תמונות בעמוד

work; and after mentioning the British history (which Mr. Görres with evident probability interprets the Brut of G. of Monmouth) declares himself to have been further assisted in his researches by "Thomas of Brittany's Chronicle of Cornwall." This is clearly the same Thomas so repeatedly referred to in the preceding page, and whose celebrity may now be accounted for on better grounds than the belief that he was the author of a romance on Tristram's story. The Chronicler of Cornwall was a much more important personage than a mere minstrel composer of chivalric poems; and though the critics of the present day might refuse to acknowledge the distinction between Thomas and his ryming cotemporaries, the characteristics of romantic and authentic history were not so rigidly defined at the period we are concerned with.






P. 4. note r.-Herbert observes that the Saxon } [th] is used to this day in the letter y as y' that, ye the. MS. note in Mr. Dallaway's copy.-PARK. P. 15. end of note h.-Caxton had printed the Liber Festivalis in English before W. de Worde.-HERBERT. (Q. Lives of the Saints.)

P. 20. l. 3.-Guernes, an ecclesiastic of Pont St. Maxence in Picardy, wrote a metrical life of Thomas a Becket, and, from his anxiety to procure the most authentic information on the subject, came over to Canterbury in 1172, and finally perfected his work in 1177. It is written in stanzas of five Alexandrines, all ending with the same rhymes; a mode of composition supposed to have been adopted for the purpose of being easily chanted. A copy is preserved in MS. Harl. 270. and another in MS. Cotton. Domit. A. xi. See Archæologia, vol. xiii. and Ellis's Hist. Sketch, &c. p. 57. -PARK.

P. 20. note a.-The lives of St. Josaphat and of the Seven Sleepers are attributed by the Abbé de la Rue to Chardry, an Anglo-Norman poet, who also wrote Le petit plet, a dispute between an old and a young man on human life. Stephen Langton archbishop of Canterbury in 1207 wrote a canticle on the passion of Jesus Christ in 123 stanzas, with a theological drama, in the duke of Norfolk's library; and Denis Pyramus, who lived in the reign of Henry III., wrote in verse the life and martyrdom of King St. Edmund, in 3286 lines, with the miracles of the same saint in 600 lines: a manuscript in the Cott. Library,

Dom. A. xi. See Archæologia, vol. xiii, -PARK. For a note on Langton's drama, see vol. ii. p. 80.-EDIT.

P. 50. note y.-A version of this song was made by Sir Walter Scott, at the request of Ritson, and has been printed in the late republication of his English Songs, vol. ii. Mr. Geo. Ellis made another metrical translation, which perished with many of Ritson's MS. treasures. -PARK.

P. 54. note q.-It is certain that neither of these terms relates to chess. DOUCE.

P. 64. note b.-The county of Lincoln is divided into the hundreds of Lindsey and Kesteven.-PARK.

P. 66. note m.-Herbert says he had found the Fructus Temporum printed at St. Albans, also by Julian Notary and W. de Worde, but not by Caxton. -MS. note.

P. 67. note o. It is not said by Geoffrey of Monmouth that he received his original from Walter Mapes (who probably was not born at the time), but from Walter archdeacon of Oxford, i. e. Walter Calenius, who has more than once been confounded with Mapes, who was also archdeacon of Oxford. Mr. Warton has fallen into another mistake, which he confers on Nicolson, who only supposes Wate to be Walter, and not Walter Mapes.-Douce.

P. 90. l. 15.-It is very certain that many French poems were written during this period by Englishmen; but it is probable that several were also composed by Normans.-DOUCE.

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nel," in Montfaucon Bibl. Bibliothec. p. 32, is probably the same.-DOUCE.

P. 99. l. 20.-Mr. Philip Bliss, of St. John's college Oxon, (to whose kindness I am indebted for the collation of this extract with the Bodley MS.) observes, that a leaf appears to be wanting at this place, which contained probably the life of Edwyn; six lines of which only remain, and are here appended:

His wife, for here faire hedde,
Of God he hadde lytell drede;
Thoght (?) he was here owne cosyne,
Ther fore he sewed (?) the more pyne.
He reyned xii yere :

To Wynchester men hym bere.

