תמונות בעמוד

eáforan Eadweardes.

Swa him geæthele' was from cneo-mægum, that híe æt campe oft, with lathra gehwane, land ealgodon, hord and hámas, hettend crungon 7.

(the) children of Edward.

Such [so] was to them (their native) nofrom (their) ancestors,

that they in [at] battle oft,

against every foe [loathed one], (the) land preserved,

hoard and homes,


(the) enemy crushed. [cringed, actively.] that ic was on Myrcon, miccles cynnes.

cient to remark, that if there were any thing like probability to justify such a translation, we ought at least to read "With the survivors of the family;" as "lafum" stands in the ablative case plural. A similar expression occurs once in Beowulf, where we know from the context that neither of the versions cited

above would suit the sense. The sword of Wiglaf has recently severed the dragon's body in two: with reference to which it is said,

Ac him irenna,
ecga fornamon,
hearde heatho-scearde,
homera lafe,

that se wid-floga,
wundum stille,

hreas on hrusan,
hord-ærne neah.

But him of iron,
edges seized,

the hard high-shearer,
(the) relic of hammers,
that the wide-flier,

still (quiet) with wounds,
fell on the earth,
hoard-hall near. p. 210.

In this

poem "gomel-laf, eald-laf, yrfelaf," are common expressions for a sword; and there can be little doubt but the language of the text is a metaphorical description of such a weapon. A similar phrase in Icelandic poetry would occasion no difficulty.

As to them it was natural from their ancestors, T. So were they taught by kindred zeal, I. Ge-æthele is an araž λεγομενον. The version of the text is founded on the following declaration of Elfwine a follower of Brithnoth:

Ic will mine athelo, eallum gecythan,

I will my nobility,
manifest to all,

that I among Mercians was,
of a mickle kin.

Mr. Ingram's translation of cneo-mægum-kindred zeal, is perfectly indefen


"That they in the field often, T. That they at camp often, I. Yet "camp-stede is translated battle-place by Mr. Turner, and field of battle by Mr. Ingram. "Et campe" would have been equally descriptive of a sea-fight. It has no connexion with our modern camp, Fr. campus, Lat.

'Pursuing they destroyed the Scottish people, T. Pursuing fell the Scottish clans, I. In these translations "hettend crungon" is separated from its context; and though it is a common practice of Anglo-Saxon poetry to unite, by the alliteration, lines wholly unconnected by the sense, yet in the present instance both are terminated by the same period. It may be questioned whether "hettan," persequi, has any existence beyond the pages of Lye, where it is inserted as the root of "hettend." There is reason to believe, that it was obsolete at a very early period, and that its participle present alone was retained in a substantive signification to denote an enemy or purWhen the verb was resuing one. quired, it would seem to have been used without the aspirate:

Ehtende wæs,
deorc death scua,
dugothe and geogothe.
Pursuing was

(the) dark death shadow,

old (ad lit. valentes) and young.
Beowulf, p. 14.

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(The) Scottish people,
and the mariners,

Ib. 222.

fated fell.

The field

Mr. Ingram's translation is obviously incorrect. The whole context proves the Scots to have been the yielding party, and consequently they were the pursued, not those pursuing; and if, with Mr. Turner, we apply "pursuing" to the victors, Athelstan and Edward, the participle (as it then would be) ought to stand in the nominative case pluralhettende and not in the accusative singular.

They fell dead, T. In numbers fell, I. This expression occurs again below, "fæge to feohte," where Mr. Ingram expounds it, the hardy fight. It seems almost superfluous to add, that one of these interpretations must be erroneous; and it will be shown immediately that neither is correct. Mr. Turner with more consistency trans


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lates the second example "for deadly
fight;" making "fæge an adjective
agreeing with "feohte," and conse-
quently like its substantive governed by
the preposition "to." But indepen-
dently of the impossibility to produce
an example, where any Anglo-Saxon
preposition exhibits this twofold power,
-a retroactive and prospective regimen,
-the dative singular and plural of
fæge" would be either "fægum" or
'fægan," accordingly as it was used
with the definite or indefinite article.
In the languages of the North, "fæge,"
however written, means fated to die; or,
to use the interpretation of the Glossary
to Sæmund's Edda, morti jam destinatus,
brevi moriturus. This is the only version
equally suited to both examples in the
present text; and it might be supported
by numerous instances from Cædmon
and Beowulf. A confirmation of its
general import may also be drawn from
the use of "unfægne" in the latter

Wyrd oft nereth,
unfægne eorl,

thonne his ellen deah.

