תמונות בעמוד

greatness of mind, so an instance is rarely to be met with, in which both were more confpicuous, than in this excellent man.

BUT while his friends, from the great ftrength of his conftitution, and the vigor of his fpirit, with the perfect temperance in which he lived, promised themselves they should enjoy him many years; thefe pleafing profpects were unexpectedly cut off. He had for a good many years, from time to time, been attacked by the gout; fuffering much pain in the extremities, but not af fected in the vital parts. But, in December 1740, that disorder, all of a fudden, feized his head, and quickly produced the ufual melancholy fymptoms. As foon as he be came fenfible what his cafe was, he needed no monitor, for he immediately concluded the disorder would prove mortal, and feemed to take no notice of any thing faid to the contrary by way of encouragement. After the view, which has been given of his life and fpirit, it will be eafy to conjecture the manner and temper with which he met death. It was with great firmness and compofure of mind, a chearful acquiefcence in


the will, and a fixed truft in the power and goodness of that Being who governs all. He died in the fixtieth year of his age.


I HAVE already given an account of fome papers he published, as the course of these fhort memoirs of his life made it neceffary. I shall now mention the reft. The first he published, was a fermon on occafion of the acceffion of King George the firft, on Pfal. xx. 6. When he was moderator of the neral fynod, he preached a fermon (according to the ufual rule, before them) on Dan. xii. 4. which was published. He printed likewife a fermon preached on a fast-day, appointed by the general fynod, on account of the animofities then in the north. The text was, 1 Cor. iii. 3. After he came to Dublin, he preached a set of fermons upon the divine attributes; and in his own life published an octavo volume of them, all which were upon the existence and natural perfections of the Deity. After his death, the second volume was published by his friends, upon the moral attributes. These fermons were printed in Dublin, and reprinted in London. I have only to add that f 2


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he has left behind him feveral volumes of mifcellany fermons in manufcript, generally very practical. By the fpecimen prefented to the reader in the two volumes now printed, which are the plaineft and most practical, he will judge that they are worthy of being communicated to the world; though they cannot appear in it with that advantage they muft have done, had he himself reviewed and corrected them. It is from the firft draught, they are published.

I SHALL conclude this account of his life with a few particulars which have not been yet taken notice of, or only curforily mentioned, and which contribute to give a juft idea of him.

He was very remarkable for true and fprightly wit, which was always correct and the moft diftant poffible from levity; this rendered his converfation as agreeable and entertaining, as it was improving and useful; no perfon of any tafte could grow weary of his company. He had naturally a negligent air, and the appearances of inattention. As there was nothing at all affected in these,


they were not difagreeable to fuch as knew him; but strangers were often furprized to hear him reason justly, and speak with exactness, when he appeared to them very little to mind what he was engaged in.

Of his eminent piety much has been already faid, but it deferves a particular remark, that piety appeared in him in the most amiable manner, and like itself, manly and rational; there was nothing gloomy, nothing stiff or unnatural in his religion. And he was extremely happy in a free, easy and chearful manner, in conjunction with the greatest tenderness of spirit, and the warmeft zeal for God. In his temper and behaviour, men faw that religion, as it was intended to be, fo is in reality, the perfection of nature; no other than the proper exercife and improvement of our faculties, and the best means of attaining to the true enjoyment of life.

THE whole of his conduct was guarded by the greatest prudence. The most important fecrets might with perfect fafety be committed to him. And he had the greatest tenderness


tenderness for the characters of mankind, He never spoke to a man's disadvantage, when it was not neceffary to answer fome good end; and was utterly abhorrent of fpeaking evil to gratify a malicious or envious fpirit, or from poverty of invention and want of what to say in company. Indeed, his whole behaviour was ordered with great dif cretion. He was carefully attentive to all the decencies of life. The purity of his manners was unblemished. He was exactly temperate, rather, indeed, to a fault, abftemious; and seemed to take pleasure in the greatest severities of virtue.

His paffions were naturally ftrong, but they were under fuch correction, that his temper was usually spoken of as quite immoyeable. Incidents, which would have been fhocking to other men, were met by him without any apparent Emotion. And in fome circumftances of life, which were extremely afflicting, he not only carried it with decency, but fhewed fuch a tranquility of spirit and conftancy, as amazed his friends. All who were acquainted with the delicacy of his temper, knew, that this was not in the leaft owing to infenfibility; and there


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