Printed by A. SPOTTISWOOde,
June 6th. Difficulty of obtaining a guide at Hebron, 1. Way to Dûra,
1,2. Dùra, Nubian slave, village quarrel, 2, 3. Subsequent rebellion, 4.
Ancient Adoraim, Adora, Dora, 4, 5. Proceed towards el-Burj; Wady
el-Keis, 5. Easy descent of the mountains, 5. Harvest scene, ruins, 6.
El-Burj, 6.-June 7th. Disappointment in el-Burj, 7. El-Khuweilifeh,
a watering-place, 8. Caves, people from Dûra, 8, 9. Pistol lost, clamour,
9. Um esh-Shukaf, harvest-scenes, 9, 10. Indefinite replies: Straight
ahead, etc. 10. Way to Idhna, ruins, 10. The Sheikh "saddles his ass"
and accompanies us as a guide, 11. Terkûmieh, Tricomias, 11, 12.
Heat of day, 12. Beit Nŭsîb, Nezib, 12, 13. Rich and fertile region,
many sites of ruins, 13. Wady es-Sûr and wells, not Beth-zur, 14. Im-
mense Butm-tree, Pistacia Terebinthus, 15. To Beit Nettîf, 16.
June 8th. Warm morning, 17. Way to 'Ain Shems, 17. 'Ain Shems,
Beth-shemesh and Ir-shemesh, 17, 18, 19. Wady Surâr, Râfât, 20.
Great plain, Khulda, drawing water "with the foot," 21. To 'Akir, 21.
'Akir, Ekron, 22-25. Yebna, Jabneh, Wely and Wady Rubîn, 22.
Ramleh; lodge with 'Abûd Murkus, 25. Hospitality, upper room, wash-
ing the feet, 26. Tower of Ramleh, beautiful prospect, 26-31. Ancient
places visible, 30. Yâfa, population, etc. 31. Household of our host, females
not visible, 31, 32. Evening upon the flat roof, 32. Restless night, 32, 33.
-Historical notices of Ramleh; not an ancient town, 33-36. The tower
once a minaret, 36-40. Ramleh not Ramah; yet a Ramatha somewhere
in this region, perhaps Arimathea, 40-44. Other towns in the plain, Sa-
riphaea, Jehud, 45. Antipatris, now Kefr Sâba, 45-47. Galgula, 47.
Itineraries, 48.
June 9th. Early departure; attentiveness of our host, 48. Ludd,
Lydda, Diospolis, 49, 50. Ruined church of St. George, 49, 51. His-
torical notices, 50-55. Dâniyâl, 56. Jimzu, Gimzo, 56. Two roads up
the mountain; we cross the fields from one to the other; el-Burj, 57.
Kharûb-tree, Ceratonia, its pods, 58. Females; mother of a conscript,
Beit 'Ur el-Fôka, Upper Beth-horon, 59, 60. Notices, 60-62. Yalo,
Valley of Ajalon, 63, 64. Beit Nubah of the crusaders, 64. El-Kubei-
beh, not Emmaus, 65, 66. Further ascent, el-Jîb, 66, 67. Beit Hanîna
and Wady, 67, 68. Our tent before the Damascus gate, 68, 69.
Pages 70-234.
Jerusalem shut up, 70. Distress, 71. Market at the gate, 72.
Scarcity of coin, 72. Intercourse with our friends, 73. Preparations for
our departure, 73.-June 14th. Take leave of the Holy City, reflections,
74, 75. To el-Bîreh, 75, 76. Baking bread, 76. Roads to Nâbulus, 76.
We go to Jufna, Roman road, 77. Ruins of ancient church, 77, 78.
Jufna, Gophna, 78, 79. 'Ain Sînia; 'Atâra, Ataroth, 80. Lose the way
and ascend to Jiljîlia, 81. Sinjil, commotion, 82-84.—June 14th. Re-
ports of Seilûn; we turn off to visit it, 84, 85. Turmus 'Aya, 85. Scilûn,
Shiloh, 85-89. Khân, plain, and village el-Lubban, Lebonah, 89–91.
Khân es-Sawieh, 91. View towards Nâbulus, the Mukhna, 92, 93,
Reserve of the peasants, 93, 94. Approach to Nâbulus, 94, 95. Luxuri-
ant verdure west of the town; encamp, 95, 96.
Nâbulus, and its environs, 96. Mounts Gerizim and Ebal alike ste-
rile, 96, 97. Visit to the Samaritans, 97. Ascent of Gerizim, 98. Sa-
maritan guide followed by his mother, 98. Summit, ruins of a fortress,
99. Sacred place of the Samaritans, 100. Traces of a town, 101. Wide
prospect, 101. Small plain opposite; Sâlim, Shalem, 102. Other an-
cient towns, 103. Return to the Samaritans, 104. Their dress and lan-
guage, the priest and synagogue, 104, 105. Professed ancient manu-
script, 105. Their number and observances, 106, 107. Jacob's well,
107-109. Historical notices of this well, 109, 110. Difficulties, 111, 112.
