תמונות בעמוד

and present state of Wesleyan Methodism throughout the world; and is embellished with a beautiful likeness of Mr. Wesley, from a steel engraving.

Commentary on the New Testament. By Rev. JOSEPH BENSON. Two volumes imperial 8vo., the size of the new edition of Dr. A. Clarke's Commentary. New-York: Published by T. Mason & G. Lane, for the Methodist Episcopal Church, at the Conference Office, 200 Mulberry-street.

THIS commentary on the New Testament is now out, and ready for delivery, at $6 retail, with the usual discount to preachers and wholesale purchasers. The Commentary on the Old Testament is in a course of publication, and will make three volumes.

The publication of Mr. Benson's Commentary has, we understand, been ardently called for, which induced the Agents to undertake it. Without obtruding any recommendatory remarks of our own upon the reader, we will refer him to the following testimonies in favor of the work, which we copy from the London" Youth's Instructer," namely:

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The Rev. Hartwell Horne, in his celebrated "Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures," has observed, in reference to this production of Mr. Benson's pen, that it is "an elaborate and very useful Commentary on the Sacred Scriptures, which, independently of its practical tendency, possesses the merit of compressing into a comparatively small compass the substance of what the piety and learning of former ages have advanced, in order to facilitate the study of the Bible. Its late learned author was particularly distinguished for his critical and exact acquaintance with the Greek Testament."

The Wesleyan Ministers, assembled in their annual conference in the year 1818, passed the following resolution in reference to this Commentary:-"On the completion of this laborious undertaking, which was commenced at our request, and for the benefit of the Methodist Connection, the Conference feel it to be a duty to return their cordial and unanimous thanks to Mr. Benson for the service which he has thus rendered to our body; and to express their high satisfaction with the solid learning, the soundness of theological opinion, and the edifying attention to experimental and practical religion, which are displayed in this valuable work."

The Conference also, in their Pastoral Address to the Methodist Societies, in the year 1821, say in reference to Mr. Benson :-" By his various writings he has rendered great service to the connection, and to the truth of God; and his great work, the Commentary on the Old and New Testaments-a work replete with sound theological and critical learning, and admirably calculated 'to make the man of God perfect, thoroughly furnished for every good word and work'-will at once perpetuate his name, and extend his usefulness to future generations."

In the able "Sketch of the Character of Mr. Benson," drawn up by the Rev. Jabez Bunting, and inserted in the Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, it is remarked, "that the works of most permanent and general value, by which 'he being dead yet speaketh,' are his Life of Mr. Fletcher, and his Commentary on the Holy Scriptures."

Sketches of the Life and Travels of Rev. Thomas Ware; who has been an Itine. rant Methodist Preacher for more than fifty years. New-York: Published by T. Mason & G. Lane. 1839. 12mo. pp. 264.

THIS work is now in press, and will be ready to order in a few weeks. The name of T. Ware has become familiar to the ear of every reading member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as it has occupied a place in the general minutes since the organization of the Church in 1784, and for some time before. This circumstance alone invests the volume in question with an interest which will undoubtedly procure for it an extensive circulation. But we hazard nothing in saying, that this is by no means its chief recommendation. Mr. Ware traveled extensively as an itinerant preacher. Besides his labors in the Middle States, we find him among the pioneers of Methodism in the West and South, as far as Tennessee and North Carolina, and at the North and East, in Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. In the course of his labors in these sections, at an early period of the history of the Church, he was in a situation to make such observations upon the state of society, the measures pursued to introduce the gospel among the destitute, the manner in which Methodism and Methodist preachers were treated by the denominations who had obtained a footing in the country, and many other things connected with the progress of the work, as are calculated to cast much light upon the whole subject, and will serve the future historian a valuable purpose. All this he has done. His work abounds in anecdotes, historical sketches, descriptions of character, and incidents of various kinds, eminently calculated to illustrate the spirit and practical influence of Methodism during the period of his active labors.

We have no doubt that this publication will be sought with avidity, and read with much pleasure and profit by thousands who are enjoying the benefits of the institutions reared up and fostered by those fathers in the gospel who have gone to their reward, or are awaiting the bidding of their Master to enter into their rest in heaven.

A Letter to a Junior Methodist Preacher, concerning the General Course and Prosecution of his Studies in Christian Theology. By JOHN HANNAH. NewYork: Mason & Lane, 200 Mulberry-street. 1839.

DR. HANNAH's Letter to a Junior Methodist Preacher is formed on the basis of Mr. Watson's Theological Institutes, and gives ample directions to the student how to pursue the subjects embraced in that work to a still greater extent. In the first part of the letter the author directs the attention to the study of the evidences of Christianity. The next subject is the doctrines, the third is the duties, and the fourth the institutions of Christianity. Under each of these general heads reference is made to a great many very valuable works in divinity, with characteristic notices of them.

A Discourse on occasion of the death of the Rev. Wilbur Fisk, D. D., President of the Wesleyan University, delivered in the Greene-street Church, New-York, on the evening of the 29th of March, 1839. By NATHAN BANGS, D. D. Pub. lished by the request of those who heard it. New-York: T. Mason & G. Lane. pp. 24.

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Quarterly Review.

using language is used:-"The committee have unfeigned satisfaction in stating, that, while they consider that during the past year a decided advance has been made toward the great object of promoting Christianity among the Jews, they have no less convincing evidence that a deep interest in the spiritual welfare and future prospects of this long-neglected people is growing up in all parts of the country." We trust this will soon be universally the case throughout American Christendom! In 1838 the London Society employed forty-seven missionaries, twenty-three of whom are said to be converted Jews.

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