תמונות בעמוד

attention being specially directed to children leaving their own, or arriving from other schools or congregations. For instance, a boy leaving a school at Cambridge, and enter

thought, which I conceive, if acted upon, would be productive of much good to teachers and scholars of Sunday-schools, and I no longer hesitate communicating it to my fellowlabourers, from the conviction that the presenting into service in this town, would be procritical period requires that our thoughts, words, and actions, should be more than ever directed towards the furtherance of the important object we have in view.

It must be painfully obvious to every one interested in the well-being of youth, and especially to those who are engaged in Sunday-schools, that by far the greater number of children, as they leave home and enter more immediately upon the stage of life, whether as apprentices or domestic servants, are exposed to dangers infinitely greater than at any other period. Then it is they are suddenly deprived of a parent's care, and of a teacher's instruction, at a time when most of all they need a watchful eye, and an instructive voice to guard them against the many new and alluring temptations which surround them.

Were we to seek an acquaintance with the course pursued by young persons who have left any of our schools during the past years, it would afford us an instructive, although in some respects a painful, subject for inquiry. We should discover that a large proportion, as they grew up to manhood, gradually yielded to their own evil propensities and to the pernicious example of others, until at length they ceased to regard a parent's counsel, or their former teacher's prayers and instruction, and eventually sank into a state so fearfully degrading, as to present little or no ground of hope for the future. Others, equally eager in the pursuit of vain or sinful pleasures; but from whose minds early im. pressions were less easily effaced, continued year after year, to outward appearance, alternately serving God and the world-the subjects of good resolves and evil habits-until at an advanced age, the grace of God—it may be by the afflictive hand of Providence-constrained them to seek the God of their early youth. But, Oh, how difficult in opposition to matured sins, to begin anew to form the Christian character! and what a lasting source of regret to themselves and the church that their prime of life had been spent to no good purpose! It is this precious period of human existence, which activity of mind and body renders most valuable, we would seek to have devoted to the service of religion; and if ever there was an epoch in the church's history, demanding the strenuous and united efforts of her pastors and people, it is unquestionably the present.

I would suggest that a corresponding secretary and two (male and female) intelligent visiting teachers be appointed to each Sundayschool throughout the United Kingdom, their


vided with a printed introductory note, or card, to give to our superintendent, and also a letter explanatory of the society's object, to present to the person into whose employ he was entering, in addition to which a postal correspondence to our secretary would state the progress the boy had made, his past good or bad behaviour, and any other needful information. Upon the boy's arrival, a visitor would wait upon his employer, and seek to obtain for him the opportunities of attending school, prayer meetings, and other services; the result would, in due time, be communicated to the Cambridge school.

I conceive that very many of the church members and of the congregation would gladly avail themselves of this medium of religious care and instruction on behalf of their children as they left home to fill situations, whose regular, or irregular, attendance at chapel or school, would excite notice, and secure from pastor and teachers kind expressions of approval or remonstrance. If a quarterly report, relative to the scholastic and religious improvement of young persons, was sent to their parents and former teachers, it might act as an incentive to good behaviour, and the interchange of thought and feeling between scholars and teachers of schools at a distance from each other, would tend to promote that friendly interest which it is desirable should exist.

The same agency might be employed as an introduction to teachers, when leaving one town for another; and when it is remembered a great proportion of the teachers are engaged as assistants in houses of business, and are consequently subject to frequent removals, it is desirable they should have the most ready means of access to those schools they purpose labouring in; for the want of such facility much valuable time is wasted, ere they become sufficiently acquainted with the teachers to join them, and, indeed, in very many instances their services are altogether lost because of it.

Teachers, on a visit to a distant town for a Sabbath or two, would naturally hesitate to intrude amongst strangers; but an introductory note would remove such scruples, and afford them an opportunity of doing and receiving good.

It would be necessary to have distributed periodically a printed list of all Congregational chapels, with the names and address of their pastors and secretaries; London and other large towns would, of course, require to be divided into districts.

The expenses of printing, postage, &c., might be amply met by a small annual con

tribution from the parents of these children | favourable to the cause of religious instruc-
(say sixpence and upwards, according to their tion, I hope our pastors and friends will
means); letters from one secretary to another assist us in planning and carrying it into
requiring an answer, should contain a postage operation.
stamp; and such other regulations should be
I am yours truly,
made as would prevent a pecuniary loss fall-
ing upon any school. However, I am of
opinion it might be made the means of con-
siderably improving their funds; be this as
it may, I anticipate much moral and reli-
gious good from the adoption of some such
plan as I have endeavoured to point out.

It would, by calling into more frequent exercise the Christian graces, do much to recommend religion to the world, which would then perceive in it a loveliness, and a reality, influencing the feelings and actions of those by whom it was possessed-then would Christianity wear a more social and cheering aspect, and prove to us how largely we might contribute to each other's spiritual and temporal welfare.

