. We need not trouble ourselves

with speculation on so uncertain and unimport

ant a matter.

P. 5. How Wan and Woo ruled the princes by the influence of their virtue, and future 80

vereigns must imitate their example. 先 王一these ‘former kings' can only be Wăn

and Woo. What is said of the effects of their sway is much exaggerated. Had it been as the speaker says, there would not have been the troubles which disturbed the reign of king Ching. 懷為夾,for this Gan-kwǒ gives-, 'cherished the distant and made them near.' The meaning seems to be that by their kindly cherishing of the princes of States, Wan and Woo gained them and made them a strength and defence to their

一用,‘to employ.’' Another mean

ing of the term'to imitate,'—–would suit

equally well., 'statutes,' has reference to the ruling by virtue, whose influence has just

been described. 集'to collect,'=to bring around, to attach.

Pp. 6, 7. How the sovereign must attach the people by a mild rule. These parr. are held to be the origin of Confucius' sixth standard rule of

6. The

government,-'to treat the mass of the people
kindly as children’(子庶民)
whole of this is one sentence, and Choo He calls
attention to it as an instance of the long sentences

of the Shoo. 中國-compare 中邦

'Tribute of Yu,' Pt. ii., p. 15. 7. is

govt. (以成夾輔之勢). The last taken asm. ○今,‘now. In the 附錄 there

of Confucius nine standard rules' for the
govt. of the empire, the king's cherishing

the princes of the States' (懷諸侯)
is traced to this expression. 作兄弟
方來-by兄弟 Gan-kwǒ understood the
princes who were of the imperial House, the
uncles and brothers, &c., of the sovereign,
in contradistinction from the princes of other
surnames. Këang Shing adopts the same view,

is an ingenious note by Ch'in Leih, contending that its proper meaning in such cases as this, at the commencement of clauses, is 故, ‘therefore;' or遂, (and,' (thereupon,' and not 今. 和懌先後迷民迷

'the deluded people;' meaning the people of the imperial domain of Yin chiefly, but also of other parts of the empire, who were reluctant to acknowledge the authority of the dynasty of -'come after.'

and extends it to princes related to the imperial | Chow. 先‘go before;'

House by affinity. It seems to me preferable to The meaning is that Ching should beset the

take as in the translation, like the people before and behind' with his virtue and

in the quotation from the She King, Men-kindness, so leading and urging them on. 用懌先王受命-this implies that 后式典集- Wán and Woo could take cognizance of the 后一君. We are to understand 1 by the term character and doings of their successor.

cius, I., Pt. I., ii., 3.



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"Yes! make these things your study. I can but express my desire

that for myriads of years your descendants may be ever the protectors of this people."

P. 8. A loyal prayer for the permanency and | this, that the compiler of this Book, not observ

prosperity of the dynasty.

若兹監-the ing the differences of meaning and connection

here is different from that in par. 3. Ts'ae in the two passages, was led to edit the first conjectures that it was from the occurrence of and last portions as belonging to the same docu

the characters 若兹監 in that par. and| ment.





惟 于周朝乙越

1 I. In the second month, on the day Yih-we, six days after the full

moon, the king early in the morning proceeded from Chow, and

The Name of the Book.'The Announcement of the duke of Shaou.' Shaou was the name of a place within the imperial domain, corresponding to the present district of Hwan-k'euh ( ), in the small dep. of Keang), Shan-se. It was the appanage of Shih ( ), one of the ablest of the men who lent their aid to the establishment of the dynasty of Chow. He appears here as the Greatguardian' of king Ching; and we have met with him before in The Hounds of Leu,' and 'The Metal-bound Coffer.' He was one of 'the three dukes,' (E), or highest officers of the dynasty, and is frequently styled, the duke of Shaou.' He appears here in connection with one of the most important enterprizes of the duke of Chow, the building of the

According to Sze-ma Ts'een, Shih belonged to the imperial House of Chow, and consequently had the surname Ke (). The historian, Hwang-p'oo Meih, says he was a son of king Wăn by a concubine (EF);

-on what authority I cannot tell. King Woo
appointed him to the principality of "The North-
ern Yen' ), corresponding to the pres.
dep. of Shun-teen), Chib-le, which
was held by his descendants fully nine hundred
He remained himself, however, at the
imperial court. We find him often styled the
Chief of Shaou' (1); and Ts'een says
that all the country west of Shen (


under him, as all east of it was under the duke

of Chow. See the 史記三十四燕

city of Loh (洛邑), as a new and central 召公世家第四. His posthumous

times referred to as 召康公奭 As to

the date of the Announcement, see on par. 1. It is found in both texts.

