תמונות בעמוד

Number XXIV.

The fellows of Christ's college, Cambridge, to the chancellor of that university: in behalf of Mr. Hugh Broughton, against the master of the college; who had declared his fellowship void.




QUOD allatum ad nos fuit, quatuor ex nostris sociis una Epist. acacum custode collegii ad honorem tuum scripsisse contra D. demic.penes Broughtoni caussam; excitati sumus et nos, ut scriberemus, quid de hac re sentiamus; nequid potior aut probabilior caussa nostro silentio detrimenti caperet. Tres itaque literas honoris tui amicissime scriptas contemplati probavimus, et obviis ulnis amplexi sumus. Quæ omnes D. Broughtoni caussæ patrocinabantur. Secundarum mentio facta est, quæ nonnihil cederent: quas nec vidimus, nec videre cupimus ejusmodi. Namque ut sit sciens honos tuus, quantopere illius partibus meritissime studeamus; nos ipsi ad D. Mildmaium nonnulli scripsimus, ut alumnum suum, Graios musarum agros fortiter colentem, cum fundi nostri calamitate non pateretur ex gremio collegii nostri penitus avelli. Nos iidem authores, et consuasores fuimus D. Broughtono jureconsulto, Broughtoni nostri germanissimo fratri, ut jureconsultus, ex jure frater fratris caussam fraterne tueretur. Nostrarum etiam literarum accitu, Broughtonus noster Dunelmo maturius quam alioquin voluisset cogitabat reditionem domum: quæ tamen valetudinis perturbatione fuit præpedita.

Adhæc, cum D. Haufordus autumaret ac pronuntiaret eum socium non esse; iidem ex animo vere et sincere acriter restitimus: tam quod indicta caussa id fieri inhumanum et injustum esse rebamur; quam quod ex jure juxta nobiscum socium eum esse justissimis ex caussis arbitrati sumus. Nec minus ægre laturi illius talem amissionem, quam si ipsi de præsidio et statione sodalitii nostri depelleremur. Et quid opus est plura? Nam et æquitas cum illo facit, uti tuum prudens et sincerum judicium statuit. Et si revivisceret rex Edovardus, silere leges potius mallet, quam utilitas collegii, et dignitas academiæ suprema lex non esset. Quæ cum ita sint, summisse petimus ab honore tuo ut ne desistas eum

BOOK tueri, quem tutari tam humaniter et considerate cœperis.

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MSS. Cotton libr.

Number XXV.

The lord treasurer to the earl of Sussex. News at court, concerning the French ambassador, and the prince of Condé from the king of Navar: both together in private conference with the queen.

MY very good lord, with thanks for your letter and mesTitus, B.2. senger: who on Friday met me coming from Theobalds. I came yesterday hither about five of the clock; and repairing towards the privy chamber, to have seen her majesty, I found the door, at the upper end of the presence chamber, shut. And then understood, that the French ambassador had been a long time with her majesty, and the prince of 137 Conde also. Where there were none other of the council, but my lord of Leicester and Mr. Vicechamberlain [Hatton:] Mr. Secretary Walsingham being sick in his chamber. And so about seven of the clock, the French ambassador being ready to depart towards London, came to me, and told me a great part of their proceedings, being pleased well with her majesty for her temperate dealings: but no way contented with the prince of Conde. In whom he findeth more disposition to move troubles in France, than to enjoy peace. And he addeth, that he verily thinketh, that these troubles in France, and the princes coming hither, are provoked from hence. Wherein I know nothing of certainty; but should be sory it should be so in truth.. Nevertheless he augmenteth his suspicions upon the sight he hath of the great fa


vours shewed to the prince of Conde by certain counsillors BOOK here; whom he understandeth have been many times, both on Friday and Saturday, with him at the banqueting house, where he is lodged.

