תמונות בעמוד


HE continuation of the Effays on MORTER, and the FREE REPUBLICAN, No. 6. which came too late for the prefent month, fhall be inferted in our next.

Answers to the Mathematical Questions in our laft, with feveral New Queftions, &c. which are come to hand, will be duly attended to.

The Printers return their thanks to their Correspondents for the affistance which they have afforded them in the Gazetteer. Eight pages of the Defcription of Bolton are Publifhed this month. The remainder of the Publick Buildings, the Churches, Number of Inhabitants, of Deaths, &c. Air, and Prevailing Diftempers are prepared for the prefs. The other articles which will be treated on under the head of Bofton are the Manufactures, Still Houfes, Ship Building, Means of Subfiftence, Fisheries, Trade, Bank, &c. Harbour and Inlands, Schools, Eminent Men, &c. Religion, Sects, &c. Police, Market, &c. and Remarkable Events. Upon each of thefe articles they request the communications of their Correfpondents, particularly with respect to the Fisheries and Trade, both before the war and at prefent.


Chelfea follows Boftor, and Roxbury Chelsea. Printers request the Gentlemen of thele Towns to completetheir Descriptions as foon as poffible.


Boston Magazine,


Information to thofe who would remove to America.



ANY persons in Europe having directly or by letters, expreffed to the writ er of this, who is well acquainted with North America, their defire of tranf porting and eftablishing themselves in that country; but who appear to him to have formed, through ignorance, mistaken ideas and expectations of what is to be obtained there; he thinks it may be useful, and prevent inconvenient, expenfive and fruitless removals and voyages of improper perfons, if he gives some clear er and truer notions of that part of the world than appear to have hitherto prevailed.

He finds it is imagined by numbers, that the inhabitants of Nori America are rich, capable of rewarding, and difpofed to reward all forts of ingenuity; that they are at the fame time ignorant of all the sciences; and confequently that ftrangers poffeffing talents in the belles-letters, fine arts, &c. muft be highly efleemed, and fo well paid as to become easily

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rich themfelves; that there are alfo abundance of profitable offices to be, difpofed of, which the natives are not qualified to fill; and that having few perfons of family among them, Årangers of birth muft be greatly respected, and of course easily obtain the best of thofe offices, which will make all their fortunes: That the governments too, to encourage emigrations from Europe, not only pay the expence of perfonal tranfportation, but give lands gratis to ftrangers, with negroes to work for them, utenfils of hubandry, and flocks of cattle. These are all wild imaginations; and those who go to America with expectations founded upon them, will furely find themselves difappointed.

The truth is, that though there are in that country few people fo miferable as the poor of Europe, there are alfo very few that in Europe would be called rich: It is rather a general happy mediocrity that prevails. There are few great proprietors of the foil, and few tenants; most people cultivate their own lands, or follow fome handicraft or merchandise; very few rich enough to live idly upon their rents or incomes; or to pay the high prices given in Europe, for painting, flatues, architecture, and the other works of art that are more curi

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506 Information to thofe whe would remove to America.

ous than useful. Hence the natural geniuses that have arifen in America with fuch talents, have uniformly quitted that Country for Europe, where they can be more fuitably re warded. It is true that letters and mathematical knowledge are in efteem there, but they are at the fame time more common than is apprehended there being already exifting nine ColJeges or Univerfities, viz. lour in New England, and one in each of the provinces of New York, New Jersey, Pennflvania, Maryland, and Virginia, all furnished with learned profeffors; befides a number of fmaller Academies: Thefe educate many of their youth in the languages, and those fciences that qualify men for the profeffions of divinity, law, or phyfic. Strangers indeed are by no means excluded from exercifing thofe profeffions; and the quick increase of inhabitants every where gives them a chance of employ, which they have in common with the natives. Of civil offices or employments, there are few; no fuperfluous ones as in Europe; and it is a rule enablished in fome of the States, that no office should be so profitable as to make it defirable. The 36th article of the conftitution of Pennfilvania, runs exprefsiy in thefe words: "As every freeman, to pre"ferve his independence (if he has "not a fufficient eftate) ought to "have fome profeffion, calling, trade,

or farm, whereby he may honeftly fubfift, there can be no neceflity for, "nor use in, eftablishing offices of pro* fit; the ufual effects of which are "dependence and fervility, unbecom"ing freemen, in the poffeffors and "expectants; faction, contention,

corruption, and disorder among the "peoble. Wherefore, whenever an office, through increase of fees or "otherwise, becomes fo profitable as to occafion many to apply for it, "the profits ought to be leffened by the legislature.".