P. 105. notek.-The "Mappa Mundi" was not by Mandevile, as here suggested, nor was Aiton or Haiton king of Armenia, but only related to that sovereign. He was lord of Curchi. See his travels in "Bergeron, Voyages faits principalement en Asie," &c. Mr. Warton was probably misled by Chardin the famous traveller.-DOUCE.

P. 109. note 1.-It has been remarked by Ritson, that the elegy printed by Mrs. Cooper was the composition of Fabyan the chronicler, who died in 1511: but then it is a translation from the original Latin, preserved by Knighton, of the twelfth century.-PARK.

P. 116. note i.-Two metrical reliques by Richard I.were first printed in La Tour ténébreuse, &c. 1705. The first of these, in mixed Romance and Provençal, professes to be the veritable chanson of Blondel; the other is a love-song in Norman French. The sonnet cited by Mr. Walpole was exhibited with an English version in Dr. Burney's History of Music, but has since received a more graceful illustration from the pen of Mr. George Ellis, in the last edition of Royal and Noble Authors. It can hardly be called "a fragment," though the last stanza looks imperfect.-PARK. [Mr. Park has probably mistaken the Envoy, consisting of three lines, for a part of the poem:

Suer Contessa vostre pretz sobeirain, Sal dieus e gard la bella qu'ieu am tan, Ni per cui soi ja pres.

The whole has been published by M. Raynouard, in the fourth volume of his

"Choix des Poesies originales des Troubadours," a volume which had not reached me when the note, to which this is a supplement, was sent to the press. Another poem by Richard I. will be found in the "Parnasse Occitanien," Toulouse 1819, a publication from which the following remark has been thought worth extracting: "Crescimbeni avait dit qu'il existait des poesies du roi Richard dans le manuscrit 8204; et la-dessus Horace Walpole le taxe d'inexactitude. Cependant le sirvente se trouve au fol. 170, Ro. et 171 Ro. C'est donc l'An

glois qui se trompe en disant: there is no work of King Richard."-EDIT.]

P. 117. l. 8. It by no means follows that the contents of this book were romances of chivalry. Any collection of French pieces, especially in verse, would at this time be called Romances; and this from the language, not the subject.Douce.

P. 118. note n.-Mr. Warton has been apparently misled by Montfaucon. Lancelot du Lac is ascribed in the work itself to Walter de Mapes. Robert de Borron appears to have composed the romance of the Saint Graal, which being in part introduced into that of Lancelot, may have occasioned the above mistake. -DOUCE. [But see p. 138. note e.EDIT.]

P. 129. note b.-This Roman de Thebes is in reality one of those works on the story of the siege of Troy, engrafted either on that of Columna, or on his materials.-DOUCE.

P. 134. l. 5.-Either from the ardour of composition, or through the multiplicity of books referred to by Mr. Warton, some mistake has arisen at this place. The late Mr. Librarian Price pointed out to me the 4to volume which once belonged to Hearne, and is now marked B. N. Rawl. 99. It consists of seven articles, the third of which is " Gesta Alexandri Magni metrice composita. This being very neatly written, in a hand much resembling the type of our early printed classics, seems to have been confounded (as Ritson shrewdly surmised) with "Expositio Sancti Jeronimi," graphy by F. Corsellis, in the library MCCCCLXVIII. a rare specimen of typo

of C. C. C. Oxon.-PARK.

P. 139. l. 1.-La Charette, or Du Chevalier à la Charette: perhaps the

same, says Ritson, with Les romans de Chevalier à l'épée, ou L'Histoire de Lancelot du Lac. To the same romancewriter are attributed, Du Chevalier à Lion, du prince Alexandre, d'Erec, with others, that are now lost.-PARK. M. Roquefort's catalogue of Chretien's works still extant, contains: Perceval, le Chevalier au Lion, Lancelot du Lac, Cliget, Guillaume d'Angleterre, and Erec et Enide. The latter probably gave rise to the opinion, that Chretien translated the Eneid, and which has been adopted from Mr. von der Hagen, at p. 130. note c.-EDIT.]

