תמונות בעמוד

the Catholic Church, Baltimore, 1855. KETTLEWELL, SAMUEL, Inquiry into the Basis of True Christian Unity, London, 1888. KILLEN, W. D., The Framework of the Church, Edinburgh, 1890. (Represents high-church presbyterianism.) KOESTLIN, J., Das Wesen der Kirchenach Lehre und Gesch. des N. T., 1872.

KUEHL, ERNST, Gemeindeordnung, Berlin, 1885. KUHL, WM., Kirchenrechts und Kirchen politik, Leipzig, 1894. (Especially pp. 118 ff.)

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Christian Ministry, Commentary on Philippians, 1868. LINDSAY, T. M., Church and

Ministry in the Early Centuries, New York and London, 1902. LOENING, EDGAR, Gemeindeverfassung des Urchristenthums, 1889.

LOISY, A., Gospel and Church (English translation), New York, 1904.

LOOFS, FR., Studien und Kritiken, 1890.

LOWRIE, WALTER, The Church and Its Organization in Primitive and Catholic Times, New York, 1904.

MAILHET, ALBERT, Notion de l'Eglise dans Calvin, Montauban, 1881.

MANNING, H. E., The Unity of

the Church, London, 1842, New York, 1844. MARTINEAU, JAMES, Seat of Authority in Religion, London, 1890.

MASON, A. J., The Faith of the Gospel, New York, 1903.

MASON, A. J., Principles of Ecclesiastical Unity, 1896. (Highchurch Anglican.)

MAURICE, F. D., Kingdom of Christ, Appleton, 1843. MCGIFFERT, A. C., Apostolic Age, Scribners, 1897. MOBERLY, R. C., Ministerial Priesthood, New York, 1898. MOEHLER, JOHN ADAM, Symbolism; or Exposition of the Doctrinal Differences between Catholics and Protestants, 2 Vols., 2d Ed., London, 1847, Scribners, 1906.

MORRIS, EDWARD D., Ecclesiology, Scribners, 1885. MUENCHMEYER, A. F., Das Dogma von der Sichtbaren und Unsichtbaren Kirche, Göttingen, 1854.

MYERS, FREDERICK, Catholic Thoughts on the Church of England, London, 1878. (A truly Catholic view of the Church.)

NEALE, J. M., The Church and the Churches.

NEALE, J. M., History of the Holy Eastern Church, London,

1850. NEANDER, A., History of the Planting and Training of the Christian Church (Eng.), 1851.

OMAN, JOHN, Problem of Faith and Freedom, New York, 1906.

PALMER, WM., Church of Christ, Oxford, 1838.

PECK, T. E., Ecclesiology, Richmond, Va., 1892.

PETERSEN, AUGUST, Die Idee der Christlichen Kirche, Leipzig, 1839.

PULLER, F. W., Primitive Saints

and the See of Rome, 3d Ed., London and New York, 1900.

RAMSAY, W. M., The Church in the Roman Empire, New York, 1893.

RAUSCH, ERWIN, Kirche und
Kirchen im Lichte griechischer
Forschung, Naumburg, 1901.
RÉVILLE, A., Les Origines de
l'Episcopat (1894).
RIGGS, J., Comparative View of
Church Organization, London,
1887. (Wesleyan view-point.)
RITSCHL, A., Entstehung der
Altkatholischen Kirche.
RITSCHL, A., Rechtfertigung und

ROBERTSON, A. (Bishop of Ex-
eter), Bampton Lectures, 1901.
Regnum Dei, London and New
York, 1901.

ROHNERT, WM., Kirchen und Sekten, Leipzig, 1900.

SABATIER, A., Religions of Author

ity (English translation), 1904. (See the Valuable Appendix.) SANDAY, W., Conception of Priesthood, 1898.

SANDERSON, J., What is the

Church, London, 1897. Satterlee, H. Y., New Testament Churchmanship, Longmans, 1899.

SCHMIEDEL, P. W., Ency. Bibl., articles "Ministry" and "Community of Goods."

SCHAFF, P., Creeds of Christendom, New York, 1877. SEEBERG, R., Der Begriff der Christlichen Kirche, 1887. SMYTH'S, THOMAS, Lectures on Apostolical Succession, The Prelatical Doctrine of, examined, Boston, 1841. SOHм, R., Kirchenrecht, Leipzig, 1892, Band I.

