תמונות בעמוד

Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum.

should we not possess for the two millions that tread the same soil; and inhale the same air with ourselves; most of them are by their inalienable birthright entitled to the name of American, to the rights of free men and American citizens. Aunt Mary. What would you think girls of|| proposing to the society that the laity be divided into districts, and visited after the English manner, and that we should use our influence to have anti-slavery societies formed in other places, and the same course adopted.

Edith. I am not yet prepared for such a measure, I do not think it is called for at the present time; it would be an arduous undertaking, from which I apprehend but little, if any benefit would result.

Lydia. The favorite motto of one of the foremost champions in this cause is worth remembering, and I will adopt it now: "Let us try;" the cause is worthy of unremitted exertion, then why should we shrink from duty? How many are there here that will volunteer their services on a visiting committee? I should hope none would refuse.

Julia. As Lydia enters so heartily into the concern, she will be the most proper person to urge it upon the attention of the society.

Is it not indeed time we should view things as they are, and manifest our sense of justice and our duty, by conduct worthy of the cause in which we are engaged. How can we longer refuse to hear the cries of the oppressed; shall we longer behold with indifference the sufferings of infancy, of age and infirmity, see the unoffending victims toil to add to our ease and pleasure? Let every member of this association, let every christian female, feel and know, that this subject demands their particular and immediate attention, and claims their undivided efforts.

From an English Anti-Slavery Card.

As the small bird that fluttering roves
Amid Jamaica's tamarind groves,
A feathered busy bee,
Incessant hums the whole day long,
In note scarce rising to a song,
In slavery's island free;

So shall "a still small voice" be heard,
Though humble as the humming-bird,
In Britain's groves of oak;
And to the peasant from the king,
In every ear shall ceaseless ring,
"Free Afric from the yoke!"


ple of color. On this subject, we should think there would be but one opinion. To say nothing of the value of every immortal soul, the influence of the holy doctrines and pious precepts of the Bible, is enough to justify their being inculcated on every rational immortal. We believe it is conceded by all who believe the scriptures to be the word of God, that if every person (whatever might be his condition or circumstances,) were to live under the influence of the doctrines and precepts of Christ, he would be a useful member of society. So fully have all good men been convinced of this, that they have been desirous that every class of || society should be instructed in divine things.


Let mammon hold while mammon can,
The bones and blood of living man;
Let tyrants scorn while tyrants dare,
The shrieks and writhings of despair;
The end will come, it will not wait,
Bonds, yokes and scourges have their date;
Slavery itself must pass away,
And be a tale of yesterday.

James Montgomery.


Upon a comprehensive view of this subject, we think it may be asserted boldly, and without fear of contradiction, that the worst slavery, the most total prostration of the rights of man, and the most entire degradation of the image of God, are exhibited in the bondage of the negroes. This is the slavery which is not only practised and tolerated, on the plea that it is an entailed and unavoidable evil, but is absolutely defended in the House of Re presentatives of the free men of the United States, as being consistent with Holy Scripture, and with the mild religion of our Redeemer. Negro slave. ry has been compared to the bondage of the Hebrews and Romans; but there is no parallel, scarce a remote analogy between them. The slavery of the Hebrews was as the submission of sons to their fathers; the slaves formed part of one common household, of which the patriarch was the kind paternal head; they labored in common with his own offspring, they tended his flocks with his own sons and daughters; they were protected by special ordinances of the Jewish law, and at the expiration of fifty years, there was a manumission of all slaves, and every one was entitled to land and money from their masters: and in addition to this, there was that most important of all differences, viz: that Hebrew slavery was not hereditary. Even this mild kind of bondage extended no further than to those who were actually purchased by the master; their offspring were free, and instead of the heart-sickening certainty of the American slave, that the oppression under which he suffers will be perpetuated, perhaps in an aggravated form, to his latest posterity. The Jewish bondsman saw in perspective for his off

From the Richmond (Va.) Religious Herald. Every one sees that something must be done in relation to the colored people. What is to be done is the question? The wisest cannot tell. So difficult is the subject, that all have put it off until imperious necessity has compelled our best politicians to determine to fix a steady eye upon the appalling subject, until some light shall dawn up-spring, liberty, and perhaps honor and happiness. on the gloom. Though we feel, in common with every other citizen of our country, an anxiety that some measure should be adopted for relieving our land from one of its heaviest burdens, we have always considered it, and we do still consider it, our duty to leave the subject where it ought to be left, in the hands of politicians.

