תמונות בעמוד
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The Romance


Leonardo da Vin

The Forer.

Dimitri Merch

Author of Thei

xclusively Authorised Trois.

"The Resurrection

By Herbert 1.

G. P. Putman's Sons
New York and London


The Romance


Leonardo da Vinci

The Forerunner


Dimitri Merejkowski

Author of "The Death of the Gods."

Exclusively Authorised Translation from the Russian of
"The Resurrection of the Gods."

By Herbert Trench

G. P. Putnam's Sons
New York and London


THIS Romance is the Second of the historical Trilogy, of which the first volume, dealing with the times of the Emperor Julian, was the Death of the Gods. The present story of the Italian Renaissance has been published in Russia as The Resurrection of the Gods; in France under the title, The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci. This translation is direct from the Russian, and is the only one in the English language which is or will be authorised by the Author.

Published, July, 1902
Reprinted, October, 1902; February, 1903; July, 1904
April, 1906; December, 1906

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