Greek Tragedy After the Fifth Century: A Survey from ca. 400 BC to ca. AD 400

כריכה קדמית
Vayos Liapis, Antonis K. Petrides
Cambridge University Press, 2019 - 415 עמודים
Did Greek tragedy die along with Euripides? This accessible survey demonstrates that this is far from being the case. In it, thirteen eminent specialists offer, for the first time in English, broad coverage of a little-studied but essential part of the history of Greek tragedy. The book contains in-depth discussions of all available textual evidence (including inscriptions and papyri), but also provides historical perspectives on every aspect of the post-fifth-century history of tragedy. Oft-neglected plays, such as Rhesus, Alexandra, and Exagōgē (the only surviving Biblical tragedy), are studied alongside such topics as the expansion of Greek tragedy beyond Athens, theatre performance, music and dance, society and politics, as well as the reception of Greek tragedy in the Second Sophistic and in Late Antiquity, and the importance of ancient scholarship in the transmission of Greek tragic texts.

מתוך הספר


The Fragments
The Rhesus
Hellenistic Tragedy and SatyrDrama Lycophrons Alexandra
The Exagōge of Ezekiel the Tragedian
The Expansion of Greek Tragedy from
Theatre Performance After the Fifth Century
Music and Dance in Tragedy After the Fifth Century
Society and Politics in PostFifthCentury Tragedy
Attitudes Towards Tragedy from the Second Sophistic
Scholars and Scholarship on Tragedy
Index Locorum
זכויות יוצרים

מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל

מונחים וביטויים נפוצים

מידע על המחבר (2019)

Vayos Liapis is Professor of Ancient Theatre and its Reception at the Open University of Cyprus. His latest book is A Commentary on the 'Rhesus' Attributed to Euripides (2011). He is currently co-editing Adapting Greek Tragedy (Cambridge, forthcoming). Antonis K. Petrides is Associate Professor of Classics at the Open University of Cyprus. He is the author of Menander, New Comedy and the Visual (Cambridge, 2014) and the co-editor of New Perspectives on Postclassical Comedy (2010). He is currently preparing a new critical edition and commentary on Menander's Dyskolos.

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