But there is one subject upon which we think it our duty to speak out; it is the importance of communicating religious instruction to the peo

Among the Romans, if a slave exhibited talents,
and became distinguished for his mental powers,
he generally obtained his freedom; and many of
the most illustrious poets, statesmen, and warriors
of Rome were freed men. To compare then the
kind and paternal government of the Hebrew
slave, his certain prospect of obtaining an honora-
ble freedom, or the hope of a Roman servant, who
felt within his breast the energies and ambition of
a powerful mind, to that dull, heartless, and op-

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Fiat Justitia Ruat Colum.

pressive reality, which sits like an incubus upon SLAVERY IN THE FRENCH COLONIES. The Jamaithe breast of an American slave, that never to ca Courant of the 4th January, gives some exhim shall the light of freedom dawn, or the pre-tracts of a letter from Mr. M'Queen, dated at Barsent abjectness of his condition be changed for his badoes, the 12th of December. Mr. M'Queen had rightful station among the inhabitants of the been in the French Colonies, Martinique and Gauearth; to compare the two prospects together, is daloupe, from whence a deputation of the plantto contrast the occasional overcast of bright dayers had proceeded, a twelvemonth before, to the with the impenetrable of starless midnight, or to equal the whispers of hope with the sullen silence of despair.

Bettle's Notices of Negro Slavery.

INSTITUTION FOR COLORED FEMALES. Miss Prudence Crandall, of Canterbury, Conn. has open- | ed a boarding school for young ladies and little misses of color,' where all branches usually taught in boarding schools are taught;-terms twentyfive dollars per quarter. From the Liberator we learn that the people of Canterbury have had a public meeting, the echo of the meeting by which the citizens of New Haven so degraded themselves last year. Why is it that any people in New England wish to declare by vote of public meetings, that they are opposed to the efforts of christian philanthropy for improving the character and condition of our people of color? N. York Evangelist.

French Government, on the subject of negro eman. cipation. One of the deputation who had returned to Gaudaloupe, on account of bad health, gave Mr. M'Queen the following account:—'When the deputies reached Paris and the Government, they were distinctly informed that their journey was fruitless, that the Government consider these Colonies lost and of no use, and that they had made up their minds to immediate emancipation, which, if the West Indians objected to, they might take the consequence, as the utmost they would be brought to do, would be to continue their garrisons and authorities for five years, after which, they would be left to their fate. The French Government, moreover, told them in these matters they acted in strict accordance with the British Government,'

NEW YORK PHOENIX SOCIETY. An institution under the above name, composed of colored people, and those friendly to their inA great excitement prevails in Canterbury, Con-terests, has recently been formed in New York. necticut, relative to a proposition for establishing condition of the free people of color. It promises to be very efficient in elevating the

in that town a school for colored females. Town meetings have been held, and like that at Ephesus, when Paul was there, great confusion prevailed. It must be an awful thing to have colored people able to read and write. Magistrates would lose a great many fees, unless the whites should, by way of opposition, conclude not to learn.


U. S. Gazette.

Philadelphia, April, 1833.

In conformity with a resolution of the Conven-
tional Board to me directed, I hereby give notice
that the next Annual Convention of the Free Peo-
ple of Color, will assemble in the city of Philadel-
phia, on the first Monday of June next ensuing,
at ten o'clock, A. M.

And for the information of all concerned, the following extract from the regulations of the Convention is published, viz:--

"That each society in the United States, organized by the recommendation of the Convention, be, and are hereby authorised, to send delegates, not exceeding five in number, to represent them in the Convention, to be held as aforesaid. And that, in places where it is not practicable to form societies at present, the people shall have the same privilege, provided that they contribute to the furthering of the objects of the Convention.'


It is stated that one-fifth of the slave population of the island of St. Helena has been already cmancipated, and that in the course of four or five years

a slave will not be found on that island.


The number of slaves in the various parts of the world, is calculated to be about five millions and a half; of whom upwards of one million and a half exist under the republican government of the United States!

Terms of Subscription



This work will henceforth be issued monthly,
It will be neatly
printed on fine paper, and folded in the octavo
form, each number making sixteen large pages.
A title page and index will accompany each

The price of subscription will be ONE DOLLAR per annum, always to be paid in advance.

Subscribers who do not particularly specify the editor (through the medium of a post-master, or time they wish to receive the work, or notify the And the Board would earnestly, but respectful-before the expiration of the current year, will be in some other way,) of a desire to discontinue it ly, request of their brethren throughout the union, considered as engaged for the next succeeding one, to form societies in every city, town or village, and their bills will be forwarded accordingly. wherever it may be practicable, and send their full complement of delegates to the ensuing Convention in June.