STANLEY, A. P., Christian Institutions, New York, 1881. STONE, DARWELL, The Christian Church, Rivingtons, 1905. (Valuable material; written from high-church point of view.)

STONE, DARWELL, The Church, Its Ministry and Authority, Rivingtons, 1902.

TYRRELL, GEORGE, The Church of Christ, Methuen & Co., London, 1902, Lex Orandi, London, 1903. (Liberal Roman Catholic.)

VAN DYKE, H. J., The Church,
Her Ministry and Sacraments,
New York, 1890. (Broad
Presbyterian view-point.)
Vos, G., Teaching of Jesus Con-
cerning the Kingdom and
Church, New York, 1903.

WACE, HENRY (Editor of), Appeal to the First Six Centuries, London, 1905.

WARD, J. H., Church in Modern Society, Houghton & Mifflin, 1889.

WEINEL, HEINRICH, Paulus als Kirchlicher Organisator, Freiburg, 1899.

WEIZSÄCKER, CARL, The Apostolic Age (English translation), London, 1899.

WENDT, B., Zwei Bucher, v. d. Kirche, Halle, 1859. WHATELY, RICHARD, Kingdom of Christ, London, 1842. WISEMAN, NICHOLAS, Conferences sur l'Eglise, et sur divers articles de la Foi Catholique (Traduit), Tours, 1840. WITHEROW, THOS., Form of Christian Temple, Scribners, 1889.


(Numbers refer to pages)

AARONIC priesthood, 149
Abyssinian Church, 26
Alexandria, 26

Alienation of masses and classes

from churches, 281
Allen, A. V. G., 163
Anabaptists, 298

Ananias and Paul's baptism, 131
Andrewes, 36

Anglican Church, 27; not Cath-
olic, 33; not the national
church, 277; orders rejected
by Rome, 36; schismatic, 40;
came out from Rome, 40, 41;
priest has nothing to offer, 247;
high church claims, 125; opin-
ions on apostolic succession,
129; makes advances to Greek
Church, 212; not The Church,
292, 305, 306

Antioch, church of, 133
Apostles and The Twelve, 130
Apostolic succession, Anglican
opinion, 35, 37, 178, 193
Apostolicity, 219

Armenian church, 26
Asia, seven churches of, 272
Augustine, 98, 292, 294; his
death, 272

Authority, 128, 138; in the
church, 57, 167, 261; of the
Holy Spirit, 132; to give sac-
ramental bread, 262, 263

[blocks in formation]

Bishops, 161, 188

Body-idea of The Church, 196
Book of Prayer, Anglican, anti-
catholic, 38, 39, 98

Booth, William, his ministry
from above, 191
Briggs, C. A., cited, 84
British churches, 23, 41, 42,


Brown, John, cited, 176, 179
Bruce, Robert, quoted, 98
Brunetierre's faith, 71

CALVIN, 27, 39, 293, 300; cited,
81; criticised, 254; on church,
Calvinistic churches, 278
Carthage, 23

Catholic Church, concept (See
Chapter I), 14, 67; beneficent
work of, 48; claims, 48, 51,
72, 73; as Mother-Church, 73;
dangerous, 50, 51; effects, 30;
errors of, 4, 9, 59; methods,
49, 50, 209; not secure life of
churches, 273, 274; not "home
of grace and truth," 192; unity
a fiction, 210

Catholicity, meaning of, 213 ff.
Chalcedon, council of, 183
Chaldæan (Nestorian) church, 25
Cheyne (Ency. Biblia.), 128
Christ and The Church, 108 ff.
Christ's work, 206

Christendom, either catholic or
evangelic, 57

Christian minister, no man can
make self a, 262

Christians, disciples, 90; are all
ministers, 254; need church,
75; will belong to a church