Population of Nâbulus, 113.-Historical notices, 113, 114. Origin of the
Samaritans, 115, 116. Temple on Gerizim, 117, 118. Called Neapolis,
119. Also Sychar, 120. Chief seat of the Samaritans, 121. Their in-
surrections, 121-125. The middle ages, 126, 127. Modern notices of
the Samaritans, 127, 128. Their Pentateuch, 129, 130. Correspondence
with them by Scaliger, 130. By Huntington, 131. By Ludolf, 131. By
Grégoire and De Sacy, 132. Their Literature, 132. Professed book of
Joshua, 133. No other communities, 133.-Recent notices of Nâbulus;
war of 1834, etc. 134, 135.
June 15th. Valley west of Nâbulus, skirted with villages, 136, 137.
Arab mill and aqueduct, 137. Sebustieh on a fine hill, 138. The village
and people, 139. Church of St. John, 139-141. Reputed sepulchre of
John Baptist, legends, 141, 142. Threshing-floors; threshing with the
sledge, 142, 143. Hill tilled to the top; area of columns, 143. View
144. Ancient colonnade of great length, 144, 145. Sebaste, Samaria,
historical notices, 145-149.
Roads to Jenîn; we go by Burka, 149. View from the high ridge, 150.
Fendekûmieh, 150. Jeba', Geba, 151. Sânûr, fortress in ruins, 151, 152.
Plain covered with water in winter, 153. View towards the plain of Es-
draelon, 153, 154. Kubâtiyeh, 154. Jenîn, fine fountain, 155. Ginaea,
perhaps En-Gannim, 155, 156. Hills skirting the great plain, 156. Ta-
'annuk, Taanach; Lejjûn, Legio, 156. Arm of plain and villages, 157.
Mountains of Gilboa, 157, 158. Tûbâs, Thebez; Kefr Kûd, Caparcotia,
June 16th. New guide, 159. Pass along the eastern part of the
great plain to Zer'în, 160, 161. It stands on the brow of a deep broad valley
running east to the Jordan, a second arm of the great plain, 162, 163.
Mountain of Dŭhy, or Little Hermon, 162. Fountains in the valley, 163.
City, valley, and fountain of Jezreel, 163, 164. Identity of the name,
165. Historical notices, 165–167. Dead Fountain, 167. 'Ain Jâlùd, 167,
168. Sôlam, Shunem, 169.—Notices of places: Gilboa, 170, 171. Little
Hermon, 171-173. Valley of Jezreel, 173, 174. Beisân, Beth-shean,
174-176. Fûleh and the battle of Mount Tabor, 176, 177. Lejjûn, Legio,
Megiddo, 177-180.
First view of Mount Tabor, 180. Third branch of the great plain,
181. Fûleh and 'Afûleh, water-shed, 181. Caravan-road from Egypt to
Damascus, 181. View; Iksâl, Chesulloth, 182. Ascent of the hills of
Nazareth, and view of the plain, 183. Nazareth, its position, 183, 184.
Call on Abu Nasir, a merchant, 184. Population, 185. Latin convent,
185, 186. Maronite church, 186. Precipice; brow of the hill, 185, 186.
Legend of the Mount of Precipitation, 187, 188.-June 17th. Fountain
of the Virgin and Greek church, 188, 189. Hill and Wely west of Na-
zareth; splendid prospect of the sea and land, 189, 190. Reflections, 190,
191. Visit at Abu Nâsir's house, 191, 192. Schools founded by him, 192.
Female pupils, 192, 193. Dine with him, 193.-June 18th. Ascend
western hill; view and bearings, 194. Locusts and the bird which fol-
lows them, 195.-Historical notices of Nazareth, 196-200. Other ancient
places near: Yâfa, Japhia, 200. Semûnieh, Simonias, 201. Jebâta,
Gabatha, 201. Sefùrieh, Sepphoris, Diocaesarea, 201-204. Kâna el-
Jelil, Cana of Galilee, not at Kefr Kenna, 204–208.
Roads to Tiberias, 209. We go to Mount Tabor, 209, 210. Debû-
rieh, Daberath, 210. Ascent, 211. Form and summit of Tabor, 211, 212.
Height, 212, 213. Ruins of different ages, 213, 214. Churches and al-
tars, 214. View extensive and beautiful, 215-217. Water-shed between
the Jordan and western sea; little stream running to the former, 217, 218.
Form of Little Hermon, 218. Tabor of the Scriptures and Josephus (Ita-
byrion) a fortified city, 219–221. Hence not the Mount of Transfigura-
tion, 221, 222. Age of the crusades, churches and convents, 223, 224.
Destroyed by Bibars, 224, 225. Other places visible: Endor, 225, 226.
Nein, Nain, 226. Kaukab el-Hawa or Belvoir, 226.
PLAIN OF ESDRAELON, form and extent, 227, 228. River Kishon,
now el-Mukŭtta', 228, 229. A temporary stream upon the plain, now dry but often full, 229, 230. Waters from Tabor flow to it, 230. Former er- ror, which makes part of the Kishon run to the Jordan, 231. The Mu-
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