תמונות בעמוד

influence that happiness which passeth human knowledge. Oh! who is there calling himself a Christian who will put forth his sacrilegious hand to stay the ark which is now on its progress through this land? Cold and selfish must be his heart, imperfect his participation of the graciousness of our Lord, unsteadfast the faith which he professes in a Redeemer's love; it were better for that man that he had never been born.

It was said by Voltaire, that "reasonable enthusiasm is the patrimony of great poets only;" but who has more reason to be an enthusiast than the Christian? There has never been any great good achieved in the moral or physical world which is not the result of enthusiasm ; and shall we, to avoid the idle unmeaning reproach of enthusiasm, unyoke our best steeds from our chariot, whose wheels have already tarried too long, when the way still before us is long and difficult, when time is short, and eternity is at hand; while we are exposed not only to an enemy active and alert without, but carry with us and among ourselves many impediments, and know that the Evil One is watching for our halting? Let us rather leave to him and the workers of his will, to retard our too rapid progress, if such it be called. It is enough of encouragement for us, enough of reason for our empressement onwards, that we are beckoned, and called upon, from regions which having long sat in the shadow of darkness, now see a great light dawning upon them; that we ourselves feel, and confess with regret, that we have already loitered too long; that the people of God in other parts of the world, who take an interest in us, accuse us of this too; that a breath from heaven has at length been seen to shake the dry bones scattered over the arid plains of India; that a movement has been made which it is our duty to second; that a new song has been raised, and an echo given back from India, which will ere long employ all nations, "Worthy the Lamb, for he was slain for us ;" and that we have the sure word of prophecy to tell us that the time is coming, yea now is, when

Nation after nation taught the strain,

Earth rolls the rapturous Hosanna round.

Were encouragement needed, it might be amply derived from the proofs daily presenting themselves to us, of desire created and efforts made by the natives themselves to come at the truth, and to acquire knowledge through the medium of the English language; and what is still more gratifying, their avidity to engage one another in the pursuit.

We shall not therefore be either disappointed or discouraged by the smile of contempt or of ridicule which may in some quarters be bestowed upon the little volume, whose title is at the head of this article, from the pen of our young friend Krishna Rau, which has just been published.

It is the first of a series of translations of some elementary works, published by Mr. Duff for the use of the Assembly's school in Calcutta. It includes an English line, with the sound in Nagrí characters, and a translation in the Hindí, (both the Nagri and the Roman character,) with the Mahrathí and the Persian. The interlinear polyglot is acknowledged by Krishna Rau's friends and himself to be an imperfect production, and by no means free from mistakes and barbarisms. It is the "attempt" more than the "deed" which is so gratifying, and it would be the height of injustice and cruelty to visit his work with the severity of English criticism, to which standard in truth it does not appeal. As the production of a young native of one of the most unenlightened districts of central India, with hitherto but scanty means of qualifying himself in the mysteries of authorship, it is deserving of all praise, as well on account of the modesty of its pretensions, as the general execution of the task. With the exception of the pronunciation in the Native character, we consider it very well adapted to answer the purpose for which it is intended, that of assisting the natives of the different provinces of upper India, whatever their particular language may be, in the study of English, with which they are as yet altogether unacquainted; and we believe that the book will come fully up to the most approved standard of taste among his own countrymen, in whose estimation the highest degree of knowledge consists in an acquaintance with a great variety of languages.

We wish our young friend all success in his future labours, and rejoice that the promise and hopes entertained of him, upon his arrival some months ago in Calcutta, have not been disappointed.

If we might be pardoned a hint to the Rau's friends, it would be one of caution how they mete out to their "author" words of praise and smiles of commendation. Let the punkah of encouragement be pulled by the hand of discretion. The wisest and the best have often need of all their caution in its gentlest gales; and we have had our secret misgivings as to the disturbing effects upon the bias of his purpose, likely to be produced by praises

"Poured forth by beauty splendid and polite,
"In language soft as adoration breathes."

The following interesting particulars regarding Krishna Rau and the Ságar Schools, having lately been furnished us by a friend, we insert them with great pleasure, persuaded they will interest our readers. May their perusal lead them to "go and do likewise!"

