A Vocabulary of Desire: The Song of Songs in the Early SynagogueBRILL, 17 ביולי 2014 - 462 עמודים In A Vocabulary of Desire, Laura Lieber offers a nuanced, multifaceted and highly original study of how the Song of Songs was understood and deployed by Jewish liturgical poets in Late Antiquity (ca. 4th-7th centuries CE). Through her examination of poems which embellish and even rewrite the Song of Songs, Lieber brings the creative spirit-liturgical, intellectual, and exegetical-of these poems vividly to the fore. All who are interested in the early interpretation of the Song of Songs, the ancient synagogue, early Jewish and Christian hymnography, and Judaism in Late Antiquity will find this volume both enriching and accessible. The volume consists of two interrelated halves. In the first section, four introductory essays establish the broad cultural context in which these poems emerged; in the second, each chapter consists of an analytical essay structured around a single, complete poetic cycle, presented in new Hebrew editions with annotated original English translations. "The Hebrew text edition is accompanied by a lucid and poetic English translation with annotations and a commentary. In this excellent, scholarly text edition, the commentary is focused and to the point...This reviewer highly recommends this monograph to scholars interested in the early synagogue and its liturgy, late antique and medieval Hebrew poetry, rabbinic Judaism, and early Christianity. The book invites further comparative work in these areas." Rivka B. Ulmer, H-Judaic, H-Net Reviews. May, 2015. |
The Song of Songs as a Gateway to Synagogue Poetry | 3 |
The Place of Piyyut in the History of Interpretation of the Song | 24 |
Piyyut As an Extension of Biblical Rhetoric | 45 |
The World of the Songs | 68 |
Part 2 Texts and Commentary | 91 |
Translators Introduction | 93 |
Anonymous Qedushta Shir haShirim | 115 |
Commentary | 161 |
Commentary | 302 |
Eleazar birabbi Qallir The Grooms Qedushta | 317 |
Commentary | 346 |
Eleazar birabbi Qallir? Yotzer Shir haShirim | 359 |
Commentary | 390 |
Conclusion | 400 |
411 | |
420 | |
Yannai Shivata Shir haShirim | 173 |
Commentary | 195 |
Yannai Qedushta Shir haShirim | 210 |
Commentary | 251 |
Eleazar birabbi Qallir Shivata for Dew | 264 |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
A Vocabulary of Desire: The Song of Songs in the Early Synagogue <span dir=ltr>Laura Suzanne Lieber</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2014 |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Abraham ibn Ezra acrostic allegorical allusion Amidah ancient Aramaic Beloved biblical text blessings bride century Christian chuppah context describes Deut Dew of rest divine Egypt Eleazar elements Elijah embellish exile Exod Ezek Ezra Ezra Fleischer festival Fleischer garden genre God's groom Hebrew holy imagery interpretation intertexts Israel Jerusalem Jewish Judaism land of Israel language late antiquity listeners liturgical Liturgical Poetry Lord lovers marriage matzah medieval messianic metaphor midrash Mishnah Moses payyetanic perhaps phrase piyyut poem poet poetic prayer Qallir Qedushah qedushta quotation Rabbi Akiva rabbinic recitation redemption reference refrain revelation rhetoric ritual Sabbath seder Shavuot Shir ha-Shirim shivata silluq Sinai Solomon Song of Songs Song Rab Song's Songs piyyutim speaks stanza stich suggests synagogue Targum Temple Torah tradition translation unit verse voice wedding words Yannai yearning yotzer אוֹר אשׁר ברוך דּוֹדי ונאמר יחידה יי ישראל כּי ככתוב לי מנוּחה טל קדוש שיה״ש שׁיר