I would appeal to the parental feelings of those who are parting with a child, and inquire, what would tend so much to alleviate their mental anguish as the sweet assurance that there were those who, in that distant town, would seek out their beloved offspring, and in spiritual things sustain a parent's part. I would ask, what would so readily dispel the saddening thoughts which now crowd upon the minds of teachers when parting with a scholar who, it may be, has profited much by instruction, as to know that the tender plant which, by their instrumentality, had sprung up in the breast of their youthful charge, would blossom under the fostering care of fellow-labourers, in a distant part of their common Master's vineyard?

It would be casting a powerful shield around the rising generation, and do much to counteract the pernicious example of those into whose society they may be compelled to enter, and help to fortify their minds against those active emissaries of Satan, whom we must now expect to meet prowling about our thoroughfares, and intruding into the domestic circle, for the purpose of ensnaring the most promising of our youth.

It would excite other religious communities to follow our example; thus should we have, to use the simile, a Christian protective force, established in every town and village throughout the kingdom, exercising a vigilance becoming those who watch for souls.

It would tend to produce a unity of thought and purpose amongst Christian believers of all denominations-" a consummation devoutly to be wished"-then might the church expect to wage a more successful warfare against her Master's enemies; until then, she wields, with an enfeebled arm, the mighty weapon of God's truth.

Should my proposition be entertained as

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THOS. H. PINDER. Cheltenham, Nov. 12th, 1850.



(To the Editor of the Evangelical Magazine.)

DEAR SIR,-Permit me to call the attention of the friends of vital Christianity to a brief statement respecting several Protestant societies, established on the Continent for the purpose of diffusing the knowledge of Christ and him crucified.

The First is the Evangelical Society of France. The claims of this good institution have been often advocated in the pages of the EVANGELICAL MAgazine. From a letter from M. Audebez, its secretary, dated the 28th of Nov. last, allow me to place before your readers the following extract:

"To distribute the Holy Scriptures through the instrumentality of our colporteurs; to send messengers of the good news to thousands of our benighted countrymen; to open places of worship, where God is to be worshipped in spirit and in truth; to establish and to maintain schools, where the child is trained

up in the way he should go'-such in a few words is the work of our society:-and this work, which would be necessary at all times, is particularly important in the times we live in. Indeed, at no period was it more necessary than in the present days, to give comfort to the afflicted, to compose unruly passions, and to oppose dangerous errors. Truly convinced of the importance of such a task, our Committee have during the last two years doubled their cares and exertions, in order to prosecute their work with more vigour and system, and to meet to an adequate extent the newly discovered wants, and the newly discovered opportunities of our country. All who have some knowledge of our work, are satisfied that our labours and the efforts of our fellow-workers have not been in vain. Interesting churches may now be numbered in several departments, where, some years ago, true Christianity was almost totally unknown. In the departments of Yonne, Haut Sienne, Charante, Manche, Sarthe, and Orne, are found pretty numerous congregations, whose members show by their outward conduct, that a real change has taken place in their sentiments, and that there has been a work of the Holy Spirit in their consciences.

"But that we may continue our blessed work, it is more necessary than ever to rely on the support of our Christian friends. On


soon be increased to twenty-seven."

the first of October last, our debt amounted to | twenty-five in all, which, it is hoped, will 54,000 francs, and since then our work has been moving onwards, and our receipts have been less than our expenses; our debt now amounts to nearly 70,000 francs, and our course begins to be very difficult."

Allowing the preceding statement to make its own impression, I will only add, that the Evangelical Continental Society has just issued its quarterly paper, which describes more at large the work carried on by the Evangelical Society of France.

The Second-The Evangelical Society of Geneva-is another institution on the Continent that deserves the support and the prayers of all who love the "one Mediator between God and man," Christ Jesus. The following summary of its proceedings is extracted from the Quarterly Paper of the Evan. Con. Soc. for Jan. last:

"The object of the Société Evangélique de Génève is threefold

"I. To train young men of suitable talents and of approved piety for the work of the ministry. For this purpose the Ecole de Théologie has been established, which is directed by Dr. Merle d'Aubigné. From this seminary several able and devoted evangelists have gone forth into the vineyard of Christ, and are labouring diligently and with distinguished success in various parts of Switzerland, Piedmont, and France.

"II. To announce the glad tidings of salvation to the inhabitants of the neighbouring districts (évangélization à l'extérieur). "III. The sale of the Scriptures through the agency of hawkers of books (colporteurs), by whose instrumentality the Scriptures have been widely disseminated amongst the people.

"We have mentioned these three departments of labour, that the Christian friends into whose hands this paper may come, may have the opportunity of knowing that it is a standing rule of our Society, that subscribers and donors may specially designate their contributions to any of the three objects, unless they choose to leave the distribution to the discretion of the Committee.