Rau Krishna Rau is the son of Náná Dewán Sáhib, a Pandit, who, in succession to his fathers for several generations, was a confidential officer in the employ of Rájá Gobind Bahádur, governor of the province of Ságar, then belonging to the Peshwá. He is the youngest of three sons,

and was only eleven years of age when the fortunes of his house and his own prospects were blighted, in consequence of the fall of their master before the victorious arms of the English in 1818. Previous to this period, the administration of the government in all its details, legal and financial, had been carried on in Mahratta, the language of the Peshwá; but upon the change of administration, which now took place, the Persian language was substituted for Mahratta in all the courts, the old law officers were dismissed, and a new train of men, chiefly Musulmáns and Kaits from Gangápár, foreigners skilled in Persian, were introduced, and became the interpreters of law, and the functionaries of Government. Thus a people just beginning to become familiar with one foreign language, so far as they found it necessary to be so towards securing or maintaining their rights, were violently subjected to a change as well of government as of the language in which this was to be henceforth administered, and of the channels through which its measures were to flow; and thus those blessings which an improved form of government might have conferred were removed to a greater distance, and their attainment encompassed with greater difficulties than before.

It was the custom of the new English Resident (Mr. Maddock), to hold his darbár every Sunday!! at noon, and thither Náná Dewan was wont to repair with his three sons, in all the humility of ex-office, to watch the eye of "this new Governor," whose will dispensed power, and place, and wealth; whose frown was fatal to hopes. It is difficult, through the palpable obscure with which the narrative proceeds, to discover what the young Krishna Rau really thought of Mr. Maddock; he doubtless participated in the bitter feelings of disappointment shared by his father and brothers, on finding that however well-disposed their new governor might be towards them, they were disqualified by their own ignorance of Persian from holding any office whatever under Government. Some kind words of encouragement however seem to have inspired him with the hope of future favour and distinction, and he resolved to set about the study of Persian forthwith.

The system of education then pursued by his countrymen does not appear to have been remarkably successful, for at his then age, eleven years, he scarcely knew his letters in his mother tongue, Mahratta; and to the acquirement of this was now to be added the study of the Persian character and language. In consequence of a tedious illness and confinement from a severe accident, his studies were much interrupted, and it was not until 1827, nine years after, when at the age of 21, that he was in his own opinion qualified to read, write, and interpret Persian law-or had made any proficiency in its barren, unprofitable, and unenticing lore.

The books which during this time had been his chief study were1st, Kalibárí, (a vocabulary of Persian words ;) 2nd, Karimá and MámúKímá, (elementary books of moral instruction;) 3rd, A'madnámah (another elementary book;) 4th, Madhúrámá (a polite letter-writer;) 5th, Abul Fazal, (a history of India;) 6th, Bágh-o-Bahár; 7th, Gulistán; 8th, Bostan, (books of poetry,) and some others of similar scope. In geography, history, and natural science, he remained profoundly igno rant, and except a smattering of arithmetic, just enough for the ordina ry purposes of life, he knew nothing whatever of mathematics-and this, at the age of 21, after having spent all his life in study! Yet was he both in his own eyes and those of his neighbours, a well educated young man, and was looked upon by all men as a youth of expectation.

About this time, (that is in 1827,) he became acquainted with Captain James Paton, who, apparently struck with the youth's shrewdness and intelligence, took a lively interest in him, and invited him frequently to his house. Himself even then a tolerably good Oriental scholar, he proposed

to Krishna Rau to assist him in the prosecution of his Persian studies, undertaking in return to instruct him in English.

It was not long before Krishna Rau learned to appreciate the amiable and benevolent character of his new friend, who simply passed over the barriers of pride and prejudice, which have so long served to interrupt the free and unrestrained communication of thought between the natives of India and their rulers; by which alone their capacity for instruction may best be discovered and enlarged, by which their wants and grievances may become amicably known and adjusted, and by means of which, our power may be most surely established upon the firm basis of public opinion. The degree of intimacy to which he was thus freely and frankly admitted produced in Krishna Rau's mind not only feelings of deep gratitude and respect and attachment to Captain Paton, but imbibing insensibly a similar tone of opinion and sentiment, he was speedily filled with the desire of imparting to his countrymen that light which was bursting upon himself.

A plan of general education was concerted between them, in which the zeal and qualifications of Krishna Rau were made eminently serviceable in promoting the disinterested and philanthropic views of his patron. Within the space of little more than one year nine schools were established in the city of Ságar, whereof the teachers were paid by Captain Paton, and the immediate superintendence entrusted to Krishna Rau ; Captain Paton himself generally visiting one or two of them daily in company with him.

While engaged in following up their plans of benevolence, thus commenced and carried on quietly and unostentatiously, they no doubt reaped from their own gratified consciousness of well-doing, an exceeding great reward; but their most sanguine hopes could scarcely have anticipated the happy results which their perseverance for seven years has produced in the improved moral character, intelligence, industry, and happiness of the people.