Thefe ideas prevailing more or lefs in all the United States, it cannot be worth any man's while, who has a means of living at home, to expatriate hirofelf in hopes of obtaining a profitable civil office in America; and as to military offices, they are at an end with the war,, the armies being

difbanded. Much lefs is it advifeable for a perfon to go thither who has no other quality to recommend him but his birth. In Europe it has indeed its value; but it is a commo dity that cannot be carried to a worfe market than to that of America, where people do not enquire concern ing a franger, what is he? bot what can he do? If he has any useful art he is welcome; and if he exercises it, and behaves well, he will be refpected by all that know him; but a mere man of quality, who on that account wants to live upon the public, by fome office or falary, will be despired and difregarded. The husbandman is in honour there, and even the mechanic, because their employments. are ufeful. The people have a faying that God Almighty is himself a mechanic, the greateft in the univerfe; and he is respected and admired more for the variety, ingenuity, and utility of his handy works, than for the antiquity of his family. They are pleaíed with the obfervation of a negro, and frequently mention it, that Boccarorra (meaning the white man) make de black man workee, make de horse workee, make de ox workee, make ebery ting workee; only de hog. He de hog, no workee; he eat he drink, he walk about, he go to fleep when he pleas, he libb like a gentleman. According to thefe opinions of the Americans, one of them would think himself more obliged to a genealogift, who could prove for him that his ancestors and relations for ten generations had been ploughmen, fmiths, carpenters, turners, weavers, tanners, or even fhoemakers, and confequently that they were useful members of fociety; than if he could only prove that they were gentlemen doing nothing of value, but living idly on the labour of others, mere fruges confumere nati, and otherwife good for nothing, till by their death, their eftates, like the carcafe of the negro's gentleman-hog come to be cut up.

With regard to encouragements. for firangers from government, they are really only what are derived from good laws and liberty. Strangers are welcome because there is room enough for them all, and therefore


the old inhabitants are not jealous of them; the laws prote& them fufficiently, so that they have no need of the patronage of great men ; and every one will enjoy fecurely the profits of his industry. But if he does not bring a fortune with him, he muft work and be induftrious to live. One or two years refidence give him all the rights of a citizen; but the government does not at prefent, whatever it may have done in former times, hire people to become (ettlers, by paying their paffages, giving land, negroes, utenfils, frock, or any other kind of emolument whatfoever. In short America is the land of labour, and by no means what the English call Lubberland, and the French Pays de Cocagne, where the streets are faid to be paved with half peck loaves, the houses tiled with pancakes, and where the fowls fly about ready roafted, crying, come eat me!

Who then are the kind of persons to whom an emigration to America may be advantageous? And what are the advantages they may reasonably expect?

Land being cheap in that country, from the vaft forests fill void of inhabitants, and not likely to be occupied in an age to come, infomuch that the propriety of an hundred acres of ferfile foil full of wood may be obtained near the frontiers in many places, for eight or ten guineas, hearty young labouring men, who understand the hufbandry of corn and cattle, which is nearly the fame in that country as in Europe, may easily establish themfelves there. A little money faved of the good wages they receive there while they work for others, enables them to buy the land and begin their plantation, in which they are affifted by the good will of their neighbours, and fome credit. Multitudes of poor people from England, Ireland, Scotland, and Germany, have by this means in a few years become wealthy farmers, who in their own countries, where all the lands are fully occupied, and the wages of labour low, could never have emerged from the mean condition wherein they were born.

From the falubrity of the air, the healthiness of the climate, the plenty of good provifions, and the encourage

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ment to early marriages, by the certainty of fubfiftence in cultivating the earth, the increale of inhabitants by natural generation is very rapid in America, and becomes ftill more fo by the acceffion of ftrangers; hence there is a continual demand for more artifans of all the neceffury and ufeful kinds, to fupply those cultivators of the earth with houfes, and with furniture and utenfils of the groffer forts, which cannot fo well be brought from Europe. Tolerably good workmen in any of thofe mechanic arts are fure to find employ, and to be well paid for their work, there being no reftraints preventing Arangers from exercifing any art they underfland, nor any permiffion neceffary. If they are poor, they begin firft as fervants or journeymen; and if they are fober, indufirious, and frugal, they foon become mafters, establish themfelves in business, marry, raile farelles, and become refpe&able citizens.