Any person remitting Five Dollars to the Editor, in current money of the United States, will be en

The attention or attendance of the philanthro-titled to Six Copies, for one year. pists of any nation, will be highly acceptable, and duly appreciated.


Corresponding Secretary.

All letters, communications, papers, &c. intended for this office, must be addressed, as usual, to BENJAMIN LUNDY, Washington, D. C.-and forwarded free of expense.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,-Declaration of Independence, U. S.

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The newspapers have stated that the Secretary of the Navy of the United States has visited the southern ports, with the view of putting them in a proper state of defence, on account of the expected abolition of slavery in the West Indies. 'There can be no doubt on the subject of the abolition of West India slavery by the British parliament. The ministers and an overwhelming ma. jority of the commons are pledged to the nation, and some plan of emancipation must and will be adopted soon. But the supposition that the abolition of slavery in the British colonies should create a necessity for putting our southern ports in a posture of defence, is idle and ridiculous. How will such a measure endanger the peace of the south? Will the British government authorize an attack? Will the emancipated slaves invade the southern States? No cool-headed man believes either. No. It is the consciousness of wrong and injustice-of a perseverance in the corrupt system, when religion and sound policy-the dictates of reason, humanity, and a regard to the prosperity of our country--all combine to demand an immediate restitution of the stolen rights of two millions of our fellow citizens;-it is this consciousness of violated duty that engenders all the fears and apprehensions that are felt about the abolition of West India slavery.

Abolition in the West Indies is certain. The following resolutions shew the circumstances under which the present parliament were elected. At a Meeting of Friends to the Abolition of British Colonial Slavery, held at the King's Head, Foultry, November 5, 1832.

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The editor of this paper is now from home. The specific object of his journey will be more fully explained hereafter. But we feel justified in saying at present, that if he succeeds in his undertaking, which we have reason to believe he will, the cause of suffering humanity will be benefitted, and the principles for which he has long contended will be advanced. At the same time it should be borne in mind that it is clearly seen, both by the editor and those to whose superintendence he has committed this paper in his absence, that the scourge and curse of slavery can never be removed from this country by any system of colonization or emigration that may be adopted.

The Africans have a right to be free on the soil of their nativity, and no impression can ever be made on their numbers, by colonization. A door of relief may be opened to a few persecuted individuals, and an asylum may be provided for a small number of liberated slaves whom the laws of some of the States will not permit to remain. But the great mass of the Africans must forever remain on the soil of their birth, and there be restored to their rights.

The following letter to the editor will express our own views, except that we hope, almost "against hope," that the sacred cause of abolition will never be stained with blood. We deprecate all violence-we advocate the universal right of every man to his freedom, and cease not to declare that a just God will not permit the abomination of slavery long to exist. But we hope to sec it abolished peaceably, though we dread the consequences of an obstinate refusal to "let the oppressed go free.”

RESOLVED, That a Committee of Correspon- "If thou shouldst succeed in thy undertaking, dence, consisting of members of the different de- I have little doubt but that it will be the means of nominations of christians, be now formed to cor- settling a happy colony, and of relieving a great respond without delay with the friends of the im- number of the unhappy blacks of the south. I mediate abolition of slavery, in those parts of the have long looked at that country as the best suitkingdom where candidates for parliament have ed for the colonization of the people of color of the not declared themselves in favour of that measure, United States, of any in my knowledge. The reand to urge upon them to procure without delay moving of blacks from the southern States, no a distinct reply to the following query :--Whether, doubt, will render those who are removed more in the event of their becoming members of the en-happy; but what effect will it have on those that suing parliament, they will strenuously promote are left behind?-or on the period of slavery? and vote for the IMMEDIATE AND TOTAL ABOLITION These are questions which it is probable thou OF BRITISH COLONIAL SLAVERY; it being clearly un- couldst answer more correctly than myself; but it derstood that this means the immediate release of is my settled opinion that the southern States are

Fiat Justitia Ruat Cœlum.

their native home, and the place where they ought to be permitted to stay; that their number in those States never will be diminished, and that slavery never will be abolished, until it is done by the sword, or the fear of the sword,-and that the colonization of that race is calculated to prolong the period of slavery. Yet I do not advance these opinions as a plea against thy undertaking. I believe it to be a duty to procure a place of refuge for those who have the privilege and an inclination to leave the land of their oppression; for the time will come, and I believe soon, that the slaves will be free."

his complexion, to be an oppressor-never created him to be oppressed.