and The Church, 54; unity,

56, 58
Christianity, institutional, not The
Church, 291
Chrysostom, 98

Church, A, authority of, 57; a
probationary institution, 292;
Christians will belong to, 54;
composition of, 86, 89, 93; has
claims, 18; officers, 137; rela-
tion to The Church, 86, 87
Church, The, authority of (See
Authority); and covenant, 54,
102, 104; and Israel, 109, 110,
112; and Jesus, 108; and
Kingdom, 84, 93, 198; and
Peter, 117 ff.; and salvation,
74; and synagogue, 80, 96;
and the churches, 280; and
The Twelve, 125 ff.; as con-
gregation, 79; as House of
God, 84; as the elect, see Ap-
pendix; a legal organization,
199; before Christ, 101-109;
body of Christ, 95, 97, 198; cath-
olic concept, 13; defined, 82,
92, 96, 293; discerned by faith,
295 ff.; ecclesia, 79 ff.; evan-
gelic concept, 13, 15, 28, 62;
foundation of, 118; God's fam-
ily, 265; government, 66, 67,
167; immortal, 92; importance
of determining concept of, 47,
59, 60; invisible, 87, 88,
295 ff.; marks of, 203; min-
istry, 253 ff.; mission, 235 ff.,
282; "Mother," 73; not a
church, 94; of New Testa-
ment, 79 ff.; other names for,
90, 94; Paul's conception of,
95; social duty of, 282; true
Israel, 84; two meanings, 82,
84; unity, 208; visible, 87, 88,
295 ff.; whole, 83
Churches, associations of Chris-

tians, 87; colonies of The
Church, 55; future of, 269 ff.;
manifest Church, 271; not

equal to The Church, 86; or-
ganization (See Chapter XI),
153; spiritually discerned, 57,
295 ff.; temporal elements, 272
Circumcision, 149

Claims, equivalent to proof, 60
Clement, Romanus, cited, 263
Constantine, 180
Coptic church, 26

Cosin, on non-Episcopal ordina-
tion, 35

Councils, 17, 28, 180, 184
Covenant, the one, 104 ff.; the
new, 108 ff.
Cranmer, on episcopacy, 33, 34;
to Calvin, 34
Cyprian, 73

DEACON, 156, 161, 175, 263 ff.
Deaconesses, 160
Diakonoi, 138

Didache, quoted, 231, 249, 264
Dionysius, 176

Doane, Bishop, quoted, 27, 58
Doctrine, as affecting unity, 229
Donatists, 181, 273
Durell, 280, 291, 292, 305

ECCLESIA (See Church), 79 ff.;
defined, 81, 82; two uses, 82,

Elders, 134, 138, 156ff., 159, 164,
Episcopacy, 34, 35, 36; evolu-
tion of, 173; episcopal office,
163; opinion of Anglican di-
vines, 34, 35, 303-305
Episcopate, 162
Episcopos (bishop), 138, 176
Eucharist, 245, 246
Eusebius, quoted, 258

concept, 51 (See

FAITH, discerns The Church,
296 ff.

Fear, as affecting the opinion of
Church, 66, 68

Fisher, on Episcopacy, 34
Fleetwood, Presbyterian ordina-
tion accepted, 35
Foster, F. H., 183
"From Above," 260

Future of Church and churches,


Gibbons, Cardinal, 12, 29, 203,
222, 223

Gifts, spiritual, use of, 256, 257
Gore, Bishop Charles, Church

and Ministry, 15, 101, 129,
130, 138, 139, 173, 174, 175,
187, 190 ff.; on priests, 245
Government of The Church, 138
Grace, not exclusively catholic,

Greek (Orthodox), church, 24,
212, 213, 217, 277

Green, R. H., history cited, 42
Gregory and Gregorian church,

Guyau, irreligion of the future, 52
Gwatkin, 157

HALL, BISHOP, on Episcopacy, 34
Harnack, A., cited, 133, 163,
217, 248

Hatch, E., 98, 141, 163, 165,
176, 177, 179; on growth of a
clerical class, 255; on ordina-
tion, 141

Henry VIII, head of the Church

of England, 40
Henson, H. H., on non-Episco-

pal churches, 35, 303
Hierarch, and laity, 258
High-Church doctrine in Anglican
church, 127 ff.

Hodge, Charles, quoted, 65, 88,
102, 148; Church Polity quoted,
88, 304

Holy Ghost, given without
"hands," 139

Holy orders, 136

Holy Roman Empire, 275

Holy Spirit, authority, 132;
given to all, 137, 152; work
of, 139, 140, 152, 155
Hooker, R., on Episcopacy, 34;
Pope anti-Christ, 37; church
invisible, 292
Hooper, John, 98

Hope of the Church, 229
Hort, F. J. A., quoted, 88, 98,
103, 131, 134, 160, 223
Huss, 295

Hussey on Papacy, 182 ff.
Hutton, A. W., 28; criticism of
Anglo-catholics, 37, 38, 39

Hutton, R. H., catholic indiffer-
ence to truth, 70

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