The Jewish Dietary Laws in the Ancient WorldCambridge University Press, 15 בדצמ׳ 2016 - 193 עמודים In The Jewish Dietary Laws in the Ancient World Jordan D. Rosenblum explores how cultures critique and defend their religious food practices. In particular he focuses on how ancient Jews defended the kosher laws, or kashrut, and how ancient Greeks, Romans, and early Christians critiqued these practices. As the kosher laws are first encountered in the Hebrew Bible, this study is rooted in ancient biblical interpretation. It explores how commentators in antiquity understood, applied, altered, innovated upon, and contemporized biblical dietary regulations. He shows that these differing interpretations do not exist within a vacuum; rather, they are informed by a variety of motives, including theological, moral, political, social, and financial considerations. In analyzing these ancient conversations about culture and cuisine, he dissects three rhetorical strategies deployed when justifying various interpretations of ancient Jewish dietary regulations: reason, revelation, and allegory. Finally, Rosenblum reflects upon wider, contemporary debates about food ethics. |
Reasonable Creature | 1 |
Hebrew Bible | 8 |
Greek and Roman Sources | 28 |
Jewish Sources | 46 |
The New Testament | 77 |
Jewish Sources | 86 |
Amoraic Sources | 107 |
Christian Sources | 140 |
Food Ethic | 158 |
164 | |
179 | |
190 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
The Jewish Dietary Laws in the Ancient World <span dir=ltr>Jordan D. Rosenblum</span> תצוגה מקדימה מוגבלת - 2016 |
The Jewish Dietary Laws in the Ancient World <span dir=ltr>Jordan D. Rosenblum</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2019 |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
abstain allegory Amoraim ancient animals Antiquities argument Avodah Zarah Berakhot biblical dietary biblical food laws biblical laws biblical texts bird blood Christ-believers claim Clement commandments commensality cooking a kid creatures Deut Deuteronomy dietary laws discussed in Chapter early Christian eat pork Epistle of Barnabas ethical fish Food and Identity food practices food regulations forbidden Foreign Food fowl Freidenreich Further Genesis Rabbah Gentile GLAJJ Greek Hebrew Bible Hellenistic period Homily on Leviticus hoofs Hullin impure interpretation Israel Israelites Jewish food Jewish Meats Jews Josephus Judaism Judeophobia justification kashrut kosher Letter of Aristeas Leviticus 11 Leviticus Rabbah literal Milgrom milk Mishnah Moses non-Jewish non-Jews notes Novation NPNF Numbers offer Old Testament one’s Origen passage Pesahim Pesiqta Rabbati Philo prohibition quadrupeds rabbinic rational rationale reason references regard revelation ritual Roman Rosenblum Schäfer Shabbat Sifra slaughter Special Laws taboo Talmud Tanhuma Tannaim tannaitic terefah Torah translation unclean University Press World Yoma York