Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus, חלק 1

כריכה קדמית
Kessinger Publishing, 1 ביולי 2002 - 412 עמודים
Volume one of a two volume set. (This description is for all volumes.) Edited with a biographical preface, ellucidatory notes, a copious Hermetic vocabulary, and Index, by Arthur Edward Waite. Originally published as two volumes, now combined into one volume for easy reading and affordability. "The work, as it stands, consists of (a) the large body of literature, entire and unabridged, attributed to Paracelsus, and treating directly of alchemy, and the transcendental doctrines and physics of the Magnum Opus; (b) The whole Paracelsian literature of the Great Elixir and the Universal Medicine; (c) So much of the Hermetic philosophy and cosmogony of Paracelsus as has been judged necessary to illustrate his alchemical teachings; (d) One important treatise illustrating the application by Paracelsus of metallic and mineral substances to the treatment of diseases; (e) An exhaustive collection of alchemical references scattered through the chirurgical works of Paracelsus." Contents: Coelum Philosophorum; Book Concerning the Tincture of the Philosophers; Gradations of Metals; Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists; Concerning the Transmutations of Metals and of Cements; Aurora of the Philosophers; Concerning the Spirits of the Planets; Economy of Minerals; Composition of Metals; Concerning the Nature of: Generation of Natural Things; Growth of Natural Things; Preservation of Natural Things; Life of Natural Things; Death of Natural Things; Resuscitation of Natural Things; Transmutation of Natural Objects; Separation of Natural Things. Paracelsic Method of Extracting Mercury from all the Metals; Sulphur of the Metals; Crocus of the Metals, or the Tincture; Philosophy of Theophrastus Concerning the Generations of the Elements of: Air; Fire; Earth; Water, with its Fruits. Book about Minerals; Concerning Salt and Substances Comprehended Under Sa

מידע על המחבר (2002)

A.E. Waite (1857-1942) is one of the best-known authors and translators of magic and the occult. He is the creator of the Rider-Waite tarot and is the author of several books including"Book of Black Magic" and "Pictorial Keys to the Tarot

מידע ביבליוגרפי