"Their natural rights, therefore, are by us undisputed. But does the exercise of these rights accord with our safety? If ay, proclaim them free let them go with us to the polls-share the seats in our courts; join in the deliberations of our councils, and participate in all the powers and honors of our government. If not, however, by the law of nature which points out the greatest good of the greatest number as the desire of Providence; by the inalienable prerogative of selfdefence; and by the right by which the strong man would push his weaker brother from the plank which would not suffice to save them both from the yawning fury of the waves-we are not justified, but constrained to prevent the exercise of those rights."

In a number of the "Daily Intelligencer," just received, we find the editor displaying some inge-only nuity, and exhibiting something like argument to prove himself totally destitute of moral principle. But the secret cause of all this morbid exciteIt was not necessary to take so much pains to esment is shown in the following short paragraph. "It must be remembered that these measures tablish this fact, which was sufficiently obvious do not tend to the colonization of the colored pofrom what had previously appeared in that paper.pulation. On the contrary, these zealots are the The points conceded in the following extract, are all that is required to demonstrate the moral and religious duty of the white man to grant all that

we ask for the African. If "Providence never created a man, whatever his complexion, to be an oppressor-never created him to be oppressed,"

bigotted opponents of that noble and benevolent scheme; and have by their influence over the minds of the colored men, given to the institution

a blow which it is feared will be found fatal."

This is the unpardonable sin. These measures of abolitionists "do not tend to colonization."

They do not join in the unholy combination to birth!! Here is the secret of all this feigned alarm about nothing. We cannot, if we would, shut our eyes to the ominous fact, that those who lored people, and for the application to abolitionare most noted for abusing and slandering the coists, of approbrious epithets, such as "fanatics" and "disturbers of the peace of society," are friends to African colonization, if not members of the Colonization Society.

banish the free colored man from the land of his

will He hold him guiltless who knowingly and wilfully violates His laws? Will this advocate of injustice and oppression, blaspheme the God of heaven by saying that he has made our safety to consist in outraging and contemning the ordinances of Providence? The "right" by "which the strong man would push his weaker brother from the plank," never existed; and if it did, would not apply to the case before us. The plank is long enough and broad enough, and strong enough for both and to insure their safety and our own, we have only to do justly, love mercy, and walk upNo definite and fixed plan seems yet to have rightly. We have only to treat the African as our brother-to refrain from injuring, oppressing, been adopted and made public by the British Goand slandering him, and to give him the same op-tish colonies. Several plans have been spoken of vernment, for the abolition of slavery in the Briportunities of intellectual improvement and moral culture as we possess, and then "the yawning fury of the waves" will vanish from the imagination, and the plank will appear a broad field, in which we may mutually labor, and be prosperous

and happy.

as likely to be pursued; but none of them bear the unequivocal stamp of authority. The subject of the Cabinet, and will certainly be brought berequires, and will receive the deliberate attention fore Parliament soon, with a view to the annihilation of the execrable system. But we are un

"On the rights and the wrongs of the negro it is in vain to enlarge. Created by the same Pro-able yet to announce the precise mode of accomvidence and sharing the same nature-he is, be- plishing this great measure of reform. yond a doubt, entitled to the same rights as the white man. What is oppression to us is oppression to the African; and under the same char- We request the attention of our readers to the ter by which we claim our freedom-he is declar- article taken from "Poulson's Daily Advertiser.” ed to be equally free, and equally entitled to make It was written by a colored man of Philadelphia, the laws which bind, and exercise the government which controls him. Nature placed him by and refutes the slanders put forth by the enemies our side, with a soul as free, and a brow as erect of the African race, in regard to the designs and as ours; and the mind which would invoke the objects of the Convention. No one can read the sanction of reason to invalidate the negro's rights, article without being convinced of the absurdity or excuse the white man's wrongs, must be strangely clouded with prejudice, or perverted by and maliciousness of these slanders, unless "cloudevil. Providence never created a man, whatevered by prejudice or perverted by evil.”"

Fiat Justitia Ruat Colum.