capital of the empire. King Woo had conceived title was K'ang), and hence he is somethe idea of such a city, but it was not carried fully into effect till the reign of his son ;-see on the second paragraph below. In Loh the duke of Shaon composed the Announcement' which forms the subject-matter of this Book, and sent it by the hands of the duke of Chow to the young emperor. It might, perhaps, with more than equal propriety, have been styled "The Instructions of the duke of Shaou'


CONTENTS. The first seven paragraphs are introductory to the body of the Book, which is composed of the Announcement of Shih. They contain various information about the surveying consider them as forming a first or preliminary and planning and building of Loh. We may chapter. Parr. 8-22, contain the Announce


宅于保戊越丙三越公保 洛朝电三午月若相先

2 came to Fung. Thence the Grand-guardian went before the duke of Chow to inspect the localities, and in the third month, on the day Mow-shin, the third day after the first appearance of the new moon on Ping-woo, came in the morning to Lo. He consulted the tortoise about the localities, and having obtained favourable indications, he

ment, which, however, commences properly with par. 9. The Complete Digest' says it may be divided into three parts. In the first, parr. 9 -12, Shih sets forth the uncertainty of the favour of Heaven, and urges the young king to cultivate the virtue of reverence' in order to secure its permanence, concluding with a recommendation to him not to neglect his aged and experienced advisers. The second, parr. 13-18, speaks of the importance and difficulty of the imperial duties, and enforces the same virtue of reverence by reference to the rise and fall of the previous dynasties. In the last part, parr. 19-23, Shih insists on the importance of the king, at this early period of his reign, and on his personal undertaking of the duties of govt., at once setting about the reverence which was required to attach the people to himself and his House, and insure the lasting favour of Heaven. In the last par. the duke of Shaou gives expression to his personal feelings for the king, in the peculiar situation in which he was placed at Lo. The burden of the announcement all turns on the virtue of reverence.' Let the king only feel how much depends on his reverently attending to his duties, and govern for the people and not for himself:-let him do this, and all will be well. The people will love and support the dynasty of Chow, and Heaven will smile upon and sustain it.


1. 惟二月至乙未一


cording to this statement, the day Yih-we must have been the 21st of the second month, and, as Gaubil observes, we may, from the data here

supplied, determine the year to which the An

'Bamboo Books.' The building of Lo is assigned to his 7th year, which was, on the received system, B.C. 1,109 (or 1,108), and acc. to the Bamboo Books B.c. 1038. It is enough to call attention to this point here, without going into further discussion about it. Ch'ing K'ang-shing proposed to change into

-, in which case the year would have begun with, the 11th cycle day; and he assigned the building of Lo, after Fuh-shang, to Ching's 5th year instead of the 7th. Even if we were to follow him in these points, we should be equally unable to reconcile the note of time. given in the text with the arrangements of the chronologers.


Bk. III., p. 1. The temple of king Wăn was in
Fung, and we may suppose had been left standing
when Woo transferred the capital to Haou. Now
when such an important thing as the establishing
of a new capital, which should rank with Haou,
if it did not supersede it, was in progress, it was
proper that the king should solemnly announce
it in the temples of his father and grandfather.
That he might do so to the spirit of king Wăn,
he went from Chow or Haou to Fung.
To Shih the Grand-guardian, and to the duke
of Chow, was assigned the duty of making all
the arrangements for carrying out the plans of
king Woo about establishing a new capital at Lŏ.
In fact, Woo had himself taken some measures
towards the accomplishment of his views. We
are told in the, under the year B.C. 708,


A), that 'he removed the nine

tripods or vases to the city of Lo'

nouncement of Shaou should be referred. Itλ). Those vases 商遷九鼎於洛).

was, he says correctly, the year B.C. 1,098. Z


might be considered a sort of regalia of the

empire. Originally cast by Yu, they had passed from the Hea dynasty to Shang, and were now,

the property of the House of Chow. See a detail

being the 21st day of the second month, Zmust have been the 1st, and the 1st day of that year of Chow must have been Ping-ed account of them in the, under the year (4), the 43d day of the cycle. But that was the day of the new moon preceding the winter solstice, from which under this dynasty they calculated the year, in B.C. 1,098, or 1,097 (not reckoning A.D.). This result is not accordant with the current chronology of king Ching's reign, nor with the date assigned to it from the

B.C. 605 (A). Sze-ma Ts'een
also gives, in his Records of the Chow dynasty,'
and probably from some of the lost Books of the
Shoo, a conversation between the duke of Chow
and Woo, in which the latter says, 'On the
south I look to San-t'oo [there is still the moun
tain of San-t'oo, to the south-west of the district

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