תמונות בעמוד

it all through with his own pencil. I had opened it upon the lines: "Thou shalt not fear the arrow that flieth by day nor the terror that cometh by night." And yet I turned to Ma and said: "I should not wonder if that Indian would follow us." Ma regarded this as most improbable, as did also our driver. Before sundown we came to a broad meadow, and across the road above it ran two streams about two rods apart. Ma surveyed the locality with a pleasant smile and said: "John, we'll camp here, there is such good feed for the horses.' "O, no, let us go on to the settlement, that Indian might come to-night." "Nonsense, girl, I'm going to stay right here."

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Those words came back to us and I tried to dismiss the fear: "Fear not for the arrow that flieth by day nor the terror that cometh by night." It was a lonely spot and we soon prepared our evening meal, our horses rambling close by. The sun went down, and a lonely stillness seemed to draw around us, even the chirp of an occasional homeflying bird had a sharp note to my ear, and the ripple of the two streams that in sunlight had been so musical, now tortured me because I could not listen above their voices. Ma and Nellie retired to bed early but I could not, and sat in front of the carriage, the cover of which was closely buttoned from top to bottom.

The tongue pointed northward, and in front of us, with his head to the east, close to the tongue, John Ames lay asleep. Several times Ma urged me to lie down, but I answered: "I cannot, I am watching for that Indian; he will be here; if it were not for those streams I could hear, distinctly, what I believe to be the restless pawing of his horse's feet, as he waits for a later hour."

She could not believe me and turned back to her rest, but I still sat there more convinced as the time wore on. I could not judge of the time, for even the moments seemed long, and at last I opened my penknife and cut a few stitches in the seam in the cover, just in front of me. I did not think my little

pearl handled knife would be of great service, but it was my only available weapon as neither gun nor pistol was loaded. What time was it? Would daylight never come? How could they sleep so! Why had we stopped here? Over and over again these torturing thoughts passed through my mind. A slight sound, scarce more than the rustle of an autumn leaf caused my heart to leap with sudden conviction: “He is here!" I leaned forward, and with the point of my penknife pressed down the opening I had made in the cover, and felt as though I had turned to stone. John lay asleep upon his back, the Indian kneeling at his left side leaned over him, rested his weight upon his left hand, and with his right drew from under the pillow of the sleeper (as phantom-like the words flew past me; "Fear not * * nor the terror that cometh by night") a glittering knife!


And John asleep! As the Indian raised the shining blade in the moonlight, the sleeper woke, looked, and without a word drew the Indian's pistol from his belt and by a turn of his wrist, pointed it upward into his dark face. The Indian drew backward, still upon his knees, and John raised upon his elbows. "Give me my pistol," demanded the Indian. "Give me my knife," answered John; and each grasping his own and holding to the other, John rose to his knees, to his feet-and then-each had his own! Steadily the face of hate looked into the other, but the dark gray eyes never quailed nor the muscles trembled. "How many are in the wagon?" asked the baffled Indian. "Three," was the answer. At this moment my mother woke and asked "What is that?" I leaned down to her and whispered "hush—it is that Indian talking with John." Nellie, our darling, began to cry. “Don't,” I begged her, "he will hear you and take courage; the worst is over."

I turned back to the little cut in the cover; the Indian was going. He stepped lightly across the tongue, disappeared in the bushes, and a few moments later the hoof-beats sounded upon the air. "John-he is gone, isn't he?" "Who?"

asked John. "That Indian, of course. I've been watching you through this cover and I saw you wake."

'Ma, if you all want to stay here and be killed, you may; I'm going on into the settlement. He's only foiled, and has gone for help; he'll be back." "I guess not," ventured John, but Ma added, "we'll all go. John, get up the horses and we'll help." While he was bringing them to the carriage, we gathered up all our camping outfit and Nellie helped him harness the four horses.

Load the arms John," said Ma, and he did so without losing time. I climbed up to the front seat beside the driver.

Shan't I drive, and you take the guns? ou can't do both." He reflected a monent: "You hold them 'till they're eeded, then we'll change," he replied. Come back here, foolish girl," called Ma and Nellie clinging to my dress; but I sat still and watched across the stretch of cedars and brush, to where along the mountain a fire had just been lighted, and then another and another as he rode and wakened the night air with his echoing whoop and cry.

Our four horses fairly flew along the road, the signal fires grew smaller and

the Indian cry grew fainter in the distance, and at last the three mile drive was near its end. We drove into the town, into its very centre and came to a stop in the middle of the street, in a chuckhole of mud. "Never mind, we are safe, we can stay right here till morning," said my dear mother. After John had tied our horses to a fence close by and had spread his blankets upon the ground, he looked at his watch: "Two o'clock." Then he came to me and took my hand. "Little girl, if you had screamed, it would have been all over with us before this." Then I quoted that verse to John, and he looked at the sky, and solemnly said, "Good night." Some years after, I again traveled that road, and was back in the cover of the wagon. There was something in the grind of the wheels in the sand that roused us. I listened, and in a few moments we crossed a little stream, a gravelly bank, and then again, rippling "What place is this, Brother "Pioneer Creek, Sister Au"Yes-I know it!"

water. Snow?" gusta."