Their pupils consisted of village children of all castes and ages, and as their previous acquirements had been of the scantiest description, little more was attempted at first than to establish habits of inquiry, of investigation and of application, in the study of their native language. As they advanc ed, the more attractive studies of natural history, geography, astronomy, biography, history, and mathematics were added.

Several gentlemen, at the station, lent their ready and valuable assistance in the construction of globes, maps, &c. Books and instruments were procured from Serampore and Calcutta, and they now look forward to the speedy establishment of a press of their own at Ságar.

The attainments in sound and useful knowledge, made by the senior students, in the short space of six years, contrast favourably with those of Krishna Rau in 182,. A glance at the published report, which exhibits in detail the progress in study of nearly 600 children, will easily account for the high gratification expressed by His Excellency Lord WILLIAM BENTINCK, upon the occasion of his visit to Ságar in 1833.

Who indeed could possibly behold with indifference so interesting a spectacle as that of 5 or 600 children, born in the midst of ignorance and heathen darkness, rushing forward with eagerness and delight to catch the dews of knowledge and moral principle, sprinkled over them by the hand of one born and educated among themselves, and immolating their ancient indolence, superstition, and bigotry at the base of the statue of Truth, that hitherto unknown God, now erected and fixed for evermore, to be worship. ped among them under the auspices of English philanthropy and liberality.

Missionary and Religious Intelligence.



The following brief notice of the Eighteenth Anniversary Meeting of this Society is abridged from the Enquirer: it has been before postponed through press of matter. The Meeting was held on the 1st of July in the large room at the Old Church. The Bishop was in the Chair, and the assembly was numerous and respectable.

The proceedings were opened by the Secretary, the Rev. T. Dealtry, with singing and prayer.

The Bishop then addressed the meeting. His duty in presiding on an occasion like the present was, he thought, not so much to enter into details, or to enforce the claims of this Society-this would fall more properly to the lot of others-as to endeavour, as far as might be practicable, to give somewhat of a proper tone to the proceedings, which if rightly set, generally influenced all that afterwards was urged, and made a meeting a blessing. With this view he would direct them to one text of Holy Scripture, which would express in a condensed form the objects which were proposed in a missionary Society, and the spirit in which all their proceedings should be conducted. It was from St. Paul's Epistle to the Thessalonians-" Remembering," he says, "your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father." All these were peculiarly characteristic of the work we were engaged in; and the spirit in which it should be pursued. After enlarging a little upon each of these topics, his Lordship called upon the Rev. Mr. Dealtry to read the Report.

We cannot even touch upon half the topics which it embraced, detailing as it did the operations of the Church Missionary Society, in Calcutta, and its environs; Burdwan, including Culna, Bancoorah, and Kishnaghur ; Chittagong; Patna and Buxar ; Gorruckpore; Jaunpore; Benares; Chunar; Allahabad; Agra; Bareilly; Meerut; Kurnaul and Futtehpore.

To Calcutta itself we must confine our notice. The number of converts added to the Church by Baptism, during the past year, were one hundred and thirty. About sixty individuals had been confirmed in the Cathedral, and after Confirmation had been addressed through the Missionary by the Bishop. This increase in the number, and the growing attention of the Natives to Christianity, had rendered it necessary for the Committee to decide upon enlarging their present Church at Mirzapore or building another. After mature deliberation, they had resolved upon the latter, and a plot of ground had accordingly been purchased very near to Mrs. Wilson's establishment. Another congregation was also in a state of encouraging progress, which consisted chiefly of Mahometan teachers, converts, and inquirers. This had arisen from the union of one small congregation conducted for some time past under the eye of the Venerable the Archdeacon, with another, precisely similar, for females, under the superintendence of the late Miss Bird. The union of these formed a little church of from thirty to fifty individuals, and being now taken under the care of the Society, afforded every prospect of usefulness. Concentration of Missionaries in Calcutta was strongly recommended, and a supply of pious and able men had been earnestly sought for from home.

Our limits prevent us going through the details of the different Missionary Stations throughout the Mofussil; but the general effect was cheering and encouraging, not so much from the actual number of converts, as from the impression every where making, the attention excited, and the universal establishment of schools in connection with the several Missions.


The cause of "Temperance" is part of the good cause advocated by the Calcutta Christian Observer, and it will be gratifying to its editor to learn that a meeting took place at this station for the purpose of forming a Mirut Temperance Society. I enclose a handbill containing an account of the proceedings of the meeting. It was not so well attended by officers as the friends of the society could wish, but of soldiers more attended than there was room secured for their accommodation. The society meets with much opposition; the newspaper of the station has violently opposed it,

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