תמונות בעמוד

treated upon the subject at all, that Moses was right when he used the word "God" in the first, and the title "Lord God" in the second account of creation? If Moses was uninspired when he wrote Genesis, the rest of the Bible is false, for it testifies as he does. Thus we find the very facts which infidelity claims are sufficient to demonstrate that Genesis is not an inspired book, demonstrates the very opposite, if there are any inspired teachings anywhere extant on this earth. If Genesis falls, the Bible must go and Mormonism with it, but if the other portions of the Scriptures are true, Genesis is also, and the Gospel of the Latter-day Saints must stand, for all these teach alike respecting the work of creation. In conclusion we remind our readers that no fact of geological science can be

used as a weapon of assault against the first account of creation as recorded in Genesis. As that narrative refers wholly to a spiritual creation, when the spirit of God moved upon a spiritual deep, and when spiritual earths, suns, beasts and man were formed, the scientific principles upon which such organizations were effected, are placed beyond the reach of an investigation, at present. Infidelity must assail the second account of creation, and that only in its attempts to disprove the science of the Bible respecting the formation of the earth.

Thos. W. Brookbank.

Economy wisely directed is not only not stingy or mean, but the thing that makes benevolence and generosity possible.



FRICTIONAL, OR STATIC ELECTRICITY. THE Wonderful advances made of late years in the various fields of experimental science has removed this term, with many others, from the vocabulary of the specialist and the domain of strictly technical application, to the category of familiar expressions. At present the word "Electricity" has a double application, designating a particular force, and the science which deals with such force and its effects.

The electric force has long been known to exist. As early as 600 B. C. the celebrated Grecian philosopher, Thales, observed that if a piece of amber be rubbed vigorously with silk, it acquires the property of attracting very light bodies, such as particles of floating dust, bits of paper, shavings of wood, etc. This observation, with the simple experiments it suggested, may be regarded as the pioneer step in the survey of a field now apparently illimitable, and growing wider with every new discovery. The Greeks applied the term Electron to this mysterious attractive agent, the same being their name for amber. Each ob

servation and experiment suggested others, and before long it was learned that this power of attraction could be excited by rubbing on many substances besides amber. Knowledge upon this subject grew rapidly, but not till 1600 A. D. was a proper arrangement and systematic classification of the matter introduced; and it is with this date that the science of electricity is usually said to have originated. At that time an experimenter named Gilbert, of Colchester, England, published a list of substances possessing electric properties.

Contrary to popular belief, many experiments in electricity are of themselves extremely simple-though not less instructive for that-and a little thought and effort bestowed in this direction will reward the patient observer with a much clearer conception of the subject, than could possibly be gained from reading alone. Ignorance of such a matter as the one before us is to-day inexcusable on the part of anyone who possesses the ability to read and the power to think. A firm belief that a few judiciously arranged and carefully conducted experiments will prove of decided good


in the direction indicated, induces the writer to submit the following selection of simple processes, each of which may be successfully performed with little or no expense, and with but ordinary ingenuity, provided such be coupled with those indispensable endowments every successful experimenter and discoverer-perseverance and an unswerving zeal in the search for truth. Let it be remembered that every experiment is a question addressed to nature; if properly framed and expressed, an unmistakable reply will be manifested in the resulting phenomena.

Experiment 1. Secure a small cylinder of glass, such as an Argand lampchimney, or a long bottle like those in which olive oil is usually sold, or, better still, a piece of glass tubing about threefourths of an inch in diameter, and two feet long, which can be obtained of any dealer in chemical supplies for a few cents. Provide also a piece of silk, dark color preferable, though not essentiala silk handkerchief will answer well. See that both glass and silk are dry and warm. Rub the glass with the silk vigorously for some time, then bring the excited glass near bits of tissue paper, bran, finely cut cork, or any similar light bodies. In every instance these particles will fly toward the glass, remain in contact a short time, and finally be driven forcibly away.

