תמונות בעמוד




October 29.

The Governors of St. Nicholas', Hospital, Francis ftreet, return their thanks to Mr. Thomas Doran, for his annual donation of 21. 8s.

Col. Doyle, our Countryman, is at prefent in London. He is not yet perfectly recovered from the wounds he received in his arm.

The vast number of counterfeit half guineas in circulation evince that the coiners and their agents are bufily at work. Thofe now uttered are generally crooked, and bear an ugly relemblance of the last mint coinage.

November 1.

Thursday laft, 3000 yards of lace, and a quantity of muflins and filk ftockings, were feized by Mr. Heron, coaft officer.

Thursday, at Commiffion, Mr. Whiteftone moved the court, in the cafe of the king at the profecution of James Potts against counsellor Giffard, that the bill of indictment which had been found might be quashed on account of the informality of fome words in it, and that a new bill of indictment might be fent up to the grand jury, which was ordered by the court accordingly. The profecution must confequently lie over to the next commiffion.

The journeymen carpenters were acquitted of the combination and affault, but were found guilty of the riot, and sentenced to be imprifoned for fix months, and to be bound to keep the peace for three years; themselves in a fecurity of Jool. each, and to find fureties for 50l. each.

Yesterday thirty-five journey-1 -men fhoe-makers were arraigned under 12 different indictments, founded on the 19th and 20th of the King, for unlawful combination, under pretence of regulating trade; of thefe, fix only were tried, and of thefe, three were found guilty, viz. James Bullen, Robert Adams, and James Fulham.

They were sentenced by the court to a fine of rool. each, reduceable, however, at the court's direction, according to their demeanor before the next commiffion.

Another refpite, for a fortnight, from this day, has been granted to the unfortunate Mr. O'Berne, now under fentence of death in the New Prifon,

November 4.

This day being the anniversary of the birth of the late king William the Third, his excellency the lord lieutenant went in ftate from the Caftle through Dame-street, College-green, Graftonftreet, and round St. Stephen's-green.

The army, upon the occafion, afterwards fired a feu ae joie round the statue of the late king William in College green..

His excellency, the lord lieutenant, had a levee this day at the Caftle, previous to his going in ftate round St. Stephen's green.

Yesterday, being the Effoign day of Michaelmas Term, the judges opened their respective courts with the ufual formalities.

November 7th.

On Friday another refpite, from his majesty to David Downie, for one month, was received at Edinburgh. It is to be reckoned from the 15th inft. on which day the laft refpite was to have terminated.

November 8th.

Yesterday the Rev. William Jackson, charged on an indictment of high treafon, with compaffing and imagining the death of his majesty, and alfo in adhering to his majesty's enemies, appeared at the bar of the court of King's Bench, to ftand his trial. There appeared as counfel for the profecution, the Attorney General, Solicitor General, the Prime Serjeant, Mr. Franklin, and Mr. Ruxton; for the prifoner, Mr Curran, who (with Mr. Ponfonby, abfent) had been affigned by the court, Meff. M'Nally, and Guinness attending as affifting counsel.

Mr. Curran moved that three affidavits, made by Mrs. Jackfon, Mr. Keane, attorney to the prifoner, and by Mr. Jackson, fhould be read. Thofe affidavits ftated the abfence of material witneffes expected from London; that every poffible exertion had been made to obtain their attendance:

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Yesterday morning, Crofbie Morge'l, Efq; reprefentative in Parliament for the borough of Tralee, was ditcovered drowned near the hirft Wharf at the South Wall. His hat and umbrella were purpofely placed together on the Wharf in fuch a manner as to preferve them from the incurrent tide. The body was entirely lifeless when brought afhore; of courfe every attempt to revive it was in vain. He was father

in-law to the late Sir B. Denny, who loft his life a few days ago in a duel.

At the final clofe of the poll for a reprefenta tive of the county Kerry,

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Mr. Rafpe, the celebrated mineralogift, has been lately in that city, after having explored the mines in the vicinity of Killarney, and his refearches have been crowned with the greatelt fuccefs; among many others, he has difcovered the richeft cobalt mine in Europe, a ton of the ore of which is computed, at a moderate calculation, to be worth two hundred and fitty pounds fterling--and what tenders this ore the more precious, is, that it is in great demand in China, where the India company exports annu. ally to the amount of 180,000l. worth, which they principally draw from Saxony at a very heavy expence.

A company confifting of very independent men, is already formed in Killarney to work This mise.

Mr. Rafpe has alfo difcovered, according to the fame papers; a ve y rich mine of gold in the province of Munster, a fpecimen of which he Jaid before the Royal Irish Academy in May


With infinite fatisfaction we inform the pubEtc that the gallant Kofciufo is not dead. After

having received two wounds, a Coffack prepared to give him a mortal blow--a Ruffian General, whofe wife had been permitted by Kofciufko to leave Warfaw for the purpose of joining her husband, immediately commanded the Coffack to defift, and Koftiusko was javed. "The accounts from Poland are very fatisfactory. The patricts, whofe number amounts now to 160,000, have taken Piilaw, a fea-port town, which enables them to obtain with facility, arms, ammunition and provifions.