"It will not be necessary to say much on the subject of the Theological Seminary. The names of Dr. Merle d'Aubigné and Prof.ssor de la Harpe, under whose auspices the young men pursue their various studies, are a sufficient guarantee that these studies will be rightly and effectively directed.

"The agency employed by the German Evangelical Society, in the work of evangelisation, extends it operations over ten departments, and employs thirteen ministers and twelve schoolmasters, or evangelists

The Third Society is the Evangelical Society of Belgium. Allow me to lay before your readers, the following brief summary of its proceedings, from the same source from which the preceding was taken:

"The number of ministers at the several stations of this Society, is now eleven, including the minister at Spriemont, who was formerly popish priest of that place, and now preaches the faith that he once destroyed. He has erected a new chapel by his own exertions, having collected the necessary funds in Germany and Liège. There are twelve more agents of different classes pursuing their labours in different parts of the kingdom. The Society is in debt to the amount of £280. The poor people who attend the village preaching, subscribed last year the sum of £162. The places where the Society chiefly operates are, Genval and Wavre, Charleroi, Spriemont, Nessonvaux, Liège, and Fontaine-l'Evêque. Some of these names are ever memorable as the scenes of the most sanguinary contests of the last continental war. Now they present the aspect of Christ's vineyard, and invite to the peaceful triumphs of the gospel. Multitudes of Roman Catholic children attend the schools of the Society, though their parents will not attend the Protestant services. The gospel has taken deep root in the hearts of many Belgians. The liberty which Protestants have to preach the word is complete, and the hostility of the priests is confined to the press, a field on which they have sustained many a defeat, and where the champions of truth have nothing to fear."

There is a Fourth Society, at Lyons, which has been the means of extensive good in France. The agents of all these societies labour in the midst of Popery, Infidelity, and Ignorance of the most fearful kind, and are worthy of the deepest sympathy, the most fervent prayer, and the substantial aid of British Christians. The claims of all these societies you have often placed before your readers; kindly permit another appeal, for continued and augmented support is neededand therefore continued appeals must be made.

Faithfully yours,


Sec. of the Evangelical Continental Society. **Donations and subscriptions will be thankfully received by the Treasurer, William Alers Hankey, Esq., 7, Fenchurch-street; or by the Secretary, the Rev. Evan Davies, at the office of the Society, 7, Blomfield-street, Finsbury, for any of the societies.

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THE history of these children, who, in the gracious providence of God, were in their infancy rescued from impending death and introduced to the maternal care of Mrs. Coles, the late excellent wife of our Missionary, the Rev. J. B. Coles, formerly of Mysore, but now of Bellary, is one that powerfully appeals to the sympathies of the humane and benevolent reader, while it serves to illustrate the great value of Mission Schools, which require no other passport to the admission of candidates than that they are known to be forlorn and destitute. The following account, addressed to the ladies of the Carr's Lane Missionary Working Society, Birmingham, derives, moreover, an additional and peculiarly affecting interest from the circumstance that it was drawn up by our highly-esteemed friend Mrs. Coles, scarcely two months previous to her lamented death :—

Bellary, May 9th, 1850.

MY DEAR FRIENDS,-Very great was my disappointment at not being able to write last month, and to enclose the accompanying likenesses of our little twins, which we hoped would interest many at your annual meeting; but though too late for that, I hope at some other meeting it may add a little to the inte


You may like to hear about these children, so I will give you a short account of them:

George Storer Mansfield and his twin brother, John Angell James, (See the annexed Engraving, p. 1,) were found, when quite infants, by the road-side; their parents also were there, one of them quite dead, and the other just dying of cholera, and entirely insensible. The poor children were taken to Mysore, and Captain Montgomery, knowing that we had a school for orphans, wrote to ask whether we would take these children. As they were so young we felt it would be a serious undertaking, yet we could not refuse to have them, at any rate for a time, for we fully expected that inquiries would be made about them, and that they would be claimed by their relations; so we engaged a woman to attend to them, as John Angell James was at that time a very sickly, feeble child, and not able to walk alone.

She however seemed to care so little for the children, and made us so uncomfortable by her constant complaints about her disturbed nights, that we dismissed her, and for some time they shared with my own children the attentions of my Ayah,' who was very kind to them; and though she had trouble with them we never heard her speak of it.

"When we were removed to Bangalore these children were very subject to fever, and were so delicate that they learned but little in consequence. Since our removal to Bellary they have been quite strong and healthy: they attend the Wardlaw Institution daily, and are getting on nicely with both English and Canarese. They are greatly beloved by their schoolfellows, which is not at all surprising, for they are not only fine-looking little fellows, but exceedingly well behaved. John Angell James is a very droll, merry boy, quite witty at times, and has a most animated little face. George Storer Mansfield is a gentle, mild child, not quite so sharp and clever as his brother, but quite as good and amiable; he is never more pleased than when J. A. James is saying something droll, and none joins in the laugh with more spirit than he. If any favour is to be asked, the elder boys always send one of their little favourites to ask it. You would

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