Augusta Joyce Crocheron.

Faith is belief that impels to action.


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grees north, but nine thousand feet above the level of the sea, it forms "a temperate zone upon the very verge of the equator." So equable is the climate that there may be said to be no change of season, or rather that there reigns a perpetual spring. The mean temperature is about fifty-seven degrees (F.).

March, April, and May, and September, October, and November, constitute the wet seasons, and June, July, and August, and December, January, and February, the dry; and generally it is warmest in February, and coldest in December, although the houses are never artificially warmed. Both cereals and vegetables are sown twice a year, viz., in February and September, and harvested in July and January. Corn, wheat,

barley, rice, potatoes, and all the principal vegetables of the temperate zone are grown, while in the market of Bogota may be seen, every day in the three hundred and sixty-five of the calendar, apples, peaches, pears, plums, and strawberries, side by side with crude sugar, chocolate in the bean, unthreshed coffee, plantains, pineapples, oranges, lemons, cocoa-nuts, fresh figs, the exquisitely aromatic pomorasa, the aguacate, the different varieties of cactus fruit, chirimoyas, curubas, granadas, and granadillas, mangos, nisperos; mameyes, guayabas—in short, the choicest products of both zones in prodigal profusion. Their growth is merely a question of altitude, a day's ride in almost any direction sufficing to bear the traveler through all gradations of climate from tierra fria to tierra caliente, and the reverse.

The principal trees are the eucalyptus and the willow, while flowers of all kinds abound; especially noticeable are the many varieties of the orchis and the rose, and of the latter, one of the petals of which are green. The ordinary domestic animals are found, and at a less altitude, in the tropical forest, the ferocious tigre, or jaguar, innumerable and deadly serpents, and birds of most brilliant plumage. The lakes near the city are peopled at all seasons by thousands of wild teal. Fish are brought from the Bogota and Magdelena rivers.

The mineral wealth of the surrounding hills may be considered inexhaustible, but it is undeveloped. The commerce or trade of Bogota proper is estimated at about forty millions of dollars yearly, and would be much greater but for its inaccessibility. From New York one takes the Atlas line of steam ships to Barranquilla, the direct passage occupying a dozen days; thence by steamboat up the Magdelena to Honda, a journey of from ten days to a month, depending entirely upon the state of the water; and from Honda to Bogota upon mules across the Cordilleras, a distance of only seventy-five miles, from three to five days are necessary. There is being constructed, however, a railroad to the Magdelena River,

and other interior lines are contemplated. Its inland and isolated situation has made Bogota as a city one of the least progressive of the capitals of South America, and more than any other, perhaps, it retains its old Spanish aspects. The majority of its houses are of one story, because of the prevalence of earthquakes, but there are many of two and three stories. Their exterior is not unprepossessing, but with tile roofs little achitectural effect can be attempted. The material is generally adobe, or sundried brick, and the walls receive a thickness of from two to three feet.

Within-doors, at least the better classes live as comfortably as in other parts of the world, and many of the private residences are luxuriously appointed. There is invariably an open interior court called patio, in the center of which is perhaps a fountain, surrounded by numerous and beautiful flowers and plants which bloom perpetually. Although they have to be transported across the Cordilleras at great cost, upon the backs of peones, pianos, generally of German manufacture, are common. Instead of carpets, which harbor fleas-the greatest pests of the city-a peculiar matting known as estera is often employed. The walls are usually papered, occasionally outside as well as within. The roofs project over the narrow sidewalk, and furnish a partial protection from the rain. The principal streets are paved or macadamized, and are built at right angles to each other. They are, however, narrow, and in the centre of each is a cano, or surface sewer, often indifferently supplied with water, which conveys the refuse of the city to the plain below. In the construction of the houses but little regard is had for hygienic principles, and the sanitary regulations of the city are inadequate, or at least indifferently obeyed. The basements of the principal houses in Calle Real and Calle Florian-the business streets-are rented as stores, but in other parts of the city they are occupied by the poorer classes, who crowd into these dark and close tenements, together with poultry, cats and dogs, monkeys and parrots, etc., where

they live, cook, eat and sleep in the same apartment. Innumerable chicheriasshops in which is made and sold chicha, a cheap but not unwholesome drink of fermented corn, and similar to the "still beer" of whiskey manufacturers, are found.

The city is supplied with water from tv o mountain streams, the San Francisco and San Augustin, which flow through its limits, by means of public fountains placed in the plazas. Gas has been introduced, and the principal streets are well lighted at night and patroled by Police. According to a recent census, Bogota contains a population of eightyfour thousand seven hundred and twentythree; three thousand residences, and three thousand five hundred stores and shops.