The meeting of Parliament is deferred to the 30th of December.

Lately, a young man of the name of Meagher, viewing the works of the mill belonging to Mr. Smith of Nenagh, one of the shafts threw him on the wheel, by which his fkull was broke in feveral pieces, and the head totally fevered from the body.


November 17th.

His majefty, by his Royal letters, having been pleafed to appoint his Grace William Archbishop of luam to be of his Majefty's most honourable Privy Council of Ireland, his Grace in council this day took the ufual oaths, and his place at the Foard accordingly.

November 18th.

Yesterday the trial of the Proprietors of the Northern far, on the charge of publishing a feditious libel, came on at the King's Bench, when, after a hearing which lafted ten hours, they were acquitted.

The Barrymore, Sullivan, from Cork to St. John's, was deferted at fea, the crew faved in the Hawke.

The affize of the twelvepenny loaf this week is 7ib. 6oz. 2 dr.--Wheat, zl.. 14s. 6d. and Flour 21. 198, per quarter--- Wheat meal, is 7d. and Oat-meal, 1s. 11d. h. per ftone.

November 21.

In confequence of the heavy fall of rain, Patrick Street and Patrick' -clofe, Bull-alley, Bride's alley, &c. were yesterday totally inundated--the houses feveral feet under water; as alfo the lower Caftle-yard, Palace-street, Cramptoncourt, and that part of Dame-ftreet impaffable for foot-paffengers.---Foats plied all yefter. day in Patrick-ftreet, Caftle-yard, &c. &c.

Early on yesterday morning, a veffel (The Mercator) from Liverpool to Bofton, was loft off Hoath--the crew faved.


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The remains of his late Grace the Lord Primate arrived on Monday last on board a Eritish trader, and were conveyed to Henrietta flreet. ---They are to be removed for interment to the Cathedral of Armagh, which, during his Lordship's life, received fo many marks of his attention and munificence--and which in death has the laft bequeft of giving fepulchre to his remains.

A horfe, efteemed by his Grace, was landed from the fame veffel ---By his defire, this favourite animal is to be allowed to spend the remainder of his days in fplendor and eafe upon fome of the eftates which were purchafed by his lordship in this kingdom.

We hear from Waterford, that a very atrocious murder was perpetrated a few days ago at Callan, the houfe of the deceafed (a middle aged woman) was broke into by four men; they did not fhew a difpofition of plunder, but terrified the deceased fo much, by breaking fome delit ware, that he ran into the ftreet, and was fol. lowed by thofe men, who killed her there, by blows with a bludgeon, and wounds with a cane fword. The neighbours, hearing her cries, came running to the place, upon which the aggreffors efcaped.

A Coronor's inqueft was held by Mr. Gore, of Kilkenny, and a moft refpectable jury, who found a verdict of wilful murder against two men of the town, who were immediately apprehended, and escorted to the rapl, at Kil kenny, by a small party of the inhabitants.

25.-On the 24th inft. Richard Edward Mercier and Co. were unanimously elected Bookfellers and Printers to the Hon. Society of King's-Inns, in the room of Mr. Henry Watts, deceased.


A few days ago, Lieut. R. put a period to his exiftence! Prior to this fatal tranfaction, a lady who lived with him three years, and to whom it is imagined he was married, left his houfe, and after the most diligent enquiry, could not be difcovered the violence of his grief at her ungrateful condu&t at length terminating in defpair, 'tis imagined drove him to this mistaken refuge.

He went to a friend's houfe at night, and appeared very much dejected---at times violently agitated; at fupper, he drank pretty freely, and at 12 o'clock afked for a bed, and fhortly after, retired ---In about an hour after, the report of a piñol alarmed the family; they ran to his apartment, but alas, too late!-they beheld him lying on the floor, a victim, loft to this world, to virtue, and himself.


At Afhville, near Limerick, the lady of Henry Ash of the 35th regiment, of a fon.

At Bally-nowlan, the lady of Richard Spread, Efq; of a fon and heir.

The lady of Eyre Burton Powell, Efq; of a fon

In Kildare-ftreet, the lady of Benjamin Ball, Efq; of a fon.

At Mount-Congreve, the lady of Ambrofe Congreve, Efq; of a fon and heir.

On the 1ft inftant, at his Lordship's feat, in the county Tipperary, Lady Viscountess Hawarden of a daughter.


By fpecial licenfe, at Palace, Chriftopher Dillon Pellew, Eiq, of Mount Bellew, to the Hon. Mifs Nugent, and daughter of Lord Reverstore.

