תמונות בעמוד



With Seven Maps. 12mo. Price Seventy-five Cents.


The publishers have been favored with the following highly commendatory letters from those who are the best judges of the accuracy of the work, namely, the missionaries themselves, who have been long in the field, and are presumed to be better acquainted with the subject than other individuals.

Their unequivocal testimony to the fidelity of the work must be gratifying to every well-wisher of the cause, and commend it to the attention of all interested in this subject.

Since the return of Messrs. Osgood and Vinton, they have been serving the intersts of the Board in various parts of the country, and have also in connection with their agency taken much interest in the circulation of the History, deeming it an efficient instrument in promoting their benevolent designs.

[From Rev. J. H. Vinton, of the Maulmain and Karen Mission.]

I am so much interested in the circulation of Prof. Gammell's History of Missions, that I am resolved to give away every fifth copy. I cannot afford to make any profit in the sale of such a work. It is, as a whole, the most reliable History of he missions I have ever read, and could it be put in the hands of every man in the denomination, able to pay for it, you might then almost dispense with all other agencies, except the Magazine and Macedonian, which would still be needed, as a continuation of the History so weii begun.

[From Rev. S. M. Osgood, of the Burman Mission.]

Accompanying is an order for one hundred and fifty copies of Prof. Gammell's History of American Baptist Missions. I read this History with great interest immediately after its publication, and having been for more than twelve years connected with the Mission in Burmah, am happy to be able to bear decided testimony to its authenticity, so far as my observation extends. I am also highly gratified with its adaptation to the wants of the denomination in this department of literature. We have long needed just such a worka work not only intrinsically valuable as a History, but written in a style sufficiently attractive to insure its being read, not only by pastors, but by the members of our Church and friends of Missions, young and old. I am happy to be able to say, that within the circle of my acquaintance, the History meets with general favor, and I sincerely hope that its circulation may be greatly extended. I have already disposed of nearly four hundred and fifty copies, and shall continue to interest myself in its circulation.

[From Rev. E. Kincaid.]

As I have labored more or less at all the stations in Burmah, not only at Rangoon and Ava, but also in the Tenasserim and Arracan provinces, I could not but admire the singular accuracy with which all the leading facts of these Missions are detailed in Prof. Gammell's History of American Baptist Missions. I have not found a single error of any importance. I hope our religious papers will not fail to let this work be known among the churches. It furnishes the information so much needed.

[From the Rev. J. Wade, of the Burman Mission.]

So far as I have examined Gammell's History, I can most cordially recommend it to the public as being a very truthful and well written work.

Availing myself of occasional opportunities to peruse it, I selected those chapters which treat of the Missions with which I am personally acquainted, and was delighted to find nothing on which the reader might not rely as being substantially correct. I consider it an excellent work.

A liberal discount made by the dozen or hundred copies to those who engage in its circulation.


With Seven Maps. 12mo. Price Seventy-five Cents.

"We welcome with unfeigned pleasure this new contribution to the liter ature of Christian Missions. For its plan and execution, and for the interest which it gathers around subjects in themselves deeply interesting and truly sublime, it will be attractive no less to the readers of general literature, than those who approve and love the work of missions. The author relates the history of the several missions in his own words, presenting a consise and luminous narrative of each. The volume is written in an easy and elegant style, and is worthy of the high station and name of the author." - Baptist Magazine.

"The need for such a work has long been felt. It is true that the matter here presented has been acceptable in other forms. But it needed to be condensed, arranged and presented to the reader in an attractive form. To all who wish to comprehend the present position of our stations, by a knowledge of their past history, it will be an invaluable aid. Indeed, a copy should be in every family. Pastors and others who wish to urge forward the home work of foreign missions, would do well to circulate it as widely as possible in the churches." — Philadelphia Chronicle.

"Prof. Gammell is a writer of rare taste. The preparation of such a work could not have fallen into better hands. The reader is borne along from chapter to chapter with a narrative which while it fully satisfies his desire to know, commends itself as entirely truthful and trustworthy. The facts recorded are as carefully stated, as the style of the work is chastened and pure. That it will greatly promote the missionary spirit, and serve to increase the missionary zeal of our churches, we have no question. In reading we have been struck with the difference between a knowledge of our missions gathered from magazines and newspapers, scattered through successive years, and that which is obtained from a compact and authoritative narrative, bringing the whole before the observer at a single view. Let pastors, friends of missions, agents, and colporteurs, scatter it by thousands. Like bread cast upon the waters it will come back in prayers and blessings. No baptist family should be without it.". N. Y. Recorder.