Experiment 2. Provide a rod of shellac, or a stick of sealing wax, or a cylinder of vulcanized caoutchouc-one of the round rubber rulers now commonly sold by stationers will do well. If neither of these be obtainable, procure a piece of wood of the required shape, and cover it completely with a mixture of two-thirds resin and one-third beeswax, previously melted together. Rub this rod with a piece of flannel, or, better, with the fur side of a cat or rabbit skin, and bring it near the light bodies, as in the case of the glass rod in Experiment 1, and similar results will be observed.

Experiment 3. Prepare a pea-sized ball of cork, or of pith from the elder or sunflower plant, and suspend it on a

thread of fine silk from any support about which it can swing freely. Bring the glass rod near, after being properly rubbed with silk, and notice that the pith or cork ball is attracted toward the glass, will cling to it, aud then be repelled. Now approach with the shellac rod newly rubbed with flannel or fur, and observe that the ball is very strongly attracted. From these simple processes our minds are prepared for the conclusion that glass rubbed with silk is possessed of electric properties opposite to those of shellac excited by flannel. The early experimenters spoke of two kinds of electricity, viz: vitreous, or that produced by rubbing glass, and resinous, or that developed on resin-like bodies. For convenience sake, the term positive and the symbol has been applied to vitreous electricity, and negative, represented by to the resinous kind.

Experiment 4. Rub a metallic rod, such as a fire poker or a butcher's "steel" with either flannel or silk, and test the condition of the same by bringing it near the suspended ball. No attraction is noticed; from which fact, substances are spoken of as belonging to one of the two classes; electrics, or those that become excited or electrified by friction; and non-electrics, or those that appear incapable of such action. If we could provide the metal used above with a glass or rubber handle, after proper rubbing, the bar would attract as the glass or rubber would do. But to more fully understand this indication perform.

Experiment 5. Suspend the bar of metal used above in a stirrup formed by doubling a silk handkerchief or a wide silk ribbon. Bring one end near the suspended ball, and touch the other end with the excited glass or shellac, all contact of the bar with the body or wall being avoided. The ball will be attracted. Repeat the experiment, using a stick of dry wood in place of the metallic bar, no evidence of attraction is found. We may therefore speak of some substances as being capable of conveying or conducting the electric force from one place to another, as in the case of the iron bar which carried the force from the excited


rod to the suspended ball; such bodies are called conductors; others lacking this power are called non-conductors or insulators. In the case of the bar used in Experiment 3 it is probable that by friction electricity was developed, as when glass or silk was used, but the metal being a conductor allowed the electric force to diffuse itself throughout the whole bar, thence through the body of the experimenter to the ground. An insulating handle would cut off all such communication. Mr. Gray, an English investigator, used a glass tube with a cork in one end. After rubbing the tube he found the cork capable of attracting light bodies as was the tube itself. now placed a stick of wood in the cork, and found that too to be electrified whenever the glass was. His next step was to transmit the electric excitement through several yards of stout thread, suspended from the ceiling by loops of silk. One of these loops being accidentally broken he substituted for it a loop of ordinary thread, and found all attempts to produce electric excitement at the end futile. He supposed the thread loop to be too coarse, and replaced it with a piece of very fine wire, with no better results. Though a score of silken supports remained intact the single loop of cotton or wire prevented the transmission. Gray concluded at once that the silk was effectual on account of some inherent quality in the substance, and not as a result of its fineness.

It is seen that the electrics or excitable bodies are all non-conductors; while the non-electrics are conductors.* Con

ductors may be imagined to possess a property with reference to electricity analogous to the transparency of glass regarding light. A non-conducting substance is as impassable to the electric force as is a stone wall to the sun's rays.

* Following is a list of the commonest conducting and non-conducting materials:

Conductors, or non-electrics:-Metals, charcoal, metallic ores, water, alcohol, paper, living plants, flax, animals.

Non-conductors, or electrics:-Fats, wax, glass, leather, silk, rubber, furs, amber, resin baked wood, parchment, porcelain.

Electricity is being constantly developed in all our movements.