Alfo perfons of moderate fortunes and capitals, who having a number of children to provide for, are defirous of bringing them up to industry, and to secure eftates for their posterity, have opportunities of doing it in America, which Europe does not af ford. There they may be taught and practice profitable mechanic arts, without incurring difgrace on that account; but on the contrary acquiring refpe&t by fuch abilities. Their fmall capitals laid out in lands, which daily become more valuable by the increase of people, afford a folid profpect of ample fortunes thereafter for thofe children. The writer of this has known feveral inftances of large tracts of land, bought on' what was then the frontier of Pennfilvania, for ten pounds per hundred acres, which, after twenty years, when the fettlements had been extended far beyond them, fold readily without any improvement made upon them, for three pounds per acre. The acre in America is the fame with the English acre, or the acre of Normandy.

Those who defire to underftand the fate of government in America, would do well to read the conftitutions of the feveral ftates, and the articles


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of confederation that bind the whole together for general purposes, under the direction of one affembly called the Congress. Thele conflitutions have been printed by order of congrefs, in America; two editions of them have also been printed in London; and a good tranflation of them into French, has lately been published at Paris.

Several of the princes of Europe having of late, from an opinion of advantage to arife by producing all commodities and manufactures within their own dominions, fo as to diminish or render ufelefs their importations, have endeavoured to entice workmen from other countries, by high falaries, privileges, &c. Many perfons pretending to be killed in various great manufactures, imagining that America must be in want of them, and that the Congress would probably be difpofed to imitate the Princes above mentioned, have proposed to go over, on condition of having their paffages paid, lands given, falaries appointed, exclufive privileges for terms of years, &c. Such perfons on reading the articles of confederation, will find that the Congress have no power committed to them, or money put into their hands, for fuch purposes; and that if any fuch encouragement is given, it must be by the government of fome feparate ftate. This, however, has rarely been done in America; and when it has been done, it has rarely. fucceeded, fo as to eftablish a manu facture, which the country was not yet fo ripe for as to encourage private perfons to fet it up; labour being ge nerally too dear there, and hands diffi cult to be kept together, every one defiring to be a matter, and the cheapnefs of land inclining many to leave trades for agriculture. Some indeed bave met with fuccefs, and are carri-" ed on to advantage; but they are generally fuch as require only a few hands, or wherein great part of the work is performed by machines; goods that are bulky, and of fo fmall value as not well to bear the expence of freight, may often be made cheaper in the country than they can be import ed; and the manufacture of fuch goods will be profitable wherever there is a

fofficient demand. The farmers in America produce indeed a good deal of wool and flax ; and none is exported, it is all worked up, but it is in the way of domeftic manufa&ture for the ufe of the family. The buying op quantities of wool and fax with the defign to employ fpinners, weavers, &c. and form great establishments, producing quantities of linen and woollen goods for fale, has been leveral times attempted in different provinces; but thofe projects have generally failed, goods of equal value being imported cheaper. And when the governments have been folicited to fupport fuch fchemes by encouragements, in money, or by impofing duties on importation of fuch goods, it has been generally refused, on this principle, that if the country is ripe for the manufacture, it may be carried on by private persons to advantage; and if not, it is a folly to think of forcing nature. Great eftablish -' ments of manufa&ure, require great numbers of poor to work for small wages; thefe poor are to be found in Europe, but will not be found in America, till the lands are all taken up and cultivated, and the excels of people, who cannot get land, want employment. The manufacture of filk, they fay, is natural in France, as that of cloth in England,because each country produces in plenty the first material But if England will have a manufacture of filk as well as that' of cloth, and France one of cloth as well as that of filk, thefe unnatural operations must be fupported by mu tual prohibitions, or high duties on the importation of each others goods; by which means the workmen are enabled to tax the home coufumer by greater prices, while the higher wages they receive makes them neither happier or richer, fince they only drink more and work lefs. Therefore the governments in America do nothing to encourage fuch projects. The people, by this means, are not imposed on, either by the merchant or mechanic; if the merchant demands too much profit on imported fhoes, they buy of the fhoemaker; and if he asks too high a price, they take them of the merchant: Thus the two profeЛons are checks on each other. The


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