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"This work is the result of great labor and research, and presents an exceedingly satisfactory view of the missionary operations of the Baptists in this country. It is well that it has fallen into the hands of a man whose extensive knowledge and good judgment and candid Christian spirit qualify him so eminently for such a service. He will have the thanks of many beyond the pale of his own denomination."— Albany Argus.

"Emanating from such a source, and under such auspices, the volume before us is a valuable contribution to American literature, as well as to the history of Christian Missions. Prof. Gammell has executed his task with singular success. The style, always clear and correct, is graceful and flowing, and in many a passage, descriptive of the toils and adventures of missionary life, is full of eloquence and beauty."- Providence Journal.

"Prof. Gammell has exhibited evidence, in this volume, of deep research and great fidelity. He has not merely furnished us with statistics, but has thrown around his subject almost the attraction of romance. It will be read with much interest, we think, by laymen, and will be especially useful to clergymen as an authoritative reference book. We heartily commend this volume to our readers."- Baptist Memorial.

The work is printed in handsome style, and sold at the very low price of 75 cents per copy. Pastors, agents and others who may engage in its circulation, will be supplied on very liberal terms by the dozen or hundred.

Church History --- Polity and Membership.

THE APOSTOLICAL AND PRIMITIVE CHURCH; Popular in its government and simple in its worship. By LYMAN COLEMAN. With an introductory essay, by Dr. AUGUSTUS NEANDER, of Berlin. Second Edition. Price $1.25.

The Publishers have been favored with many highly commendatory notices of this work, from individuals and public journals. The first edition found a rapid sale; it has been republished in England, and received with much favor; it is universally pronounced to be standard authority on this subject; and is adopted as a Text Book in Theological Seminaries.

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"It is concise, clear, and comprehensive; and, as an exposition of ecclesiastical principles and prac tice, is worthy of careful study of all the young members of our churches. We hope it may be widely circulated, and that the youthful thousands of our Israel may become familiar with its pages."-Watchman and Reflector.



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A pastor writes "I sincerely wish that every professor of religion in the land may possess this excellent manual. I am anxious that every member of my church should possess it, and shall be happy to promote its circulation still more extensively." "The spontaneous effusion of our heart, on laying the book down, was, may every church-member in our land soon possess this book, and be blessed with all the happiness which conformity to its evangelic sentiments and directions is calculated to confer.' Christian Secretary.

The Works of Jenkyn --- Church



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"Having daughters of his own, and having been many years employed in writing for the young, he hopes to be able to offer some good advice, in the following pages, in an entertaining way, for girls or misses, between the ages of eight and fifteen. His object is, to assist them in forming their characters upon the best model; that they may become wellbred, intelligent, refined, and good; and then they will be real ladies, in the highest sense." Preface.

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"My design in writing has been to contribute something towards forming the character of those who are to be our future electors, legislators, governors, judges, ministers, lawyers, and physicians, after the best model; and, from the kind reception of my former attempts to benefit American youth, I trust they will give a candid hearing to the hints contained in the following pages. It is intended for boys - or, if you please, for young gentlemen, in early youth, from eight or ten to fifteen or sixteen years of age." - Preface.

"Two delightful volumes by the Rev. Harvey Newcomb. These are written by an intelligent Christian father. They contain wise and important counsels and cautions, adapted to the young, and made entertaining by the interesting style and illustrations by the author. They are fine mirrors, in which are reflected the prominent lineaments of the Chris tian young gentleman and young lady. The execution of the works is of the first order, and the books will afford elegant and most profitable presents for the young." — American Pulpit,

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"Nothing has a greater interest for a youthful mind than a well-told story, and no medium of conveying moral instructions so attractive or so successful. The influence of all such stories is far more powerful when the child is assured that they are true. The book before us is conducted upon these ideas. It is made up of a series of anecdotes, every one of which inculcates some excellent moral lesson. We cannot too highly approve of the book, or too strongly recommend it to parents."- Western Continent, Baltimore.

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"There is a charm about these two beautiful volumes not to be mistaken. They are deeply interesting and instructive, without being fictitious. The anecdotes are many, short, and spirited, with a moral drawn from cach, somewhat after the manner of Todd ; and no youth can read them without finding something therein adapted to every age, condition, and duty of life. We commend it to families and schools." - Albany Spectator.

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The object of the writer has been to classify and condense the evidence, that the whole force of each particular kind might be seen at one view. He has also aimed to render the work practical, so as to have it a book to be read as well as studied. The Types and Prophecies furnish an important species of evidence, and are rich in instruction upon the way of Salvation.


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