Fate oft preserveth,

a man not fated to die,
when his courage is good for aught.
Beowulf, p. 45.

The Cotton MS. Tiberius B. iv.
reads "dennode;" Tiberius A. vi. and
B. i. read "dennade," which is sup-
ported by the Cambridge MS. For this
unusual expression no satisfactory mean-
ing has been found; and it is left to the
ingenuity and better fortune of some
future translator. Mr. Turner and Mr.
Ingram, who render this line-the field
resounded, mid the din of the field-have
followed a reading recorded by Gibson,
"dynode,”—and which, notwithstand-
ing the collective authority of four ex-
cellent manuscripts in favour of the pre-
In this
sent text, is possibly correct.
case, however, "dynode" must not be
interpreted in a literal sense, but con-

secga swate9,
sith-than sunne úp,
on morgen-tíd,
mære tuncgol,

glád ofer grundas 10,
Godes candel beorht,
éces Drihtnes;

oth-thæt sio æthele gesceaft,

sáh tó setle" ̧

Thær læg secg monig,
gárum ageted,
guman northerne,

ofer scyld scoten.

sidered as synonymous with the Icelandic "dundi," from "dynia," resonare, irruere. "Blodid dundi [dynode] og tarin tidt," Creberrima erat stillatio tum sanguinis, tum lacrymarum. "Hrídin dynr yfir,"-procella cum strepitu irruit.

The warriors swate, T. The warrior swate, I. To justify these translations we ought to read either, " 'secgas

switon" or "secg swat." The latter,

with warriors' blood,
since the sun up,

on morrow-tide,
mighty planet,

glided over grounds,
bright candle of God,
of the eternal Lord;
till the noble creature,
sank to (her) seat [settle].
There lay many a warrior,
strewed by darts,
northern man,
shot over (the) shield.

which offers least violence to the text, is clearly impossible, since no line of Anglo-Saxon poetry can have less than four syllables. There is however no necessity for changing a single letter of the text, as "swate" is the dat. case sing. of "swát," blood, and "secga " the gen. plural of "secg." It may be safely asserted that "swát" in Anglo-Saxon poetry never means "sweat" in its modern accepta


Thá that sweord ongan, æfter heatho-swate, hilde gicelum,

wig-bil wanian.

Then that sword began, after the mighty blood, with battle-droppings,

war-bill (to) wane. Beowulf, p. 121.

Swa that blod gesprang,
hatest heatho-swát.

So that blood sprang,
hottest mighty gore. p. 126.

Wolf Wonreding,
wæpne geræhte,
that him for swenge,
swát ædrum sprang.
Wolf the son of Wonred,
reached (him) with weapon,
that to him for the swinge (blow)
blood from the veins sprang.

p. 220. The German "schweiss" (sweat) still means the blood of a wild boar.

But "glád" is

10 Glad, T. and I.
formed like rád from ridan, bád from
the past tense of glidan, to glide; and
bidan, &c. in all of which the accen-
tuated a was pronounced like o in rode.
It is the glode of "Le Bone Florence
of Rome.

Thorow the foreste the lady rode,
All glemed there sche glode,
Till sche came in a felde. v. 1710.
In Sir Launfal, Mr. Ritson leaves it un-

Another cours together they ród,
That syr Launfal helm of-glód. v. 574.
Unless we admit this interpretation of
'glád," the first part of the proposition
will be a mere string of predicates with-
out a verb. The antithesis to " glád
ofer grundas" is "sah to setle."

"Hastened to her setting, T. Sat in the western main, I. Sah is the past tense of sigan, to incline, sink down; and follows the same norm, as stah, from stigan; hnah, from hnigan, &c.

[blocks in formation]

So Scottish eke,

weary of war -.

The West-Saxons forth,
the continuous day,

in battalions,

laid on the foot-steps,
to the loathed race.

(They) hewed (the) fugitives,
hindwards exceedingly,
with swords mill-sharp.