At Duncannon, Williama Kiffen, Efq; of the county Tipperary, to Mifs Lindfey, daughter of Lieut Colonel Lindsey

Exham Vincent, Efq; to Mifs Going, daughter of James Going of Beileifle, in the county of Clare, Efq.

In London, at Lord Sidney's houfe, Grofvenor's Square, the Right Hon. Lord Dinevor, to the Hon. Harriet Townfend, fecond daughter to Lord Viscount Sidney,

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Brabazon Noble, late of the city of Dublin, to furrender on the 26th and 27th days of November, inft. and on the 27th day of December next, at the Royal Exchange, Dublin.

Thomas Brooks, of the city of Cork, Coachowner, to furrender on the roth and 21ft days of November, inft. and the 20th day of Decem

At Rofe Park, the lady of John Williara Forf- ber next, at the Thoifel of the city of Cork. ter, Efq; of a fon.


On Monday evening the 10th of November the elegant amufements of the Theatre commenced, and we are proud to declare that the performances have hitherto been conducted with that fpirit and ability which have diftinguifhed thofe of preceding feafons, and muft ever meet with the warmest encouragement from the public.

1794. Nov. 10.—The Young Quaker; Sadboy, Mr. Daly, Spatterdaíh, Mr. Palmer, Aminta, Mifs Brett, Dinah Primrofe, Mifs Campion; with the Highland

Reel. 11-The Chapter of Accidents; Woodville, Mr. Hargrave, and Cecilia, Mifs Campion; with The Spoiled Child. 12.-Wild Oats; Rover, Mr. Daly, Jane, Mrs. Hitchcock, Lady Amaranth, Mifs Campion; with The Prize, or 2, 3, 5, 8. 13.-The Jew, or Berevolent Hebrew; Frederick Bertram, Mr. Hargrave, Dorcas, Mrs. Hitchcock, and Eliza Ratcliffe, Mifs Campion; with The Poor Soldier.

14.Hamlet ;


Hamlet Mr. Hargrave, and Ophelia, Mifs Brett; with Peeping Tom of Coventry. 15.---The Caftle of Andalusia; Pedrillo, Mr. Cherry, Alphonfo, Mifs Bowles, Catalina, Mrs. Hitchcock, and Lorenza, Mifs Brett; with The Hotel. 17.---The Maid of Normandy, or The Death of the Queen of France; Theodore, Mr. Hargrave, Maid of Normandy, Mifs Brett, and Marie Antoniette, Mifs Campion; with William Tell, or The Deliverer of his Country. 18.---The Mountaineers; Octavian, Mr. Hargrave, and Zorayde, Mifs Campion, with The Merry Mourners. 19.---Othello---Othello, Mr. Cooke, Caffio, Mr. Hargrave, Emilia, Mifs Brett, and Defdemona, Mifs Campion. At the end

of the Play the celebrated Chevalier D'Eon appeared on the Stage, and gave an ex traordinary fpecimen of her. fencing talents, in the fame uniform the wore when captain of Dragoons in the French army; with The Spoiled Child.

20.---The Caftle of Andalufia Catalina, Mrs. Hitchcock| with William Tell, and The Merry Mourners. 21.--. Macbeth ---Macbeth, Mr Cooke, and Macduff, Mr Palmer; with William Tell and the Village Lawyer.

22 The World in a Village, new Comedy.) 24.---Othello-Othello, Mr. Cook Caffio, Mr. Palmer, Iago, M Daly, Emilia, Mifs Bret and Defdemona, Mifs Can pion; with William Tell.


To our Correfpondents in general we d to return our kindeft acknowledgments, for genius and liberality with which they have tributed to our Publication. Many unkn favours from which modefty has with-he fignature, are marked with that elegance erudition, which render it a pity that authors fhould not be known to the pu To fuch we pay the highest regard, and we render to their talents this tribute of ref we alfo ufe the fame opportunity of repr the ardour of thofe who would intrude on lic notice without the neceffary qualifica Thus far we hint in a fpirit of goodnature hope that hereafter we fhall have no tion to give our anfwers any other plexion.

In our next month's Publication given an elegant engraved fontispiece, prefixed to the fourth volume, and a the feat of war in Poland, accurately exe with a defcription of that kingdom.

Alfo the Index, and lift of Subfcribers who would wish to have their names infert encouragers of this work will pleafe to their addrefs to the Publishers before 20th Inft.





ribed, illuftrated at Country..

thern coafts of the it Polish Pruffia, and lled Gothones, and by d who afterwards reinavia or South Swealled from them Gothremainder of the Buir ancient feats, and Goths from the nor Danube, fubverted the 4th century. hods in which Herond proper, or the plain the rivers Viftula and rfect defert, inhabited ts, and faid to be eight ; but was, about the An poffeffion of by fome >ations. On the retreat either into Scandinavia fouth of the Danube, omprehending the preWolhynia, Podolia, Poland, was taken pofe Agathyrfi, Cariones, Geloni, Sarmatic people, the prefent Poles, durand 3d centuries.


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