P. 139. note i.-Ogier le Dannois duc de Dannemarche was printed at Troyes in 1610; and at the same place, in 1608, were printed, Histoire de Morgant le geant, and Histoire des nobles Provesses et Vaillances de Galeon restaure.-PARK. P. 146. l. 6. The earliest printed copy of this romance that I have met with, is in Italian, and printed at Venice, 1489. 4to. Other editions in the same language are, Venice 1562. 1580. 12mo. Milan 1584. 4to. Piacenza, 1599. 12mo. French editions, Paris folio, no date, by Verard. Ibid. 4to. no date, by Bonfors. English editions are by Copland, 4to. no date, by Pinson, by East, by G. W. for W. Lee, all without dates. I have been informed from respectable authority, that this romance is to be found in Provençal poetry, among the MSS. of Christina queen of Sweden, now in the Vatican library, and that it appears to have been written in 1380. See likewise Bibl. de Du Verdier, tom. iii. p. 266.-DOUCE.

P. 146. 16.-"Bevis" seems long to have retained its popularity, since Wither thus complained of the sale it had about the year 1627. "The stationers have so pestered their printing houses and shopps with fruitlesse volumes, that the auncient

and renowned authors are almost buried among them as forgotten; and at last you shall see nothing to be sould amongst us, but Currantos, Beavis of Hampton, or such trumpery." Scholler's Purgatory, no date.-PARK.

P. 149. note y.-Busbec, in the third letter of his Embassy into Turkey, mentions that the Georgians in their songs make frequent mention of Roland, whose name he supposes to have passed over with Godfrey of Bulloigne.-DOUCE.

P. 149. note a.- -Mr. Dibdin imparts, that the original of the Romance of Paris and the Fair Vienne is of Provençal growth, and was translated into French by Pierre de la Sipparde, whose name, however, is not found in the Bibliotheque Françoise of La Croix du Maine and Verdier. Caxton, in his version 1485, is silent as to the name of the French translator. See Dibdin's edit. of Herbert, vol. i. p. 261.-PARK. [But this can only be the name of the translator into French prose. Its early and extensive popularity is manifested by the prologue to the Swedish version, made by order of Queen Euphemia,in the second month of the year 1308. This refers to a German original, executed at the command of the Emperor Otho (1197-1208); but this again was taken from a foreign (Wälsche) source.-EDIT.]

P. 164. note h.-In an ancient Provençal poem, of which M. de St. Palaye has given some account in his "Mémoires sur l'ancienne Chevalerie," tom. ii. p. 160, a master gives the following instructions to his pupil, “Ouvrez a votre cheval par des coupes redoublés, la route qu'il doit tenir, et que son portrail soit garni de beaux grelots ou sonnettes bien rangées; car ces sonnettes reveillent merveilleusement le courage de celui qui le monte, et repandent devant lui la terreur."-DOUCE.





Page. Line.

Bi the kynges dai Egbert this goode mon was ibore.
Athelbriht the goode kyng ac al the lond nouht.

So that Egbert was kyng, tho that seint Swyththan was bore. 19-20. Seint Wolston bysschop of Wircestre was her of Ingelonde, Swithe holiman all his lyf as ich undurstonde.

17. 4.








[blocks in formation]

Whan othur childre ronne to pleye touward chirche he drouh.
And the bisschop of Wircestre Brihtege hette iwis

To get reuthe to al Engelonde so weylawey the stounde
Ac William Bastard that was tho duyk of Normaundye
Harald herde herof tell kynge of Engelonde

The barenye of Engelonde redi was wel sone

In no stude by his daye me fond non so strong a man
Al a cuntre where he were for him wolde fleo

He seide he nolde with no man beo beste with on that wene
To teche men her rygte beleve Jehu Cryst to understonde
So ful of wormes that lond he fonde that no man ne myghte gon
In some stede for wormes that he nas iwenemyd anon
There was Tomas fadir that trewe man was and gode
The croyse to the holy londe in his youthe he nom,

He myd on Rychard, that was his mon, to Jerusalem com.
So that among Sarazyns hy wer nome atte laste
Allas my sone for serwe wel ofte seide heo

How schal I sone deone, hou hast i-thougt liven withouten the.
Thenne spak Jhesue wordus gode tho to his modur dere

Hole and seeke heo duden good that heo founden thore
Wy al heore mihte yonge and olde hire loveden bothe syke and

Good him was the gardiner &c.
Faste nayled to the tre.

Ibunden bloc an blodi.
An neb wit teres wete

Of Englisch Ichul mi resan schowen
And hou sone he hit for-les

And for a prison that was forloren
In feir stude and clene siker it was

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