The Mercians refused not,
of the hard hand-play,

to none of the men,
of those who with Anlaf,
over the ocean,

in [on] the ship's bosom,
sought (our) land,
fated to the fight.
Five lay,

19 Weary with ruddy battle, T. The mighty seed of Mars, I. In the first of these versions the reading of the Cotton MS. Tiberius B. iv. has been followed: "werig wiges ræd." This manuscript, however, exhibits great marks of negligence on the part of the transcriber, and, if correct in its orthography on the present occasion, is equally obscure with the "Ræd language of the other copies. cannot be the adjective red, as this would give us a false concord. If "sæd be the genuine reading, it would be difficult to point out a better authenticated version than Mr. Ingram's, provided the word is to be taken substan

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tively. But even this has been rejected, from a feeling that the context requires a verb, and a doubt whether such a metaphor be in unison with the general spirit of Anglo-Saxon poetry.

13 With a chosen band, T. With chosen troops, I. The Anglo-Saxon "cysta," though clearly derived from "ceosan" to choose, appears to have obtained a specific meaning somewhat similar to our regiment or battalion.

Hæfde cista gehwilc,
cuthes werodes,

tyn hund geteled.

Had each cista,
of approved troops,
of spear-bearing,

of war-enacting (ones)

ten hundred taled (numbered). Cædmon, 67. 25.

14 The behind ones fiercely, T. Scattered the rear, I. But "hindan" possesses the same adverbial power as "eastan occurring below.

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15 This reading has been retained on the authority of the Cotton MSS. Tiberius A. vi. B. i.

The reasons for such an epithet are not so clear, however obvious this would be if applied to modern times. But with our present limited knowledge of the Anglo-Saxon language, and of the arts, customs and modes of thinking of our ancestors, it would be highly absurd to reject an expression, merely because its propriety is not felt. The more intelligible reading "mycel scearpum wears all the appearance of a gloss.

on thám campstede,

cyningas geonge, sweordum aswefede. Swylc seofen éac, eorlas Anlafes; unrím heriges 16,

on the battle-stead,

young kings,

soothed [slumbered, act.] with swords. So seven eke, earls of Anlaf's; numberless of the army,

15 And innumerable of the army of the fleet and the Scots. There was chased away, the lord of the Northmen, by necessity driven to the voice of the ship. With a small host, with the crew of his ship, the king of the fleet departed on the yellow flood, T. And of the ship's crew unnumbered crowds. There was dispersed the little band of hardy Scots, the dread of the Northern hordes urged to the noisy deep by unrelenting fate. The king of the fleet with his slender craft escaped with his life on the felon flood. I. The present translation differs occasionally from both these versions, Where it agrees with either, no vindication will be necessary; but some of its variations are too important not to require an account of the authorities from whence they are derived.-The AngloSaxon "flota " (the floater) equally meant a ship and a sailor.

Flota was on ythum,
bát under beorge.

Ship was on the waters,

boat under rock. Beowulf, p. 18. Of its secondary meaning, a sailor,— an example has already occurred in the compound, "scip-flota;" and the fragment of Brithnoth has preserved the simple substantive, as in the present text:

Se flod ut-gewat,

thá flotan stodon gearowe,
wicinga fela,

wiges georne.

The flood departed out,
the sailors stood prepared,
of the vikings many,
desirous of battle.

"Stefn" like "flota" had also a twofold meaning. Lye has only recorded one of these the human voice,-and upon this both the interpretations cited above are evidently founded. But it likewise implied, the prow of a ship; and this is the only sense which will give connec

tion or intelligence to the present narrative. A similar example occurs in Beowulf:

Flota was on ythum,
bát under beorge,
beornas gearwe
on stefn stigon.

"still means the

Ship was on the waters, boat under rock, (the) bairns readily ascended the prow. In German, "steven stem of a ship; and in Danish this part of a vessel is called the For-stævn, by way of distinction from the Bag-stævn, or stern. It will also be found in the second part of the Edda :

Brim-runar scaltu rista,
ef thu vilt borgit hafa,
a sundi segl-maurom;
a stafni thær scal rista,
oc a storinar-blathe,
oc leggia eld i ár.

Sea-runes shalt thou carve,
if thou wilt have protected,
sail-horses (ships) in the sea;
in the prow shalt (thou) carve
and in the stern-blade, (rudder)
and lay fire in the oar.

But "stefn" must not be confounded with "stefna," a ship, frequently occurring in Beowulf, and which the Latin translation always (I believe) renders "prora."

Gewát tha ofer wæg-holm,
winde gefysed,
flota fámi-heals,

fugle gelicost.
Oth-thæt umb án tid,
otheres dogores,
wunden stefna,
gewaden hæfde,
that tha lithende,
land gesáwon.

Departed then over (the) billowy
hastened by the wind, [main,

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