CONVENTION OF PEOPLE OF COLOR. "A convention of the representatives of the free people of color of the United States, will assemble in Philadelphia on the first of the ensuing month. The object of this meeting, as avowed by those concerned, is 'the elevation of the character of the people of color of this, their native land,' and the ' removal of the barriers which now obstruct their

elevation in society.' The whole of this projected movement strikes us as singular and even startling in its avowed object and its probable results. The population of the same country by two races of men, wholly irreconcilable in their color, character, habits, disposition and interests, must necessarily be attended with extended and serious evils; but when circumstances place these different races so far upon an equality in power and elevation of character as to encourage and sustain a belligerence, the consequences must be truly desolating and fearful.

"It will naturally be asked what cause has hastened or enhanced so fearful a consummation? It

has been occasioned partially by the numerical increase of the colored population, and partially by their increased intelligence and the mounting and discontented spirit which it has induced-but in a far greater degree by a blind and mistaken philanthropy in the whites; a philanthropy which, under the mask of peace, threatens the most horrible warfare, and with the promise of relief, would pull down upon the blacks, evils ten thousand fold more appaling. This spirit, as disinterested as it is mistaken, has taught lessons of repining and discontent to the colored man; and raised his eyes to an elevation only to be attained through a sea of blood.

see verified in our day: "The wicked flee when
no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a
lion." If it were not for the mischievous tenden-
cy of fulminating such ridiculous and groundless
alarms, we could pity the nervous debility of the
writer, whose distempered imagination has con-
jured up such frightful phantoms of blood and
slaughter, and insurrections and massacres, and
plots and ETERNAL CIVIL WAR, where a healthy in-
tellect can discern no cause of alarm. But "guilt
makes cowards of us all.”

A convention of free colored people is to be held
in Philadelphia-yes, of COLORED people,—for
what? To promote the improvement of the Af-
rican race. And what is there in this to frighten
a man out of his sober senses, and make him talk
like a lunatic? They are colored people, endea
vouring to improve their condition-laboring to
promote a work which would be praised and
honored, if their SKINS were paler. But they
are colored people. And the sapient editor of the
Intelligencer" can see nothing in such a move-
ment among colored people, but "blood" and “in-
surrections" and "ETERNAL civil war."

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It were "bootless and vain" to attempt to reason with one whose head is filled with images of "blood." A cooling regimen, and tonic remedies to brace the nerves, are the best means of cure for the patient. But for the satisfaction of those who can reason, and reflect, and trace the connexion between moral causes and their effects, we shall examine a little in detail, the extracts before us.

There is said to be something "startling" in the "avowed object" of this convention, and in "its probable results." And what are they? As stated by this alarmist himself, they are “the ele

"In the south, where the danger is the most imminent and the apprehension most deeply and sensibly felt-the people regard the efforts made at the north with terror and abhorrence; and under the mask of other complaints, seek a separation from a people who seem determined to bathe their vallies in blood, and to offer up their wives and children to the horrors of unbridled negro barbarity and passion. Nor is this distrust altogether unreasonable. No one can doubt that this convention has been projected by the whites-novation of the character of the people of color, in one can doubt what are its purposes and tendencies. Subjects will be there broached whose agitation sounds the tocsin of an eternal civil war! The strength of the colored population will be there computed, a concert of action effected, the sword placed in their hands, and their enemies-their natural and necessary enemies, pointed out. For the consequences let the reader turn to the details of the Haytien insurrection. True, the result would here be different. The attempt would be hopeless. But it may be asked, is this the consummation which these pseudo-philanthropists desire? Is it not better for the colored as well as

this their native land, and the removal of the bar-
riers which now obstruct their elevation in socie-
ty." The elevation of the moral and intellectual
character of any people has always, till now, been
deemed honorable, and cause of rejoicing to re-
publicans, and especially to christians.

The free colored people in this country have
been stigmatised for their ignorance and degra-
dation, and held up to scorn and derision as the
"most wretched, depraved and abandoned race

the white population of the country that the jea-on carth." But the moment the more intelligent
lousy of the latter should not be excited; that the
blacks should rather endure those ills they have
than fly to others which they know not of; and
that their friends instead of exciting discontent
and raising desires which cannot be gratified,
should endeavour to alleviate their ills, and by re-
moving them from the country, impart to them
those privileges which here are wholly unattain-

among them adopt measures for elevating their moral and intellectual character, and for removing the obstructions which retard this elevation of character, the alarm is sounded as if the pillars of the social edifice were about to be prostrated; by the same class of persons, too, who are forever harping upon their ignorance and degradation. The preceding extracts, taken from the "Daily They have been so long in the practice of declarIntelligencer," published in Philadelphia, reminds⠀ing, with the assurance of oracles, that the colored us of the testimony of Scripture, which we often people could not possibly rise to respectability in

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