Experiment 6. Take a small sheet of ordinary brown or yellow wrapping paper, and while standing in a warm room draw it several times between the arm and the body so that both sides will be rubbed by the coat; the paper will cling tenaciously to the table or wall when brought near, proving its electrified condition.

Experiment 7. Warm a sheet of ordinary writing paper, place it on a dry table or board, and rub it with a common pencil eraser. The paper will be found strongly electrified and will resist considerable effort to draw it from the table.

If the foregoing experiments were performed in a dark room, in nearly every instance a spark would be seen to pass between the electrified body and that to which it was presented. Walking over a, warm carpet with only woolen stockings on the feet, will often generate sufficient electricity to produce a distinct spark, if the knuckle be presented to the wall. A gas jet may be lighted in this manner. Blasts in mines have been prematurely exploded through the workmen touching the wires after having became electrified by friction in the passages. Electricity may be said to be in general the companion of friction. Two pieces of loaf sugar rubbed together will become even luminous in a dark room. A coat after being newly brushed is so highly electrified that it attracts all the dust and floating particles in the neighborhood.

Various machines have been devised for the development of this socalled frictional or static electricity, in a stronger degree than could be realized by the simple rubbing processes already described. The first and simplest of the kind was constructed by the renowned Otto von Guericke in 1672, and consisted of a large globe of sulphur, attached to a crank so that it could be readily revolved in contact with the hand of the experimenter, or a pad of silk held against it; afterward, glass and ebonite took the place of the sulphur, and the cylindrical form superseded the spherical. Later still, flat discs of glass

or ebonite came into use, and at present the plate machines are in greatest favor. They have been constructed of sufficient size to throw a spark from twelve to eighteen inches. By the use of such, and proper condensers in the form of Leydenjar batteries, most powerful effects may be produced, such as melting and even volatilizing metals, firing combustibles and explosives, and shattering to pieces ill conducting materials, through which the discharge may be sent.

The great resemblance between these effects and those of atmospheric electric ity appeared even to the early electricians. The color and form of the spark from the machine suggested an analogy with the lightning flash, and the sharp, crackling noise, with thunder in miniature. Sir Isaac Newton, among others, observed the similarity; to prove which, no less than to invite attention to a somewhat rare relic of this wonderful man, the following letter is introduced. It is addressed to Dr. Law, and was exhibited at a conversazione given to Prof. Helmholtz at University College, London:

LONDON, DECEMBER 15, 1716. Dear Doctor:-He that in ye mine of knowledge deepest diggeth, hath like every other miner ye least breathing time, and must sometimes at least come to terr. alt for air. In one of these respiratory intervals I now sit doune to write to you, my friend. You ask me hou with so much study I manage to retene my health, Ah my dear doctor, you have a better opinion of your lazy friend than he hath of himself. Morpheus is my best companion; without eight or nine hours of him ye correspondent is not worth one scavenger's peruke. My practizes did at ye first hurt my stomach, but now I eat heartily enow as ye will see when I come down beside you. I have been much amused by ye singular phenomena resulting from bringing a needle into contact with a piece of amber or resin fricated on silk clothe. Ye flame putteth me in mind of sheet lightning on a small-hou very small-scale. But I shall in my epistles abjure Philosophy, whereof when I come down to Sakly I'll give you enow. I began to scrawl at five mins frm nine of ye clk, and have in writing consumed ten mins. My Ld. Somerset is announced.

Farewell. Gd bless you and help yr sincere friend. Isaac Newton.

To Dr. Law, Suffolk.

To the American philosopher, Benjamin Franklin, belongs the honor of conclusively establishing the identity as regards nature and effects between artificial and atmospheric electricity. He sent up a kite provided with an iron point which was connected with a hempen string; thus furnishing a medium of communication between the clouds and the earth. Nature answered the question thus boldly propounded, fully and gently. The tragic deaths of Prof. Richman and others in subsequent attempts to repeat and extend the experiments of Franklin, teach that the process employed by him was by no means a safe one. He attached a large key to the lower end of the kite cord, and succeeded in drawing therefrom sparks resembling those developed by the electric machine. By this demonstration too, the efficacy of a protecting conductor or lightning rod on houses was indicated.