Yesternight late in the even, her majesty told me her dealing with the ambassador and the prince. Wherein she commended the prince's modesty, in declaring the cause of his coming to be, to shew to her majesty the just causes that have moved the king of Navar to take armes for his defence against marshal Montmorencie and Byron. Of whose vio lences (as he supposed, without warrant from the king) he shewed many particular cases. To which the ambassador made defence, by retorting to the king of Navar, the occasion of the marshal's actions to have grown from the king of Navar first. The prince also declared the cause of his coming from St. John D'Angeli to have been, to serve the king in the government of Pycardy. Where he sought to obtain the good-will and liking of the townes in Pycardy. Because the king and his mother also had assented for their parts, that he should have the government; saving, that they found the states of the country unwilling. Which was, as he understood, but a suggestion, made by means of the house of Guise to them; that D'aumale might have the government from him. And so, he coming into Pycardy, found (as namely, at Soissons) the people glad at his access. And yet notwithstanding, his adversaries, on the part of the duke D'aumale, procured contrary suggestions to be made to the king. And in the end he found certain numbers of men of war amassed by the lige of Pycardy to have trapped the prince. And thereof complaining, and finding no remedy, he was forced to flee towards Almayne; leaving the house of La Fere guarded. And perceiving that the French king was induced by his adversaries to credit their false complaints, he came hither to entreat her majesty, that the French king would suspend his judgments, both against the king of Navar and him; and accept them as his dutiful subiects, as they meant and intended sincerely and plainly,

BOOK without attempting any force, otherwise then for their defence against their oppressors.


And to this, as I understand, the ambassador used small defence. But excused the king, as one that was very loth to come to termes of war. But he answered, that his master was so provoked, as he thought it a hard matter to stay him from proceeding with such force as God had given him, to the expending of his life and crown.

prince to his

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The ambassador went to London, and the lodging; conducted by my lord of Leicester. the clerk of the council attendeth upon him. jesty I perceive the just cause of his coming is for mony in this sort; that is, after this rate: the charge to be born: viz. a part by the king of Navar, and his part: another by Cassimire and certain princes, protestants: and a third is required from her majesty. What they may prove, I know not. I wish her majesty may spend some portion to solicite for them some peace, to the good of the cause of religion. But to enter into a war, and therewith to break the mariage; and so to be left alone, as subject to the burthen of such a war, I think no good counsillor can allow.

It is likely that the prince shall depart to morrow by sea to Flushing from whence he came by sea. And thither by the Rhine from Colen, without taking land. But I think he will now at his return visit the prince of Aurenge. Thus your lordship hath all my knowledge. Her majesty 138 removeth on Tuesday. On which day I mean to be at Westminster, if I may. My lord Grey is making him ready for Ireland. From the court at Nonsuch this Sunday the of June, 1580.

Your lordships most assured,
W. Burghley.



Number XXVI.

Thomas Randolph, esq.; late the queen's ambassador to Scotland, to the lord chancellor: concerning the Scots king; Daubigny; and Scottish matters.

WHERE I am so much bound, I ought not to omit any Epist. T. token of a grateful mind; lest, of all I be thought ingrate- penes me. Randolph. ful. Seeing the duty that I owe is far greater than wherewith I have to recompence; I will rather compound as a bad debtor, than become clean bankrupt, to deceive my whole creditors. Your honour therefore shall at this time, for mych that I owe through my long silence, be now recompenced with a few lines, to informe your lordship of the state of Scotland, where I have now been a good space discharging my commission. Sought by all means to persuade the king and council to harken unto reason; to remember the queen's majesty my sovereigns benefits unto them; to yield in reason to her requests, for the indifferent tryal of the earl Morton, and removing of count Debonie [D'Aubigny] from the king, a man known to be an utter enemy to Christ's religion, and great disliker of any amity to stand between these two countries. To remedy these two evils, as her majesty hath taken no small care, so hath my travail been in will to answer unto her highness desire, according as I have been instructed from her majesty; or directed by others that have had power to command.

I find no good success of my travail to either of these purposes. The earl of Morton is very rich: he hath goodly houses, and well furnished. He hath great lands, and many friends in his prosperity. The doubt of his power, when he was at liberty, procured him many enemies. His great goodness to give that which he hath, is thought to many, quarel sufficient. I find little hope of his life the sooner, for that divers of his own most assured friends and servants, as he thought, are his accusers. Some, that he was guilty of the king's murther: others, that he was consenting to the poisoning of the earl Athol: some, that of late he intended to have taken the king, and to have killed the earl

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