H. R. Lemly.

SCIENCE OF THE BASE BALL CURVE. -When a ball (or in fact any missile) is advancing rapidly through the air, there is formed in front of it a small aggregation of compressed air. (In passing, we may remark that the compressed air in front of an advancing cannon ball has been rendered discernible-we can hardly say visible-by instantaneous photography.) In shape the cushion of air is conical-or rather conoidal-if the ball is advancing without spin;and there

fore it resists the progress of the ball equally on all sides, and only affects the ball's velocity. The same is true if the ball, is spinning on an axis lying along its course.

But in the case we have to consider, where the ball is spinning on an axis square to its course, the cushion of compressed air formed by the advancing ball has no longer this symmetrical shape. On the advancing side of the spinning surface the air cannot escape so readily as it would if there were no spin; on the other side it escapes more readily than it would but for the spin. Hence the cushion of air is thrown toward that side of the ball where the spin is forward, and removed from the other side. The same thing then must happen as where a ball encounters a cushion aslant. A ball driven squarely against a very soft cushion plunges straight into it, turning neither to the right nor the left, or if deflected at all (as against a billiard cushion), comes straight back on its course; but if driven aslant against the cushion, it is deflected from the region of resistance. So with the base ball. As the cushion of air against which it is advancing is not opposed squarely to it, but is stronger on one side than on the other, the ball is deflected from the region of greatest resistance.-Proctor.


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Nor what we saw, and heard before we came; We do not even know our former name.

And yet somewhere there must be silent force, Which acts upon the soul with subtle skill; We cannot see the process of its course,

Nor can we bend it to our feeble will: But true to life, reflection then will be,

And sometime, we shall know the mystery.

And those who've suffered most, and silent kept, Will see in that bright mirror, heaven's blue, How wrongs and evil doings which have slept, Will penetrate the heart of ages through,

And in the light of an eternal dawn, Expose the pictures which our lives have drawn.

Emmeline B. Wells.

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THE summer of 1887 will be remembered in the political history of Utah, for the meeting of the fifth convention called for the purpose of framing a Constitution for the State of Utah, and asking admission into the American Union. The circumstances attending the late convention, which called it into being, and the labor it performed are of peculiar interest to the people of the Territory, and will remain so to the end of their history. Especially, if, as a final result thereof, the admission of the Territory into the Union shall be realized.

The strained relations of the people of the Territory with the general government, the discord existing between political parties within the Territory; the anomaly of a free people, possessing every requisite qualification for self government, being so abjectly subordinate to the power of the Federal government, had caused lovers of American institutions, and friends of the misrepresented people of our Territory, to join in deep reflection upon means for our political freedom, and the settlement of questions that have so obstinately forbidden our progress to the full sovereignty of Statehood. A proposition for such a settlement, it was conceived, might be made by the people of the Territory, irrespective of political class or distinction, and as initiatory thereto, the following call was issued by the Territorial Central Committee of the People's Party' HEADQUARTERS PEOPLE'S TERRITORIAL CENTRAL COMMITTEE,

SALT LAKE CITY, June 6th, 1887.

To the People of Utah:

Deeming the time propitious for a movement on the part of the citizens of this Territory for

the securing of their full rights and privileges under the Constitution of the United States, we the Territorial Central Committee of the People's Party, representing the large majority of the population, hereby call upon the people of Utah, irrespective of party, creed or class, to assemble in mass conventions in their several counties, at such places as the People's County Central Committee may designate, on Saturday, June 25th, 1887, at 12 noon, for the purpose of choosing delegates to a Constitutional Convention to be held in the City Hall, Salt Lake City, on Thursday, June, 30th, 1887, at 12 o'clock, noon, for the purpose of framing and adopting a constitution and taking measures for the admission of Utah into the Union as a free and sovereign State. And, desiring that the entire people of the Territory should have an opportunity for participating in this effort for free government, we invite the central committees of all the political parties in the Territory to join in this movement, with the understanding that if they so co-operate, each party shall receive recognition and be accorded its fair quota of representation in the Constitutional Convention.

This convention shall consist of seventy-five delegates, to be apportioned among the respective counties as follows; Beaver,two; Box Elder, three; Cache, seven; Davis, three; Emery, two; Garfield, one; Iron and San Juan, two; Juab, two; Kane, one; Millard, two; Morgan, one; Piute, one; Rich, one; Salt Lake, sixteen; Sanpete, five; Sevier, three; Summit, three; Tooele, two; Utah, eight; Uintah and Wasatch, two; Washington, two; Weber, six.

Utah with its large, intelligent and enterprising population, its varied and rapidly growing industries, its agricultural, manufacturing, mining and commercial interests, its brilliant prospects and its strong devotion to the principles of free government, ought no longer to be bound by Territorial restraints, but should be permitted to step forward into the responsibilities and privileges of statehood and become fully identified with those great commonwealths which, joined in the Federal Union, constitute the foremost nation of the nineteenth century. lover of his country should aid in the promotion of this good cause and, burying local antagonisms, secure that unity which will result in placing Utah on the highway to financial prosperity and influence as one of the brightest stars in the national galaxy.


By the People's Territorial Central Committee. John R. Winder, Chairman. Elias A. Smith, Sec'y.

In addition to the general call, representative officers of the Republican and

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