The announcement of this remarkable discovery met with various receptions. The Royal Society of London treated the account with feelings akin to scorn. Derisive epithets were applied to Franklin's name and he was caricatured in a vulgar manner about the streets of many European cities. Frederick the Great, who though a monarch, delighted in the company of scientific thinkers, used every endeavor within his power to convince his people of the impostures of the "American mechanic." Clergymen sought to impress upon their followers the dangers attending the employment of such an instrument as the proposed lightning rod, arguing that to attempt to ward off or in any way escape the destruction of the thunder bolt, was sacrilege, and indicated a spirit as deeply rebellious as that of a child, who would strive to avoid the chastising rod of an angry parent.

George III of England so far encouraged the project, as to permit the erection of a rod on Buckingham Palace, but the King's advisers convinced him that as a pointed conductor actually invited the electric discharge, its use was highly dangerous, and that the whole affair of placing a rod on the royal residence was


a deliberate attempt at regicide. pointed and protecting rod was forthwith removed, and in place a pole surmounted by a ball was constructed. But a revulsion in popular feeling toward the philosopher of Philadelphia soon came. The learned societies of the day eagerly sought to enroll his name, and even the Royal Society of London admitted him as a Fellow.

The present form of lightning rod is a metallic conductor projecting above the roof, and passing thence to the ground, electric communication with the walls of the building being prevented by insulating holders. A broken rod, or one forming imperfect communication with moist earth at the foot, is a source of decided danger. It would appear most in accord with the teachings of experimenters to place the rod a short distance away from the building, supported on a pole, and reaching above the highest parts of the house. The object is to gradually neutralize the highly electrified condition of the atmosphere by offering communication with the ground-the common reservoir of electric force. Nature has provided pointed conductors and efficient protectors in every twig and leaf, on tree and shrub. Through these silent mediators the ammunition of the

clouds is drawn away, and the storm is robbed of its destructive fury. At times the conditions are so favorable that the electrified state of these natural conductors and others manifests itself in tongues of fire, often appearing on the masts and arms of ships. Such is called St. Elmo's Fire, and its appearance is greeted by sailors as a presage of a prosperous and peaceful voyage. J. E. Talmage.

A NATURAL WHISPERING GALLERY.The greatest "whispering gallery" in the world is that of the Grand Canyon, Colorado River. For years this chasm has been a matter of surprise to prospectors and miners, on account of its wonderful transmissions of sound; but it has only been since the advent of the railroad that any definite idea has been entertained of the great distance it travels within these walls. A train of cars crossing the bridge at the Needles can be plainly heard on a quiet day at Cottonwood Island, a distance of eighty-four miles. The fife and drum at Fort Mojave is distinctly heard at Bull's Head, a distance of eighty-four miles. The report of the sunrise gun at Fort Mojave can be heard at Eldorado Canyon, a distance of ninety-six miles.


There's a mountain named Stern Justice, Tall and towering, gloomy, grand, Frowning o'er a vale called Mercy,

Loveliest in all the land.

Great and mighty is the mountain, But its snowy crags are cold, And in vain the sunlight lingers On the summit proud and bold.

There is warmth within the valley,

And I love to wander there
'Mid the fountains and the flowers,
Breathing fragrance on the air.

Much I love the solemn mountain;
It doth meet my sombre mood,
When, amid the muttering thunder,
O'er my soul the storm-clouds brood;

But when tears, like rain, have fallen From the fountain of my woe, And my soul has lost its fierceness, Straight unto the vale I go;

Where the landscape, gently smiling, O'er my heart pours healing balm, And, as oil on troubled waters,

Brings from out its storm a calm. Yes, I love both vale and mountain, Ne'er from either would I part, Each unto my life is needful,

Both are dear unto my heart; For the smiling vale doth soften All the rugged steep makes sad, And from icy rocks meander

Rills that make the valley glad.

O. F. Whitney.

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